I'm Sorry, I Love You

I'm Sorry, I Love You (Sequel to Into The Cold Winter)

It's already been three years ever since they went apart. She lived a hard life without him, stopping her studies after getting thrown and disinherited by her own parents, she lived on her own. She worked hard, despite herself pregnant she knew is for the future of her child. She want to prove to him that she can live without him in her life.

After going through hard labour, 12 hours of unstoppable painful experience she gave birth to her son who was born on the bathroom floor in her own home. She was happy as she knew he was a miracle in her life.

She was happy and knew what to name him. ZiYu but she knew she had to give that person's surname to her son. It was a hard decision at the registration putting the surname; Zhang ZiYu.

Throughout the three years, despite the fact that she was working, she brought ZiYu to work, eventhough the boss doesn't allow it at first but after hearing her story and knew she was alone they gave her the job and from then on she worked hard taking care of him.

With blood and sweat, she worked hard for the both of them, and ZiYu grew up to be a handsome, kind hearted and smart little boy. Not asking too much from his mother he was happy but he knew his mother isn't. One day, she cooked dinner and he asked her a very difficult question that made him wondering about her

"Eomma, who is my appa?" he ask innocently. It's a simple question yet it was diffculty smile at him awkwardly and said "He's not in our lives anymore. Don't ask anymore okay ZiYu-ah" was her answer and she would change the subject.

 He heard her cry in her sleep. It happened for awhile now ever since he ask that question. Eventhough he was only three curiousity got the best of him and knew he shouldn't ask that question that made her sad. ZiYu knew he had to find his father, telling him about her crying.

One day, out of curiousity, ZiYu was alone after his mother rushed out to do some errands. He decided to stay in her mother's room with a plan, to know how does his father look like.

He snooped in after she left a few minutes later and sneaked into her bedroom. He looked everywhere; under the table, in the wardobe, in the closet, in the drawers yet he couldn't find anything until he spotted a yellow box under her bed.

He crawled under and grabbed it. He couldn't reach it at first but after many attempts he finally get it. He sprawled on the rug as the box was standing in front of him in between him. He opened it and saw letters.

He saw a stuffed unicorn and also a teddy bear that says "I LOVE YOU" on it. He became more curious. He then spotted a photo album. He flipped it opened and looked through it one by one.

He heard the door opened and pushed the things except the album that he hid under his t-shirt, under the bed and ran into his room, jumped under the cover and hid the album in there as he heard his bedroom door opened. His mother peeped in and saw him. She closed the door and heard her footsteps towards her bedroom, opening and closing the door.

Under the duvet, he flipped through the pages of the album and looked through the picturs. He saw her with a handsome dimple man. ZiYu looked at himself in the mirror that was in front of his bed and saw the dimple on his right. He carefully look at his own features and compare them to the man.

Then he saw something at the back of the album. A card, a business card. "SM Entertainment?" he said, curious to know what it was. One way or another he have to find out. "For eomma's happiness! I must find him!" he promised himself. His thoughts were interrupted when his mother called him for dinner.

He hid the album under his bed and rushed out of the room, sitting at the chair beside her smiling widely. He knew he had to find the man she  love, the man he should be calling "Appa" as he promised to make her mother happy once and for all

Meanwhile somewhere in Chine, EXO-M was at a press conference after yet another SM Town Showcase being held. Zhang Yixing or also known as Lay was tired he kept his smile to the camera. He knew the conference will end soon so he kept himself busy as he watched Kris answer the questions.

After the long press conference, they were all finally sent to their hotel as they went to their respective rooms. Luhan and Lay stayed in the same room together. Lay laid on his bed, tired overcoming him placing a hand over his eyes. He let out a tired sigh and closed his eyes. He didn't realize Luhan was staring at him closely knowing something was wrong.

"Yixing, what's wrong?" Luhan ask and Lay moved his head staring at him. "I'm fine....tired that's all I guess" was Lay's only answer. Luhan stared deeply into his eyes not conviced "I know you well Yixing. Tell me what's on your mind" Luhan said

Luhan saw Lay sighed continuously "It's her isn't it?" Luhan said and Lay sighed again. Luhan knew it. He found out Lay broke up with his girlfriend, she was quite bitter leaving him after that but Luhan knew the reason why.

"Look, I know you regret losing her just don't let it effect work. Find your happiness and I know you will be fine till then" Luhan said "Hey I'm taking a bath first" and walked to the bathroom. He turned back and saw a depressed looking Lay on his bed, looking up to the sky. He hoped Lay will be fine.

Lay stood up and went to out of the balcony where he saw many fans were waving banners. He saw Tao and Kris smiling at the fans and decided to join in and waved as he smiled at the fans as well. He knew it was all fake as in his mind was only of her. The girl he loved still remained in his heart and mind, always.

That night he saw a young child that looked a lot like him, only that boy was calling him "Appa!! APPA!" shouting out. He woke up with cold sweat and not sure what it mean went back to sleep, so the dream continues.

He saw the little boy running to him but never reaching him "APPA! WAIT!!!" the little boy call out. Then he saw a dark figure pull the little boy in a darkness "NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled out before waking up again to find Luhan staring at him "Yixing, are you okay? You were screaming!"

Lay was sweating bullets "What was that dream...it was so weird" he said. Luhan just look at him confusely "What?" Lay just shook his head "Is nothing. I'll go get dressed" he ran to the bathroom and went to take a shower. In his mind was all on the dream he had "Who was that little boy? And why did he call me appa?" There was no answer as it stayed fresh in his mind forever.

The days went by as EXO-M went back to Korea and were brought to rejoice with EXO-K at their shared dorm. Luhan and Lay stayed together in the same room as usual and Luhan knew something was wrong. "Yixing, what's wrong?" he ask as Lay came out of the bathroom. Lay just shook his head and said "Nothing's wrong Luhan.Let me sleep" he laid in bed after the exhausting journey back from China.

That night Lay had the same dream again. It was repeated the whole week and it confuses him even more. One day, it was his day off and he decided to get away from the other members and fans so he walked out towards the park where once came before three years before and sat on the same bench, remembering the day he decided to break off their relationship.

The words she said before leaving still lingers in his mind as he watch as children play with their parents at the park. True, he felt jealous but he shook his head "Why am I jealous?!" he said aloud. Then he saw a little boy that looked so familiar he doesn't know where he had seen that little boy.

The little boy was all alone, playing by himself at the playground. "EOMMA!" he yelled out and then Lay saw her. Surprised to see her smiling and hugging the little boy.

"EOMMA?" Lay thought as he watched the mother and his child playing. "She had my child?!" he thought as he saw her carrying the little boy "YAH! Zhang ZuYi! Come back here!" she said, pretending to sound mad as the little boy squealed in laughter as he was being chased by his mother. 

Lay watch as the two play and soon saw the little boy grew tired. "ZiYu-ah, are you tired. Come on, let's go home. You can take a nap okay" Lay man up and went towards her. 

"Kang Ha Mi" he said as he stopped her track and turned back face-to-face with him. Her eyes widen "What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in China?!" she said

"I just came back just needed some fresh air when I saw you and him" pointed to the sleeping boy "Is he mine?" Lay ask  and there was a long silence before she answer "No....now excuse me Yixing-sshi. We have to go! Goodbye!" she turned around and walked quickly home. 

Eventhough she sounded angry her heart wouldn't stop pounding "Why am I feeling this after three years?!" she thought as she laid ZiYu to bed. "I thought I got over him" a single tear fell and dropped onto her son's cheek. The little boy woke up and saw his mother's eyes were red.

"Eomma....gwenchanaseyo?" he sat up and wiped the tears from her eyes "Eomma...." he hugged her and just that made her smile. She knew she was lucky to have a son like ZiYu. 

"Miane...eomma just saw someone that it hurts me..miane for crying in front of you ZiYu-ah" she said as she hugged him. "Miane" she repeatedly say. 

For the next few days, Ha Mi's been feeling weird a lot like she had sudden feeling she's being watched. She often felt paranoid but push it back as she continued working. 

One day, while she was at work ZIYu was at home watching TV when there was a knock on the door. ZiYu opened he door after many attempts and surprised to see him "Ahjusshi" he said as Lay gave the little boy a dimpled smile "Hi, is your mom home?" 

"Ani...she went to work a while ago" he said his eyes would't stop staring at the person in front of him. "Who are you ahjusshi?"the little boy ask him. Lay came in and smiled sitting on the soft couch. 

"Me and your eomma are close friends" Lay said, knowing it was a lie. He had a feeling this little boy is easy to capture what he said and knew he's smart enough to know what it meant

"Are you my appa?" he asked and Lay was confused. Witty. Lay thought as he looked at ZiYu. "What if I am?" Lay answered. 

"You made my eomma cried" ZiYu said and Lay's eyes soften. He knew why she cried "And how did you figure out about me?" Lay ask and ZiYu ran to his bedroom, dig up the album from underneath his bed and ran back to the living room. He placed the album on Lay's lap and Lay opened it to find many pictures of him and Ha Mi throughout the times they've been together

"That is how I find about you..." ZiYu said as the little boy sat a bit closer. Lay then had an idea popped up in hid head " Hey, want to go out for ice-cream?" 

ZiYu's face that was sour turned bright after mentioning ice-cream. Lay knew the little boy whom he just met will need a lot of time to get used to. 

They headed towards the nearest ice-cream parlor and they both chose same ice-cream. From the outside it seem like a father-son bonding but in reality Lay was still getting used to the fact that the kid in front of him is his son. 

"So, when is your birthday?" Lay ask, wanting to know about the little boy. ZiYu his ice-cream from the spoon, leaving a small spot after some ice-cream dripped from the spoon. 

"December 12" ZiYu answered honestly and Lay reminded himself the date clearly in his brain. "What aout you" ZiYu asks and Lay answered "October 7" 

"Hey, ZiYu-ah want to go meet your eomma at work?" Lay ask and the little boy look at him and pulled his arm towards a small cafe where he see her, Ha Mi was waitressing. 

They came in the cafe and a young girl greeted them "Welcome to Cafe D'Amor" she said with abright smile "Table for two?" she ask and Lay nodded as the girl brought them to a table just near the counter. 

Lay's eyes weren't leaving Ha Mi as she was busy balancing a tray carefully towards a table. A waitress came and Lay said "Can I have her" pointed to Ha MI and the girl nodded. 

She walked towards Ha Mi and she turned her head towards the table, surprised to see them. She acted cool and walked towards the table. 

"ZiYu-ah! What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay home?" Ha Mi said, sounded annoyed. ZiYu was feeling guilty kept quiet "miane eomma....a-appa was the one who brought me to buy me ice-cream" 

"Appa?" Ha Mi scoffed "He's not your arraso! Now let's get you home" she said pulling ZIYu's arm "Wait for eomma while I change since my shift is already over anyways" 

Lay was left alone and decided to go out. He waited for awhile before Ha Mi appeared out the door of the cafe together with ZiYu. 

"Kang Ha MI' Lay said and she turned her head towards him "What?" her voice sounded more annoyed. "What? You brought my son out of the house. Are you crazy?! What is he gets hurt?! " 

Lay just kept quiet and saw there were many eyes were on them. "Let's talk somewhere less crowded" he said pulling her arm towards the park. ZiYu followed behind seeing his eomma being dragged by his appa and were wondering what was actually happening. 

Once arrive, ZiYu was confused "Eomma..." Ha MI look at the him and said "You go and play at the playground ok Chris, eomma will be here" 

"Nae eomma!" he ran to the playground to join other children to play. Meanwhile the two adults sat on the bench as far apart as ever just like three years ago. There was a long silence before Lay said 

"It's been three years wasn't it Ha Mi-ah...since we last met" he started the conversation. She glared at him and said not saying anything. 

"It's been three years since we met last, you never changed at all. I knew I gave you heartbreak, but I'm sorry! It's the best for the both of us. Please, don't say you hate me because I realize my mistake. All these years, I've been living with guilt knowing that you were alone. Please forgive me." He said sadly, truly hoping she will forgive him. 

There was a long pregnant silence before she said "I know it's been three years, and my heart is still not healed yet after you have hurt me. Never again will I forgiving a person like you. Goodbye forever! I wish we would never ever meet again, because I know you will do something to forgive you but I won't. This has been my decision for the past three years."

She stood up and was about to get ZiYu when she felt a warm arm holding her "Please...." he said, a tear started to fell from his eyes "I'm sorry" he continued "I...I'm truly sorry for being a jerk..." 

Her heart was pounding fast as she turned around to find him on his knees begging. She looked around and saw people were looking at them

"Yah! Zhang Yixing! Get up" she said, telling to stand but he was stubborn. "Not until you forgive me" he said and she sighed. She knew is hard to forgive him but he's like a child and always will be.

She knew deep in her heart she had forgiven him as she went down and sat down on the ground placing a hand in between his and said "Look, I know this been going on far too long for us, but like you said since it's for the best it should be. You are an idol and I'm just a waitress working part-time for me and my son. Our worlds collide and I don't want to ruin your career" 

He look up at her and she saw his eyes were red "I don't care. I just want you to forgive me" he answered back. He was mad at himself for being a jerk and hoped she will forgive him. 

"Yixing" she said softly "don't cry.." he looked at her and she rubbed his tears away and he was confused. "I'm sorry....I was such a jerk to you..."

He took out a ring, he bought a few hours before; a simple cut ring as he hold it in front of her "Please...." he said softly and she was surprised nodded 

Eventhough they were different from each other they were fated to be together. That day held a special day "I forgive you Zhang Yixing, and I love you."

"Kang Ha Mi...I'm sorry, I love you" he said as they shared a special hug that lasted forever as the two reconcile and decided to stay together after all knowing they were meant to be together after all. 

One year later:

Life was the best for the both of them as they were secretly married. Ha Mi decided is best Ha Mi moved to Hunan, his hometown to live. He will come as often as he can whenever EXO-M comes for their showcase. ZIYu were happy to be having a complete family as he and his mother are happy with his appa. Life was the best and it always will be as long as there is happiness. 

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TaquitosNOMNOM #1
Chapter 1: So cute!! >_<
Chapter 1: Aww so sweet!!!!
Chapter 1: Yayyyy happy ending <3<3 this is good!!
Chapter 1: yayy!! i loved this!
Chapter 1: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~~~ ^O*
damnitlrh #6
Chapter 1: Finally,they are together!T^T
damnitlrh #7
Hrap gila dpa together blik!buat bnyk chapter skit!bg romantic skit,hoho..mngada!
sounds cool... can't wait!