>If I asked you to be my boyfriend, would you have said yes?


a/n: I know I left you guys hanging with that little chapter so here I am with a full length (10 pages in MS word, oh my) part 2 of the JeongYoung story!
There’ll be lots of HyunKwang as well but I promise a sweet ending for this couple so here I go…

Btw, I only realized that this story received 7 subscribers.. thanks~~ ^^




“It feels like I don’t know him anymore, he feels distant.”


Kwangmin muttered as he snuggled close to his boyfriend on their sofa. It was already fall and in a couple of days, they are expecting winter to blow his cold winds on Seoul.


“Don’t worry too much, he’ll open up once he is ready, give him a bit more time to  consider what he feels right now.”


Hyunseong comforted his boyfriend with a smile. He was worrying too, for Jeongmin since the younger lad had completely shunned himself away from the two lovebirds ever since Youngmin expressed his distaste for him.


Hyunseong had talked to him and Jeongmin said to give him some time to figure out what he was going through, he wanted to be sure of himself before he could tell his best friend what he was dealing with. True enough Jeongmin had been pondering about things and had been thinking of how to handle their situation; he can’t avoid Hyunseong and Kwangmin forever, but at least he can steer away from Youngmin’s sight whenever possible.


“Want to go shopping with me? It’ll be winter soon and some fashionable coats are on winter sale!”


Hyunseong coaxed the younger and Jeongmin gave him a smile.

“Sure, I can handle shopping... I needed some fresh air anyway.”


Jeongmin muttered as he grabbed his jacket and wallet. Hyunseong was pretty happy with the development with Jeongmin; at least they have one less problem to solve.

“So I believe Kwangmin would be joining you?”


Jeongmin asked as they stepped inside the department store.

“Nope, he’ll join his brother shopping for coats as well.”


Hyunseong muttered making Jeongmin a bit uncomfortable having thoughts of bumping into the twins and making Youngmin throw another tantrum. Seeing his friend, Hyunseong patted him on his shoulders and smiled.

“Don’t worry, we figured you’ll be both uncomfortable seeing each other so we decided to go to different malls, He’ll be shopping a few blocks from here so you two won’t have to meet.”


Hyunseong offered a smile and Jeongmin smiled back, at least the couple was not aggravating the existing wound inflicted on them.

There they were, window shopping for good deals and Jeongmin’s eyes were filled with bright light as he loved seeing beautiful and fashionable clothes. Seeing his friend this happy, Hyunseong was happy as well. It had always pained him to see Jeongmin gloomy as he knew how the young lad had carried the burden of rejection back in elementary days when he tried to confess to his first love, so he took the responsibility to cheer him up always.


“Why are you smiling widely hyung?”

Jeongmin asked as he glanced over his hyung who was smiling from ear to ear.


“I just missed this bright and bubbly Jeongmin!”

Hyunseong said and hugged the younger. They both laughed as they stepped out of the department store with bags on hand and they walked towards a nearby café. They took a seat while Hyunseong took a call.


“Oh hello my dearie, how’s your day love?”

By the sheepish smile on Hyunseong’s face and the love-dovey tone of his voice, Jeongmin figured that he was talking to Kwangmin. He let his eyes wonder around, trying to spot anything interesting, aside from the high end fashionable clothes on display. He spotted a few girls and thought that they were all pretty but when they came nearer, he was displeased to see a centimeter thick makeup piled on their faces. He disliked girls trying to hide their beauty behind makeup; he is not against makeup in general but he believed that makeup should enhance and not cover one’s face, thus less is much more. His chain of thoughts was disrupted when Hyunseong addressed him.


“Kwangmin will join us for snack if you don’t mind.”

Jeongmin nervously bit his lower lip and looked at the hyung with unsteady eyes.


“Don’t worry, Youngmin won’t be coming, Kwanggie said that his brother opted to go shopping alone for a couple of hours, just to think about certain things and being left alone he decided to go and spend it with us. He’ll meet Youngmin before 4pm later.”


Hyunseong answered the questions popping out of Jeongmin’s head and the younger relaxed. A couple of minutes passed by, and 3 smoothies and 3 cake slices served later, Kwangmin joined them with a big smile.


“Sorry to keep you waiting, I followed hyung for a couple more minutes just to make sure he’s ok by himself.”


Kwangmin muttered as he took a seat and gave his boyfriend a quick but loving kiss.


“No need to worry dear, your safety is top priority.”


Hyunseong replied and gestured for them to dig in.


“So how are you Jeongmin hyung? Had a great shopping today?”

Kwangmin asked and Jeongmin nodded, while he pointed at the couple of bags he had with him.


“Wow, I’m glad you two had fun!”

Kwangmin exclaimed like an excited Pikachu… no make that piKWANGchu as Hyunseong had fondly called the younger.


“Yeah we did.. So how about you?”

Jeongmin asked and Kwangmin’s eyes lit up and he smiled.


“We did well I guess. He’s not into shopping but we did pick out a couple of outfits for winter. And yes they are similar since we have similar tastes and everything.”


Then Kwangmin took out a Pikachu overalls and showed it to the two.


“I did get this super cute Pikachu overalls but Youngmin didn’t like it… He opted for a Winnine the Pooh overalls”

Both Hyunseong and Jeongmin chuckled at the adorable Kwangmin, both imagining the twins dressed as Pikachu and Winnie the Pooh.


“Ok.. Stop laughing.. I feel embarrassed”

Kwangmin muttered and earned a kiss from Hyunseong.


“You’re adorable love! I would really love to see my PIKWANGCHU!”

Kwangmin smiled widely and Jeongmin can’t help but think how lucky they both are to have each other, and yes he also felt remorse for himself, being rejected twice by people he liked.


“I think I’d better go... Your sweetness is killing me!”

Jeongmin muttered and the two looked at him a bit guilty.


“Don’t worry, I think I’ll just go and get myself a couple more stuff from Myeongdong.”

Jeongmin then waved goodbye and left the two. Just then Kwangmin gasped as he recalled that Youngmin was also in Myeongdong.


“What if they meet accidentally? Are they ready to face each other?”

Kwangmin said and Hyunseong gave him a nod.


“They can’t avoid each other forever can they? Jeongmin’s pretty mature for his age so he can handle their meeting; I’m just worried about Youngmin, what if he throws a tantrum?”


Kwangmin bit his lower lip nervously but decided to let fate do their magic on these two, Hyunseong is right, they can’t avoid each other forever.


Jeongmin happily strolled the streets of Myeongdong, delighted with all the noise from busy shoppers. The clothes and accessories displayed on stores were eye candy for him. A particular store caught his attention and he decided to enter the place.


His eyes lightened at the fashionable but affordable clothes on display. He went through the racks to find sweaters, shirts and winter coats. He then spotted a rack of black trench coats that seemed to fancy him. He approached the rack and took one of the coats on the rack but was surprised as another hand took the same coat. Jeongmin looked at the person who was taking the coat, ready for a confrontation. But his face dropped into sadness as he saw who the person was, the person he was avoiding. So he gave him a bow and took his leave.


Youngmin wore a straight face, seeing Jeongmin taking the same coat he had fancied. He was surprised to see the lad shopping in that place, knowing that he was with Hyunseong, but later realized that Jeongmin must have left when Kwangmin hogged his boyfriend. He watched Jeongmin’s retreating back, and followed him with his eyes until he disappeared from view. He then sighed heavily and took the coat and paid for it.


Jeongmin fought the tears that were urging to spill from his beautiful eyes. He didn’t know why but seeing Youngmin was painful to an extent that he was speechless. He was preparing himself for this meeting and how he would react but seeing Youngmin with that straight face made his heart ache so much, he couldn’t bare look at him, moreover talk to him.


He walked past the busy streets of Myeongdong and found himself a quiet spot just outside the shopping district. He sat on a lone bench and started to well up, thinking how pitiful his state was and how can he be so unwanted, being rejected twice already. The very reason why he was afraid to love was that first rejection that came straight to his face and made him realize that he was really unwanted. Despite the many fangirls and boys that surrounded him, deep inside he couldn’t master himself to open up and love one as the pain haunted him.


When Hyunseong handed him a photo of the twins a few months back, Jeongmin was really attracted to the blonde one, with bright eyes and gentle smile. His face was beautiful and highlighted by those bright eyes. Hyunseong was happy to see his friend react at the picture, believing that Jeongmin had somehow overcome his fear, or at least taking baby steps towards it.

“Choose and I’ll get the other”


Hyunseong said, letting the younger pick but hoping he won’t pick the brunette. He sighed in relief as Jeongmin pointed at the blonde twin.

“Great! I get Kwangmin, you get Youngmin!”


Jeongmin smiled at that, but thought how familiar Youngmin’s face was.

From the day Hyunseong started his ‘observing’, he would tag along just to accompany his friend but he’ll be in a safe distance, observing on his own. Seeing how Hyunseong had succeeded with Kwangmin, Jeongmin hoped that he too can be at least friends with the older twin but that seemed like a dream that is far from reality. From their first meeting, the blonde was cold and unwelcoming, being the sensitive guy that he is, Jeongmin felt rejection even without being told.


“dearie, how can a sad face welcome me?”

Jeongmin darted his face towards the voice to see a familiar face.


“Chie Noona!”

Jeongmin hugged the girl as she sat beside him. The girl hugged back, seeing how pitiful his dear saeng was. Little did they know, Youngmin followed Jeongmin but stopped when he saw him hug the girl, and Youngmin’s heart ached as a flashback occurred to him. He knew the familiar scene too well, and he hated it. He walked back to the crowd, lost and distracted until he reached the bus station. He found himself inside his room and let it all out; the pain of losing his first love all over again.



“Youngmin hyung?”


Kwangmin entered the room and found his brother sprawled on the bed, crying while clutching his heart.



Kwangmin quickly took the brother in his arms.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”


Kwangmin urged the older to speak.

“I’m such a fool.. Stupid idiot.. Believing my first love can love me back.. I’m such a fool Kwangmin”


Youngmin muttered with difficulty and Kwangmin hearing these words lulled the brother to sleep.

When Youngmin woke up, he saw his brother beside him, holding his hand.



Kwangmin stirred from his slumber and slowly opened his eyes.


“hyung, you’re awake. Want some hot cocoa and a friend to talk to?”

Kwangmin suggested and Youngmin smiled as he nodded.


The twins found themselves seated by the kitchen table, face to face and holding a warm cup of cocoa. They were both staring back at each other, Kwangmin waiting for his brother to start talking, he’ll be the one listening.

“Kwang, do you remember my first love?”


Yougnmin started and Kwangmin smiled at his brother.

“How can I forget? You talk about him for years.”

Youngmin nodded and took a sip of his cocoa.


“Do you know his name?”

Youngmin asked and sadly Kwangmin shook his head.


“You never told me his name, and I figured you didn’t get his name at all.”

Kwangmin honestly replied and Youngmin smiled bitterly.


“It’s because I didn’t tell you his name but I know him very well, you can call me a stalker if you want.”

Youngmin muttered and Kwangmin’s jaws drop and mouthed ‘you know him?’ Youngmin nodded and took a deep breath.



Youngmin said which made Kwangmin choke on his cocoa.


“Jeongmin?! As in Jeongmin hyung?”

Kwangmin asked, clearly surprised with the revelation.


“He doesn’t recognize me at all and it hurts to see him yesterday with the girl I saw him with the day after he confessed. It’s just as painful as it was before. I am really stupid to expect something from someone who doesn’t remember me.”

Youngmin said, leaving a half finished cup on the table and left.


“Maybe he never thought that the girl he confessed to be actually a boy, that’s why he couldn’t recognize you! He must have remembered little Cinderella Youngmin and not the boy Youngmin!”

Kwangmin tried to lighten up the atmosphere and hey, that helped a little bit.  Determined to help the brother, he asked for Hyunseong’s help, the older

agreeing at once after hearing the melancholic story.




“Yougnmin hyung! There’s a fireworks display later by the park, please come with me!”


Kwangmin pleaded but Youngmin wasn’t interested.

“Go with Hyunseong hyung, it’ll be romantic for the two of you!”


Youngmin muttered and made Kwangmin frown.

“No! You are going with your brother we will have a splendid time tonight. Don’t let that past get you… and besides Jeongmin hyung thought you were a girl so if you reveal to him that you are that Cinderella he had proposed to maybe he can recognize you and fall for you again!”


Kwangmin quickly muttered as he pulled random clothes from the dresser and threw it to his twin.

“I will not confess and no thanks, I’d rather stay home.”


Youngmin replied but got a death glare from his brother.



Youngmin had never liked this assertive side of Kwangmin but mix it with his evil maknae side and it’s a recipe for a thriller psychotic movie character. Youngmin nodded which made Kwangmin smile like an innocent child, what a personality change, Youngmin thought.


“Ok, be down in 15 minutes”


Kwangmin demanded and Youngmin sighed heavily, looking at the clothes Kwangmin had pulled out and putting them back on the cabinet. He then took out a few neutral toned clothes and the coat he had bought previously, the one which Jeongmin seemed to like as well and wore it. He looked a lot like a manly prince out for a date but it seemed that the prince lost one very important part of him, his heart.


Youngmin went to meet his brother and Kwangmin was delighted to see his brother all prim and proper, and looking very handsome.


“Great! You look absolutely fantastic! Now I would like to remind you... Whatever happens, the truth shall set you free!”

Kwangmin winked at him and led him out of the house. They walked past their village and out into a familiar looking playground.


“Remember hyung, the truth shall set you free.”

Kwangmin reminded him before skipping towards the other end of the street, leaving Youngmin clueless, he wanted to turn back but looking from afar, he saw a familiar face seated by the swing. This was too reminiscent of those days and he felt his heart pounding ridiculously fast. The truth shall set you free. Youngmin gulped and balled his hand into a fist, before walking towards the familiar swing.


Jeongmin sat there by the swing, gazing out into the frozen white scenery and recalling the very reason why he had turned down all chances of love to ever come to him; the pretty Dasom, the innocent Luna, the cute IU, the carefree Suzy… all of them didn’t measure up to his Cinderella. Jeongmin heard someone sat at the other end of the 3 seater swing but didn’t turn to look at the person.

“It was painful recalling the past.”


Jeongmin heard the man spoke and wondered if he was pertaining to him or was talking to his phone. He shrugged the thoughts and just focused his

attention back to the pitch black sky with a lone North Star.


“Back in Elementary days I played Cinderella for a school play and after that, I played in this very playground with my makeup and wig. Then a boy approached me and asked if I could be his girlfriend, I told him that I already have a boyfriend.”


Jeongmin felt that the story was quite familiar so he glanced towards the man and he was surprised to see Youngmin, face serene although he could see little crystals form on the side of his eyes.

“I have to admit that I liked the boy at first sight but couldn’t say yes because I am not a girl to begin with. I saw him walk away with gloomy eyes and I felt so guilty. The next day I wanted to confess to him so I came to this park and waited for him on this very swing. He did came but he was with this girl he called Chie. They sat on the very same swing and I couldn’t believe that he didn’t even recognize me and that he kept telling his Chie noona that Cinderella was his first love, I was heartbroken. I thought I could get over him but it turned out that I can’t and just when I thought I was moving on, he came with my brother’s boyfriend and smiled at me like we never met. It broke my poor heart again, realizing that I was the only one who held on to that spider’s web called hope. I was cold, I know, but that was my defense mechanism, it’s better to hurt myself intentionally than hurt myself with false hope. When I thought I could tell him everything, I saw him with his Chie noona again, and made my heart completely shattered into millions of pieces.”


Youngmin ended his monologue with a sigh and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he saw a pair of shoes on the ground before him. He then looked up to see Jeongmin standing in front of him, eyes still and face unreadable.

“Back then, if I asked you to be my boyfriend instead of girlfriend, would you have said yes?”


Jeongmin asked, expressions unchanged, Youngmin looked at him, trying hard to control his voice.


“I don’t know, it never occurred to me, and you didn’t ask…”


Youngmin was surprised to see Jeongmin walking out on him, past him and towards the vast place behind him. He bit his lower lip and the tears started to fall mercilessly down his cold cheeks. He cried so hard he thought he could pass out.

“Why are you crying Youngmin?”


Youngmin was surprised to hear Jeongmin’s voice behind him, he was lost for words.

“I thought you hated me. And you were the only person I loved.”


Jeongmin muttered and Youngmin can feel Jeongmin’s hand on his shoulder then the warmth disappeared. Then from above, a silver necklace was brought down to his neck and Jeongmin locked the necklace behind him. He then moved in front of Youngmin and knelt before him.

“Jo Youngmin, would you be my boyfriend?”


Jeongmin asked and more tears spilled from Youngmin’s eyes. Jeongmin smiled sweetly as he wiped away the tears falling from Youngmin’s cold cheeks. Youngmin nodded and hugged Jeongmin, making Jeongmin lose his balance and both of them ended falling to the ground, Jeongmin’s back on the ground and Youngmin on top of him, hugging him tightly. Jeongmin chuckled at the adorable boyfriend and hugged him as well.

“Shall I call you Cinderella or Youngminnie the Pooh?”


Jeongmin asked which made Youngmin stare at him with those puffy red eyes.

“If my brother is PiKWANGchu then I’ll be Youngminnie the pooh.”


Youngmin smiled before the two of them laughed together. Then Jeongmin’s phone rang and broke their little moment.

“Yes Hyung?”


“Sorry to disturb your PDA session but would you are to step into Café La Leche and join us? The fireworks display will start in a couple of minutes.”

Hyunseong muttered from the other line.


“Yes... We’d love to!”

Jeongmin excitedly replied and hanged the phone. Youngmin then stood up and extended a hand for Jeongmin. Jeongmin excitedly took the hand but pulled Youngmin back down and gave him a kiss.


“I love you Youngmin, remember that”

Jeongmin muttered after they kissed and he gave him a tight hug, Youngmin nodded and replied with a soft I love you too.


“After you my dear.”

Jeongmin offered the chair for Youngmin before sitting beside him. Hyunseong and Kwangmin were both wide eyed.

“Did you both bought couple coats or not? Cause you’re wearing the exact same thing!”


Hyunseong remarked and for the first time, Youngmin and Jeongmin noticed that they were indeed wearing the same coat.

“We didn’t plan on wearing the same outfit.. It just happened..”


Jeongmin replied and Youngmin added.

“We just have the same taste with fashion.”


“So I guess you have a special nickname for Youngmin now?”

Kwangmin asked and Jeongmin smiled as Youngmin blushed.


“He’s my Youngminnie the Pooh as you are PiKwangChu!”

Jeongmin said and the two laughed very loudly, gaining attention from the other costumers. After a few minutes, the sky lit up with several colors and the four of them happily watched the fireworks display, ending the night with a kiss.





a/n: Part two! Hopefully that didn’t disappoint you guys~ sorry for the angsty jeongyoung but hey I wanted angst badly…

Comments are welcomed and look out for DongWoo! Any ideas on how I will fit the couple in this story?
Btw.. I have like 3-4 on going fics and to gauge which is more popular and needed updates, I rely on the comments.. so if you want this fic to be updated faster, go and leave precious comments! Thanks everyone~

And also, I am planning to write a wedding/song fic starring Boyfriend. This is a one-shot based on a wedding song ‘Beautiful in White’ by Shane Filan, any suggestions on who should I choose as the main couple? And would gender switch be acceptable to you guys?


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Shall I even continue this?!


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Chapter 5: WAHAHAHAHA!!!! i did not pressure you sis.....XD like like... the story.....♥♥♥♥
plopkpop #2
Chapter 3: OMG! These two couples are so cheesy :DD
Should make Dongwoo couple meet in a dance school or something like that, it would be cute :3
Chapter 3: i'm guessing... no no.... i like jeongyoung as main couple in Beautiful in White... like JANUS....
Chie!!!love it.......kyahhhh!!!
inlieuof #4
Chapter 3: Aaaahh!! Fluffiness overload!!! Can't wait for more!
plopkpop #5
Chapter 2: Mhhh, this chapter T.T, continue this story, I want Jeongmin and Youngmin together,
Youngmin, youre mean!
plopkpop #6
Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHAHAH, This is really fun, I like it :DD
inlieuof #7
Chapter 1: Will kwangmin help youngmin and jeongmin get together??
Chapter 1: chie~~ when will you write JeongYoung???