Tom & Jerry

Isn't life so weird?

i'm back again lol ^^ , i'll update next chapter 18, cause it's already written hehe!




After reflecting over the situation a bit, you went upstairs. There was no one in your room, so you thought of going into Joon’s bedroom. You were standing in front of his room, shying away of entering into it.

You wanted to knock at his door, but the door opened before you could touch it.

“Are you impatient to see me? “ , he said smirking.

“Not at all. I wanted to tell you that I don’t want to sleep in your bedroom. You’re a pimp after all.” , you said frowning.

“Hey, that hurts!”

“Truth hurts.”

“Shut up !! “

You laughed at the thought that he resembles so much with a kid. Actually, he was everything: a kid, an adult, a pimp, a player, a victim, an angel and a devil. It was really confusing but interesting at the same time.

“Fine. I shut up. But I WON’T sleep in your bedroom.”

“Yes, you will.”

“Why are you so persistent?”

“Because…because I’m doing you a favor !!” , he said looking everywhere but at you.

“Are you sure? If you want to do me a favor, then let me sleep in that room.”

“No!! Because…if I need to talk to someone again, then…you’ll be there!”

“FINE !!” , you said pouting. “So in the end you’re doing a favor to no other than yourself!!”

“No, it’s for you too, because you get the chance to sleep in my bedroom.”

“Bad luck.”

He smiled and flicked your head.

“Hey !! Don’t touch me, maniac !!”

“Let’s go brush our teeth. Together.”


You rolled your eyes at the idea but followed him in the bathroom. He gave you a toothbrush, and from what he said, it was a new one, he took one for him too, and put some toothpaste on them.

“Akshfgkshgjrhk” , he said brushing his teeth. You stopped from doing the same action as him and looked at him blinking.


He spat the toothbrush from his mouth and replied:

“I said, say my name one more time.”

“Joon?” , you did as he said, confused.

“What, ___ ?  Is something that you want to tell me“ ,he turned his head at you looking into your eyes, smirking.

‘Idiot !! Who do you think you are?’ , you thought. ‘I’ll make you pay for being so arrogant!!’ You didn’t say anything, until the both of you cleared your mouth with water, finishing the brushing.

“Joon…actually I…I think I...” , you said making it sound like a confession to be. But of course, it was just a part of your plan.

“What is it, ____ ? Tell me!” , he said, seriously this time. His smirk disappeared and his eyes widened.

“I think you’re…YOU’RE STUPID !! “ , you finally said starting to laugh. He looked at you with his cold eyes and you started to feel scared. “Ooo…ps…” , you said still looking at him in fear.

“Yes, ___ . Ooops indeed.” . You started to run from the bathroom and he started to run after you, who were intending to run downstairs, but being in a rush you stumbled on the stairs. You screamed and Joon, who was right behind you wanted to help you not to fall, but both ended up falling, and coming down until you reached the end of the stairs. Your eyes were still closed from the shock, but you weren’t feeling any pain. You opened your eyes to see you were actually on top of Joon who was hissing in pain.

“Ah…I’m sorry!!” , you said wanting to get off him, but he stopped you from moving and you gasped.

“Don’t be…” , and then he smiled looking at you. Your faces were so close, and you felt like your heart was going to explode in any minute.

“Now get off me, it hurts.” , he finally said.

“Jerk.” , you replied getting of him.

“What did you say?” , he said getting up the floor too.

“I said you’re a jerk.”

“Ok. ____ ….I remembered something…very important..” , he said looking on the walls.

“What?” , you looked at him confused.

“That I need to punish you !!”

You gasped and started to run away both he caught you and made you turn your face to him. You were still too nervous to look at him though.

“Look at me!!” , he ordered. You didn’t obey.

“I said, look at me !!”

You finally looked at him and when he saw your eyes, he startled.

“Fine!! Slap me, punch me, do whatever you want !! I don’t care!!”

“___ , I …you’re different…”

“What’s this supposed to mean?”

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ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
hwaiting ~
Chapter 34: Oh my glob!!!!!! Please update!!! This is so awesome! Need more~
chang-yeol #4
please update soon~ ^^
killthemall #5
joon!! ilove you lol
Chapter 34: Please update! I really thought that this story was cute. I'm really curious as to how Hye Ri will develop during the story. Author, you did a great job and you earned yourself a subscriber.
yes..finally haha xD ; sorry for the lo~ng wait :(
You finally updated! :D
Preez update soon!!! I lub dish story~~~! <33