Chapter 3

Cute Little Prank

I’m Do Kyungsoo…your boyfriend…

How could you say that without thinking it twice, Kyungsoo you fool…

Kyungsoo lied down on his bed with his eyes were staring at the ceiling. He thought of what happened the day before. He sighed as he flipped his body and let his head been buried onto the sheet.

What should I do now? Keep lying to him? But what if his memories come back? It will happen sooner or later…What should I say when that time comes?

His hand ran searching for his favorite doll in the edge of his bed. After his fingers got a hold of Billy, he pulled his hand back to put Billy to his side before turning his face against that voodoo doll.

“Billy~ I’m hopeless…”


“I know you just want to cheer me up but it won’t work. I’m all depressed.”


“Don’t call me a ing weakling!! It’s because Jongin will hate it if someone tells him lie.” Kyungsoo pouted.


“Huh? What the hell do you mean?”


“So, the point is I have to keep my poker face and when he remembers everything, I just tell him that it’s all a prank? Da hell!!”


“Will he believe that childish lie?! Even a fetus can see through that!! God, now he’ll hate me forever!”


“It’s not a cute ing prank, Billy, dear, are you making fun of me?”


“Wait, where is this coming from? It’s still 5.30 in the morning and you tell me to go see him?” He raised an eyebrow.

~silent~ >> (TN: You told him that you’re his boyfriend and now you back away? C’mon man, face it and act as one!! Go see his condition and take care of him!)

“Take care of him? It’s not like he’s in a fever or something so it won’t be necessary!”

~silent~ >> (TN: Well, what do you know? He could be in that kind of state right now or maybe even worse! What if he was found dead after 5 seconds from now? D:)

“Wha—Damn you, Billy!!!” He quickly jumped off the bed and ran to his window. He pulled the curtains to each side and unlocked the shutters, slamming them opened. He looked to the tree and then down to the ground. Will I be fine? How the hell can Jongin do something so dangerous like this every in’ day?

He slowly turned his head to Billy. “If I fell down and died, I dragged you to hell with me!”

~silent~ (TN: Good luck!! Run, Mama, run!! Run to papa’s side~! ;p)

Kyungsoo climbed to his window and outstretched his hand, trying to grab the nearest twig. After he got a hold of it, he jumped and landed at one of the strong branch, hugging the tree.

He better not locks the window now!!

He walked carefully, crossing from branch to branch until he reached Jongin’s window. He relieved as the window actually didn’t get locked. And then, he gently pulled the shutters and stepped inside Jongin’s room. He eyed every corner of the untidy room and found the tan-skinned boy still sleeping on his bed.

Kyungsoo let out a sigh and smiled. Thank goodness that school is off today. At least he can get to rest longer.

Hesitating a bit, the black-haired boy walked to the side of the bed, almost tripping on Jongin’s PSP. He squatted down beside the bed and stared at his beloved person’s sleeping face. As his arms were being crossed and rested next to Jongin’s, he put his chin on them.

“He seems fine to me…” he mumbled. “Sorry I made you like this, Jongin. I really regret it.” He ran his hand to touch the tan-skinned boy’s face and caressed it gently with full of affection. “If only you knew that I…” He couldn’t finish that one sentence and sighed again.

It’s no use to confess when he doesn’t even remember me. Should I tell him the truth after he woke up? But that will make him even more confuse. There’s no other choice than to continue this lie until his memories come back.

His hand retreated back to his side and returned to its original position. The eyes that were staring at Jongin reflected Kyungsoo’s mixed feelings.

Will you forgive me for lying to you? If you won’t, at least let me have you until then.

Kyungsoo didn’t know why but he just couldn’t leave Jongin. So he decided to keep staying in that room and unintentionally fell asleep next to the tan-skinned boy, in kneeling position. He was pretty relieved that Jongin was alright and there seemed to be nothing wrong either.

That time, he had a dream. He was in a white room full with curtains that also has the same color. There, he met Jongin. The tan-skinned boy walked near him and suddenly encircled Kyungsoo’s body with his strong arms. Jongin’s body was warm, making him felt safe. He clutched his fist on his beloved’s white shirt and closed both his eyes. Although they didn’t talk, it was comfortable and somehow lifted some weights on Kyungsoo’s shoulders. He could hear a very gentle instrument was being played but didn’t know where it was coming from.

The dream felt so real he could hear his own heartbeat. Jongin was so gentle like his usual self. Kyungsoo could feel that he was loved and that made tears dropped from his beautiful chocolate-colored eyes. And without realizing it, a smile appeared from his full lips. A very simple dream, wasn’t it? But strangely, enough to make Kyungsoo felt reassured.

The sunlight that penetrated through the opened window made Kyungsoo blinked. The place where he slept was cramped yet warm. Eagerly opening his eyes, he sniffed a familiar scent, one that belonged to his beloved person. He could feel that Jongin was so close. It made his nose brushed with the pajama the tan-skinned boy wore.

Wait…the pajama…

His eyes opened widely as he just realized that he was sleeping on Jongin’s bed. The tan-skinned boy held his body closely with the big palm on the back of Kyungsoo’s head and thick blanket covered both of them.

“Ah you’re awake?” It was Jongin’s usual voice. Kyungsoo moved his head to see the tan-skinned boy’s face.

“Jongin…” The other boy gave him a smile and patted his head while Kyungsoo could only stun.

“Good morning. You’re…Kyungsoo, right? Sorry I didn’t dare to wake you up, because you look tired. So, I carried you onto the bed.”


Seeing the black-haired boy only looked at him with a pair of puppy eye, Jongin continued. “Did I surprise you?” He chuckled.

Kyungsoo shook his head. “I’m just relieved that you’re alright.” He smiled sweetly while his cheeks turned pink. That one attack left Jongin dumbfounded.

The black-haired boy then snuggled and buried his face onto the other boy’s chest to continue sniffing at the scent he loved so much, making him couldn’t stop smiling. Jongin ran his fingers to touch Kyungsoo’s pink cheek and gave the boy slight caresses.

“It seems I got myself a cute boyfriend somehow…” The tan-skinned boy laughed cheerfully as he played with Kyungsoo’s hair. Hearing what Jongin said, he astonished and hurriedly turned his gaze at the taller boy who also looked at him back.

“You…believe that I’m your boyfriend?”

“Is there a reason for me to not believe it?”

Kyungsoo left his mouth open but couldn’t say any word in return. I can’t believe he…trusts that lie so easily like this.


“Uh…well…I just didn’t expect you to just accept it just like that…I mean, I might just tricked you…”

The taller boy blinked. “But you seem like a good person, so I think it’s impossible. Well, even if it’s a lie, then aren’t I just considering myself lucky to have a cutie as my boyfriend?” He giggled.

“So cheesy…” Kyungsoo pouted and felt the blush ran to all over his face.

He glanced at Jongin’s smiling face and let the tan-skinned boy pinched his cheek. “See, you’re so cute when you’re blushing.”

“Y-Yah, stop it~” he quickly hid his tomato face with the blanket.

“Wait, don’t cover it~ I wanna see~!” Jongin laughed again as he tugged the blanket, trying to uncover Kyungsoo’s embarrassed face.

The black-haired boy whined, trying hard to stay in cover which made him even cuter unintentionally in Jongin’s eyes. The tan-skinned boy gave up and pulled Kyungsoo’s body which now had been wrapped in blanket like a cocoon to his side, holding him closely again.

“That reminds me Kyungsoo, Did you come here through the window? If I’m not mistaken, your house is just right next to mine.”

Kyungsoo pulled the blanket and showed a bit of his reddened face. “Yeah, it’s because I wanna see you. Besides it’s the same way you usually do when entering my room every day.”

“Don’t do that again, it’s dangerous for you... In exchange, I will be the one who go to your side.”


“Why? You said that what I usually do.”

Kyungsoo nodded awkwardly. “Yeah, but… “

“No buts, I just decided that myself.” Jongin stared at him straight in the eyes. It made kyungsoo wanted to melt right away.

Averting his gaze again, he nodded and smiled shyly. Then he moved his body and placed his head perfectly onto Jongin’s neck, giving a hint that he let the tan-skinned to tighten the hug.

Jongin smiled gently as he did as the black-haired boy wanted. He wrapped Kyungsoo with his arms and let the boy snuggled into his embrace.

It’s way warmer than the blanket. Kyungsoo thought.

He almost wanted to sleep again when there were sudden knocks on the door. “Hey, Jongin…how long do you intend to sleep? It’s past 9.” It was Jongin’s father. “I got a call from Kyungsoo’s mother, she checked her son’s room, but he wasn’t there. Is he with you now?”

Jongin paused for a bit before answered his father. “Y-Yeah, he’s here.”

“Good, she ordered him to go home right now and asked you to come over because breakfast’s ready. Oh and one more thing, there’s an urgent came up. She said her mother is sick so she went to her hometown with Kyungsoo’s father this morning. She also added that Kyungsoo has to cook on his own for lunch. That’s all, I’m going to work now, Son.”

“Okay, Dad, thanks and careful.”

Kyungsoo could hear that Jongin’s father’s footsteps were slowly getting farther away from the room.

“Umm… Then I guess, I’ve gotta go back now.” He sat as Jongin eyed him. “O-Of course using the front door.”

The tan-skinned chuckled and then grabbed Kyungsoo’s arm, pressing his lips against the black-haired boy’s cheek. “My morning kiss.”

“W-Wha—“ Kyungsoo hurriedly turned over to Jongin and covered the cheek which had been kissed earlier. His face was blushed all over and he could feel the heat traveled to his ears. The tan-skinned boy only laughed again happily after seeing his cute reaction and then ruffled Kyungsoo’s black hair.

“I’ll come over after taking a bath~” Jongin said when Kyungsoo walked out of the room with his steamed face.


He ran back to his home and after he closed his front door, he let his body slid against that wood door and sat down on the cold floor. He brought his knees onto his chest and wrapped them with his arms, burying his face between. “Waahh!! What was that?!! Stupid Jongin!! He did something like that out of the blue!! And I was pathetic myself, getting carried away so easily!! me and my scattered brain!!”

He started to ram his own forehead to the knees as he busied cursing himself in a pathetic way. Oh well, he did that over and over again like a creepy high school girl who got her first kiss. He shook his head, trying to get the voice that buzzed out of his mind. After he finally pulled himself back with a slap in the face, he stood up and headed to the dining table. There, he saw two portions of pancakes. One for him and the other was for Jongin prepared by his mother.

He could hear his stomach growled as he saw the tempting blueberry sauce, looking really sparkled in his eyes. He took one chair and sit on it as he grabbed fork and spoon, he started to dig on one of the pancake without even waiting for Jongin.

Happiness can come in the simplest form. He thought as he really grateful for having such a wonderful mother. He enjoyed every bite of it like it was the only food left in the world. Kyungsoo always had been such a simple person when it came to this. He finished his breakfast with a smile kept appearing on his face.

Kyungsoo stood up from his seat to wash the dish and then he brought his body to the bathroom before Jongin came over.  He took longer than usual in the shower because just imagining that there would just be the two of them alone made him really nervous and with their (fake) status of ‘lover’ made it even more awkward for Kyungsoo who never even had boyfriend in his life. He started to sing a song which titled History by EXO to calm himself down.

Even after he finished showering, he really took his time to pick clothes. But he ended up chose his usual with the came up reason of not wanting to ridicule himself. He came out of his room with jeans and two layers of clothing because it was cold season already. A towel was hanging plainly on his head and his hair was still wet from the shower earlier.

When he walked down the stairs, he spotted Jongin was just finishing his breakfast and about to wash the dish.

“Hey~” The tan-skinned boy greeted him. “Sorry I let myself coming in here, I rang the bell many times but you didn’t answer and the door didn’t get locked either. And when I saw the pancake, my stomach just started to growl. I couldn’t help it, sorry.” He grinned.

Kyungsoo shook his head and smiled. “No, it’s alright. Just the usual scene, you always think that my house is your second house and I don’t mind.”

“Is that so? I’m glad, then. Umm, are you just taking a bath?”

“Oh, this…” He glanced at the grey towel on his head. ”Yeah.”

“And…are you going somewhere?”

He eyed Jongin awkwardly. “I guess not. I want to…watch TV since there’s no one at home.”

“Oh, I see.” The tan-skinned boy gave him a relieved smile then walked to the kitchen to wash the dish while Kyungsoo headed to the living room and rested himself on a white sofa that looked really comfortable.

He the TV and switched the channel to a cartoon. He watched it as he rubbed his wet hair with the towel to dry it.

“So, you watch cartoon?” Jongin popped out from the kitchen and brought himself to sit beside Kyungsoo.

“Yeah, I always watch ‘Pororo’ with you~” He giggled.

“Really? Is it good?”

“Well, it’s funny~”

And then he ended up told the tan-skinned boy about all the funny episodes of ‘Pororo’ and laughed happily. He sometimes mimicked Jongin’s expression when the boy seriously watched that cartoon.

Jongin stared silently at Kyungsoo who had a cheerful expression on his face. When the black-haired boy realized of this, he blushed immediately. “Wha… What? Is there something on my face?”

Jongin only laughed and ran his hands to rub Kyungsoo’s hair with the plain grey towel and brought the black-haired boy’s head to face his. “You should dry yourself properly or you’ll end up catch a cold.” Kyungsoo closed his eyes forcibly. “Kyungsoo…I guess I know now why my past-self fell for you.”

The nervous boy opened his round eyes a bit to peek and he saw the smiling face of the man he loved. Jongin already stopped rubbing and now he cupped Kyungsoo’s face , giving the other boy another deep stare. “You have such a pair of beautiful chocolate-colored eye it’s like falling into a deep forest when I look into them, silent yet strong inside. They reflected all of your emotions to the surface, me into the world you created. Your small figure makes me want to pull you into my embrace and never let you go anymore. Although I‘ve lost my memory, I know this familiar feeling inside my chest is right. I want to protect you and make you feel safe every time you’re with me. I want to know more about you and start over our relationship.”

Kyungsoo blinked and gave Jongin his surprised expression with puppy eyes. The tan-skinned boy pulled his neck and hugged him, dropping the towel onto the carpet. “So, Kyungsoo, please don’t be afraid to make me someone special in your life.”


“I know it’s just too early to say love when I just know you this morning for me but I promise…I will learn to love you just right. I’ll prove it.”

Kyungsoo ran both his palms to grip on the dark blue jacket the tan-skinned boy wore and felt his heart skipped beats. Pink tint was clearly spotted from his pale cheeks. He nodded slowly as an answer.

So kind, Jongin is still so kind. He didn’t even suspicious of me and believes in me instead. I’m sorry Jongin…just for this once, I take advantage of your kindness for the sake of making you love me for real.

Kyungsoo pushed Jongin away gently to stare at the face that his heart longed for. He gave the tan-skinned boy a sweet smile before he moved his face closer to seal his full lips on Jongin’s cheek. “Thank you…” He said after breaking the kiss. The blush spread quickly to all over his face like a fire on oil.

That, of course, took Jongin by surprise. The tan-skinned boy looked like a kid who just found his treasure. Both of his cheeks also turned pink which showed how conscious he was now with Kyungsoo’s presence.

“I…I learn that from you!” Kyungsoo stuttered, he felt even more embarrassed after he watched the sudden change of expression on Jongin’s face. He backed away nervously but Jongin gripped his arm and moved closer again to him.

The tan-skinned boy put his palm on Kyungsoo’s head and pulled it gently to his shoulder. He then the almost-dried silky black hair and whispered softly. “I’m happy.” His free hand encircled the small body of his lover, spoiling Kyungsoo with so much skinship.

Kyungsoo let Jongin put kisses on his head as he rested comfortably on the tan-skinned boy’s broad shoulder. “Mmm…my hair…it’s still wet.” He mumbled.

“It’s okay. I like the scent of your wet hair… It’s sweet.” Jongin placed a few kisses again as he smiled in between. His thumb rubbed the shorter boy’s head as he heard Kyungsoo’s soft hum of joy. “Come to think of it, when is your birthday?”

“It’s January 12th…”

“Hmm, then it’s next month, we should celebrate it together~”


“Yeah, it’s a promise.” Jongin intertwined his pinky with Kyungsoo’s as a symbol. They were linking their foreheads together and laughed shyly.

“Is there anything you like to do, things like hobbies?”

“My hobbies? I like cooking, singing, and reading…But if you can put sleeping into one of them…” The black-haired boy giggled.

“Oh then, it’s a wise decision to wake you up every morning.” Jongin smirked teasingly as Kyungsoo pouted, making the tan-skinned boy couldn’t help but pinched his cheek. “Hey, I just remembered. Isn’t Christmas comes at the next three days? Do you have any plan for the eve?”

“Christmas Eve? No, don’t have any, why?”

“Since there’s no school, we can leave that day empty. Let’s go on a date.”

“EH?!” Kyungsoo lifted his face to see Jongin with almost popped-out eyes.

“Why? You don’t want to?”

“N-No, it’s not like that! I mean…so sudden!”

“So you can’t?”

“I CAN!! Of course I can!!” Kyungsoo nodded excitedly with sparkling eyes. He stared at Jongin like a kid who was expecting his present for Christmas. It was unexpected and wonderful. Although they were just fake lover, it would be their first Christmas together not just as a friend.

Seeing his lover’s happy expression, there was nothing to lose for Jongin. In fact, that turned out to be his happiness too. “Great, then it’s fixed already! Where do you want to go?”

“Hmm…” Kyungsoo peered at the ceiling, trying to think about the place where he and Jongin could spend time happily. He scratched his cheek as his mind filled with amusement park. But he soon threw away that thought. He didn’t want his first date on Christmas Eve would end up childish.

Seeing his lover thinking so hard like that made Jongin tightened his hug and chuckled. “So cute…aren’t you? It’s okay we can go on a normal date, like watching movie or anywhere you like. We can come up with something later, isn’t it more exciting, to do everything spontaneously?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” Kyungsoo nodded again obediently. Since he didn’t come up with a better idea, it would be easier to do as Jongin said. “I really can’t wait for that~” He smiled, imagining what would their first date be like. He also let the tan-skinned boy ruffled his hair again and heard a whisper ‘me, too’ which sent a shiver to his white skin.

They spent that day with cuddling and chitchatting about anything that crossed their minds, although mostly wasn’t something important, they seemed pretty enjoyed it. They also shared kisses on the cheek or head and laughed like two lovebirds.

Thank goodness it’s not on the lips… yet…otherwise… I’d be willing to jump off the cliff or have Billy replace me instead…

Kyungsoo didn’t even have time to care about the loud clock which hanged onto the wall behind him and Jongin.

And why should I even care about that ing super noisy clock anyway?! I have a better view right in front of me!!

And, even though, they might seem not too different than the old times, right now there was no more wall called ‘just be friend’.

I know that there are a lot of things that we can do as a couple but for now, like hell I could think of one. This is what I called ‘enchanted’. Has Jongin always this charming and mature? His gentle hands that enwrap my entire body… and his lips… I wonder how it feels like to touch mine. He gulped, finding out that he couldn’t take his eyes off of Jongin.

“Kyungsoo, what’s wrong?”

“Oh… Umm… nothing…” He laughed groggily. “L-Look, it’s noon already! Time sure flies when you’re having fun, eh~ I’d better cook something for our lunch!” He got up from the sofa and stretched his arms. “What do you like to eat?” He turned to face Jongin and shot a smile.

Jongin thought of something randomly. “Spaghetti? I feel like eating it now if you don’t mind.”

“Sure~ wait here for a while. I’ll see if mom still has some.” He left the living room and disappeared to the kitchen. Not long after, Jongin followed him there like a lost puppy.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m bored. Is there something I can help with?” The tan-skinned boy eyed the perfect tidy kitchen. He spotted a pot with water inside it on the stove.

“Unfortunately, there isn’t. Kitchen is my territory. Hush, go back to the living room and wait for the food like a good boy~” He tried to push Jongin’s body to lead him out of the kitchen but the tan-skinned boy was just as stubborn as him.

“C’mon, Kyungsoo, at least let me watch you cooking.” He begged, encircling his arms around Kyungsoo’s waist.

“Jongin, y-yaah! I can’t cook like this!” He raised his head to meet Jongin’s eyes.

“Pretty, please?” The tan-skinned boy used his last weapon, puppy eyes and made Kyungsoo melted right away.

He sighed but ended up smiled at his spoiled lover. “Fine, then. Just watch, ‘kay?”

“Thank you~”

He flinched as Jongin pecked at his nose suddenly, sending the chills down his spine. He immediately had the blush traveled its way from the face to the tip of his ears. He saw Jongin sneered and slowly removed his arms from Kyungsoo’s body.

“T-The water is boiled already.” He turned his back at Jongin, not wanting to see more of his lover’s satisfied face from making him all self-conscious. He busied himself by adding the spaghetti into the pot and stirred it around once to separate it. Kyungsoo bet the water and his face both had the same temperature. The thought of having Jongin watched him from behind, eyeing all of his movements made him hard to concentrate.

He almost dropped the spaghetti when trying to dry it in a colander, making he yelped in surprise. Jongin rushed towards him instantaneously but Kyungsoo’s reassuring smile sent him back to where he was stood at before.

After all the struggles he had, Kyungsoo could’ve sworn that compared to all of the times he made spaghetti this was the most troublesome ever, He served the promising spaghetti with Bolognese sauce on two big plates. All the works had been paid off when he heard Jongin’s growling stomach with a pair of sparkling eye.

The tan-skinned boy pecked Kyungsoo’s easily-blushed cheek as his way of saying thank you and didn’t even waste one second to dig on the spaghetti his lover made. He enthusiastically ate it and left the plate clean like there was no food had been served there before.

Kyungsoo shot a satisfied smile at his lover before finally finished his own lunch. They both curled up again on the sofa after washing the dishes with their stomach full.

“Now, what’re we gonna do next?” Jongin asked as he caught Kyungsoo’s body and pressed them closer.

“Dunno… How ‘bout watching DVDs?” He said as shrugging his shoulders.

“Hmm, basically anything’s fine with me so okay then.”

“I have a lot to watch, y’know~”

“Well, movie marathon is not such a bad idea~” Jongin enfolded Kyungsoo’s body as he rested his head on the shorter boy’s.

And so, they ended up watching a lot of movies Kyungsoo had in the living room after they turned off the light on the foolish thought of wanting to feel like in a cinema. They also had popcorn which Kyungsoo made before the movie started. Cuddling together again, they sure enjoyed their time. With serious faces and sometimes tensed when the actor got in a difficult situation. Kyungsoo used that as a reason to snuggle onto the embrace, although he wasn’t sure whether Jongin knew this or not.

The (fake idiotic) couple finished their movie marathon right at 10 PM. The tan-skinned boy lied down on the white sofa while Kyungsoo went upstairs to pick his phone.

Great, I forgot to turn off the silent mode and now there are 10 missed calls and 1 text message… All of them are from mom…

From FanMom: Sweetheart, I’m sorry for the sudden leaving, but we couldn’t help it. Your cute grandma is sick~ ><

To FanMom: S’okay Mom, how’s grandma?

From FanMom: She’s better now, thanks to my professional skill~<3

To FanMom: ………err well, great. Say hi to her from me~ and when will you and dad be back?

From FanMom: We’ll be back after the 25th. Sorry for not celebrating Christmas there with you. Btw, how’s Billy? Is he fine?

To FanMom: He’s fine and is inside my room, lying like a dead as usual, Mom. Well, I don’t mind celebrating Christmas on my own so stop being such a worry-wart.

From FanMom: O_O Right!! I forgot!! There’s still Jongin!! Is he with you now, dear? Are you two being lovey-dovey?

To FanMom: …… Mom, please…. And yeah, he’s here. =A=

From FanMom: That’s good to hear. Well then, enjoy your honeymoon. Feel free to do something naughty in that empty house~<33

Kyungsoo didn’t reply to that last text, his mouth left open. He didn’t know anymore what was in his mother’s mind, or to be exact, that fangirl mind inside his mother’s brain. He let out a heavy sigh. How the heck could he and Jongin did such thing when they were just starting this relationship.

But, wait… What if something happens after this… anyhow, I and Jongin are alone in this house…

He shook his head hastily, trying to get that thought out of his mind. He wouldn’t let himself be affected by his mother’s silly message. Then he remembered leaving Jongin alone for a while already. He shot up from the bed, bringing his phone and Billy along, and went back downstairs.

He found the tan-skinned boy almost falling asleep when he called. Jongin sat up instantly from lying position and turned to face Kyungsoo who just popped into the living room with a voodoo doll on his chest.

“Are you sleepy?” Kyungsoo brought himself to sit beside Jongin, still hugging Billy.

“No, not anymore that you’re here.” Jongin smiled gently as he brushed off Kyungsoo’s bangs from his beautiful face.

“Umm, sorry if I wake you, here I want to introduce you to someone special… but I’m afraid you’ll think of me as a freak.” He smiled back weakly and got an ‘okay, don’t worry, I won’t think of you like that’ from the tan-skinned boy. “This is Billy. Well, as you see… He’s a voodoo doll, my favorite actually. And maybe this’s ridiculous, but I think of him as a friend to confide in… Sometimes, like a son… I mean… aahh I’m bad at this!!” He dug his face on the both of his palms. Jongin patted Kyungsoo’s head, trying to cheer the shorter boy but failed as he burst out laughing.

“Arrgghh, I know you’ll laugh at me, now I’m regretting it!!”

“No, no. That isn’t the case. You’re so freaking cute, I can’t stand it!”

“Is that supposed to be sarcastic?” He shook his head in desperation. Well, he successfully ridiculed himself in front of his lover. Since Jongin was in a state of amnesia, he wanted to help his lover to get back the memories slowly by showing the familiar things. He really regretted it to have the thought of letting Jongin met Billy crossed his mind.

“No, really, you’re cute. Come here.” He pulled Kyungsoo’s body onto his embrace and rubbed his cheek softly to his lover’s head. “Thanks for introducing me to someone special.” He ran his hand to touch the voodoo doll which still in the black-haired boy’s fist. “Nice to meet you Billy. And since he’s your son, then he’s mine too. I become the daddy here~”

Kyungsoo slowly raised his head and leaned on Jongin’s chest, tightening his hug to Billy and pouting. “No, you’re papa.”

“Isn’t it the same?”

“Yeah,I just… want to call you by that…” He blushed and quickly hid his face by looking away. That brought back his memory when Jongin slept over at his house the day before he got bullied. The tan-skinned boy called himself papa while Kyungsoo a mama and somehow, he didn’t hate it.

“As you wish, then~” Jongin took his lover’s chin and lifted it to place a quick kiss on the cheek, making Kyungsoo flinched. That triggered Jongin to do something more, He then wrapped Kyungsoo’s small figure with his strong arms to seal the movement, preventing his lover to escape. He started to nibble on Kyungsoo’s earlobe.

“Ah, Jongin, cut it out~!” But the tan-skinned boy didn’t stop. He put his tongue inside the ear, swirling it playfully as he felt his lover twitching. Just as the wet and warm organ wanted to go deeper, Kyungsoo breathily moaned, earning a smirk on Jongin’s lips. Not stopping at that, he traced down to his lover’s pale neck with the tip of his hot tongue, and ended with hard the area between the neck and the small shoulder, leaving a kiss mark without Kyungsoo’s knowing. The black-haired boy moaned louder as his face boiled and his body shuddered in anticipation. But, Jongin purposely stopped his action and patted Kyungsoo’s head.

“It’s late already, shall we go to sleep?” He broke the hug and shifted his gaze at Kyungsoo, smiling nonchalantly.

Kyungsoo groaned softly and pouted. He shot a glare to the tan-skinned boy who played innocent. “No, I don’t want to go back to my room!!”

“Then let’s just sleep here~” He encircled his arms on his lover’s stomach and pulled him backwards, resulting both of them (well, with Billy on Kyungsoo’s chest) lied down on the sofa with Jongin’s head rested on the small pillow while hugging Kyungsoo who was on top of him, facing the ceiling upon them.

“Wha—Jongin!! You’re kidding me!”

“No, am not, Kyunggie~ you said you don’t wanna go to your room, so let’s enjoy sleeping here while I don’t intend to go home either.” Jongin smirked teasingly as he stayed still, not letting go of Kyungsoo although the shorter boy tried so hard to get off.

After a few seconds, Kyungsoo finally gave in and just let himself be enwrapped securely by his stubborn lover and slowly closed his eyes as tiredness engulfed his body. He didn’t even mind how cramped it was, as long as Jongin close to him, he’d feel relaxed. Jongin’s soft touches from the tip of his fingers sent Kyungsoo to his deep sleep.

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whoaa~~ thanks for subbing ^^ i love y'all cuties~!!


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Chapter 4: aww so cute
Chapter 4: Omg i like thisss XD im kinda hoping you'd make hunhan's sequel X3
Chapter 4: Oh God, I finally found the time to finish this. And okay, this is really cute. Like there's a smile on my face all throughout. Yay for Kaisoo! XD
fadsyacharm #5
Chapter 4: Oo myy~
ur story is totally awesome authornim,,,
love it so much,,,,,,
great job authornim,,,
kaisoowonkyu #6
Chapter 4: I LOVE THIS THANK YOU VERY MUCH. and i always love story with twist ending hahahhahaa ^^
Chapter 1: Oh feck, Kaisoo is so adorable here. Hilarious first chapter. Wait, Imma go back later and read the next chapter. :))))
Chapter 4: at first I was like "Luhan is bicccch go awaaaaayyyy you asdfghjkl" but then when I know it's because of Sehun I was like "asdfhjkl you asdfghjkl omg asdfghjkl" ahaha xD okay, I lose my head because of the fluffs Dx

;A; I like how the story ends haha xD I can't resist the fluff ///v/// asdfghjkl write more ;A; you're daebak!!
leejoonmblaq #9
Chapter 4: *prank hahah
leejoonmblaq #10
Chapter 4: omg I just realized that the title of the story is 'cute little prak' omg -_- at myself