allkpop :: G.oD.ESS

└ ♪♫ 마피아 엔터테인먼트 ▏Mafia Entertainment ♫♪ ┐ ▏Hiring!! OPEN!

Created : 2 Hours Ago                                                                                                          182983048 Comments  1829380849381902 Likes

Created By : allkpop                                                                                                                 19280 Dislikes  1820804839283940281 Reposts


G.oD.ESS Emergency

Today, allkpop was informed that the potential leader/face of the group G.oD.ESS was rushed to the hospital today.  During practice, she fainted, and was rushed, by her friends, to the nearest hospital.  All of Mafia was in a tantrum when they heard the news.

"She was just dehydrated," the doctors informed journalists.  "She is resting, and getting lots of fluid into her body.  She will be out in the next few days."

While bed bound for now, HyeMin tweeted to her large following, "In the hospital :P ECK! I have all of these things going into my arm! @3@ I feel dizzy~!"

There was many responses.  Most notably from YeonHee, and Kai.

YeonHee : "UNNIE!!! OMO!!! I was not there, but I heard about it! PLEASE GET BETTER SOON! WE NEED YOU!!!! T^T #ILoveHyeMinUnnie"

Kai : "O.O; WHAT?!?! WHO THE HELL WAS NOT WATCHING YOU!??!?! I WILL KILL THEM! Get better my love <3 I will bring you flowers soon! #MyYeobo"

Be on the lookout for more updates on HyeMin's health, and more from the ever popular group, G.oD.ESS



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CreepyAlice (2 minutes ago) :: What?! In the hospital?! Are you serious?! Hope she gets better!
vainqueen23 (58 seconds ago) :: I hope she gets better.  If she is the leader, we need her!
silent_reader101 (35 seconds ago) :: Awe :'( HyeMin, get better soon! #LoveYouG.oD.ESS !!
you (10 seconds ago) :: WAH! NOOOOO! T^T GET WELL SOON HYEMIN!

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Here's my app hope chu like her^^
Chapter 1: O.o i feel weird seeing my own name thr XD
Chapter 2: I cant copy the application >.<
Im gonna apply for this! C: