A Happily Ever After.

A Happily Ever After.


God, it had never been this hard.
It ended almost a year ago and she couldn't even believe the fact she was still missing him, until this night. The scenes of them breaking up were like a video being replayed, and it somehow hurt her like hell.
And even though it hurt, she still needed him. In the rest of her life, she did.
It was actually a bit shame for her to save his messages in her private folder, then she would look at them again when she felt like she needed it. She would smile for the same words, the same jokes. The memory of them fooling around at Monday's summer midnight kept spinning in her mind. The best girlfriends of hers always told her to stop reading those-said stupid messages, but she wouldn't. She might have been falling in love too deep, too far, and she wouldn't stop because she knew he would comeback. Soon.
It was quite stupid how he always knew he missed her, but he had no courage to call her first. They broke up ages ago so he should have forgotten her, but he didn't. It was very hard--he still kept the voice message she had always sent every time he got sick (he used to be this person who easily got sick). The light, annoying yet cute voice of her was still in his mind, and somehow, he couldn't never get enough of hearing it. Love is blind, and so he was then. He said he had found a new love to his work friends, but actually he didn't. He couldn't move on, he was still stuck because he knew someday everything would gonna be as same as what it used to be. Soon.
That Jung girl was calmly writing the names of the invitation list when she suddenly eyed the name she was familiar of. She sighed and for some reasons she chuckled then continued to write the name down again. It was him.
That Lee boy charismatically went into the ball room, holding a girl's hand. Some were surprised that he would come, and some were welcoming him and his girlfriend with champagnes served there. He took some chit chat when he finally eyed the bride and smiled. It was her.

Taemin stepped forward and greeted Krystal with a hopeful messages followed it while Krystal replied with a happy nod and they laughed like nothing happened. Both stared at each other almost deeply, chuckled at the memories long time ago.
"You look pretty," Taemin said. Krystal laughed--he never called her "pretty".
"You look hot in suit," she replied.
"I know," Taemin smirked. The bride punched him on his arms and laughed.
"You know," she said, "You didn't change at all."
"Feelings. They've changed."
There was a disappointed stare of Krystal but she was too smart to hide it.
"I know," Krystal smiled, "Me too."
"I've seen that through today," Taemin glanced at the bridegroom. "Have a happily ever after, Soojung."
Krystal looked at him and smiled, he still called him Soojung, though. She always loved being called with that name, and it was an honor that Taemin still remembered it. 
"I have to greet other friends too. Thanks for coming, anyway."
"You're welcome," Taemin simply replied. The bride then went to other high school mates, leaving him smiling to himself.
"Why are you smiling at yourself?"
Taemin looked at Sulli who brought him back to reality.
"Uh--no, it's nothing," Taemin patted Sulli's head, "Are you not hungry?"
"Not really, but I want some ice cream later. Can we?" Sulli asked. Taemin replied with a nod and smiled at her--she looked so pretty today.
Even prettier than Krystal.
"Let's make a happily ever after too." 


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