

It’s 5.30 in the morning, when the leader of one of the greatest KPOP Band in the world (A/N: I’m so sorry for the biasness) Super Junior, awoke. This weekend, SuJu got 2 days off. Usually the boys loved it when they got even half day off, so 2 days off felt like heaven to them. But that was not the case with Leeteuk. These 2 days without anything to do, let his mind wandered off to the place he really didn’t want to think about. Last SMTown supposed to be his last stage before his enlistment. GOD! The enlistment. How he wished he could buy more time, but he knew he already stalled, when he supposed to enlist last year. He didn’t worry about himself, for he knew he would be fine during his training and army service. It was his dongsaengs, his family, his babies that he worried about. Who would take care of them while he was on temporary leave. Who would keep the little kids trapped in adults body of his dongsaengs in control. He got off of his bed and looked around his room, glued his eyes to the sight of one of his precious dongsaengs. I just got Kanginie back. Now I’m the one who will leave him, Leeteuk thought to himself, smiling sadly.

He approached his still sleeping dongsaeng and brushed his hair lovingly. Kangin just stirred and mumbled to his pillow,” Just 5 more minutes Hyung,” and drifted back to his dreamland. Leeteuk just chuckled heartily, and brushed Kangin’s hair before left their shared bedroom. He looked around the living room in 12th dorm, spotted their photo hung on the wall. GOD! He’s gonna miss this a lot while doing his army service. He strode to the next room, the Diva’s room. He opened the door and was welcomed by Heebum. Leeteuk just patted the cat’s head and stepped further into the room. This room didn’t change so much, just another bed that was used to be placed at the other side of the room was removed. He watched his 10 days younger dongsaeng slept peacefully. It was already Heechul’s first year, another one year left. He looked around the bed room and a photograph placed on top of the night stand caught his attention. The picture of the Diva and the Beijing Fried Rice. Leeteuk felt a pang of guilt in his heart. How he wished the Chinese Man was still here, being a kind hearted, soft persona he is, while keeping Heechul in control. He put the picture back to the night stand and left Heechul’s bedroom. I still need to wake him up later, Leeteuk reminded himself.

He went to another room, Shindong’s room. This dongsaeng of his, always being a cheery self, being the mood maker in the group. But of course he had the time of his life when he finally just yelled his head out to the rest of the group. Leeteuk just smiled as the memories just came to him. They were all just too focused on their emotions that time, that they unconsciously showed it the public, to the fans, their beloved ELF. He got angry, his dongsaengs got angry, and almost ruined the friendship, the brotherhood that they had been built all this years. But they fought it out, and settled it down once and for all. It’s good to fight sometimes, Leeteuk thought while watching Shindong turned to his left. Leeteuk left the room and went to the last room the room of the magnaes in 12th dorm.
Leeteuk opened the door and walked into the room. He slightly frowned when he couldn’t find the band’s Fishy. Where in the world that Fish could be? Leeteuk asked himself. But he just made way across the room, where his little baby, his eternal magnae was sound asleep. What could he say about Ryeowook anyway. Such a nice kid, always caring for his Hyung and his dongsaengs before himself. Of course, he was such a cry baby sometimes, along with the other occupant of this room. He got the voice of a bell chimed, so sweet and pleasant to hear. He smiled lovingly at his dongsaeng and left. It’s about time to find that Fish.

He made his way to the 11th dorm. Everyone still in their dreamlands. He strode to the living room , placed the couch cushion back to its place, shook his head. Of course with the little boy leaving in this floor, the room wouldn’t be tidy. He walked across the living room to the shared bedroom of Sungmin and the said little boy. He opened the door as gently as he could, afraid of waking the occupants. It wasn’t that both of them were light sleeper actually, but he preferred his dongsaengs to have enough rest. He looked around the room, shook his head in disbelief to find the magnae’s side was completely in mess. He tried to grab some of the things scattered around the desk, and the bed, furrowed his brows, when the said magnae couldn’t be seen anywhere in the room. Is he going to his parents house? Leeteuk dug the memory, but couldn’t remember his dongsaeng said about leaving the dorm. He just shrugged it off and strolled near the bunny boy. Everyone might think this boy just a cute boy that couldn’t hurt even a fly, but they thought wrong. This boy, dressed in pink pajama, is actually their another martial artist, beside Hangeng and also Siwon with his Taekwondo thing, and Kibum with his boxing skill. GOD! He missed that Horse. That gesture man, who always do the hand gestures while speaking. He didn’t stay in the dorm anymore, but still visited them frequently, even slept over some other times. A princely manner Horse, Leeteuk smiled while thinking about his beloved dongsaeng. And the other one, the boy with a killer smile. A boy with a little word. The boy who’s currently MIA, chasing his dream. GOD! That Snow White better be here sooner than later. Leeteuk brushed Sungmin’s blonde hair, and left the room.

He made his way to another room. The Dancing Machine’s room, or so the Monkey proclaimed himself. He opened the door and not only found the Monkey but also the Fishy. Of course he could be found here, where else could he be, Leeteuk sighed, but smiled at the scene in front of him. His EunHae dongsaengs are always in the same frequency. They always have a good terms from the very beginning. Both have amazing skill in dancing, and also the same cry baby along with Ryeowook. He looked at Donghae who held Eunhyuk while the latter cuddled to him. But who will take care of Donghae on my leave. I promised his late father to take good care of him, Leeteuk sighed heavily. He approached his dongsaengs, brushed their hair gently. “You better be good while I’m gone Hae-ah,”Leeteuk whispered to Donghae’s ears, even when he knew the younger couldn’t hear, for he was still in his dreamland with his fishes family.

Leeteuk got out of the room and strode towards the very last room in the dorm. His definitely precious dongsaeng. His rock to lean on, to just spill his gut out. The very strong pillar to the group, the man with a wise mind. A helping hand who always be there, no matter what time, what circumstances. A person with that voice of an angel, voice that would lead you to his world, feel every emotions he pulled out in every songs he sang. A person who managed to make Heechul open up a little when the Beijing Fried Rice left the group. A person who shed tears when talks and thinks about his beloved, but always brushed away the antis comment. A man with the bright smile, even when his dongsaengs to no end. GOD! What he could do if he didn’t have Yesung by his side in every sharp turn of their band’s existence. He opened the door as softly and gently as possible, for he knew really well that his dongsaeng is a very light sleeper, even the slightest sound could wake him up. But of course as soon as he stepped into the room, Yesung already tossed and turned toward the noise, and fluttered his eyes open. Leeteuk just sighed slowly, apparently failed to not wake his dongsaeng up, when he came into view of the magnae, that snarky little evil magnae, clung to Yesung in a manner that remind him of a koala to eucalyptus tree. He had been watching the magnae glued himself to the Turtle loving lead singer lately, while the latter just patted his head gently, and continued what he’d been doing, with the HUGE koala attached to him. Leeteuk and the other could only facepalmed when they saw the magnae practically monopolized their lead singer with his attachment.

“Hyung, something’s wrong?” the sleepy, deep, husky, dark chocolate textured voice heard, snapped Leeteuk out of his reverie. He just smiled while approaching his dongsaeng. Yesung rubbed his eyes to focus his sight. His hyung visited him so early in the morning, so there must be something wrong. Meanwhile Leeteuk just cooed at his dongsaeng’s cuteness. Is he really the fourth oldest? Is he really 28? He could practically passed as their magnae, if the fans didn’t find out, Leeteuk thought to himself. “There’s nothing wrong Yesung-ah. I’m sorry for waking you,” Leeteuk answered with soft voice, tried to bring his dongsaeng back to sleep. But of course to no avail. Once wide awake, Yesung just couldn’t go back to sleep. So he tried to sat up, but of course he failed because Kyuhyun managed to glue himself to him last night. Yesung just smiled warmly at the said evil magnae, who just looked like a little child holding his favourite plushy. Gently he tucked Kyuhyun’s hand that circled his slim waist and untangled the legs that managed to trap his legs together. Kyuhyun was moving closer to his hyung while mumbling something incoherent. Yesung and Leeteuk just chuckled at the cuteness.

“It’s okay Yesung-ah. There’s really nothing wrong. Just go back to sleep,” Leeteuk finally said when Yesung failed continuously to detached the freaking KOALA off of him. “It’s okay hyung. You know I can’t go back to sleep after I’m wide awake,” said the lead singer still trying gently to unglue the attached koala. Leeteuk just sighed in resignation, and stood. “OK then. I will be brewing some coffee,” Leeteuk said to his dongsaeng and made way to the kitchen. He knows Yesung and morning coffee was a combo, they couldn’t be separated. 5 minutes later, Yesung walked into the kitchen, finally managed to detach a certain snarky evil koala off. Leeteuk just smiled warmly at his dongsaeng, and grabbed two glasses and poured some coffee, and gave Yesung’s glass to him. Yesung mumbled a “Thanks” to his hyung and sipped his coffee carefully.
“So what’s been bugging you Hyung?” asked Yesung when he saw Leeteuk had been deep in thought. Leeteuk just sighed. His dongsaeng might be oblivious sometimes but he’s not dense. He observed his beloved silently, looking like he wasn’t watching them. “It’s nothing Yesung-ah. It’s just a silly thought that happen to come up this morning,” Leeteuk answered, plastered a smile to appease his dongsaeng. Yesung just looked at his hyung intensely, Leeteuk felt like he went to the X-ray examination. Yesung brought his attention back to his coffee, leaving Leeteuk sighed in relieve. Of course he knew something was off with his hyung. But he preferred his hyung to tell him what’s been bugging him voluntarily, than pried to his hyung privacy.

Leeteuk, felt a little awkward with the silence finally broke out. “Yesung-ah, what do you think about the army?” asked the leader. Yesung frowned a little at his hyung’s question. So that’s what‘s bugging him, Yesung thought to himself. He set his glass on the dining table and faced his hyung. “ The Army? What should I be thinking about it hyung? It’s our obligation to serve the country,” answered the lead singer. Leeteuk just sighed at the answered. Of course he knows really well about it. Yesung eyed his hyung intensely, sensing his hyung would finally open up. “Well, yeah, of course it is Yesung-ah,”Leeteuk said while smiling sadly,”But what do you think about leaving for the army?”

Yesung slightly baffled at his hyung question. He also felt some uncomfortable feeling, especially when his turn is approaching. “Well, of course I have something in mind in term of this matter hyung. Like, will the fans still like me when I return. Will I still have place in their hearts,” answered Yesung,”But it’s just something that we have to go through. It’s just another phase in our life hyung. And after we get through it, we can gather many things to improve our lives, make it better. Just look at Youngwoonie, he looks calmer, not like what he used to be.” Leeteuk sat aghast after listening his dongsaeng’s opinion. GOD! Really, what did he do in his life to have this wonderful, wise man as his dongsaeng, Leeteuk asked himself this question while eyeing Yesung who drank his coffee happily. He smiled a little but still felt a little knot in his heart. “Yesung-ah, what will happen to Super Junior while I’m gone?”

Yesung choked on his coffee after hearing his leader question. Leeteuk tapped his hand gently at his dongsaeng’s back, tried to kill the cough. Yesung finally calmed enough and took a deep breath, and looked at his hyung in a menacing way. “What’s that supposed to mean Hyung?” Yesung snarled at the leader,” Of course we will be here, waiting patiently for our Leader to come back home to us, to lead us once again. And of course we will make you proud, we won’t put you to shame and taint the name of Super Junior. So when you come back to us, you can hold your head high, and face another days ahead with us. There will be no other scenario Hyung.” Leeteuk’s eyes got a bit teary hearing his dongsaeng’s fiery statement. Of course they will be fine, because they have this great man to support them, even when he’s gone for a while. But what will happen to them when THIS man leaving for his enlistment. It’s not so far away now.

“But Yesung-ah what will happen to SuJu when you’re leaving?” asked Leeteuk, still feeling a tight knot on his heart. Yesung just furrowed his brows. “What will happen? Of course nothing happen Hyung,” answered the turtle lover, looking confused at his hyung’s question. Why would anything happen with Super Junior while he’s gone for his service. Leeteuk just rolled his eyes mentally. Of course THIS man would be thinking less of himself. Of course he didn’t find himself as the rock everyone in the band lean on, even him. “We still have Youngwoonie and Shindongie around. And next year Heebongie will be back, so nothing will ever happen to us,” Yesung just said nonchalantly, while watching the sun rise. Leeteuk just snickered at his dongsaeng’s remark. Really? He will depend the fate of the band to that Diva.

“Yesung-ah, are you really sure to hand these boys over to Heechul?” Leeteuk asked while sipping his coffee, finally felt a whole lot better. Yesung pondered about his hyung question and grimaced when he thought about his dongsaengs under the lead of the DIVA. Leeteuk laughed heartily at his dongsaeng, while Yesung just chuckled lightly, continued to sip his coffee. “BTW, why did Kyunnie sleep in your room?” Leeteuk asked, remembered the sight in Yesung’s bedroom. Yesung just shrugged,” He got in slightly after midnight, saying he had a nightmare. So, I let him sleep with me.” Leeteuk just facepalmed at Yesung’s explanation. Yeah right, A freaking Nightmare, snarled Leeteuk mentally. The sun had finally risen, the kitchen now fully basked in the sunlight. Leeteuk still had one little worry in his heart, so he decided to just blurt it out, to ease the knot in his heart. “Will you be fine in your training Yesung-ah?”

Yesung looked at his hyung like he’d been growing another head. “Why do you ask that Hyung? It’s supposed to be me who asked about will you be okay during your service,” answered a slightly confused Yesung. Well it’s his hyung enlistment that will happen in a matter of days. It should be him who worry about his hyung wellbeing. Leeteuk just smiled warmly at his dongsaeng, ready to explain his question when a grumbling KOALA made way to Yesung’s side and just attached to his side, while the lead singer brought his attention to the freaking KOALA, patting his back gently.

“Hyuung...Why did you leave me alone? I told you I had a nightmare,” Kyuhyun whined, snuggled closer to Yesung. The older just brushed the magnae’s hair lovingly, ready to answered the magnae but Leeteuk beat him to it.”Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! You don’t greet your hyung anymore, you ungrateful magnae,” Leeteuk snapped. This Koala had already robbed Yesung’s attention toward their discussion, a very important one if he may add. Kyuhyun just lift his head a little to peek at Leeteuk and just smirked sleepily. “I didn’t see you there Teukie Hyung,”said the magnae and put his head on Yesung’s shoulder, leaving Leeteuk slightly fuming,”Morning anyway.” Yesung just smiled warmly at his dongsaeng antic, and lightly tapped Kyuhyun’s back while humming some notes, tried to lull the magnae back to sleep.

“Hyung, let’s get back to sleep,” asked Kyuhyun sleepily. Leeteuk just gagged at the fake cuteness the magnae tried to exude, while Yesung just smiled. Before both of them could blurt out an answer, the 11th dorm’s door opened, revealing Ryeowook, and a fuming Heechul. Crap! I forgot to wake him up, Leeteuk resigned to his fate. “Yah! Jungsu! Didn’t I tell you to wake me up at 6.30?!” Heechul snapped. Leeteuk just grinned mentally. Yesung came to the rescue. “Morning Heebongie. You will go to your service early today?” Heechul turned his head slightly at his Rabid Dog, eyes knowing what his dongsaeng tried to do but smiled anyway. “Yes, Yesung-ah. Gee!! What a way to ruin my beauty sleep,” Heechul answered, rolling his eyes. Yesung just smiled, and saw the look in Leeteuk’s eyes, that silently said “Thank you for saving my life”. Yesung just smiled brightly, and greeted Ryeowook who started to cook breakfast.

“BREAKFAST’S READY!!” Ryeowook yelled out loud to wake the inhabitants of 11th dorm. Not even a minute, all of the members, including Shindong who finished his shower gather at the dining room, ready to have breakfast. All the members already grabbed their shared of breakfast, except their lead singer, and the huge KOALA attached to his side. GOD! That Koala need to attach himself to another tree, mocked Leeteuk while tapping Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Yah! Kyuhyun, wake up will you?! Let Yesung have his breakfast,” Leeteuk said not so friendly. But the magnae kept on snuggled closer to Yesung, the latter just sat calmly, sometimes rubbed the magnae’s back calmingly.


But the said magnae stubbornly closed his eyes and turned deaf ear on his surrounding. He just snuggled closer to his beloved Hyung, smelled the coffee emitted from him and smiled contently. That was until someone, his fellow members to be precise, tried to shake him off of his hyung.


Of course, the stubborn Koala he is, he still glued himself to Yesung. That was leaving the other members fuming and tried harder to detached himself off Yesung.


Leeteuk just looked at his dongsaengs lovingly. Yesung’s right, they will be just fine while he’s gone for a while. He joined his dongsaengs to wake the freaking glued Koala up. But unfortunately, they also woke the evil magnae, that led them to a whole full week’s worth of revenge. Everyone of them, except a certain turtle lover.


A/N 1: Another fic coming through.. :D If someone happen to stumble upon it and read it, comments and critics will be appreciated.
A/N 2: I just made up about their respective room, because I have no idea how their room arrangement really is. Therefore, I'm sorry, and enjoy :D
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404 streak #1
Chapter 1: Kyu didn't include Yesungie for his revenge, how cute!
2fast2live #2
Chapter 1: koalakyu! soooo adorable!
Chapter 1: lol i love koalaKyu better than evilKyu
rainingcho #4
Chapter 1: omg this is soooooo kyute^^ kyu's being an evil koala gluing to his hyung! Ahhh~ my yekyu feels are coming back.
But teukiee :'( i freakin miss him :(
Any ways, good story:D
Chapter 1: kyaaahh!!!!!!!!!!!! love it^^ koala with turtle ^^ SUPER CUTE~~~