"I fulfilled my promise, My Love"

A Promise is a Promise

Kai's POV



One day, a boy sat happily on the swing outside his house.

"It's my birthday today!" he exclaimed.

"Will she come? Will she give time? Will she greet me?" he questioned himself.


A little later, the phone in his pocket started to ring.

"Yoboseyo?" he answered.

"MY LOVE!" the caller shouted.

"RICA! It's you! I thought you forgot my birthday" he pouted.

"Really? How could I forget the birthday of my one and only love? I love you Kai" she answered sweetly.

"Awww, I love you too Rica! Can you come at my house tonight?" he asked nervously.

A moment of silence has suffocated them.

"So Rica?" he asked again.

"Ofcourse I'll come! You silly cute kid. I promise!" she said and giggled.

"Yes!" he exclaimed.


"But what?"

"I might be a little late. I still have some things to finish." she said and that made the boy sadden a bit.

"It's okay my love, I'll wait for you!" he replied.





Rica's POV


"Will he like my surprise?" she murmured while eyeing the shiny heart-shaped crystal that glimmers when a light passes through it.


After adoring the splendid gift she made, She went to her room and fixed herself. As she reached her room, she quickly went to her closet and picked out a cute dress with little bows on it. She made her way to her bathroom and put up a simple yet nice make up to her face and did a final turn infront of the mirror.


"You look so beautiful dear" her mother said and that made her leaped a little.

"Mom! You scared me but thanks." she said and smiled at her mother.

"Oh you scare-dy cat! Come on let me fix your hair" her mother said and gestured her to sit on the chair.


Her mother started fixing her hair. She braided her hair skillfully and put a little touch of pink on it by clipping a little bow at the end of the braid to match her dress. She went to her bathroom again and saw a pretty face infront of her. She went back and thanked her mother.


"Mom, thank you so much! I must hurry to Kai's house." she said excitingly and her mother nodded. She picked up her wonderful gift and went to her car and drove.








Kai's POV



"Two hours have already passed? Where is she?" he said weakly.

"Will she still come? Did she forget about me already?" he whispered to himself sadly.


When he was about to go to his room, a sudden knock on the door was heard.


"Who could that be?" he asked curiously

"SURPRISE!" the girl said while holding out her present for her love.

"Aigoo! You always scare me. Come in my love, dinner is served" he said and smiled at her.


They made their way to the balcony where the wonderful table setting was placed.

The boy helped the girl sit at the chair and after that he sat as well. 


When suddenly...


"OMO! I forgot the match how can I lit the candles up now?" he cursed under his breath.

Before he stood up the girl said.

"Let me get it for you my love, let me serve you even just for today." she said and smiled.

The girl went to the place where the match and candles are placed.


The boy was left there smiling when his phone started ringing.

"Yoboseyo?" he said.

"KAI! Hurry go to _____ Hospital! right now!" the mother of the girl said.

"Why?" he asked with a puzzled look.

"Rica got into an accident!" the caller exclaimed nervously.

"What? Are you sure?" he answered the phone confused.

The mother started crying and can't talked clearly.

"How could that happen? She's right here! Stop talking non sense!" he said as anger grew up on him.

The boy hung up the phone.


He started walking back and forth confused by the phonecall. He don't know whether the news he just heard was true or a prank.

To know if it's true he waited for the girl to arrived.




His eyes grew wide when he saw a different person infront of him.

His girlfriend was drenched in blood and dirt, her dress ripped, her face broken, her fingers twirled at each other and her hair messy. This is the first time he saw his girlfriend that that... 

The boy stood there frozen and look as if it's a nightmare. The boy can't think clearly and seems like his tongue abandoned him. 


A smile started to crack on the girl's lips and she said.

"I fulfilled my promise, My Love" she said and started to vanish to thin air and a crystal heart sat on the floor.


The boy was to astounded to speak, he just stayed there and all he could do is cry.


"Rica, you are such a wonderful gift for me. I won't forget you and I'll love you forever and I promise that you'll stay in my heart." 









So how's the story ? :)

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Chapter 1: Awesome! WAHAHA I got scared. Its a first for me to read a scary one shot. Its good! :)
samyeol #2
Chapter 1: Omoooo swaaaag I was reading this at like 1 in the frealing morning!!! You didn't even tell me it was slightly horror TT.TT i'm hearing a lot of things in here okayyy I don't usually get scared, but this creepy story partnered with all the weird sounds in here, I think I might faint TT.TT but for the critique..
Hmmm you might want to add a little more elaboration and check your grammar. ^^ that's all swag~ /bursts into fairy dust/
Chapter 1: i'm scared of rica~haha its scary,but it sad
Woot! I'll support you all the way :)
And the graphics are nice!