The Perfect Guy?

The Perfect Guy?


Sulli's POV
I met Taemin the summer before we started our junior year in high school. He was unlike any other guy that I had ever dated. Teamin was different. For some reason, I was drawn to his crooked grin, light blue eyes, and his dancing. I loved the feel of my fingers running through his unruly brown hair, and I loved it when he closed his arms around me and pulled me close. Not only was he different on the outside, but also in the inside. Taemin was the most caring,thoughtful, and wonderful guy that I had ever met. He never fail to make me laugh, and he always listened to my trivial problems and he would offer me a shoulder to cry on if I needed one. I thought I was the luckiest gorl in the whole world. That is until fall rolled around.

My friends were all dating the school hunks. You know the type: blond hair and a varsity player. I felt inferior to my friends, and I was beginning to feel more and more ashamed of my relationship with Taemin.

One day, I was waling down the hall with a new friend, Krystal, when those familiar arms enclosed my waist and I smelled the familiar scent of his cologne. Instead of feeling the flutter,the pride and happiness I had felt all summer, a shiver of nervousness and embarassment traveled though me. I quickly pulled away.

"I've got to go," I told Taemin and practically ran down the hallway, dragging Krystal with me. We stopped to catch our breaths at the end of the hall.

"Why do you go out with him, anyway?" Krystal looked disgusted. "I mean, do you ever take a look at what he wears? And it's like, get a haircut! If I were you, I'd be mortified to even be seen with him! I swear Sulli, you can do so much better..."

As Krystal babbled on about Taemin's imperfection I began to think, Wow, maybe she's right. Maybe they're all RIGHT! . My friends had been trying to persuade me to break up with Taemin ever since school began. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that Taemin was nothing but an embarassing accessory that had gone out way of style. I HAD MADE MY DECISION.

When I got home, I picked up the phone and dialed Taemin's number. "Hi, Mrs. Lee? This is Sulli..yeah, I'm fine...yeah, she's great too..uh-huh..umm,is Taemin there? Thanks." I nervously off my strawberry lip gloss as I listened to Mrs. Lee call her son.

Taemin got on the phone. "Sulli,Hi!" he exclaimed. "I haven't talked to you all day. You'll never guess what happened in Physics Club today..."
"No wait, Taemin. I have to tell you..well..." I tooked a deep breath and spit it out. "I don't think that it's a good idea for us to be a couple anymore. It's just not working out. Taemin, it was fun, but it's over." 

"Taemin? I hope you're okay with this, because I mean, I.."
"No,I'm not okay. I LOVE YOU, Sulli and I don't know what happened. Was it something I did or said?"

I couldn't talk anymore. I felt awful. He ended the call by saying he hoped I was happy.

I placed the phone back to it's place. I numbly walked over to my quote-a-day calendar, and habitually flipped to that day's page. I read the quote once,then twice, then again. What was written on it struck a chord in my soul. 
Love is a little blind. When we love someone dearly, we unconsciously overlook many thoughts.
                                                                                                                                                              Beatrice Saunders.

Suddenly, I saw my life in  a totally different light. Tears poured from my eyes. I buried my head in my pillow and didn't try to stop crying. I deserved the pain I was feeling. He was right. I was a terible person. Guilt pricked at me like a thorn. All those times I had brushed him off in embarrassment... why? WHY? because he wasn't blond and built? Because he didn't have a flashy car or play a varsity sport? The stupidity of it all became so clear to me. Why haven't I seen it before? I was wrong, and I knew what I had to do.

The next morning at school, I walked up to Taemin's locker. He looked at me and said nothing. I took a shaky breath and began: 
"Taemin, I am so sorry. I was wrong in breaking up with you. I cared too much about what other people thought and I was afraid they thought you were..well...weak and a nerd. I'm so dumb, and if you never want to look at me again I wouldn't blame you. But please, can I please just maybe have.."
"Another chance?" he asked
I nodded. Taemin cupped my chin in his hands. "Sulli, I guess I knew that this was going on ever since we started school. I have always been afraid that I would lose you. I guess I'll forgive you, though because after all I am weak, and any nerd would be lucky to have a girl like you." 

I threw my arms around his neck, and felt warmth and pride come over me.

My boyfriend Taemin. You know he's unlike other guys. He possess one of the greatest qualities any person could have. He is forgiving 

Yey! already done! thanks guys :D

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Chapter 1: Make more taelli fic author-nim..^^
Chapter 1: aww. Cute! Keep writing okay? (:
Chapter 1: Nice oneshot fic~