

          All Key ever wanted was s love. All he ever wished for was some kind of attention from is members. He wondered if he was selfish for wanting this kind of love. Key was dying to be appreciated. He hoped that when he bought Minho new games and sports magazines that Minho would thank him, hug him, acknowledge him. Instead Minho just took the items and played the new games. Key wished that when he bought Taemin banana milk and sweets Taemin would know that Key loved him. He wished Taemin would know that he cared for him, that Taemin would give him some form of love in return. Taemin doesn't thank Key because he expects Key to buy banana milk for him. He doesn't care about the sweets because there are always sweets at the house. Key cooked Onew's favorite type of chicken. He wanted Onew the say "Wow this is the most delicious chicken ever!!!" or "Key you're such an amazing cook!" Onew on the other hand says," This chicken is dry, where is the ketchup?" For Jonghuyn Key does everything. He buys him new watches, clothes, cleans for him (and all of SHINee really), and he loves Jonghyun beyond measurement. Key wants nothing from Jonghyun. He sometimes thinks it would be nice to be loved back but at least he can be near his love.  Jonghyun says the new watches were out of style, the clothes arent really his style, he (and everyone else) believes Key likes to clean. As for the last one...well Jonghyun doesn't know about that part. He's happy with his girlfriend anyway. 

          At the end of everyday Key goes to his room. He shuts the door quietly. He gets ready for bed. He slips under the covers. His head hits the pillow. The dams in his eyes open up. Tears flood his pink pillow. Key wonders why everything he does means nothing. Why he means nothing. Why no one cares about him. But at least he knows that he cares about s. At least he knows that he loves them. He longs for a day where they will care about him too.

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Chapter 1: awwww key baby, come here and let me care for you :(
Ilonahaku #2
Awww, this is so sad. It tends to happen a lot in our lives.
I know how he feels. T_T
We try our best, but usually we don´t get any reaction, appreciation or thanks. The worse, we can receive complaints about what should have been done better or that our trying was useless. T__T
But when I think about it, moms must feel this way a lot, because many things are taken for granted. :/ Sooo sad!

But if Shinee members tried the same things, they would be more thanfkful to Key. Usually the experience makes you help to understand. :)

I wish Key´s love was returned in this fanfic. He deserves to be loved and appreciated. My heart is breaking, when I see him crying. T_T
Don´t you plan to write a sequel? :D

P.S. I loved this short fanfic! ♥
awe poor key! GREAT STORY!
ilovekeykimkibum #4
FlamingCharismasGirl, kolmilyo, WinterRose thank you for commenting!
Aww, this is the negative side to what Key as been doing for SHINee ;(
kolmilyo #6
an essay type.<br />
that's new.
omg keyy. )': I know how you feel. )':