My Name is Not Shim Changmin (내 이름은 심창민 아니다)



My wife suddenly grabbed my hands and kissed gently on my left cheek. She fixed my necktie and with a bright smile, she said, 'Come back home safely, Changmin-ah.' I could only reply with a smile and closed the door behind me.




I am 26. A husband. A son-in-law. 


My name is Park Yoochun.

And I am not Shim Changmin.



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Chapter 3: just found it earlier m i think imust read it.. she has an amnesia when the prologue told that she called her husband "chang min"?
what happen between those two people?hm...curious..
thanks for the update^^
aprisianitamax #2
Chapter 3: waa~ who is changmin? her ex-lover? looks like she hate changmin? :(
update soon ne authornim~
fighting! ^^
aprisianitamax #3
Chapter 3: you changed the title? why?
I like it anyway :) keep update authornim~
SpidEMcD #4
Chapter 1: Ahh, you can't leave us hanging here too long. I was hooked on the foreward and now I need more!
kimbap876 #5
That tempting description!!