KoalaKyu vs Snow White

KoalaKyu vs Snow White


Another day in Super Junior’s dorm, after a tiring schedule was finished. Everyone was still in their dreamlands, but a certain Art Like Voice, an early riser he is, already made way to the kitchen to brew some coffee before showered. He left the KOALA in his room, snuggled to his humongous turtle plushy, given by the fans. At this time in the morning, he liked to go to the balcony, sipped his morning coffee and watched the sun rose..Beauty of the new day. The peaceful he’d been enjoying only lasted for a while, when the noisy boys finally arose from their deep slumber. But of course he loved this as much as he loved to watch the sunrise. He smiled at his dongsaengs, who greeted him with a sleepy mumbled,” Morning Hyung.”

Not long after all the boys were wide awoke and waiting for the Leader to review about their schedule of the day. Everyone listened attentively, with a certain KOALA attached himself to Yesung’s side and snuggled as usual. Every member could only facepalmed and held grudge to their magnae turned KOALA, while Yesung just patted his head gently. After Leeteuk wrapped the briefing, everyone get ready for their respective schedule, with Kangin and Shindong yelled their heads out to the clinging magnae to let go off Yesung. GOD! This evil KOALA starts to get on our nerves, everyone in the band grunted mentally.

Leeteuk’s POV

It’s been a tiring day for all of them. Some of the members still have their late schedule, which probably finish way past midnight. I step out of the elevator and go straight to 11th dorm, want to check how some of my dongsaengs wellbeing. As I walk in to the dorm, I see my precious dongsaeng doing his multitasking thing, reading a book in his right hand, hearing music with one earphone in his left ear, scrolling down his phone in his left hand, while watching a movie on his laptop. I smile at the view. Only this cute, lovable, kind hearted and impossibly innocent Man can do such thing and still can focus on conversation, when someone talk to him. I approach him and just flung myself next to him. He startled for a while, but smiles brightly after he sees me beside him. “Hyung, you’re home.” I smile at him and ruffle his smooth now blonde hair. He just grins childishly. Sometimes I really think he’s supposed to be the magnae in this band, not that freaking KOALA. But that must be me, not having my dosage of my Jongwoonie for a while, since the real magnae decided to change into a KOALA, A FREAKING KOALA FOR GOD SAKE (Oops..I’m sorry Siwon-ah), and glued his entire self to this precious dongsaeng of mine.

“Where’s everyone Yesung-ah?” I ask him, join him watching the movie on his laptop. Yesung still watches the movie and back to his phone for a while before answer my question. “Eunhyuk and Donghae still have dance practice, Sungmin needs to go to his parents house for a while, but he will be back, Kyuhyun supposed to back in a matter of minute,” he looks at me with a bright smile, I can’t help but smiling with him, but facepalm mentally when hearing Kyuhyun will be back soon. There goes my quality time with Yesung. True to his words, 5 minutes later, exactly at the very of the movie we watch together, the KOALA enters the dorm, with his backpack and still in his costume.
“Hyuuuung...” and there goes my quality time. This evil KOALA clings himself straight away to Yesung, while the latter just hum showing his acknowledge. I sigh mentally, this KOALA definitely robbed Yesung’s attention from all of the members.

“Yah! Cho Kyuhyun, clean yourself first will you. Just go straight to bed,” I nag him so he will let go of Yesung, and I can get his attention back. But of course I fail miserably. Kyuhyun decides to just snuggle closer, while Yesung just let him. “Isn’t BabyKyu tired from his schedule?” I hear Yesung ask with a soft gentle voice, can’t help but gag at “BabyKyu”. GOD! Let him know that his BabyKyu is a KOALA, I retort mentally. Kyuhyun just nods and glues himself even tighter to Yesung side. Yesung just chuckled heartily, while putting everything he holds on top of the desk, and tap Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Come, Kyu-ah. Let’s go to bed.” YAH!! Yesung-ah how can you forget about me here, I whine mentally. Yesung, appears to hear my thought turns back to me and smile. “Good night Teukie Hyung. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says with an apologetic smile, I can’t help but smiling warmly at him. “Sure Yesung-ah. Have a nice dream,”I say with a warm tone,” You too Kyunnie”. The magnae just mumbled and keeps on attach himself to Yesung, while the latter practically drags the sleepy magnae to his shared room with the bunny boy, and close the door. I slump against the couch and grump. IT’S NOT FAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Donghae’s POV

Today I will go to the schedule along with my Hyungie. YAAAAAY...I miss my Hyungie so bad. It’s all because of that evil snarky glaring KOALA. Doesn’t he know I barely have time with my Hyungie, due to my schedule, my shooting, so I want to be with my Hyungie for a while. But NO...He just won’t let me do it, well not just me, but everyone in the group. Even Heechul Hyung got a bit cranky these days because his Rabid Dog practically MIA. Everytime he wants to talk to Hyungie, that evil KOALA always appears and glue himself to Hyungie, and monopolized his attention. No wonder the tension in 12th dorm feels really heavy nowadays.

But enough of those mundane memories. Now I have all my time with my Hyungie and that KOALA won’t interfere, so YAAAY...Speaking about my Hyungie, he looks really cute with his simple black V neck T-Shirt, a black skinny jeans and a cap covering his now blonde hair. “Hyungie..” I greet him. He looks at me and smiles brightly. I always love it when my Hyungie smiles. It’s just so warm and loving. “Hae-ah, ready to go?” he asks me, while grabbing his black backpack from the couch. I nod enthusiastically and grab his small baby hands. Another thing I love about Hyungie, his baby hands.

We enter the recording studio and go straight to the booth. As the lead singer from our band, the composer talks about some song and the vocal arrangement with Yesung Hyung. After that we start to practice the song. Oh, how I love to hear my Hyungie sings. His voice is just like...W.O.W. Raw, powerful, but also soothing at the same time. What I won’t give to have such a voice, not that I’m complaining about my voice of course. After the practice finish, we go to another place where we will be doing our pre-recording for a music show. I pout during the trip, while Hyungie scroll down his phone. “Hae-ah why are you pouting?” I hear Hyungie asks me. I look at him, seeing him look very concern about my wellbeing. I can’t possibly make him upset now can I? Of course I can’t, so I just smile brightly at him and shake my head. “Nothing Hyung. I’m just hungry hehehe...”I answer. He just looks at me for awhile before smiling and grabs his backpack, and gets a sandwich. “Here. Eat this first, so you have your energy back.” I look at him baffle. See?! See?! He’s such a nice Hyung right? RIGHT! I accept his sandwich and eat happily. 10 minutes later we arrive at the studio.

As soon as we enter the dressing room, a flash of tornado pass through me, almost knocking me down. I look at my Hyungie and see that KOALA already pulls my Hyungie to the side, and as usual, snuggles to him. I can see all the members, including Ryeowook pout and glare at the magnae. I just sigh in resignation. “Aww...Is BabyKyu OK?” I hear Hyung’s voice asking about the magnae wellbeing. WHAT!!??!! BABYKYU!?! He’s not a BABY! I’m his BABY! I’m HIS jjokeumani! I scream mentally while getting ready for the pre-recording, boring a hole at the magnae’s head. I see Kyuhyun still attach to Hyung, even the coordi noona has a difficulties to style Hyungie’s hair, but Hyungie just smiles warmly and gently pats Kyuhyun’s head, and the magnae lets him go for a while but still holding Hyungie’s hand. When we all finish, I approach my Hyungie. He looks at me and smile, but the moment not lasting for long, because THAT EVIL KOALA snatches him and walks with him to the set. I sigh and walk with my head down, behind a really frustrated Ryeowook, and a grudging Siwon. IT’S NOT FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Siwon’s POV

Another hectic schedule for me. YAY....NOT. With this schedule of mine, I practically bounce all over the place. I hardly have time to gather with the other members, one specific Hyung in particular. I really wish to spend my time as much as possible with my Hyung, before he leaves for his ARMY service. GOD! What will happen to me and the other when it’s his turn to leave? I mentally ask. He always be there, warm smile, open hands and everything. He’ll listen to your every whine, such a kind hearted man he is. But that’s just what make him adorable, and loved. And my limited time with him just keeps getting shorter and shorter, THANKS to the very attach KOALA by his side. GOD! Doesn’t Kyuhyun have anything to do other than glue himself to MY Hyung? Really, that magnae starts to get on our nerves. Even Sungmin Hyung, the one who has an awkward relationship with Yesung Hyung, already deprived. What’s that make me then? Don’t even get me started with Ryeowook. I must say, he really gets ready to go all Ninja Assassin to the magnae monopolizing his Hyung.

But today I’m very happy. My schedule finish earlier than I expected, so I drive my car to the dorm. According to my memory, Yesung Hyung only has morning schedule today, so he should be finished by now, and probably at dorm. Luck must be on my side. I praise the Lord for his blessing for me today, for I can spend some time with my beloved Hyung, when I see him watching TV at the living room. “Hi Hyung,” I greet him. He averts his gaze from the TV and smiles warmly at me.

“Siwonnie..It’s good to see you. Come, sit with me,” he invites me, which I take with pleasure. I sit beside him, enjoying the warmth emits from him. “I want to grab something to drink. Do you want some?”he asks. I just shake my head, and he goes to the kitchen to get something to drink. He comes back with a glass of orange juice, and some snacks. I grab the snack, while watching the comedy show played on TV.
“How’s your schedule Siwonnie? I barely see you long enough. You just keep on bouncing here and there,” he practically whines because he didn’t see me long enough. I feel a smile spread to my face. “Sorry Hyung. I really don’t know. I barely have even half day off like I used to be,” I say dejectedly. He sighs but smile that bright smile of his. “That’s OK Siwonnie. But you must remember to take care of yourself. Don’t tire yourself, and get sick. Arasso?” he tells me with a warm tone, but holds a strong gaze to my eyes. I nod my head, and he smiles brightly, nodding to himself. I just can’t help but chuckle at his antics, and hold him closer to me. OH..This is PERFECT. But of course, perfection isn’t something that last long. At the exact moment, the front door is opened and comes the strutting KOALA, who goes straight to Yesung Hyung, without greeting both of us.

“How’s BabyKyu’s schedule today? Is it fun?” asks Yesung Hyung to the very annoying KOALA beside him. His attention fully withdraws to the magnae. I can only pout and curse inward. “I’m tired Hyuuung..” Kyuhyun whines, try to put a little aegyo towards MY Hyung, who coos at the “cuteness”. “Have a rest then. I’ll wake you up before dinner,” Yesung hyung taps his shoulder, to let him rest. But of course the stubborn magnae he is, he keeps on snuggling to Yesung hyung, tightening his hold to my petite Hyung. “No. I want to stay here.” Yesung hyung just shakes his head, dealing with the stubborn magnae but brushes his hair lovingly. How I wish I was that freaking KOALA. “Fine, I’ll come with you for a while. How’s that?” asks Yesung hyung. Kyuhyun directly lift his head, all smiley face and nods his head frantically. WHAT?!? HE’S GONNA LEAVE ME HERE ALONE?!!? Yesung hyung faces me for a while, and smile apologetically. “Siwonnie, are you gonna be okay staying here alone for a while? I’ll be back soon,” he asks my permission. I just nod and smile at him. Yesung Hyung returns the smile and tows the attached KOALA to his bed room. GOD!! IT’S NOT FAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR!!!!

All in all, every member in Super Junior had deprived from Jongwoon’s presence and attention. Everyone had this dark scary aura around them, especially when a certain magnae sat or just been near them. Kyuhyun, of course, just brushed his Hyungs antics and kept on going monopolized a certain Turtle Lover Hyung’s attention. So, before all of them really withered, they decided to pull out their biggest ammo, their bazooka. They call the one and only, KIM KIBUM.

“Kibummie, how are you?”
“Heechul Hyung. How are you? I’m fine.”
“Me too. BTW, what are you doing right now?”
“Me? Nothing Hyung. Today’s my day off, so I got no schedule today, and tomorrow I just have a fanmeeting”
“Really?! Perfect. How about come visiting the dorm. I haven’t seen you in a while Bummie.”
“Is it okay if I pay visit today? I won’t be bothering you all Chullie Hyung?”
“Yah! What do you mean? Of course you won’t be a bother. Moreover, you’re one of the magnae. You should visit your hyungs often. Especially before this old man sitting beside me go for his service.”
Kibum laughed when he heard Leeteuk said,”Yah! Who do you call old man?!”
“What do you say Kibummie?”
“Fine Hyung. I’ll come by at 6 tonight, if it’s okay with you all.”
“SPLENDID!! We’ll see you tonight Bummie.”
With the phone hung up, all the members high fived with each other, while the magnae and the lead singer still on their schedule.

At 6 pm, all the members gathered at 12th dorm. All the conspired members already told Kibum to go straight to 12th dorm when he got there. They scattered all across the living room doing random things, with a certain KOALA already attached himself to the lead singer, while the latter talked to a frowning eternal magnae. 15 minutes later, the bell rang. But no one in the room made effort to stand and open the door. So, Yesung tapped on Kyuhyun’s shoulder lightly to get up. After all the whining and scolding from the other members, Kyuhyun finally detached himself, and let Yesung got the door. Yesung opemed the door and welcomed by the 100 mega watt smile.

“KIBUMMIE!!” Yesung squealed, made Kibum chuckled at his beloved Hyung. Yesung hugged Kibum and dragged him into the dorm. Everyone greeted Kibum with a totally bright and cheery smile, except Kyuhyun who pouted all the way when he saw Yesung practically glued to Kibum.
“Are you hungry Kibummie? Because little Ryeowook here already cooked all delicious food SPECIALLY for you,” said Heechul with his signature evil smirk. Kibum just raised his brow, but smile anyway. “OK,” he answered and put his attention to His Hyung beside him,” Come Sungie Hyung.” Before they could make to the dining room, a flash of tornado passing through, shoving almost everyone except Yesung and Kibum. “Hyuung..” Yesung turned to his side and smiled brightly at the magnae, when everyone just sneered. “Is BabyKyu hungry? Let’s eat then.” With that said, the trio went to the dining room, while the others followed from behind, enjoying the show.

Is it just me or Kyuhyun really acts like a KOALA? Kibum thought to himself, when they had dinner. He’d been observing His Hyung and the magnae who sat next to him. The magnae sat really close and leaned to His Hyung, while the latter ate. Sometimes Yesung patted Kyuhyun arm lightly and put some of vegetables the magnae hated with all his soul. But the magnae ate it anyway, after much grumbling and continued to lean to Yesung. He looked around and saw the other looked at the magnae with such burning aura. Something was off here, Kibum thought to himself, eating in silent. “Kibummie, how’s your drama? Is the response good?” asked Yesung Hyung while picking another vegetable and put it on Kyuhyun’s plate. Kibum smiled brightly at His Hyung. “Yes Hyung. The fans like it, or so my manager said,” Kibum answered casually. Yesung lightly smacked his back. “Yah! What do you mean by that? Of course they love it,” Yesung said with an annoyed expression and a childish pout. GOD! How he missed HIS hyung. HIS beloved Hyung, the cute, lovable, childish, wise, innocent Hyung. Kibum smiled that killer smile of his and nodded obediently. Yesung grinned childishly at his favourite dongsaeng and continued to eat.

After dinner, all of them went back to living room, watching TV and talking about everything and what not. The members felt happy and content since today Kyuhyun didn’t manage to monopolize Yesung’s attention. They tried to take their “dosage” of Kim Jong Woon as much as they could, before the magnae robbed him again. But, it was all over when Yesung yawned sleepily and rubbed his eyes. Kyuhyun, still glued himself to His Hyung, noticed it. “Hyung, are you sleepy?” asked the magnae. Yesung just nodded weakly, eyes fluttered every now and then but he forced them to open. “Let’s go to sleep then Hyung,” Kyuhyun almost succeeded to pull Yesung up, but Yesung stubbornly sat and shook his head. “But Kibummie’s here. He hadn’t been here for GOD knows how long,” Yesung said with a sleepy voice. Kibum just smiled brightly, while Kyuhyun pouted, and glared evilly at Kibum who just flipped him a birdie. All the members snickered mentally. Take that KOALA, they all muttered mentally. “It’s Okay Hyung. But if you want, I can sleep with you tonight,” said the second youngest. That got everyone’s attention. They looked at Kibum and Yesung cautiously. Yesung smiled brightly and nodded frantically at his MIA dongsaeng, practically dragging him to his room. But of course, Kyuhyun wouldn’t lose so easily, so he leaned on his Hyung, who patted his head lovingly and entered the lead singer’s bedroom, leaving other members shocked, mouth wide opened.

Leeteuk snapped out first and went closer to Yesung’s bedroom. After he was sure his dongsaengs were fast asleep, he opened the door gently and peeked inside the room, only to sighed in resignation. Heechul looked at his friend, went closer to him. Their dongsaengs waited on the couch in the living room. “So? How is it?” asked the curious Diva. Leeteuk just sighed heavily. The sight he saw lingering in his memory. Kyuhyun, the evil KOALA he is, just hold Yesung tight, while Yesung snuggled close to Kibum, while the latter held His Jongwoonie close to his chest. “Even that evil KOALA can’t win against the Snow White,” Leeteuk answered with a heavy heart. They really got Yesung deprived syndrome here. Ryeowook, Donghae, and Siwon finally lost it.


A/N: Another extremely weird fic by me *Head hang low* But, if you read it, comments and critics would be appreciated :D
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404 streak #1
Chapter 1: Rereading 🤭🥰❤️
givivi123 #2
Chapter 1: LOL at Siwon, Donghae, and Ryeowook's outburst at the end! This is so cute!
Chapter 1: lol that is hilarious their plan back fired hahaahahahah
Chapter 1: LOLOL The moment when Kibum said he was sleeping with Yesung, everybody just stopped and was like 'Wait...this was NOT part of the plan!' xDDDDD
Kyuhyun! Learn to shared the beloved Yesung!
Yesung is just totally oblivious to everything xDDD
Eggums #5
Chapter 1: hee! This is wonderful :3
Chapter 1: it's more like Kisung!!! my precious Kisung!! XD noone can beat Kim Kibum to win yesungie's attention.. cute story of yours, love this bromance ^^
ysismine #7
Chapter 1: Cuuutee evil magnae kyu xD
haha love the possesive kyu towards his cute turtle lover hyung :3
And kibum , i love yoi moreeeeee xD hahaha
you sure have those victorious smile on yours :D
Keep writing author nim ^^ thanks for the cute fic :3