Round and Round

Why is Love Like This


Daesung’s POV

Youngbae looks extremely mad and I don’t know what to do. He is speeding down the highway and his eyes seem so cold.

            “What happened between you and Seungri?” I asked him. He didn’t answer and his facial expression didn’t change. “Please Youngbae tell me ehat

happened. You look mad, but I see the trace of sadness in your eyes and I hate it.” He still stayed silent and I stopped trying to get him to tell me.

            “He asked me to kiss him.” Said Taeyang quiently


            “He asked me to kiss him!” he yelled as he began to cry

            “Wait then whats so bad about it, isn’t that what you wanted?”

            “Yes, but I didn’t want it like this. I wanted to kiss him knowing that we felt the same towards each other. I wanted him to find comfort in me and know

that I was the only one he ever needed, but that wasn’t tonight. He was just a drunken bastard tonight. The only reason he wanted me was to fufill the place

Seunghyun and it pissed me off.”

            “You don’t know that for sure, he could have been revealing his true feelings to you.”

            “No, I know its just another lie and I could have been any other guy to him.” He was crying and I knew nothing that I could do or say would make him

feel better.

            “Hey, I know that he hurt you, but do you know what people could do to him while he is as drunk as you say he is. You know you have to back.” His

eyes turned fierce as he turned the car around.

Taeyang’s POV

As much as I am mad at Seungri I have to make sure that nothing happens to him. I run back into the club and I don’t see Seungri. I run around at every

corner of the club and I couldn’t find him anywhere. I screamed his name and but there was no response back. I went outside and I began to cry again

thinking about what terrible things could be happening to him, because of my stupid anger. I called his phone and I could hear a ring in the dumpster. I

looked in the dumpster to see a passed out Seungri.

            “Seungri, wake up.” I screamed at him. He wasn’t responding. “Please wake up.” I tapped his face.

            “What do you want, can’t you see I’m sleeping.” He said waking up still drunk.

            “I thought you died; please don’t do that to me again.” Seungri went back to sleep, looking as cute as ever. “I know you won’t remember this in the

morning, but I have to do this.” I went down and kissed his soft lips not regretting a thing. I picked him up and we drove him home. When we got back to the

dorm I carried him to his bed and tucked him into bed. “Goodnight my sweet Panda.” I kissed his head and slept by his side just to know he would be safe.

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Danees #1
Chapter 21: Oh no! Am glad its just a fanfic. Even they ended up together but they are so screwed up. I cant take seunghyun being that mean..
Chapter 20: Beautiful ending (even for the second time) I love this story so much!!
JagiyaBunny #3
Chapter 21: Thanks for the awesome sequel!!! *satisfied*
Chapter 20: Aww BaeRi finally together :33 Great ending :)
Chapter 20: good story eventhough I was waiting for some smug between Baeri haha :)
Chapter 20: good story eventhough I was waiting for some smug between Baeri haha :)
DigitalPounce #7
Chapter 20: I can't believe it's over but I am looking forward to the next in the series! Haha I love the mpreg joke! =)
Chapter 20: 'we both know that are love story isnt some weird fanfiction where men can get pregnant' <--- LOL xDDD

btw, nice ending authornim ^^
Chapter 20: Aha a job well done!! So what'll they do to Top?! Omo waiting... daebak!!
celebrateme #10
Chapter 20: uwaaa!!!~