
Isn't life so weird?

hello, i'm back mwahaha!! first of all, thx again for your commentss and subscriptions *teary eyes* !!second of all, this is my first and last update for today, i'm really tired :S !! i'll come back tomorrow with more !! enjoy ^^ !!




The next morning you opened your eyes, happy that you had a good sleep. Also, you noticed that Joon took his mattress and pillow from the room you were sleeping in, which made you feel happy and sad at the same time.

You got off the bed, exited the room and went to the bathroom so that you can wash your face.  After you finished, you were preparing to take a towel, but got scared when the door opened.

“Whaaaat?! Knock first!!” , you said looking at the one who opened the door from the bathroom, the one and only Joon.

He was looking different. His hair wasn’t rumpled anymore. His face looked soft and you could feel his perfume.

“Hmmm? To knock when entering a room, in MY house? How’s that? “ , he replied, wanting to look confused. It was obvious that he was just playing.

 “What if it was undressed or something like that? Or if I was using the toilet?”

“That’d have been my bad luck then. Now get out of here.”

You rolled your eyes and did as he said.


Back into the room, you just sat on the bed because you didn’t have the guts to go downstairs. What if he yelled at you? You started to smile, feeling like a kid who’s waiting for someone to allow him to do something.

“Why are you smiling? “

Being lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice when Joon stepped into the room.

“Am I not allowed to smile in your house?”

“No.” , then he left, leaving you a bit confused. ‘Who does he think he is? He really loves to appear and disappear abruptly. ‘ , you thought.

After a few minutes, he stepped in once again, making you having the earlier thoughts. You rolled your eyes. Then you noticed he was holding something, you couldn’t see clearly what, though.

“Am I really that hateful to you? “ , he asked, pouting a bit.


“Whatever. This is why I’m gonna punish you: because you’re…I don’t have words to describe you !! Here, put on these!” , and he threw some clothes to you.

After studying the ruffled bow pink tank top and the skinny jeans, you blinked at him a few times.

“What is this? One of your one-night girl’s clothes? Did they forget their clothes over here and now you’re giving them to me? Do I look like I need clothes?” , you asked almost yelling.

“No. Stop saying things like this. Now get dressed, I told you I want to go to the amusement park. And YES, you look like you need clothes.” , he said glaring at you.

“But what’s with those clothes? I don’t want to wear something that someone else wore them before me.” , you asked confused and still angry.

“JUST SHUT UP OR I’LL SLAP YOU!! See you in the living room.” . And he left the room leaving you annoyed.

‘ I can’t believe that last night I thought I liked you…!! Why is he like this…? ‘ , you thought letting out a heavy sigh.

It was true, it was like a rollercoaster. Last night he acted so kind to you, and now he was just treating you badly.

You put the clothes on, and exited the room slamming the door.

After reaching the living room, you saw him sitting on the couch. He seemed lost in thoughts so you coughed in order to get his attention. After seeing you, he started to smile a bit.

He came towards you and patted your head:

“ ___ , I'll explain you when the time comes. But now let’s go!”

“Stop patting me, I’m not a dog !!”

“Shut up!”

Then, you both left the house and got in the car. The thing which made you feel nervous was that at some stops, he would look at you and smile. Of course, you were pretending not to see it, but deep down your soul you were feeling happy for it.


You finally arrived at the amusement park.

“Let’s go ride the rollercoaster !!” , he said starting excited. You shrugged and listened to him. The ride made you feel dizzy and uncomfortable,  and when he noticed, he made fun of you.

‘Jerk…’ , you thought.

Then, there was that mirror thing, and of course, his name is Joon and he scared you. Because he’s Joon.

You two had fun all day, you ate ice cream and rode all those crazy things, except for the Love Tunnel, you were both thinking it’d be too awkward. The day has quickly passed and when he realized it was diner time, he suggested going to a restaurant.

“Whatever…” , you said with an indifferent attitude.

The restaurant was a pretty famous one, and it seemed that Joon was a loyal client to it, since he was talking too informal to the waitress. Either this, or the girl had been one of his one-night girlfriends too. You rolled your eyes at the thought of it and looked on the menu.

That food was strange to you since you weren’t used to visit such famous restaurants, so you ordered whatever he ordered, thing which made him very proud of himself. But you really didn’t know why.

The diner’s conversation was about the fun you had at the amusement park, and he also brought in discussion the fact that you got dizzy in the rollercoaster and also, you got scared by him in the mirrors room.

He was annoying, but seeing his smile, you decided to just let him talk.


After diner, you got home and played a bit with Snowy.

“Can I take a shower? “ ,you asked looking at Joon who was pouring some soda in two glasses.

“Yes. But come back here.”

You finished your shower, wrapped a towel around yourself and when you opened the door to exit the bathroom, you’ve seen another t-shirt in front of the door. You smiled and went back in the bathroom to put it on, then you headed to the living room to find him sitting on the couch, like he did, in this morning.

“I see you’ve learnt your lesson.” , he said smirking at you.

“About what?” , you asked confused.

“About you not facing me with a towel wrapped around your body. Also, you knew that the t-shirt was for you.”

“Yes. Thank you…”

“No problem, I thought you’d miss my scent so I gave it to you.” ,

“You’re so annoying !! If I’d have a chance, I’ll run away from here with the first occasion!! ”

But he didn’t say anything, he was just spacing out. You noticed, and took a sit, while waiting for him to break the silence. And he did.

“The clothes…were hers…”

“Hers? Seems like you had feelings for one of your one-night girlfriends. But you still dumped her? “

He looked at you raising his brow:

“Why are you playing smart? You don’t even know what I’m talking about…”

“Then tell me.”

He looked at you with hopeful eyes and approached you.

“Will you listen to me? “ , he asked. His voice was different, his eyes, his everything.

“Of course…” , you said nodding


‘What is he going to tell me, that he killed a girl, or what…? ‘ , you then thought, a bit scared.





ok, i guess it's pretty obvious what he's gonna tell you, sorry haha ^^;

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ooooo.......Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
hwaiting ~
Chapter 34: Oh my glob!!!!!! Please update!!! This is so awesome! Need more~
chang-yeol #4
please update soon~ ^^
killthemall #5
joon!! ilove you lol
Chapter 34: Please update! I really thought that this story was cute. I'm really curious as to how Hye Ri will develop during the story. Author, you did a great job and you earned yourself a subscriber.
yes..finally haha xD ; sorry for the lo~ng wait :(
You finally updated! :D
Preez update soon!!! I lub dish story~~~! <33