Feels Like Insomnia

Feels Like Insomnia

Today’s schedule finished very late. When the boys arrived at home, it was already past midnight. They dragged their already tired body to the dorm, the 12th dorm’s occupants groaned some more when the elevator opened at 11th floor.
“Good night guys! See you tomorrow. Sleep well,” Leeteuk said to the 11th dorm’s occupants who just grumbled their acknowledgement.
“Good night. Have a nice dream Hyung. You too Wookie-ah, Hae-ah. See you tomorrow,” Yesung replied in front of the elevator door and wove. The Lead Singer then tiredly dragged his body to the 11th dorm, unbuckled his shoes and went straight to his bedroom. After got his sleeping attire, he went to the bathroom to do his night ritual before sleeping. At exactly 1 am, all the occupants of 11th dorm already drifted to their dreamlands.

Little that they knew, their Lead Singer couldn’t even sleep last night. When he wanted to close his eyes, as usual, a certain snuggling magnae barged in. With the magnae snuggled AND snored, Yesung, sensitive person he is couldn’t even close his eyes. But since he didn’t have a heart to wake the magnae, he just let him. When he finally able to sleep, the magnae’s stupid alarm blared. In the end he only had 2 hours of sleep. When he came out of his room, he was greeted by a smiling bunny.

“Morning Minnie-ah,” Yesung greeted back, and grabbed his cup. He poured himself some coffee and sat on the dining chair. Sungmin saw how his hyung literally sleep walking. Dark circles completely visible under lead singer’s eyes.
“Sungie hyung, did you sleep well last night?” Sungmin asked with soft voice. He, himself, got himself some orange juice and joined his hyung. Yesung just shook his head. Sungmin furrowed his brows, and opened his mouth to ask again, but the magnae beat him.
“Morning hyungs,” Kyuhyun greeted his hyung with a bright smile. Yesung just grumbled and put his head on his folded hands, try to get a few minutes of sleep before breakfast started. Kyuhyun grabbed himself some milk and sat beside HIS turtle loving hyung, chatted animatedly.

An hour later, the 11th dorm’s door opened. The occupants of 12th dorm came into view. Ryeowook and Sungmin started their duet in the kitchen, made breakfast for 11 hungry boys. Leeteuk grabbed his coffee and sat beside the sleeping Yesung. He nudged the Lead Singer.
“Yesung-ah, why are you still sleeping?” Leeteuk asked his sleepy dongsaeng. Yesung sat slowly and rubbed his eyes, yawned cutely. He blinked his eyes a few times, quite surprised to see all of his fellow members already in the kitchen. He turned to Leeteuk and grinned sleepily.
“Morning Hyung..”
“Yah!! Rabid dog. Why are you sleeping here?” Heechul butted in, sat across the sleepy Lead Singer. Yesung yawned a few times before answering.
“Morning Heebongie. Oh..I had a problem sleeping last night, thanks to SOMEONE,” Yesung answered, looked at the magnae’s direction, before ruffling the said magnae’s hair. Kyuhyun just grinned innocently. Leeteuk and Heechul looked carefully at the Lead Singer. Gee! Look at those panda eyes, Heechul sighed mentally, glared at the magnae.
“Have breakfast first Yesung-ah. After that you can have a rest. Your schedule will start at 12 pm. I’ll have Ryeowook prepared your lunch,” Leeteuk suggested, grabbed his share of breakfast from Ryeowook. Yesung just nodded and ate sleepily.

Yesung attended his schedule still in his sleepy state. The manager had to buy him some coffee to keep him awake enough until his schedule finished. When his schedule finished just before dinner, he made a quick run to his room and laid his tired body. But when he was just about to drift off, the innocent clueless Fishy barged in and hopped on his bed.
“HYUNGIE!!! Let’s have dinner,” Donghae excitedly yelled and tugged on his hyungie. Yesung just grumbled and started to get off of his comfortable bed. He rubbed his eyes sleepily. When he met Donghae’s gaze, he smiled sleepily to his jjokeumani and ruffled his hair. Donghae smiled widely and dragged his hyung to the dining room. Yesung sat beside Heechul, whom eyeing him with eagle eyes.
“Gee!! You look like a panda rabid dog,”Heechul snickered, but his voice taited with concern. Yesung just shrugged mindlessly, started to eat his dinner. When the dinner was finished, Yesung excused himself to wash his face before joining his fellow members at the living room. He kept on yawning, so the Leader asked him to go to sleep first.
“You don’t have early schedule tomorrow. Or if you want to have a rest, I can ask manager hyung to switch your day off Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk said, really concern about his dongsaeng. Yesung just smiled, and shook his head.
“No need hyung. I’ll attend my schedule just fine tomorrow,” Yesung said, got off from the couch and made way to his bedroom,” I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
The magnae also got up and started make way to follow HIS hyung, but Heechul was faster. He held the magnae’s hand and forced him to sit down.
“Oh..No You’re Not! You will stay here until the briefing finish, and sleep in YOUR own room,” Heechul sternly ordered. Kyuhyun just sulked and pouted. The other members just snorted and grinned at the magnae’s predicament. So after the briefing finished, everyone was ushered to their respective room. The Leader and the Diva had to lead and guard the Magnae to his shared room.
“And I expect you to SLEEP here, not in Jongwoonie’s room,” Leeteuk warned Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun just pouted and close his shared bedroom door not so gently. Leeteuk and Heechul made a beeline to Yesung’s bedroom to check the Lead Singer. They smiled contentedly when they saw Yesung was sleeping. Leeteuk covered the curled up Lead Singer with a blanket, brushed his soft blonde bangs, and closed the door.

Right pass the midnight, Yesung awoke with a startle. He looked around, uncovered himself from the blanket and got himself a glass of water. When he saw his phone screen, it was only 2 am. He wanted to return back to sleep, but he couldn’t even close his eyes. He was just wide awake. GOD! What’s wrong with me? Yesung sighed heavily. It was already his second night for not sleeping well. He forced himself to sleep, but he just failed miserably, so he gave up. He his laptop, chose one of his vast movies collection, hoping after the movie finished he’d be able to sleep.

In the end Yesung couldn’t even went back to sleep. He stayed wide awake until the sun rose. So he begrudgingly made way out of his room, had a warm shower and brewed some coffee. He poured some for himself and sat at the dining chair. He jolted a little when someone greeted him.
“Morning hyung. Did you sleep well last night?” Sungmin said with a sleepy voice. Yesung just nodded and smiled. But Sungmin could see the dark circles under his hyung’s eyes, but didn’t want to pry more.

A moment later, Leeteuk called all the 11th dorm occupants to have breakfast at 12th dorm. Everyone marched to the 12th dorm. They rushed to the dining room and sat, waiting for Ryeowook and Kangin to finish their cooking. Leeteuk looked closely to his dongsaengs faces especially the Lead Singer and frowned. He still has those panda eyes, Leeteuk muttered silently. Before he could make any comment about it, Kangin told them that breakfast was ready.

After breakfast, Leeteuk finally approached the sleepy Yesung, whose eyes kept fluttering closed.
“Yesung-ah, do you still have a sleeping problem?” Leetek asked, voice really concern. He must found out what’s been troubling his dongsaeng. Yesung just nodded sleepily.
“Do you want to cancel your schedule today? You can have a rest for today,” Leeteuk suggested, even if he knew it was kind of impossible. Yesung just shook his head. “It’s okay hyung. I’ll be fine. I’ll try to catch some sleep before my schedule starts,” Yesung answered. Leeteuk just sighed heavily. This dongsaeng of his, could be really stubborn sometimes.
“OK. But if you feel you can’t continue you have to let me know. Do I make myself clear Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk said with a stern voice. He was really concern about this sleeping problem. He thought it was already gone by now, since he noticed Yesung could sleep just fine in these past few months. He really needed to stop this as soon as possible, before it took its toll on their precious Lead Singer. Yesung just nodded his head and excused himself to go to his own room to try, emphasized on the word “TRY”, to catch some sleeping time. Leeteuk just smiled and ushered his dongsaeng to go.

Everyone in the livingroom furrowed their brows watching the retracting Turtle Lover and threw asking question to Leeteuk. Leeteuk just sighed heavily.
“I think Jongwoonie gets his insomnia back,” Leeteuk answered in resignation. All the members except the Diva and the Leader looked really shock.

In the end of the week, the dark circles under Yesung eyes were really visible, the coordi noona had to put extra layer of make up to cover them.
“Haven’t you been sleeping well Yesung-ah?” asked the worry coordi noona, while planting another layer of make up to Yesung’s face. Yesung just mumbled a “No”. The longest time of his sleeping would be only 3 hours, sometimes 4 if he took a sleeping pill. He could feel a tell tale of flu coming up by now.

Everyone in the dorms already tried many methods before they went back to the sleeping pills. Leeteuk and Heechul made him a glass of warm milk every other night to help him sleep. It only worked for 3 hours. Kangin and Ryeowook tried to hum him a lullaby, but they made themselves asleep before Yesung did. So he ended up humming a lullaby for these two. Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae took turn to read a bedtime story, DEFINITELY not working, since Yesung just grumbled that “I’m not a kindergarten”. Siwon came to the dorm after his schedule finished, and read him some of the chapters from his bible to calm his hyung. It actually worked, for that time only. The next time he tried, Yesung just kept his eyes open. Even if he was really sleepy and tired to the bone, he just couldn’t close his eyes. The last, the snuggling magnae. This time he let HIS hyung to snuggle to him and hummed a song. In the end, it was the magnae that was snuggling to HIS hyung, sleeping soundly, while Yesung just kept his eyes open. So in the end, they forced the Lead Singer to take a sleeping pill. And everyone must keep their tone down so Yesung could catch some sleep.

It was the tenth day of Yesung insomniac phase. He was getting weaker because the lack of rest, but he still attended the schedule with the help of cups of coffee. It was really frustrating to the members. In the van they just silenced themselves, to let Yesung catch some sleep, but still not working. The packed schedules didn’t do any help either, so in the end, Leeteuk had to ask 2 days off for Yesung to the manager, since his insomnia got the better of him. The manager instantly agreed, after he looked at Yesung’s state.

Like every other night, Leeteuk and Heechul brought a glass of warm milk for Yesung. After Yesung downed the milk, The Diva himself tucked his rabid dog to get some sleep.
“Try to catch some sleep Yesung-ah,” said the Leader with a soft voice. Yesung just nodded even if it was impossible, and closed his eyes. Leeteuk and Heechul walked out of the Lead Singer’s room after they were sure Yesung was asleep, even if it was just for 3 hours max.
“I really worry about him Chullie,” Leeteuk said, when they sat on the couch in the living room.
“Me too Old Man. We’ve tried so many things. If this keeps happening, I think we have to take him to psychiatrist. What do you think?” Heechul said. Leeteuk considered Heechul’s suggestion and heavily nodded his head, as it was the last thing they could do to help their dongsaeng. They were about to go to 12th dorm when Yesung’s bedroom opened. They looked at the youngest of three. GOD! He looked so terrible. Just please let him sleep this once, Leeteuk prayed silently. When he was about to ask what’s wrong, his phone buzzed. He looked at the phone, frowned slightly when he saw the ID.

“Teukie hyung, is Yesung hyung there?”
“Yes he is Kibum-ah. What is it?” Yesung and Heechul raised their brows hearing Kibum’s name. But they got really curious when Leeteuk handed his phone to Yesung.
“Kibummie wants to talk to you Yesung-ah,” Leeteuk said with a soft voice. Yesung got the phone from the Leader.
“Hi Kibummie,” Yesung cheerily greeted his dongsaeng.
“Hi Hyung. Btw, what’s with this thing I heard about you’re not sleeping well?”
“Err..Well, I’m not sleeping well Kibummie hehehe...”
“And why is that?”
“Well..I don’t really know why. I think my insomnia decides to visit me hehehe..”
“HA..HA..Not funny Hyung. Now, I want you to get on your bed.”
“But Kibummie...” Yesung practically whined.
“No buts Hyung. Just do as I said.”
Yesung hopped on his bed with a cute pout adorning his face. He laid himself comfortably and grabbed his blankets. All the while, the 2 oldest looked at each other and watched closely. Yesung kept holding the phone to his ears, listening to every word Kibum said. He closed his eyes, still listening. And in a matter of minutes, his grip got loose and finally the phone fell next to his pillow. Leeteuk and Heechul watched in awestruck face. How in the world Kibummie do that? The two oldest approached their dongsaeng’s bed, and saw that he was really sleeping, with a cute smile on his face. Leeteuk took his phone, saw it was still connected.

“Yeoboseyo Kibummie,” Leeteuk said with a hushed voice, afraid he’d wake the insomniac turtle lover.
“Teukie hyung, is Yesung hyung sleeping now?”
“Yes he is. How did you do it? We practically fail big times.”
“Just a few instructions here and there, and some counting, and of course some lullaby.”
“Well, whatever it is, it’s working. Thanks a lot Kibummie. It’s really scaring me to see him like this.”
“Sure hyung. Next time Yesung hyung has this problem again, you MUST tell me. Don’t let me know from another person.”
“Hehehe...Sure Kibummie. Well have a good rest then,” Leeteuk said sheepishly.
Leeteuk and Heechul looked at each other and to their dongsaeng who was now curling himself to his turtle plushy. The two oldest laughed silently and tuck the Lead Singer’s blanket gently.
“I’ll stay here for the night Chullie. I’ll leave the boys upstairs to you,” Leeteuk said to Heechul.
“OK. Keep my Rabid dog accompanied. And don’t let ANYONE, to come inside. Better yet, lock the damn door,” Heechul agreed and instructed the Leader. He didn’t want some of their noisy dongsaengs disturb the FINALLY sleeping Turtle Lover. Leeteuk nodded and sent Heechul out of 11th dorm before went back to Yesung’s bedroom. He laid beside the turtle lover, pulled him closer and held him close. Yesung just mumbled something incoherent, and drifted back to his happy world. Leeteuk smiled at the cuteness and closed his eyes.

The 11th dorm’s front door opened with a blast, followed by a panic Donghae, a flustered Ryeowook and Shindong, and a grudging Kangin. The Diva followed not too long after them looking really calm. All the inhabitants of 11th dorm except a certain turtle lover (and the leader) woke up and approached their fellow members.
“What is it Hae-ah?” Eunhyuk approached his best friend. Donghae just looked at him panicky.
“We can’t find Teukie Hyung in his room. Kangin hyung also didn’t know where he is,” Ryeowook answered with a solemn voice. That got everyone really panic, except the Diva. Kangin approached Heechul with threatening steps.
“You know where he is right Hyung?”
“Of course I know. It’s just that I DON’T WANT TO LET YOU KNOW,” Heechul answered nonchalantly.
Before Heechul could answer the rebellion of his dongsaeng, the Lead Singer’s door opened, revealing the missing Leader, with an angry face.
“What are you doing?!! What’s with the noise?! Can’t you see Yesung is FINALLY sleeping?!” Leeteuk retorted the members. Everyone stood agape and rushed to the turtle loving hyung’s bedroom, to see that he was really sleeping. When everyone wanted to barged in, Leeteuk and Heechul guarded the door.

“DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” Leeteuk snarled at his dongsaengs, while Heechul just smirked evilly.
“You don’t want to know what I will do to you if you disturb MY RABID DOG’S sleep,” Heechul threatened them. When the members wanted to protest about this injustice, they hear a whiny voice from inside. Leeteuk and Heechul practically dashed towards the door. Leeteuk closed the door, while Heechul guarded the door with a stern face.
“We want to look at Hyungie, Chullie Hyung,” Donghae plead with his best puppy eyes to no avail.
“No one can enter this room Hae-ah. Not until Rabid Dog himself opens this door,” Heechul answered sternly. A minute later the door opened again, with a fuming Leeteuk.

“If you guys know what’s better for you, you better STAY AWAY from Jongwoonie’s room and DO NOT MAKE ANY NOISE!” Leeteuk scolded them. Everyone lowered their heads. Another whine and Leeteuk dashed inside and this time locked the door. All the members practically rushed to the door and knocked softly, with Heechul just shook his head and left all the members begging to see their precious Lead Singer, formulating devious prank for his dongsaengs.
“Teukie Hyung, we promise we won’t make any noise.”
“Hyung, I just want to see my hyungie. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaseeeee”
“Yah! Hyung! Open this damn door! I want to see MY hyung!”
Leeteuk just deaf ears to every whine his dongsaeng sprouted. He cuddled his sleeping dongsaeng, whispering some calming words to lull him back to sleep. When the sleeping man mumbled “Hyuuuuuuuuung...” and snuggled closer to Leeteuk’s chest, the Leader held him closer and whispered “Shhh...Don’t worry, Hyung’s here.”
While in the other side, Heechul practically tired with his dongsaengs whine, and exploded.


The members turned around to see some football posters, some midnight snacks, some cooking recipes, some of strawberry milk, a Nemo plushy, a pink fluffy rabbit, and the magnae’s precious games collection were gathered near Heechul threatening hands. They were rushed to the Diva.



A/N: Since I lacked of sleep due to my experiments, this is the result. Another weird fic. But if you happen to read it, comments and critics are appreciated :D
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409 streak #1
Chapter 1: Wow kibum! You're the best 🥰
Chapter 1: aww this was so cute and funny but how does Kibumme do it
Chapter 1: lol
it is cute and funny!
charismavi #4
Thank you for your kind comment ^_^
It's the result of my lack of sleep :D
Chapter 1: funny and nice :) good