Summer Flu

Summer Flu


“ACHOOO.....ACHOOOO...” followed by coughing fit.
He tried to sit and grabbed pack of tissue on his night stand right when the bedroom door opened wide and a certain turtle lover came into view.
“And what exactly you’re trying to do Teukie Hyung?”
Leeteuk just smile sheepishly, still trying to get up and grab the tissue. Yesung just rolled his eyes and assisted his hyung. Leeteuk just smile in gratitude and started to get all the slime clogging his nose out. Trash bin inside his bedroom already full with used tissue and Yesung get to throw them after Leeteuk finish his business, and back with a cup of hot honey tea.
“Now drink this. Careful, it’s still hot.”

With the summer coming, it was kind of expected some people would catch summer flu. Unfortunately for the greatest boyband, the King of KPOP, Super Junior, Their leader is the first victim of this plague. 2 days ago, Leeteuk came home early from his schedule, and started sneezing all over the place. The members who already at home that time started fussing about the leader, since the sneezing started to change into a fit of cough and Leeteuk ended up with high fever that night. The occupant of 12th dorm had been really busy for the night, try to bring the fever down. And after 2 days they finally managed to turn down the fever by a little, hence bed ridden Leeteuk appear.

“Finish with your schedule Yesung-ah?”asked Leeteuk weakly, his throat felt sore, and his voice a little bit hoarse. Yesung just nodded and tucked the leader in to the bed. “Now I expect you to have a good rest Hyung, so you can be up and about in no time,”Yesung said with firm tone,”I’ll be in the kitchen making you some porridge”. With that said, Yesung made his way to the kitchen leaving the sick Leeteuk covered in thick comforter to continue his deserved rest.

That’s how Ryeowook, Donghae and Sungmin found their leader, while the lead singer lied down on the couch, couch cushion held tightly on his chest, sleeping. Ryeowook took a detour to the kitchen, saw a pot of porridge, still warm, assume his beloved hyung made it for the leader. Ryeowook woke Yesung up, realized the position must be uncomfortable for the lead singer. Yesung opened his eyes sleepily, came face to face with a smiling Ryeowook and smiling weakly.
“Hyung You should be sleeping on bed. Sleeping on the couch is uncomfortable for your back,” Ryeowook said calmly. Yesung sat and stretched for a while to release the tension on his back. “This way I can assist Teukie Hyung faster Wookie-ah,”he answered while neat the couch. “Is he awake yet?” the eternal magnae just shook his head, and ask permission to change his cloth to a more comfortable one. Yesung went to the kitchen to grab something to drink, when he heard another fit of cough and made way to his hyung’s room.

Leeteuk tried to stop the cough to no avail, and saw Yesung poke his head from the door and approached him to rub a relaxing hand on his back to ease the fit. Ryeowook caught up later, worried painted on his face, so Leeteuk tried to smile weakly. Yesung brought a glass of warm water for him and he drank gratefully.
“Are you okay Hyung? Are you feeling hurt somewhere?” asked Ryeowook approaching the leader. He put his palm to feel the leader’s forehead, to smile warmly after felt the fever start fading. Leeteuk just shook his head. “I’m fine Wookie-ah..”only to be cut by another fit of cough, getting another comforting rub from Yesung. “You need to eat and drink your medicine Hyung. I already prepared you some porridge, I’ll go get some,” Yesung went to the kitchen, grabbed a bowl and took some of the porridge in the pot. After got the medicine, a glass of water, balancing the tray on his hand, Yesung came back to Teukie’s room. Ryeowook feed the leader, and after finish with the porridge, help him to drink the medicine, which Teukie had to admit tasted like blah. ‘No wonder Kyunnie don’t like the medicine’ thought the leader. Finish with all, Yesung brought the tray back to the kitchen, washed all the utensil and put it on the rack. “I’m going to 11th dorm,”Yesung said to Teukie and Wookie, while they chat, and get a small nod from the leader and wave from the eternal magnae.

As soon as he stepped into the 11th dorm, fit of cough and a strong reprimand voice greeted him.
“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun, what do you mean you don’t want to take the medicine?!!?”
Yesung just shook his head. That evil magnae was really something. Even when he was sick, he was strongly refuse to take the medicine. So, Yesung made a bee line to the shared bedroom of the magnae and Sungmin, instead went to his room. The scene welcoming him was something that worth laughing. Super Junior evil magnae, covered up to his chin, face flushed, stubbornly closed his eyes to his surrounding, turned deaf ear to the raging bunny and his monkey assistant. Another victim of summer flu, and of course late gaming activity. Yesung stepped farther into the room before Sungmin managed to strangle Kyuhyun.

“What’s going on here?”
Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun stare to the source of voice, and much to Kyuhyun dismay, it’s Yesung, who never failed to get him take the medicine, no matter how hard he refused. Sungmin and Eunhyuk just smiled widely welcoming their final ammo into the war.
“Sungie Hyuuuuung,” the bunny jumped in happiness, and dragged the exhausted Yesung to the magnae’s bed. Eunhyuk got up from his chair and let Yesung took it, and sat himself on Sungmin’s bed, ready to enjoy the show. Kyuhyun just pouted, no matter it would ruin his image if the fans found out. Yesung just smiled warmly to all the inhabitants in the room and looked firmly on Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun could only gulped nervously. It would do him no good to start his usual witty, snarky comment with Yesung look that scary and firm. The ROCK of the Band stood firm in front of him (well, sat firm in front of him, at this situation). “Kyuhyun doesn’t want to take his medicine in spite of coughing, sneezing and having fever.”

‘WHA--??! That little tattletale bunny’ Kyuhyun glare to his hyung and receive a wide grin from Sungmin and Eunhyuk, while Yesung proceed the information, and looked back at Kyuhyun looking really pissed. Kyuhyun gulped.
“I..It..It tastes awful Hyuuung,”Kyuhyun whined, try to put a little aegyo in front of firm Yesung, to no avail. Yesung didn’t even bat his eyelashes, let alone putty in his failed attempt aegyo. So Kyuhyun just resigned to his fate and put the strong facade to gulp down that bitter substance. Yesung helped the magnae to sit, and lean to the headboard. Sungmin gladly gave the spoon and that blasted cold medicine and let Yesung dealt with the stubborn magnae. Kyuhyun just glared at his hyungs while trying to make a week worth of revenge on the bunny and group’s dancing machine. “Say ‘aah’ Kyu-ah,” Yesung said while feeding the bitter syrup, with Kyuhyun complied unwillingly. After he gulped down the medicine, Yesung take a glass of water from Eunhyuk and helped him drink.

“There..there..It’s not so bad right,” Yesung said with a bright smile and a little to magnae hair before ruffling it. Kyuhyun could only pout, while his hyungs just chuckled lightly. “Now go to sleep Kyu-ah,”Sungmin and Eunhyuk went out of the room high five, to finally succeed feeding the medicine to the magnae. Yesung helped Kyuhun to lay down and pull the comforter back up to cover his body. He placed his palm on the youngest forehead, finding it sizzling hot, and just facepalmed. His fever already this high and refusing to take the medicine. Yesung found him a wet towel and a basin filled with water to bring the fever down, while the magnae sleep. Yesung ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room again that night to help Kyuhyun.

A week after,

A long and loud coughing fit heard from the room in 11th dorm. Sungmin, who happened to awake early, since he had an early schedule, approached the room only to find his hyung trying hard to get up from the bed.
“Sungie hyung..Are you okay?”asked the bunny boy, while helping his hyung to stand and felt something burning, which was his hyung’s body. “Hyung!! You have a high fever!”
Yesung just shook his head trying to make the dizziness go away, and another coughing fit attacked. Yesung could only leaned helplessly to Sungmin, while the latter led him to his bed and went to the kitchen in lightning speed to grab a glass of water to calm his hyung’s cough.

10 minutes later, the band’s umma, the eternal magnae, the raccoon, even the Diva himself stepped into his room and scrutinized him. The Evil magnae came not too long after. Everyone have this worried look on their faces. Sungmin finished to measure his temperature and got the shock of his life. “It’s nearly 40 Hyung,” said Sungmin weakly. And that’s all they need to get into a frantic mess and try to grab Yesung’s thing and put into a small suitcase, while the sick Yesung could only watch with gloomy mood. “You guys are overreacting,”said in a hoarse voice. The magnae only glared to his hyung and keep folding some clothes into the suitcase. Leeteuk and Sungmin helped Yesung to get up, while the said magnae and Ryeowook helped bringing his things to the car. Sungmin drove, while Leeteuk sat beside him calling the manager to inform him about Yesung’s condition and they were going to the hospital. Yesung just rolled his eyes. “It’s just a flu guys,”said Yesung in weak voice. His throat felt really sore, and the dizziness was persistent. And don’t even start about his fever, but he put the strong facade in front of s. The magnaes just glared at him, and told him to just shut up and rest since they will reach the hospital in 10 minutes.

After reach the hospital Leeteuk and Ryeowook walked straight to the administration desk, while Yesung, Kyuhyun and Sungmin sat on the waiting room. Yesung lay his head on Sungmin’s shoulder, while the latter his hair. In 10 minutes, Yesung,assisted by Leeteuk and Kyuhyun stepped inside the doctor’s room, and positively diagnosed with summer flu, and get a prescription and suggested to have a shot after the fever’s down. And he didn’t need to be hospitalized, which had the leader and the magnae sigh in relieve. So they went back home, after dropped Sungmin to his schedule, even when he kinda unwillingly, but his schedule wasn’t that packed so he can be home before dinner. Since all of the members had schedule, including Leeteuk, they programmed a schedule to take care of Yesung. Since Ryeowook schedule started at 10, he got the first shift much to the other dismay, while he just grinned wide. The other left for their schedule.

“Wookie-ah, it’s already 9. You better get ready or you’ll be late and manager hyung will scold you,”said Yesung with low voice. Wookie looked at the watch hanging on the wall and started to prepare. 10 minutes later, the manager came to pick him up. “Hyungie, are you going to be okay alone for a while until Donghae hyung and Shindong hyung come back?”asked Wookie with worried face. Even the manager almost complied to Wookie’s whine to let him stay if he didn’t remember the contract. Yesung’s condition was really worrying. Yesung just nodded and gave a little wave, and Ryeowook couldn’t do anything and left for his schedule after fussing about placing glass of water on the desk near the turtle tank.

“Yesung hyungie, do you want to watch MIB III with us?” asked Donghae, while Shindong put the DVD into the player. Yesung, no matter how sick he was, try to please his dongsaeng and joined. Not even 10 minutes, he fell asleep on Shindong’s lap while his dongsaeng wrapped up his cover to preserve the body heat. After the movie finished, Shindong as gently as he could, tucked his hyung in his bed and cover him with layers of blankets and comforter. “Hae-ah, let’s get something to eat,” and both of them started to rummage the kitchen.

At 5 pm, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun came home to find Shindong and Donghae slept on the couch in the living room, with the latter’s head placed on the former’s lap. Kyuhyun and Sungmin went to their room to change, while Eunhyuk went to Yesung’s room to find he still asleep under various blankets. He felt his hyung’s forehead and frown. The fever still not going down, so he searched for a towel and water filled basin. Kyuhyun came in after a quick shower and took over so Eunhyuk could clean himself, while Sungmin making porridge .

Before dinner all the members including Siwon and Heechul went to the 11th dorm to visit the sick Yesung. The said person just woke up from his deep slumber and the eternal magnae and the leader started fussing about his condition. Sungmin brought the porridge he made before dinner and Kyuhyun helped feeding him. Heechul got his medicine and Siwon measured the dose and feed the substance. “Say ‘aah’ Hyung,”said Siwon, smiling sweetly to Yesung. After finished Donghae tuck his beloved hyung in his bed and kiss his forehead. “Get well soon Hyungie.” Yesung just smiled and closed his eyes. His headache was killing him.

It took a whole full week for Yesung to recover from the flu, and another week to catch what he missed during his sick leaves. And the members always fretted about not to overwork himself since he just recovered.
“Hyung, are you okay? Feel dizzy?”asked the worry Sungmin. The bunny boy still quite traumatized by his hyung condition 2 weeks ago. Yesung just smile brightly and tap his shoulder lightly before leaning his head on Sungmin’s shoulder only to be intercepted by the band’s fish. “Hyung lean on me. Your jjokeumani here will be your medicine in this recovery period,” said Donghae with his confident but cute expression, that led to the loud argument from the other members.

“Yah!! What do you mean by that, Fishy?! I will be his remedy”
“Hell NO!! That will be me.”
“Excuse me, Mr Raccoon. But you will only bully him. Leave this remedy thing on me.”
“Are you for real old man?! You were the first victim that might be the cause my rabid dog’s here getting sick.”
“So what? Are you trying to say you will help him recover hyung? In your dreams.”
And the argument keeps getting hotter and hotter, even when they made their way to the elevator and straight to 11th dorm only to find someone already there sitting casually on the living room couch.

“Kibummie, What are you doing here? Don’t you have any shoot today?” asked the still recovering Yesung, while the other members still in the heat argument only managed to say “Hi Bummie” and continue arguing. Kibum approached his hyung, put his palm on Yesung’s forehead and smiled brightly felt the normal temperature.
“How are you feeling Hyung?” asked the concerned Kibum. Yesung just smiled and shrugged absent mindedly. “Better, just need to recharge my depleting energy.” Kibum smiled at the simple answer. “Then you need to sleep. A whole 8 hours sleep. Come, I’ll sleep with you tonight, I’ve been missing coming to the dorm anyway,” Kibum stated coolly. Yesung’s face light up at the statement and grabbed Kibum’s hand and make way to his room. But not before greet everyone, who are still in a hot argumentation, Good night.

“Guys, me and Kibummie will go to sleep. Good night, and have a nice dream,” said Yesung with bright face and led Kibum to his room. All the members stopped for a while, looking in Yesung’s direction and started rushing forward, while Kibum trying to hold his laughter.
“Wait!!! Yesung-ah I’ll sleep with you tonight.” Cue prompt the protests from his dongsaengs.
“Oh it’s okay Teukie hyung. Me and Bummie have a lot to catch up, and you will have early schedule tomorrow. Well good night guys,” state Yesung cheerily, flashing his bright smile and continue to go to his room, Kibum’s on his trail. Kibum looked back for a while and flashed his 100 mega watt smile and winked while mouthing “I ALWAYS WIN” and stepped into Yesung’s room. The other fellow members could only see red and planned to just go inside Yesung’s room, while the reality finally sinked in. Kibum already locked the door to prevent this mishap to happen. ‘THAT BRAT’ cursed all the members.


In frantic attempt to open the locked door, they managed to hear Kibum’s laugh, which never sounded so evil in their ears, all hell break loose.


A/N: Yup, it's a major fail I know. Any comment will be appreciated :D

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Cute sungie 💙
404 streak #2
Chapter 1: KIBUUUUUUUM~~~ <3333
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 1: Cute how the members took care of yesung
Chapter 1: aww i will never get tired of this fic its so cute
Chapter 1: omg i almost had a heart attack when i read this 0_0
Chapter 1: LOLOL once again Kibum, you little sneak xDDDD He won at getting alone time with Yesung again x)
Everyone practically had a panic attack when Yesung got sick xD
Yesung is so loved and he is such a sweety himself too, always caring about others :D
xlns321x #7
Chapter 1: your fics are really cute ^^ and I wouldn't worry about your english to much, the more you work on it the better it will get.