
Finding You

- Six -



By the time she reached the small pastry café situated at the corner of the street where they had agreed to meet, it was too late to change her mind. Chorong stood in front of the glass door, hand hesitating on the handle and silently counted to three.


But two barely left her mind when she firmly pushed open the door and stepped inside. She knew if she were to deliberate for even a second longer, she might chicken out for good.


Slowly, she inhaled deeply and scanned the almost empty shop thoroughly. Finally, she found the person she was looking for (weird how she could easily recognise him from the back of his head) sitting at the very last corner table by himself.


She waved at the girl who was working behind the counter today and with a thumping heart, made her way towards where the person was waiting for her. In her mind, Chorong tried to replay the words she had wanted to say to him, but as soon as she reached the table and he lifted his eyes to meet hers – she completely forgot what she was supposed to do.


“Chorong,” Luhan beamed at her and stood up. He leaned in slightly and planted a quick peck on her cheek before she could even notice. “I’m glad you called.”


He took her by the hand and led her to the empty chair opposite of him. After making sure she was comfortably settled in, he pushed her chair in carefully and went back to his place.


Chorong remained silent as he called over a waiter to take their order. “What would you like?” he asked, smiling.


“Just black coffee, please. Thanks,” she replied quietly.


She saw him frowning slightly as he ordered a hot latte for himself and a plate of cheesecake. Chorong felt her stomach growling, but she didn’t think she could take in any food at the moment.


“You used to dislike coffee,” Luhan spoke up after the waiter was gone. “You said it taste so bitter and you could never fathom what is so likeable about the drink.”


“Really?” she chuckled nervously. “I don’t know…it’s like my favourite drink now. I can’t go a day without it at times.”


Luhan kept staring at her intently, that it made her blushed furiously. She wanted to ask what was so fascinating (or perplexing for that matter) but alas she blurted out, “Why did you come back?”


The smile on his lovely face faltered. “Chorong…”


“I’m sorry,” she quickly apologised. “I- I think I should just go now. This was a mistake – “


But his hand was quick to stop her from standing up. He was looking at her with much desperation and aching sadness that it made her feel absolutely bad. “Chorong…please,” he pleaded. “Just…let me explain first.”


She sat down again.


And this time, she actually plans on listening.




“…we had to move away last time, because we were facing some family crisis back then.” Chorong watched as he opened a packet of sugar and dumped the contents inside of her coffee, before stirring it for her. “Things…that couldn’t be avoided. I didn’t want to go because I didn’t want to leave you – “ At this, she tore her gaze away and looked down at the cup in front of her. “I wanted to take you with me, but we were still so young and I was afraid of promising you a future I wasn’t sure of myself.”


When she didn’t say anything else, he continued in a wistful voice. “Every second I spent in China, I never stopped thinking of you. I just couldn’t wait for things to get better so that I could come back here and amend our relationship. Chorong,” gently, he took her hand in his and wrapped his long fingers around it. “I know I have a lot to make up to you and I understand if you find it hard to forgive me, but I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to win you back. Whatever you ask of me, I will do it.”


“Luhan…” she paused and looked directly into his eyes, trying to ignore her racing heart from the burning contact of their hands. “Were we really in love?”


It took him a moment, probably surprised she was even asking. He could’ve forgotten, he wasn’t the one who had lost his memories – while hers, were still shady.


“Very much,” he says softly. “You and I – we were very much in love.”





“I’m really sorry, Rong. I know we shouldn’t have kept it from you but we were hoping it wouldn’t come to this – “


“That he wouldn’t come looking for me?” she questioned her best friend, who was biting her lip guiltily. “Both of you,” Chorong turned to Hoya. “You didn’t think this crucial piece of information was important enough for me to know?”


“Look, we’re really sorry. But like Bomi said, we just wanted to spare you from unnecessary pain. We thought he would’ve given up eventually. We didn’t think he’d be that – “


“Persistent?” Chorong cut in. “Tell me about it. I just…I really don’t know what to do now. Or what to believe in. Everything’s so messed up right now.”


Bomi pulled her in for a hug. “What did he say?” she asked when the two girls pull apart.


“He explained about his disappearance, and how he never meant to just leave without a word.” Chorong heard Hoya snorting from behind her, to which she chose to ignore. “And…he also asked me to go back to China with him.”


“He what?!” the pair of them exclaimed in unison.


“Luhan said it could be a fresh start for us,” Chorong shrugged. “He told me there are a lot of places he wants to bring me to, a lot of things he wants to do with me. Basically, he wants to redeem himself.”


“Chorong, you can’t go. It could be dangerous,” Hoya warned.


“I think he sounds sincere enough,” Bomi disagreed, eyeing her boyfriend knowingly. “Look, we know him. Luhan’s pretty decent, Hoya. You guys even used to play soccer together.”


“Yeah, but that was how many years back, Bbom? So many has happened since then. And it’s one thing if they’re in Seoul – at least we can keep a lookout for her. But if she’s million seas across, we will never know.”


“Please don’t exaggerate.”


“Are you seriously okay about sending our best friend far away where we can’t see her, with someone whose intentions are still unclear? Bomi, come on.”


“Okay no,” Bomi turned her attention back to Chorong, who seemed exceptionally exhausted and drained out. “What about you? What does your heart say?”


“I trust him,” she replied without a moment of hesitation, which kind of surprised her too. “It’s weird I know, and I can’t explain it – but my heart says I can trust him.”


“Rong…” Hoya started.


“Shh,” Bomi held up her hand. “Are you going to follow him then?”


“I still need answers,” Chorong admitted, looking back and forth at her two best friends. “And right now, Luhan’s the only one who can give me that. I have these empty holes I need to fill and I think if I go back with him, I could actually find parts of myself again.”


“Are you sure?” Hoya asked worriedly.


She lets out a long sigh. “No. But I need to start on something and this is all I have right now.”



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TheLittleOne1994 #1
Chapter 7: first time reading how chorong trying to get suho to open up, hope you update author-nim and please SuRong?
85 streak #2
Chapter 7: SuRong pleaseeeee they were really meant for each other :( past is past
85 streak #3
Chapter 2: SuRong please author san :3 it makes my heart ache
eirahs #4
Chapter 7: Eirahs, please update! !! I love it
Chapter 7: Oh god. I really liked it so far. Let her return to Joonmyun please. Update soon!
Chapter 7: Surong please. ;;
My heart is aching for Joonmyun OTL
gheim0413 #7
i hope it's gonna be ChoHan in the end.. pleasee~ ;_;
yaniane #8
Chapter 7: Y.Y I can't decide yet...~
finabaek #9
Chapter 7: I'm going to cry authornim /sob/
i like lurong/chohan but in this story i really hope that surong can be together. Please make surong in the end...
At least please update soon^^
alyson1229 #10
Chapter 7: update sooon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! cant wait for the next update!!! hope he didnt get this chance to escape!! ><