And You're My Cheese

You're My Bacon


I jolt up when i realise an empty space beside me . I frown . He left without saying or kissing goodbye . I got up from bed and walk to the kitchen . 
I stop halfway when i smell food . I hid behind the wall only to find him , cooking . A smile crept up my face . I tiptoe behind him , take small and quiet steps as i approach behind him . I wrap my arms around his waist . 
"Omo you're awake . Haha ! You shocked me ."
"Morning Hyunnie ~ "
He release my hands as he turn around to face me . 
"Morning baby ."
He said as he tuck my hair behind my ears . He  leans in for a kiss . I gladly respond to it . We pull away when we smell something burning . 
"Yah ! Hyunnie ! You're burning !"
I said as i pointed to the bacons . I laugh after i realise after what i said . 
"Ah bwohya ~ "
"Baehkyun .. Bacon .. Get it ? "Hahahah !"
"Hmmp ."
He said as he grab the burn bacon and shove into his mouth . 
"Bacon's eating bacon ! Hahahaha !"
"Yah ! Stop it !"
I continue laughing when i see his annoyed face . He's so cute . He turns around and walk away , heading to the living room . I pinch myself , take a huge amount of breath to refrain myself from laughing and walk to him , sitting on the couch , pouting . I sit beside him as he scoot away from me . I scoot closer to him as we continue this 'fight' until theres no space left . I grab his arms and hug it .
"Bacon-oppa ."
"Yah ! Stop calling me that !"
"Why not ? Its cute . It suits you ."
"In what way possible ?"
"You look delicious like a bacon , you smell delicious like a bacon and you even taste like one ."
"Should i be happy ? Or offended"
I giggle when he say that . He looks even cuter when he's confuse . I cup his cheeks , making him face me .
"You're my bacon . Only mine !"
"Grr fine .. And you're my cheese ."
"Bwoh ? Waeyo ??"
"You're being so cheesy  .. Hahaha !"
"YAH !"
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-xttran #1
Chapter 1: cute oneshot c;
meahtokko #2
Chapter 1: Nice and cute...:)
Chapter 1: That cute haha
Chapter 1: Simple and cute ^^
Chapter 1: LOL CHEESE.
nnsckpopgirl #6
Chapter 1: Cute story!!!
21GerBear #7
Chapter 1: Hahaha thats so cute xD