





He hated the term fate. What is the point in living a life, if everything were ‘fated’ from the beginning? It's like a programmed machine with built-in emotions; having your life already planned out thoroughly from the starting— all that is what it takes to make everyone's existence infinitesimal.

Then again even if he had the ability to control his life, to change something, he wouldn't know how or what.

He never did.


He could see colours; colours of people’s hearts. He could see the dusky shades of their hearts; the sable they had tried so hard to obscure, to make sure no one ever sees through their facade.

Albeit sparse, every now and then he could spot a few rare pretty shades of roseate shining with sanguine from the hearts of some people, surrounded by people with a dusky-coloured crux.


The chilly drugged oxygenated blood pressed through his heart chambers, every drip soaked with sheer dolor, dismal. His head felt lightweight, feather-like—and he liked it; liked feeling nothing, freed of the burden of anything at all and the intermittent ache in himself. Heck, he wouldn't even have cared if he had just fallen from the un-barricaded rooftop right then.

He liked it.

Liked how the way the corner of his lips would curve up to form a silly grin every time he injects in a little of that power-powder someone had introduced to him. It felt stupendous— how his heart would swell with joy and how he'd felt giddy with happiness that came from nowhere. All in all, isn't it still a whole lot better than the raw giddiness from the sole nothingness searing out of the core of his self?


He appreciated the tranquil, reticent company of himself, appreciated being alone.

So when some peculiar guy decided to pop out from nowhere and then taking up his usual seat on the rear of the roof, he felt like as if he was invaded of his own privacy, and he absolutely loathed it.

He lit up a cigarette, in from the small opening, before puffing it out to the direction where the cherry-colour-haired guy is— a desperate attempt to force the other out of his bubble of comfort. Yet his attempt was futile, the other's face remained composed, having completely no signs of wanting to shift to somewhere else any soon.

"get out of here," his voice was coarse and irritated, seemingly desiccated by the cigarette and angered by the unmoving guy.

"no," the red-haired guy smiled, his eyes twinkling with amusement, as he watched the angered boy's expression twisted into pure irate.

"my name is Chunji by the way, just thought you should know."


The lucent stars brightened up the dark, unlit sky.

He loved the night view.

He climbed up to the highest level, to be greeted with the same Chunji guy from the day before. He must have shown clear distaste toward the latter's presence, because the next thing the latter did was to irritate him further, shoving him different idiotic questions.

He should have told the latter to zip the hell up earlier, should have.


"hey, just realized I never knew your name. what's your name?"

"shut the up."

"chill, man. But that was y uh, gotta love yo attitude."

"how about a cigarette box stuffed up your mouth, would probably still be totally y."


He'd grown to realize Chunji was an over-confident person, sometimes a little over but never too much. Mainly because he was well-aware of his own looks, but damn, he would be lying if he'd said Chunji wasn't good-looking. Despite his nearly-arrogant exterior, he had a radiating resplendent ruddy heart, and it was... beauteous.

As time went by, he didn't felt as irked as the first few times. Instead, he found himself getting all bothered when Chunji hadn't turn up for a few days.

So much for getting used to someone's presence.





"your name?"

"oh no, it's totally your name."

"damn, nice name you've got, L.Joe."


The cool morning breeze caressed his cheek, as the faint lingering smell of the rain from last night calmed his mind.

"y'know Joe, I'm pretty good at physics."

"oh? I really couldn't continue living my life without knowing that, thank you so much." He turned to look at the other, before faking an exasperated look, sarcasm evident in his tone.

"hey, hey. Ask me why."

"why, I wonder, your majesty."

"So I can make sure gravity isn't to blame for me falling for ya, babeh," his tone was teasing and peppy, as he wondered how the other will react.

"shut up."

"Why are you always here on the rooftop? Don't you have other things to do? Like school, work, stuff?"

"Ain't you doing the same thing as me, though?"

"Hey, I do attend school and stuff alright, I only come here when I'm done with them. But not you, you're always here whenever I come up here."

"I don't like it at home."

"So, you like it with me?"

"Ugh, just shut up."



"Mhm?" He turned to look at the other, albeit annoyed being cut off from his state of trance.

Chunji just stared at him, gazing at him, looking at him like he's important, like the only one that mattered in this world is him. just him.

And all that was sufficient.

He didn't know how, or why, Chunji ended up hovering on top of him, pressing their bodies close, muttering a soft yet audible "I like you," before meeting the other's lips, and soon they were shoving their own tongues down each other's throats.

It was weird, he thought. Weird, but good enough, good enough for him to live with it.


Their kisses soon went from rough and needy, to slow-paced and gentle, soft kisses, to touches and s b with ardor; their bodies moving until they gave in to exhaustion.


He was hooked; hooked onto the other. He'd say it is an execrable yet gratifying addiction.

In between writhing under the older, he could see the older's heart pumping out different sorts of pastel colors—it was almost like a rainbow shoved into a colour palette filled with the most sublime and dazzling colours.

He looked down to his chest, his crux now pumping a pale pink, different shades of aqua blue flowing through his ventricles, and shades of cerise through his atria.

And if he were to choose between his previous addiction and this, he'd rather see the rainbow. Every day.





Yooooooooooooooo guise heheh it'd been so long! The first part of this oneshot was written way long ago in around October, but I really couldn't think of any ending to fit it into the story and so I just left it there for a few months ;;; So the ending is a little mehhh lmao I am really not good at those //intimate// descriptions!!! And if you noticed I always write Chunji with red hair haha tbh never a fan of red hair but he totally changed that for me alright hehhhhhhhhh and SHINee World II in 2 days! Can't wait ;__;;;


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jongzii #1
Chapter 1: perfect. as always...i really do love the way you write, it's so different and...refreshing, i presume would be the best way to put it? c; wonderful job on another beautiful story~
hibaharu1886 #2
Chapter 1: I like it, it's a bit confuse but very enjoyable :D