
The Snuggery


Kai walked back into the club after showing the bouncer the stamp entry and as expected, Sehun and Baekhyun were sprawled over the seats, half asleep with Chanyeol nowhere to be found. After burying his face in his palm, he told the duo to stay put and went into the crowd to drag Chanyeol back. Kai contemplated on leaving the three on the streets to fend for themselves like abandoned puppies but being the nice guy he was, he decided against it.

After finally squeezing them all 3 idiots into the backseat of his car, Kai drove all of them home, annoyed that they were sober enough to be giggling and talking nonsense but not awake enough to notice their surroundings.

By the time Kai reached home, it was almost 4 am and dealing with the bunch of kids tired him out. Without bothering to change or shower, he fell asleep on the couch, vouching to find the trio the next day and demand for at least a chauffeur fee.



When he woke up, it was near 1pm and after a good shower, he headed over to Sehun’s house which was a mere 10 minute walk from his own.

Pressing the passcode into the lock, Kai invited himself into the apartment he knew really well, spotting Sehun on the couch exactly where he left him the night before.

“How’s the hangover?” Kai smirked as he pushed Sehun’s legs off the couch for him to sit.

“Terrible.” Sehun groaned in reply.

“Yet you never learn.” Kai shook his head and picked up a Chinese food flyer. “I’ll be ordering lunch for us and it’ll be your treat.”

“Yeah whatever. “

“It wasn’t even a question.”



After lunch and a bit of gaming which made Sehun finally decide to get up and move on with life, Kai stood up suddenly and rushed to the toilet. “Stomachache!” He cried with a hand over his stomach.

Sehun stared at Kai’s disappearing back, mumbling a few curses and ‘serves you right’ s because for one, he had to pay for lunch and it was overly expensive seeing how Kai ordered 5 items off the menu and two, he lost in the video games they were playing in which the sore loser he was, made him grumpy. But the thing that caught his eye was that Kai left his wallet on the couch and he immediately reached out for it.

“Bastard thinks I’ll pay for the food. Right…” Sehun said to himself as he opened up the wallet and picked out a 50 dollar bill.

“Hey, what’s this?” A piece of paper dropped on the floor from the wallet and Sehun picked it up, unfolding it. “The Snuggery…” Sehun scanned through the paper and guffawed.

“This sounds like some phone scam or some lonely advice hotline. Wait...”

Sehun picked up his phone and dialed the number on the advertisement and tapped his fingers against the coffee table as he waited for the other side to pick up.

“The Snuggery at your service, how may I help you today?”

“Hi, I saw your ad and I was thinking of helping my friend book an appointment. He has been really down lately because his girlfriend left him. You can help him, can’t you?”

“Yes we can. Our snuggling sessions are like therapy sessions actually, just that it’s more physical. Could you kindly leave your name and number down? We have to set a date to discuss the terms and conditions and you can make clear of any other queries when we meet.”

“Oh sure, I’ll leave my buddy’s name with you.”

Kai just then came out of the toilet and saw Sehun on the phone, one hand with the advertisement flyer he kept from the day before and his wallet left open on the couch. It wouldn’t take an idiot long to add two and two together.

“Kai. 108-2938-14.” Sehun spat into the phone after meeting Kai’s furious eyes and immediately hung up.

“Did you just book an appointment with the– “

“Yes I did. And if you're wondering, yes it was for you.” Sehun smiled teasingly. “Heck, this is even better than the $50 I took from your wallet!”




yehet. i didn't forget about you this time so here's an update.

question, are the chapters too short for you guys?


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Dude its been so long and this story us so promising it would be such a waste if you abandoned it ._.
Chapter 2: aww, the plot is really cute~ i'm waiting for the next update, author-nom ^.^
Chapter 2: its a bit short , I dont mind anyways ~ ● 3●

hwaiting !
Woah, no offense but I even forgot about this fic. Anyway, it's good that you upgraded your story. It would be way more mature and better to read. I was also going to do like you but then it would take much effort for me to start my fic all over again so I just made some changes.You can drop in and check it out if you want, My Untouchable Prince. Keke, sorry for the advertisement. Fighting and keep up the good work!
Chapter 1: I don't mind the change! I can't wait to see what you have in store! : )
Thanks for updating, and please update whenever you can~
Chapter 1: whoop ! I like it so muchhh ♥

although the previous one is okay too c: Hwaiting ~
omg you finally updated...
with a different storyline -_-
Chapter 33: I really like this story! The idea of the "snuggery" sounds interesting, and that's the reason why I'm still reading this story. : )
Thanks for updating, and please update soon~
Chapter 33: I'm terribly sorry for not commenting! But, your fic is one of the few that I look extremely forward to everytime it updates! It'd be a shame to see you stop writing!
Chapter 33: Oh no I m also reading yours. I was just lazy to comment. Pleas3 do continue. I love this