
Just a day at the beach with Kris.





Kris took his wallet, his phone, a cap and his sunglasses before leaving his hotel room. So much for bromance, s hadn't even waked him up! He slammed the door and went towards the lift, pressing the 'down' button non-stop. Finally, the lift reached and the door 'dinged' opened. He sighed and went in, quickly wearing his cap and glasses. When he reached the ground floor, he quickly left and took a taxi.
"East coast park, thank you." said Kris in perfect English. The taxi driver nodded and drove off.
"A tourist here?" The taxi driver asked while looking through the mirror at him. Kris nodded without replying. The taxi driver chuckled, "Singapore is a very nice place for relaxing but not for the citizens." The taxi driver continued.
Kris cocked his head to the side and looked back at the taxi driver through the mirror. "We have to pay a lot everyday, Singapore is a busy country." The driver explained. Kris nodded and kept quiet, leaning back into the seats.
The driver did not speak more, he just drove through the highway, Kris looking out at the scenery. He noticed the tall Singapore flyer, the greens Singapore had.
Finally, he reached his destination. "We're here." The taxi driver told him. Kris looked out and saw the wavy sea greeting him, the clouds blocking the Sun, making it breezy yet relaxing. He took out his wallet and paid the taxi driver.
Before Kris could leave, the taxi driver spoke, "Kris, my daughter is a fan of yours." Kris froze. He had not expect someone to recognised him. He quickly pulled his cap down a little lower and bowed his head. "Do you mind.." Kris knew what the driver wanted, he nodded.
The driver quickly passed him a paper and a pen, letting Kris take it. He quickly signed his autograph there and put a note, 'Thanks for loving EXO and me. I hope I'll be able to meet you soon. ^_^'
"Here." Kris passed him back and quickly got off the taxi. He closed the door and walked off. Meanwhile, the taxi driver in the taxi looked down at his note. "Daddy's got you Kris's autograph, would you come home now? I'm sorry about the night before." He caressed the note where it had Kris's note.
Kris looked left and right, making sure the area he went to had not much people. After he saw only a few people, he took a bench under the shades, looking at the sea. He rested his arms down on the table as his fingers clasped together. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, smelling the fishy smell of the sea and hearing the sounds of the waves hitting shore.
He opened his eyes and immediately, his eyes set on a girl. She was smiling sadly while looking down at her cell phone. He looked closely and realised it was the girl from last night.
Among the seas of fans sitting in the crowd, she stood out the most. Mainly because she had a sad and quiet face throughout the concert last night. The other fans were screaming and shouting while she just stood there, smiling from time to time when people shouted "EXO! EXO!" However, he knew that smile was a sad one. He didn't know why his eyes had to go on her, he was sure there were others that were worth his eyes other than her.
Still, he kept his eyes on her throughout the concert. While others may not noticed, he noticed that she kept looking at her cell phone during the concert too. Even when everyone had left and the artist of SM were getting washed up, she was there, sitting on the seats, looking down at her cell phone.
He came back from his daze and saw her sighed. She held her phone down in her hands and stood up, her head turning around. Her eyes were looking down at the sand before moving up. Her gaze caught Kris and she stood there, frozen. Her eyes looking straight into Kris's through the lenses of the sunglass. He swallowed but still kept his gaze on her.
She shook her head and continued walking, her feet and body moving in Kris's direction. His heart started beating faster against his ribcage for no reason. He breathed harder and held his chest, his hand clutching his left chest. When she passed by him by a centimetre and was about to carried on, his hand automatically went up to grab her wrist. She jumped and looked at Kris.
"Wait." Kris breathed out. "Can I help you?" She replied in her soft voice. It was like she was concern, when she had just knew him less than a second ago.
"Do you.. know me? By.. any chance?" He asked and she sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if I mistook you for someone a moment ago. I just wasn't.. in the right mind. If you will," She tried loosening his grip on her wrist.
Kris took off his glasses with his other hand and looked up at her face. He saw her gasped and her other hand went up to cover . "Do you?" Kris asked again and she blinked, backing away, her hand trying to jerk away from his grip.
"W-what do you want? L-let me go. I am not stalking you in any way. Please." She begged and Kris shook his head. "No, that's not it. I.. I.." His hand let go of her wrist and he spoke, "Will you stay?" He asked, his eyes penetrating into hers.
"W-what?" She stuttered, not believing what Kris had said. "I saw you among the crowd in the concert venue last night. You've captivated me for a reason. I don't know why but since I have the chance, can you spend the day with me? I'm alone in Singapore now." He explained and she was about to walked away, ignoring him when he pleaded, "Please." This had her rooted to the ground.
"Please." Kris begged again and she sighed. "Okay." She took the seat next to his and he smiled. "Why are you here in Singapore when the rest had already left?" She asked. "I overslept and they left without me." He explained. "But how can that be? Aren't you part of SM too?" She asked.
"Apparently, one less un-important person doesn't make a difference for them to noticed." He chuckled and she furrowed her brows.
"Anyway, I have yet to know your name. I'm Kris Wu Yi Fan." He turned to her and smiled. "I obviously know that," She chuckled. "I'm Isabella, bella for short." She stretched her hand out and Kris shook it. They pulled away and Kris felt weird at the lost of connection between them.
"Why are you at the beach by the way?" Kris asked her.
"Well.. My father and I had a big fight the night before. He and my mom were fighting over money issues. Apparently, my family doesn't earn enough with just my father being a taxi driver and my mom being a cleaner at a food court. It was my birthday last night and my mom wanted to give me the best sweet 18th present.
She knew I was a big fan of.. EXO and she bought a ticket for me to SMTOWN. She was always giving me everything I wanted. My father was always against everything I wanted, like how I loved dancing but never once had he supported my dreams and love for dance. The night before was the last straw. He slapped my mom after knowing she had bought a $200 over ticket for me when our family wasn't already doing well. I was so angered by that and I stormed out of my room. That was when our fight started, everything was almost all broken and I ran out of the house. Before I left, however, he told me he was sorry and he regretted his actions.
I was seeing red and I couldn't hear anything in and I went off to here and somehow found a way to go for the concert last night of course. I didn't know if I should call him because.. I too feel guilty for shouting at him, calling him a heartless father.." She chuckled sadly and closed her eyes.
She opened her eyes again and looked at him, her eyes a little watery "Why am I even talking to you about this?" She laughed and Kris shook his head.
"Well then, we should get some strength back, right? Hmm.. I need some help around here and I think you'll be of great help." Kris smirked and pulled her up from the bench. "What can we do around here?" He asked, looking around.
"Aren't you scared that I may just kidnap you off to somewhere? I can be a stalker for all you know." She raised a brow and Kris laughed loudly. "You? I doubt so. You might need to find a place for me to stay before doing that." His tip of his forefinger tapped her nose. She scowled and pushed his hand away.
"Do you know how to cycle?" She asked and Kris nodded. "Well then what are we waiting for?!" She shouted and dragged him, only to stop few seconds later. "Wait." She said and ran back to the bench, getting his sunglasses. She ran back to him and put it back on him, she had to tip her toes as he was a little too tall for her.
"There, now no one would recognise Kris." She smiled and pulled him along. He sighed in bliss, how long had he never felt this way again? Or, did he even felt this way before?
They reached the bicycle stand and got a bicycle for rental, dragging both out from the store and handing him one. "You think you're up to it?" She patted his shoulders. "Why not?" He asked and got on the bicycle.
"Why is there only one?" He asked as he looked around to find hers. "I don't know how to ride one." She smiled.
"So I'll just follow you from the back." She said and Kris frowned.
"No you're not, get on." Kris turned his head slightly over his shoulders to looked at her. "I'm heavy you know." She stuck her tongue out.
"Doesn't matter. Kris Wu can handle anything." He smirked and she rolled her eyes. "Alright!" She jumped on the bicycle and beamed.
"Let's go!" She pointed to the front and Kris shook his head. He pulled her hands and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Do you want to fall?" He asked while she blushed. His feet went up to the peddles and started peddling. Her arms got tighter around him and she squeezed her eyes shut.
Kris looked back a little and noticed her eyes squeezing tightly. He turned back to the front and said, "Don't you like the breeze?" She shook her head, thinking Kris could see. He did know though. "It's magnificent you know. You should open your eyes to see. I'm here, you don't need to be afraid. I won't let you fall." He told her and her eyes fluttered opened.
It was as if the plants were greener, the flowers were more colourful, the air was more pleasant and the place only had them. Like how she had always watched Korean dramas, she finally felt what it was like for the female lead. She could feel time go slower, it was strange. This was the first time she had ever been this close, much less talk to Kris. "How is it?" He laughed out and she laughed along too.
"You're right, it's magnificent! I didn't know riding bikes would be like this!" She exclaimed and Kris grinned. "Hold on tight!" He cried and peddled faster. She almost fell back but pulled herself towards Kris. Her face faced the left as her head landed on his back. She could hear him breathing, his heart accelerating. Kris knew what this would be if he hadn't pushed her away but he didn't care.
"Kris.. Don't.. go to.. fast.." She mumbled against his back and he slowed down his pace. "Alright." He told her and started peddling slow again. The bicycle went passed slowly from one section to another. Soon, they reached the other end and they both got off, with much resistance of course. Kris didn't want her off his back and she didn't want Kris away from her arms too.
"Look! They're playing Frisbee!" Bella pointed to the direction of a few Malay boys. "Let's ask if we could join them!" She pulled him along and went to talked with the Malay boys.
"Can we join? He's new here and I want him to experience the lifestyle of a Singapore while in East coast." She pointed at Kris and the boys looked over at Kris. They weren't into K-pop so they wouldn't know him. They nodded and Bella smiled.
They got into position and one boy started the throw. Bella caught it and threw it to Kris who was just crossing his arms. His reflexes were fast so he caught it on time. "Kris! Kris! Here!" Bella waved and he flung it in her direction. The Frisbee hit her on the forehead and she bended over, palming her forehead. "Ow.." She muttered and Kris's eyes widen, he quickly ran over to her.
"Bella? Bella? You okay?" He asked as his hands shook her shoulders, trying to look at her face. She chuckled and looked up, banging her forehead against his. "You okay?!" She shouted at him, laughing. Kris scoffed, rubbing his temples, glaring at her. She stuck her tongue out before wincing, palming her forehead once again.
"But you know, your skull seems pretty hard." She mumbled and Kris rolled his eyes. "Serve you right!" He hissed jokingly.
They played with the Malay boys for a little while before stopping and just resting on the sand, facing the sea and breathing calmly. The sun was about to set soon and she took her phone out. "Look here." She said suddenly and Kris turned, looking at her when, *snap* A flash flashed acrossed his eyes, blinding him and he heard Bella's giggles.
When he finally got his vision back, he saw her holding her phone, laughing. "Give me that!" He cried and snatched phone. "Hey!" She shouted and tried snatching it back from him. "CHEESE!" He said and took the picture of them two. Her trying to snatch the phone while him posing with a peace sign.
"There. Keep it for memories." He passed phone back to her. "And the other's for you to remember.. now." 'Me' He thought in his mind while looking down at her who was looking through the photos.
"Sure." She gleamed in happiness. "The sun's setting now." She said and the two looked as the sun set down the horizon diving the sea and sky.
He looked to his left shoulders when he felt something soft banged against his shoulders. She was asleep now, breathing softly, the phone grasped tightly in her palms. He moved the strands of hair away from her face as the wind blew, afraid that the tickle would wake her up.
"Bella?" He called, making sure she was asleep. He took off the bracelet he had on his wrist and took her right hand up, circling the bracelet before clasping it around her wrist. He caressed that spot and she snuggled closer to his neck. He could feel her breathing against his neck and shivers went down his spine.
"Thanks for today. I enjoyed it a lot. I hope you did, too. About your father, I guess I met him today. That girl he had on his phone's wallpaper looked so much like you except younger. I hope you would look at the note I left and remember the times we had spent together today. I didn't expect to meet you that soon but it's a good thing anyway.  You're just so beautiful in my eyes that you blinded everyone else in the audience last night. The way you smiled, the way you moved and the way you looked into my eyes. I just hope today isn't the last day we would meet. Enjoy the present I left you, treasure it. It's a gift given by my mom to me. She said if I had found someone worthy enough to bring home to meet her, I would give this to that person. I guess it's you. The time we spent together were just beyond words. Only actions can show how endearing you are to me." With this, he kissed her on the lips, closing his eyes.
He pulled away and carried her up in his arms, careful not to wake her up, hailing for a cab.
The next morning, Bella woke up to find herself in somewhere unfamiliar to her. She looked around and saw Kris sleeping, his head pulled back as his arms crossed, sitting on the couch in a uncomfortable way. She got up from the bed and walked over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder, waking him up. He shifted a little and hummed in response before opening his eyes. He smiled when he saw her.
"If you still are going to stay at this position, you won't be able to catch the flight at 5am." She told him and he jumped out from the couch. "Thanks!" He shouted and ran into the bathroom, not before grabbing his clothes and shut the bathroom door, getting washed.
After Kris was done, Bella brushed her teeth and washed her faced, brushing her locks. "Are you.. going to send me off?" Kris asked carefully and Bella thought about it. "Yeah." She answered and Kris beamed happily.
Getting his suit case and making sure he left nothing behind, the two left the hotel room, him wearing his disguise. They got into a cab soon after and drove off to the airport. When they reached, they got off and took his suit case form the boot, dragging it with him into the terminal.
When they reached the departure gates, Kris stopped a feet from Bella. Bella stared at the ground as Kris looked down at her. "Hey." He called her and she looked up. "Thanks for yesterday. I really enjoyed myself." He told her and she nodded.
"Can I have a hug?" He asked and she wrapped her arms around his waist. Her face resting on his chest. His heart beat faster and he hugged her back too. The two of them wrapping their arms around one another tightly. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and a tear slipped from his eyes. Before he pulled away, he made sure to cleaned them up first.
"When will I see you again?" She asked and Kris shook his head. He held her shoulders and crouched down, looking into her eyes. 'I guess yesterday, I drifted far from reality..' He thought.
He put a finger to his lips and took it away, saying, "Listen, you've never met me and I've never met you. We are just strangers after I leave Singapore. Yesterday never happened. And nothing will happen after this. I don't know when I'll be back here in Singapore again and if I ever do, please, please, please, just watch me from a far. Like a normal fan would. Don't speak about what happened between us to anyone, okay? Bella? Can you do that for me?" He asked and Bella bit her lips to stopped herself from tearing.
'This is reality, Bella. You and him belong to two whole different worlds. You are just fan and he's an idol. Get over it.' She said in her mind. She nodded and Kris smiled sadly. "Thank you." He kissed her forehead and pulled away.
He put his palm out and Bella looked at him curiously. "Lend me your cell phone." He said and she took her cell phone out. He looked through the contacts and stopped at one. He called that contact and put the phone to his ear. The receiver picked the phone up, clearing his throat before speaking.
"Hello?" The guy over the line spoke.
"Hi, this is Kris. The guy that sat in your cab yesterday. I've met your daughter and knew of what happened between the two of you. I know I am in no position to say this but, Bella is regretting her actions badly but she doesn't know how to face you. Can you come to the airport to pick her up? I hope you forgive her for all her actions done. And I also hope that'll you stand by her side no matter what, supporting her dreams and her love for dance. Let her do whatever she wants. I believe that's what you want too but you are unable to because of your family condition. I left a gift for you guys. I hope you guys will be able to manage better with my gift." Kris said and hung the phone, passing it back to Bella.
By now, she was already tearing up badly. "Thank you Kris.. Thank you. However, please take your gift back, I am not in the position for any of your gifts, I'm not worthy enough." She said and Kris shook his head. "Shhh.." He put a finger to her lips.
"Don't think otherwise. You're worthy of anything. I am not on the other hand. I am worthy of anything but you." He said and took his finger away. "Look into your bag after you've got in your father's cab. Be happy although I'm away." Kris told her and turned around, his back facing her. He bravely dragged his suitcase with him and handed his passport over to the police in charged. All the while, not looking back at her while Bella was looking at his back. Her tears flowing uncontrollably.
He got in the gates and passed the custom. When he was sure he was far from her but still in sight, he turned around and gave her a side smile. He stopped in his tracks and raised his right hand in the air, his other hand went up and pointed at his right wrist. He then waved at her and turned around, grabbing his suitcase before walking away, tears finally slipping down from his eyes, even the sunglasses couldn't cover up much of his tears.
'Thank you and goodbye, Bella. I hope you'll like my gift, it's something that is very important to my family and I bring it to everywhere I go. I will be watching out for you when I am back. Wo Ai Ni. Although I know no one will believe that in such a short span of time, you are able to fall in love, at least I can safely say, it's possible. Because you are the miracle that allowed this to happen.' Kris thought and boarded the plane.
Bella looked down at her right wrist and saw a red bracelet, threaded with lots of red thread and a single circle ring in the middle. She saw some engravings on it and looked closely, '吴'(Wu) The engravings wrote in chinese character. Her tears had already dried up and she was  crying inside instead out the outer. 'Be happy although I'm away.' His voice echoed in her head and she smiled. She would live happily and looked at Kris, observing him from a far as a fan.
When she got in her father's cab, they both hugged and apologised to one another. "Kris said he had a gift, what is it?" Her father asked and she shrugged. She looked into her bag for her comb when she found a box. She took it out and opened the box. Inside, was a thick gold necklace with 5 diamonds at each spacing. She gasped and covered .
"Wha-" Her father stopped short when he saw the 'gift' Kris had for them. Bella saw a note sticking out and she pulled it out, seeing Kris's handwritten letter.
'Love and smile for someone else. Do not stop at today and look back to the times we had together when you're having a hard time. I hope you will be able to move on and find someone worthy of you. I can't protect you so I trust that the future soul mate of yours will do so.(: P.S. I forgot to say this or, much
less, I had no courage. I hope you understand chinese.. because, 我愛你 (Wo Ai Ni, I love you)'
She bit her lips and promised herself not to cry, at least for Kris. Her father fumbled through his pants and pulled something out. He tapped his daughter on the shoulder and she looked at him.
"I got this from Kris for you yesterday.." She took it from his hands and read it.
'Soon was sooner than you thought..' She spoke in her mind.
"Well, we're going off." Her father said and started the engine, the car roared to life and they drove.
Kris on the plane, Bella in the car, both looking at the same piece of sky from where they are, hoping the other would feel their love although it's not there, physically.

Author's Note:

:/ I hope this oneshot is okay x.x I find it to unrealistically sad at some part though:/ Ah~ Whatever~ Just had to let this off my mind. Do tell me how it was, yeah? Thanks!

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Chapter 1: I just have something in my eyes,tears wahhhh when her father wrote her''Daddy got you Kris autograph so come back home''And when they parted.<3
shinee4ever2012 #2
Chapter 1: Awwww!! KRIS WHY'D YOU LEAVE SO EARLY?! YOU SHOULDVE STAYED FOR 3 MORE DAYS~ SM LEFT YOUU! SO YOU SHOULD REVENGE! OR YOU SHOULDVE BRING BELLA WITH YOUU!~ IF SM ASKED YOU WHY YOU BRING BELLA WITH YOU..JUST SAY THAT "Its your freaking fault! If you hadnt left me behind..i wouldnt meet this girl! But i thank you for that"

Man..this is why i cant read one shots~ =_= i might go crazyy and say nonsense things!
Chapter 1: This is so sweet
Chapter 1: They should have totally end together, but this is good and cute too. I'm happy that she made up with her father. :)
Chapter 1: Sweet~:3 i love your story author-nim :)
Alxnndaydp #6
Chapter 1: Omona i love you author-nim, i love the way you write this story, too touchin' touchin XD <3 kkkk~
Chapter 1: OMO I'm lovin' the way you writing this story T^T
I'll read this :D
azn_buty #9
You have good writing skill's:)
bella_ #10
Omggg Kris is my bais, my name is Bella and i live in Singaporeee :O