Confession on the first

Confession on the first


Reena tapped her fingers to a rhythm onto the smooth surface of the sleek redwood table. She slumped back onto the soft cushion of the chair and lifted her arm to look at her silver  Rolex watch. 1.30pm. She had been waiting for more than 30 minutes. She sighed and folded her arms. She peered out of the huge glass next to her into the busy streets. The leaves on the trees along the pavement were coated with a pale mixture of orange and yellow, signifying that autumn was on its way.

                        Her empty stomach growled, begging to fill it in with food  while she was flattering the beauty of the Gangnam streets. She rolled her eyes and ducked her head to take another glance at her watch. 1.47pm. She in air and grabbed her mug of already-cold latte and gulped the last mouthful. She then placed the emptied mug on the table and stared at it for some good long seconds. She did not know whether to  be mad at him or not to be. Statements of doubts suddenly rushed through her. Could he be just fooling around? Could it be just one of his naughty childish tricks again?


“Let’s do it,” he urged.

Reena shifted her gaze from the evening sky to him.  Confusion plastered all over her face. The sound of sea water crashing in their ears. Pale evening sunlight shone onto them as the sea breeze gently caressed their face.

“What are you trying to say?” she asked, tilting her head a little to the side.

“Be my girl,” he said in an almost demanding tone. Reena held her breath upon that and stopped all her physical movements. She was staring hard at her long-time crush as she tried to absorb what her had lashed out earlier. This, of course, was the very moment she had been dreaming of since the day JinKi treated her wound when they were in middle school. That was not their very first skinship but unknowingly at that very moment, when JinKi laid his finger on her forehead, she felt a strong flow of current passed through her skin and the rhythm of her heartbeat accelerated rapidly. That was how she started to  fell head over heels for him. She never dare to confess though. She was afraid that it might lead their friendship to downfall.

“30 days, Reena. Just 30 days. Okay?” JinKi added then turned to face her.

She felt her heart dropped to her stomach. Reena let out a breath. 30 days. Well, that hit her hard. Real hard.

“Why?” she blurted out the first question but swallowed back the second. Only 30 days?

JinKi shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean I’m leaving in 30 days and your are my best friend since childhood. I wanted to experience something I had never done with you. I mean, we never dated before, even with anyone else. I don’t want to be recognize as an 18 years old man that never dated before or else the foreigners might have a bad impression on me. Like, you know, being gay and all,” he explained in his usual deep, y voice all in one breath.

“Right,” she agreed, bobbing her head up and down. He would be leaving for the States after graduation for futher studies. Well, crap for her because she would not be joining him since she had her future planned well by her parents; either she stay or she fly to Japan. “So basically you’re just going to use me as your girlfriend for 30 days? When you don’t even have any genuine feelings for me?” she said accusingly. She could feel her chest tightened and her eyes beginning to sting as tears threatened to form. Don’t cry, Reena.

JinKi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Without hesitating, he leaned and gave Reena a quick peck on the cheek. “Well I love you now,” he said sheepishly.

Everything happened way too fast for Reena. No way did he…kissed me. She took a deep breath, almost gasping, as she slowly lifted her hand and touched her cheek, her heart pounding wildly in her ribcage, as if it was going to explode anytime soon. She could feel the heat slowly creeping up her face. JinKi chuckled again at her dumbfounded expression and pinched the other side of her cheek. “Have I ever told you that you look cute like this?” he teased and flashed his million-dollars smile, showing all his perfectly straight white teeth. Reena swallowed and shook her head innocently.

He stood up and dusted his jeans. “Alright, my friend. No, my love to be precise,” he looked down at her and winked. “From this very second on, you don’t belong to anyone but me and only me. Don’t cheat on me, aite?” he warned. Reena bit her lips and gave him a nod.

JinKi smiled triumphantly and look towards the horizon. The orange Sun is beginning to sink further down over the sea. “Oppa needs to go now. Meet me at our usual place at 1 and we’ll go somewhere for lunch. Our first date,” he beamed.

Reena let out a snort, “Seriously? You are never my oppa,”

“Whatever. I need to go. Mum will kill me if I’m late. Remember tomorrow ‘kay? Don’t be late! I love you!” he finished and sprinted off along the pavement. Reena chuckled at that confession. She watched him as his silhouette began to shrink the further he goes.


                        The bell of the entrance of the café rang. A familiar figure stepped inside and waved at Reena. She smirked and looked away. JinKi skipped cheerfully towards her. He pulled a chair and sat beside her. “Hey babe. Sorry that I’m late. There’s a sudden emergency at home,”

                        Reena rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “Whatever,”

                        “Ow don’t be like this, jagiya~” JinKi whined. Reena snorted and push his head with her fist. “You should have called then,”

                        He rubbed his head and pouted. Reena furrowed her brows annoyingly and shot him her infamous death glare. Without warning, her stomach growled again, loud enough for probably the whole café to hear. Luckily there was only a dude in black bennies and t-shirt and trousers other than the two of them and a waitress. He sat two tables away from them and was completely focused on, probably, songwriting.

                        “Ow my poor baby’s hungry,” JinKi cooed. He quickly grabbed her hand and stood up from his chair. “Let’s go eat eat!” he sang cheerily. Without waiting for Reena’s answer, he pulled her out into the streets.


                        JinKi scooped the chocolate cookie ice cream from the bucket and pointed the spoon in front of Reena. “Say ah,”

                        Reena closed her eyes and let out a satisfied moan as soon as the ice cream entered . She chewed the bits of cookies in , savoring the sweetness of the chocolate. Finally she swallowed and clasped her hand. “This is beautiful,” she commented and continued grinning at JinKi. “I want more,” she commanded. No doubt, she was at the very peak that moment. Once something beautifully sweet conquered her taste buds, she would go oh so high.

                        JinKi chuckled and fed her more. Approximately until half the bucket, JinKi stopped feeding her and asked her to feed him instead.

                        “No!” she exclaimed, blocking him from the bucket of ice cream with her arm.  “This is mine. You go get another bucket,”

                        “Pwease pwease!” JinKi whined. “I bought it and I only ate the one spoonful earlier,”

                        “Alright alright,” Reena pouted and gave in. She scooped the ice cream and pointed it in front of him. His mouth was just inches away from the spoon when she pulled it away and the spoon clean. “Mmm, nice,” she cooed.


                        Reena and JinKi held hands as they shuffled along the pavement. “How do you think of our first date?” he asked sheepishly. Reena turned to the suddenly shy boy.

                        “It was great,” she smiled and looked down at their hands. She could feel the unremitting warmth sipping from his skin into hers. If only we be like this forever. She thought to herself.

                        “Reena,” the voice called her.

                        She looked up at him, “hmm?”

                        “I hope it’s not too late, you know. Even if it’s just for our last 30 days,” he mumbled, looking straight.

                        “29,” Reena corrected. “And of course not. It will be like the moment we spent together. Just us,” she added.

                        “Should I tell you?” he ask hesistantly.

                        “You should,” Reena encouraged. “You know that you can trust me,”

                        JinKi stopped his tracks and gaze down at her, his eyes bore through hers. Reena stared back, although she was surprised by his sudden act. She could feel the spark between him and her. He let her hand go and pursed his lips. “I don’t know if it’s too late or too early since it’s our first date. Do you know why I do this? The whole be-my-girl-for-30-days thing?”

                        Reena tilted her head to the side. “I thought you said you wanted experience?” she asked, confusion filled her voice.

                        JinKi shook his head and looked away, feeling a little disappointed. “I’m in love with you, Reena,” he confessed.

                        Her eyes bulged. She just could not believe it. She discreetly pinched the side of her thigh. Yes. She felt the pain. This was definitely not a dream.

                        “It’s alright if you don’t reciprocate,” he added. “ I’m really sorry for the sudden confession. It’s just that I’ve been keeping it inside me for too long. I fell for you since forever. It’s late. Let’s get going,” he smiled, hoping to ease the awkwardness that ensued them.

                        It took her quite a long time for her to take up the whole situation earlier. “Can you repeat?” Reena blurted.

                        “I said it’s late, let’s---“

                        “No. Before that,”

                        He let out a sigh. A painful one. “Well, it’s alright if you don’t reciprocate---“

                        “No no,” she shook her head and held his arm. “Before that again,”

                        He took a deep breath. “I’m in love with you,” he said. This time more clearly and with mere confidence. “And I will always love you until you and only you stopped me from doing so,”

                        Without hesitating, Reena closed their distance and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pressed her ears against his chest. She heard it. His heart, beating in a funny rhythm, but fast. Real fast. Like hers. Without knowing tears started to fall from her eyes. She grasped the fabric of his cotton sweater and braved herself to pour out her heart’s content. “I love you too, JinKi,”

                        JinKi heard a change in her voice. He carefully held her shoulders and pulled her away. He held her face and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. “Were you in the same boat with me all these while?” he asked as a mischievous grin tugged his lips. Reena chuckled and wiped the remaining tears with her sleeve. “I guess so,” she sniffed.

                        Instantaneously, he tilted her chin up and kissed her on the lips. His lips were soft against hers. He was whispering her name with his beautiful voice when the kiss slowly turned passionate. Reena stiffened in the beginning. As seconds passed by, she began to relax and closed her eyes as JinKi slowly shifted one hand to the small of her back.

                        They finally broke after the long kiss and were gasping for air. “Are you willing to wait for me?” he asked softly, his lips brushing against hers. Reena smiled in return, “I don’t mind long distance relationship as long as you don’t cheat on me,” she whispered.

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Chapter 1: Hi, Unnie ;D
I Like This Too Much !!
It's Rely Amazing, Lovely, Interesting!and Cute ><' Awww <3
Because I Like it I Rely Want To Translate It To Arabic ;D
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Can Read and Enjoy It <3
Don't Worry, I'll Keep Your Rights ;D I'll Write Your Name On It, And I'll Put The Link Of It There Too <3
I'll Now Read Your Other Stories, and If I Liked IT I'll Translate It Too <3
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When I Become an Admin I'll Put Your Stories There :D <3
Please Say Yes ^^' <3 I'm Waiting For Your Answer <3
Fighting <3
miakay #2
Chapter 1: keke..cute cute~
ZeRynna #3
Chapter 1: UWAAAAA!!!!!!! THIS IS SHO SHO CUTE!!!!
The story is really cute..
I just wish what have been written in your fic can b real for me and "him"
Because this is like what i want ...ok..maybe not long distance relationship but i'm ok with it...
And can you edit and actually explain where is my lovely onew is going?? I want to know where is he going..
Chapter 1: love it! <3