Chapter 11 - Hit's The Fan

How do I move on?


Me: Remember announcements are going to be in a separate chapter

Chanyeol:  And now for the beginning of the end.

Chanyeol sat frozen on the carpet staring unblinkingly at his eyes. When Chanyeol finally blinked Baekhyun began to walk towards him. Acting on instinct Chanyeol began to kick his legs on the carpet to project himself farther from Baekhyun; he was scared of what said person would do to him if he got any close. Chanyeol legs were not tied up which helped but soon he hit a wall and within seconds Baekhyun was towing over him.

“Don’t cry Chanyeol, I don’t want to hurt you.” Baekhyun bent down and began to Chanyeol’s wet cheek. Chanyeol hadn’t realized that he was crying until Baekhyun mentioned it. He tried to hold it in but small whimper leaked out now and then. Suddenly something slammed the door hard causing Baekhyun to turn his head to the door. Chanyeol took the opportunity to kick Baekhyun in the back of the head, used the wall to get up, and ran to the door and slammed into the barricade. It hurt Chanyeol a lot but he was too afraid to care, he just thought of getting out. He continued to slam into it while screaming his head off for help. Seconds later Baekhyun was at his side, grab Chanyeol by the hair and through him away from the door.

“Just like old times, right Chanyeol!” laughed Baekhyun

Chanyeol began to cry loudly and tried to crawl away screaming “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NOT AGAIN! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE WITH YOU ANYMORE!”

Chanyeol’s words pissed Baekhyun off so he began to punch Chanyeol all over to get him to shut up, just like when they were kids. Chanyeol screams of pain caused Baekhyun to smile, he grab Chanyeol by his collar and was about to punch him in the face when someone had grabbed him by the back of his collar and punched him in the face, making him let go of Chanyeol. Chanyeol fell limply to Joonmyun arms. Kris and Joonmyun were finally able to break the door down thanks to Chanyeol weakening the barricade when he repeatedly slammed into it. Joonmyun began to untie Chanyeol while Kris and Baekhyun continued to fight.

“Okay I’m done, let’s go Chanyeol!”

“Wait but Kris is……”

“Kris will be fine.”

“Joonmyun, Baekhyun maybe small but he uses that to his advantage, plus he also works out and…”

“So does Kris, He’ll be fine so let go!”


“No buts Chanyeol, Kris can’t concentrate with you here, he’s worried you will get hurt. NOW LET’S GO!”

Baekhyun saw Suho and Chanyeol made a run for the door and tried to go after them but Kris slammed him to the ground.

“NO! You will leave Chanyeol alone!” hissed Kris

“Get out of my way! Chanyeol is mine!” Baekhyun hissed back while grabbing the phone that Chanyeol dropped earlier and smashed it on Kris’s head. Baekhyun then kicked Kris in the balls while he was down so that he would stay down.

“Too bad Kris I fight dirty.” And then Baekhyun ran after Chanyeol

Unfortunately Chanyeol live on the second floor in the room farthest from the stairs. Chanyeol and Joonmyun got held up a bit trying to climb over what was left of the barricade covering the door. Being athletic Kris had jumped over as fast as he could to get Baekhyun off Chanyeol while Suho climb over it. But Chanyeol was injured making the get way slower. They were half way down the hall when Baekhyun had caught up to them. He grabbed Chanyeol and pulled him back separating him from Joonmyun. Joonmyun turned around and took out his pocket knife in order to defend himself and Chanyeol. Unfortunately Baekhyun was faster and a lot stronger than Joonmyun. So when he punched him in the face, Suho was instantly knocked out.

Baekhyun walked over and picked up Joonmyun’s pocket knife and began to walk towards Chanyeol. Chanyeol was too afraid to move and could only stare and tremble as Baekhyun told him “If I can’t have you, no one can.”

Before he could get to Chanyeol, Kris grabbed Baekhyun and head but him. Baekhyun took some steps back then lunged at Kris with the pocket knife; he would alternate between hitting him with his left fist or try to stab him with the knife in his left hand. Kris was more concentrated on his right hand; he would dodge the slashes and then try to get the knife in Baekhyun’s hand only to be hit by surprised with his left. Whenever Kris wised up, all Baekhyun had to do was take a step toward Chanyeol and Kris would lose his focus. Then a plan formed in Baekhyun head to stab him next time instead of hitting him, what he didn’t know was that Chanyeol knew him well and what he was planning and move in the way leaving a long gash on his right forearm.

“CHANYEOL!!!” Both men screamed as Chanyeol dropped to the ground in pain.

Kris immediately drop to Chanyeol’s side, took off his shirt and used it to stop the bleeding. In Kris’s and Chanyeol’s distraction Baekhyun took the chance to finally stab Kris. But right when he was a few inches away Tao jumped in screaming “DON’T HURT KRIS” and pulled Baekhyun away making both men fall to the floor.

Baekhyun got up and was about to scream at Tao for interfering when he noticed the Knife plunged in Tao’s heart and it was like time froze. All the three could do was watch as the boy on the floor bleed to death with his last words directed to Kris and Chanyeol “I’m so sorry for everything, please forgive me, please be happy unlike us.” Tao still love Kris with all his heart but it wasn’t until he was dying that he was able to somewhat accept their relationship.  After all Kris was happy with Chanyeol, happy enough to fight for their love and defend him from a crazed lunatic with a knife. He just hoped Baekhyun could see this too as blew his last breath.

Kris rushed to the dead boy side trying to get a response. It was like Kris was in shock and tuned everything else out, though he still kept a wary eye on Baekhyun. Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol and whispered, “It’s not too late, we can still be together, all we have to do is kill Suho and Kris, dispose of the three bodies and run away. I have the money, we can do this.”

“I’m sorry Baekhyun; I could forgive a lot of things, the beating as a kid, almost killing me as a kid, lying to me, breaking Kris and me up, even the slash wound you gave me. But you killed Tao…”

“YOU DIDN’T EVEN LIKE HIM ANYWAY!” Scream Baekhyun Chanyeol backed way and Kris stood up and stood in front of Chanyeol getting ready to lung at Baekhyun if he tried anything. He didn’t want to kill him but after Tao’s death and the stab wound Chanyeol had received he was starting to change his mind.

“Baekhyun, you still killed someone, and not only that you tried to kill Kris. You know how much I love him, he is my heart and you tried to destroy him. I can never EVER forgive that.”

“Fine!” screamed Baekhyun as the wheels turned in Baekhyun and a plan formed in his head.

“Remember what I told you Chanyeol, it I can’t have you no one can. I forgot to mention that I will kill anyone who gets in my way! HOW ABOUT IS START WITH JOONMYUN!” scream Baekhyun as he turned to an unconscious Joonmyun lying helplessly on the ground.

Kris was at Joonmyun’s side in an instant to defend is knocked out best friend but what Kris didn’t know was that was Baekhyun’s plan all along. Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol was near the staircase and he plan to push him down; what are the chances of Chanyeol would survive a tumble down the stairs twice. Baekhyun lunged at Chanyeol but unfortunately for Baekhyun, Chanyeol now new him to well and moved out of the way and Baekhyun took the tumble down the stairs.

“B-B-Baekhyun?” Chanyeol called to the unmoving Baekhyun.

Just then the campus police arrived a complain call the got because of the loud noises heard. An ambulance was called pronounce Tao dead from the stab wound and Baekhyun dead from a broken neck that he received from his fall. The policed question Kris, Chanyeol and Joonmyun but they were all released them when they received the video footage from the dorm security camera. When they returned to K dorm they were met by a sad crying Luhan being comforted by Sehun. Everyone else from K and M dorm were trying to clean the mess that was made while morning the loss of two members of their group. It took a lot of convincing but they were able to convince the police to keep the matter private. They wouldn’t tell the others of what Baekhyun and Tao did, it would be written off as an accident. Sure what they did was wrong but they didn’t want to hurt their friend more with the new that not only where the two dead but they were jackasses two. They would tell them was that Suho found the picture to be photoshopped. They were all going to go out to celebrate when they were attacked leading to the death of Tao and Baekhyun. Sure the other would have questions and it wasn’t the best lie but it was better than the truth.

Chanyeol slept in Kris’s room for the night; he just couldn’t stay in K dorm after what happened. Chanyeol sat in bed thinking about all that had happen that month.

“Chanyeol what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry Kris…you know…for not believing you.”

“It’s not your fault. The evidence was pilling up against me. If it wasn’t for Tao getting caught on camera we would have had no way of knowing that I was innocent.”

“I know but…”

“No buts. Enough of this depressing thoughts, let’s go to sleep”

“Sleep…yeah…I haven’t had a good night’s rest since we broke up.”

“Nightmare came back?”

“Yup and they were worse than before, a lot more…vivid. But I don’t think I will be having them anymore.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“I didn’t tell you? I have my memory back.”


“…not really…”


“Remember how I told you about my nightmares and there would be a kid who would always abuse me…”

“The Nightmare Kid”

“Yeah…Nightmare Kid…it was Baekhyun all along…”

“Chanyeol I’m so sorry I…”

“Don’t worry it’s all over now.  I think I’m better now. You want to know the saddest part?”


“Before…when I first meet Baekhyun I used to have a small crush on him…even when he beat me I still wanted to be close to him but after my accident all I felt near him was fear for years, I just hid it well. I continued to be weary of everyone that is until you came and smashed the shield I held against everyone…Thank you”

“You’re welcome, Chanyeol I love you, will all my heart.”

“So do I Kris. From here till the day of my death I love you.”

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Still editing this so I may look disorganized at first


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Chapter 12: Wow...nice story, author-nim..
samsung43 #2
Chapter 12: i really like this story, please write krsiyeol forever :)
Chapter 12: It was a good story
Chapter 12: plz write a baekyeol lol
eunhaeonkeymyungjong #5
Chapter 12: this fic is one of the ones i enjoyed reading because of the unusual plot!
sadly it ended but happily for krisyeol end
be sure i am gonna read the other ones too! and wow guys! i love you and specially you jenna !!!!
Chapter 12: Wow can't believe it's over..... Sad that Tao and Baekhyun is dead but like Chanyeol said it had to be done because Baekhyun really had a problem...... Nice happy ending its Krisyeol ^^
Lighterain #7
Chapter 12: Aww that was so fast, but i really enjoyed it, except for the ending of tao and baekhyun, but oh well. Id just like to say thank you very much for starting and finishing this story :)
Chapter 12: Wah. It's over already? :c I really enjoyed reading this fic. Though Baekhyun really did lose it. I was surprised when Tao came to stop him though and then Baekhyun had to kill him. WHY?WHY?WHY? Well, in the end Baektao died. Oh well. Too bad. LOLOLJKJKJKJK.
And yayyy. Krisyeol. Krisyeol is just so asdfghjkl. I will continue supporting your other fics.(: Hwaiting and good luck with college.
eunhaeonkeymyungjong #9
Chapter 10: wow the truth behind baekkie? i never expected that! and kris where are you ? you should go rescue your channie!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait for what happen next?
while writing my comment i had the feeling that baekkie is gonna end up dead???????
i love you! see you next time!