Clean Up!

Clean Up!

It was a lovely day. Sun rose, birds chirped, bicycle’s bell was ringing. Just a perfect morning, for everyone. But that was not the case in Super Junior’s dorm. It was 7 in the morning, everyone was still in their dreamlands when a sudden shout blared.


All the inhabitants of 11th dorm forced to wake up from their sweet dreams and found the leader and the eternal magnae stood agape at the living room. “Morning Teukie Hyung,” greeted Sungmin, confusion plastered on his face. Leeteuk and Ryeowook still focusing on their surrounding, a VERY MESSY surrounding.
“What happen in here?!” asked the leader, eyes narrowing dangerously across the room.
All the inhabitants of 11th dorm just stare blankly, excluding the magnae and a certain turtle lover. He even found a raccoon and band’s fish in there. Not long after, Shindong and Heechul made way to 11th dorm and just stood agape. The living room and kitchen were really messy. Wine bottles, soju, and beer cans spread all over the place.

“YESUNG-AH!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU??!!” yelled Leeteuk, while the other looking around not finding the lead singer.
Meanwhile, Yesung who just got off the elevator, heard someone screaming his name in rage, running as fast as he could to the dorm, only to find a seething Leeteuk. “Morning guys,” greeted Yesung. Leeteuk turn his body around to find the smiling Yesung, and snapped instantly.
“Where have you been?! You’re in charge of this dorm!” Leeteuk snarled. Yesung just stood there with smile faltering from his face. His leader never raise his voice when talked to him.
“I..I just got back from my parent’s house Hyung. If I’m not mistaken, I’ve told you about this yesterday after our schedule finished,” answered Yesung, a little afraid if he forgot to mention about it. Meanwhile, Leeteuk tried to remember what his dongsaeng said, and grinned guiltily. “I’m sorry Yesung-ah, I forgot,” Leeteuk shyly stated, while the other just rolled their eyes. Yesung just smile brightly, and fully entered the dorm, while Heechul who stood behind Leeteuk lightly swapped his back. “Gee!! You’re really hopeless old man.”

Yesung, who just got into the dorm, got the shock of his life finding the previously neat kitchen and living room turned out like a victim of a tornado. The magnae came into view after hearing such a ruckus in the dorm, not quite happy about it.
“Yah!! Why are you so noisy in the morning?” asked the magnae, not so politely. Leeteuk heard the magnae and strode forward. “Cho Kyuhyun, look around you. This dorm is in BIG MESS!” snarled Leeteuk, “What did you do last night anyway to turn the dorm like this?!”
“It’s not just me Hyung!! They all did it too. Why do you only blame it on me?!” defended the magnae.
Leeteuk just brushed his hair and rubbed his face, already felt big headache coming up. “I don’t care who did it, but you all must take responsibility. I want you all to clean this dorm RIGHT NOW,” said the leader turning back facing Yesung, who still looked around his surrounding,” I’m sorry Yesung-ah, but that will be including you.” Yesung faced his leader and just smile sweetly,” Sure Hyung. We will be finished in no time.” Leeteuk just smile at his dongsaeng, give a last look to other inhabitants and left the 11th dorm.
“I’ll be making breakfast upstairs. After you guys finish come and get it,”said Ryeowook with a big smile. Yesung ruffled his dongsaeng’s hair before Ryeowook left the dorm, followed by Shindong and Heechul.

Yesung stepped further into the dorm, and quite taken back when Donghae tackled him in a big hug. “Hyungieee..”
Yesung just smiled brightly at his jjokeumani and ruffled his hair, while trying not to scrunching his face smelled alcohol from all around the dorm.
“You guys just have to party without me,”teased Yesung with a playful tone, but his eyes said another. Everyone in the room just smiled awkwardly. “OK. Let me put my bag in my room and we’ll start the cleaning.” Kangin’s eyes bulged out and tried to block the lead singer to enter his room. “It’s not such a good idea Jongwoon-ah,” said Kangin. Yesung just blinked confusedly but still made way to his room and found another hell on earth. His room, HIS beloved room, turned upside down, like it had been by a twister. Everything was all over the place. He just turned to face Kangin who stood awkwardly and scratching his neck. Yesung took a deep breath, trying not to snap at his best friend, and put his bag at the most available spot, which is on top of his turtle tank. “Err...Could you please clean MY room for me Youngwoon-ah,” asked Yesung. Kangin just smiled brightly and nodded his head. Yesung turned back the smile and made his way to the living room.
“OK. Hyukkie and Minnie could you please clean the kitchen. Hae-ah get the vacuum cleaner, Me and Kyuhyun will clean the living room,” Yesung divided the task. Everyone got to their respective tasks except the magane.
“Hyuung..I don’t do chores, remember?” Kyuhyun tried to weasel his way, but Yesung just looked at him sternly. “Oh, Not now Kyu-ah. You will help me clean this blasted living room.” Kyuhyun just pout but helped clean the living room, while Donghae started to vacuum all the rooms. Everything started out good until Yesung who tried to pick up some bottles from under the table stood so sudden and pulled his back.

Everyone stopped from what they’re doing after hearing their lead singer screamed out loud. Donghae ran to his Hyungie to check what happened.
“Yesung Hyungie, are you OK?” asked the panicking Fish. Yesung tried to smile but only can grimaced. His back was on fire, it hurts so bad. He tried to nod weakly. “Hell no you’re OK Hyung,”snarled the magnae. Everyone started to gather around the turtle lover.
“I’m really fine. It’s just a little pull, it will be OK in a few minutes,”Yesung tried to calm his dongsaengs, but the grimace in every little move he made says otherwise. Kyuhyun, not the most patience person in the whole world, growled at his byung stubbornness. “You’re absolutely NOT OK Hyung. Just rest, we will finish it,”snarled the magnae. Yesung tried to confront, but Kyuhyun beat him. “Kangin hyung, can you clean the room faster?” asked the magnae. “Yah!! Kyuhyunnie, can’t you see the room was in total catastrophy?” growled the raccoon. “But Yesung hyung is injured. He hurts his back,” answered Donghae, with big puppy eyes. Who in the world can resist that big puppy eyes of Donghae anyway, even the big guy himself surrender.
“OK. Jongwoon-ah I will be finish in 5 minutes, no, less than that. So you just take a rest,”with that said, Kangin left the living room and start cleaning like crazy in Yesung’s bedroom. Meanwhile, Eunhyuk went to the kitchen to search for the painkiller. “Should we call Teukie Hyung, Sungie Hyung?” asked Sungmin. “NO!! No need to do that Minnie-ah. Teukie Hyung is already has enough on his mind,” answered Yesung, prevented any farther discussion about it. Kyuhyun could only rolled his eyes at his hyung behaviour. Is it wrong to think about yourself just for once?! GOD, this man irked me with his selflessness Kyuhyun thought to himself. So he and Sungmin looked at each other and came to some agreement.

“Jongwoon-ah, your room’s done. Come! You need to lay down,”Kangin stepped to the living room, while Yesung stood by the help of his dongsaengs. While it took less than a minute to go to his room, but in his state right now, it takes about 5 minutes, because he kept on grinning in pain in every little move he made. After reaching his room, Kyuhyun and Donghae helped him to lay down on his bed, while he kept on complaining. In the living room, Sungmin made a call to Leeteuk.
“Hyung, it’s Minnie.”
“Oh, Sungmin-ah. You guys finished already? Come get your breakfast.” Leeteuk couldn’t stay angry for too long apparently.
“Not yet hyung. I just want to tell you that...”
“What’s wrong Sungmin-ah?”
“Yesung hyung’s back was hurt.”
“Yah!! Hyung, no need to scream to my ears.”
“Sorry Sungmin-ah. Just lay him down and let him do nothing. I will go right down.”
With that said, Leeteuk hung up and set to left the 11th dorm. Before he could walk through the door, Heechul stopped him. “What’s wrong Teukie?” asked the 10 days younger Diva. “Yesung’s back was hurt. I need to see him now,” answered Leeteuk, while wearing his shoes. “I’m coming with you. Wait a second,” Heechul rushed to his bedroom to finish what he’d been doing. “Yah!! You must be going to your service. Just leave him to me!” yelled the Leader. Heechul came out of his room, scowling. “In your dream Old Man. There’s no way I’m leaving my rabid dog before I know his condition. Now, GET YOUR MOVE ON!” With that said, the two oldest left the dorm, while Ryeowook screeched from the kitchen,” I’ll bring Hyungie’s breakfast downstairs!” Shindong followed the two to the 11th dorm.

When the leader, the Diva and the mood maker entered the 11th dorm, they found all the inhabitants crowded in Yesung’s bed room. The leader just shoved them and approached his precious dongsaeng, worry plastered on his face. “Yesung-ah, are you okay? Tell Hyung where it hurts,” asked the worry leader. Yesung just smiled painfully. “I’m fine Hyung. It’s just a slight pull, it’ll be fine in no time,” said the lead singer tried to appease his Hyung worries. All the members in the room just rolled their eyes. Not long after, the eternal magnae came into view with a tray of breakfast.
“Hyungiee...Here, I got your breakfast. Now eat it and take that painkiller,” said Ryeowook. Yesung just smiled and tried to sit himself, failed miserably of course for the pain on his back just shot through his body. Donghae and Kyuhyun came to the rescue. After he sat as comfortable as he could get, Ryeowook put the tray on top of his lap and started feeding him. All finished, Sungmin handed him a painkiller with a glass of water. “Thank you,” Yesung said after put the glass on the tray. “Now I want you to have some rest Yesung-ah. Our schedule would be at 4 pm,”said the leader. “But..” Yesung tried to weasel his way, before the magnae butted in. “God! Hyung just take a rest will you! Just lay down,” snarled the magnae, followed by the members nodding head. “The cleaning..” This time Leeteuk stopped him. “We’ll help them clean the dorm. You, just rest. And I don’t take another “BUTs” from you Kim Jong Woon. Rest!” with the leader stern note, Yesung just sighed and lied down. All the members smiled warmly at their lead singer and out of his room, leaving the Diva looking at his Rabid Dog.
“Gee!! You just have to make me worry now don’t you Rabid Dog?!” Heechul snapped. What should he do about this AB brother of his, him and his fragile body. Yesung just smiled shyly to his Hyung. “I’m sorry Heebongie. But it’s just really a slight pull, they just over reacting about it,” answered Yesung. Heechul just rolled his eyes. “Oh..Don’t be talking you Rabid Dog. Now get some rest, I’ll see you after my service,” Heechul approached his dongsaeng and lightly swapped his forearm. Yesung just grinned childishly and waved to his Hyung, and take a rest.

Yesung turned out to fell asleep about 2 hours, and it was almost lunch time when he was awake. He opened his eyes sleepily, saw his surrounding and locked his eyes to the perfect Siwon, sat on the floor next to his bed, reading his bible. Rubbing his eyes to focus his sight, Yesung smiled at the view.
Siwon, heard his name’d been called, lookep up from his bible and smiled warmly at his hyung. “Hyung, you’re awake. Are you OK?” asked Siwon, scooted closer to his hyung. Yesung just smiled and tried to sit, grinning when he felt uncomfortable pull on his back. The pain had subsided, leaving just a little sting and uncomfortable feeling. Siwon stood to assist his Hyung. Yesung just smile gratefully at his dongsaeng. “I’m fine Siwonnie. I’m not that fragile you know,” Yesung answered with a cheeky and childish grin.
“Ha-ha..Funny Hyung, because I know some facts that contradict that statement of yours,” Kyuhyun suddenly popped in and approached the lead singer with a glass of water, which Yesung got and drank. He confusedly blinked at Kyuhyun,” What facts Kyu-ah?” Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes. “First, you get sick almost as easily as me; Second, you got a really bad spine Hyung; and third, you’re so skinny nowadays. Your cheeks aren’t as chubby as they used to be. I don’t know Hyung, but all of that just scream “FRAGILE” on my dictionary,” said the magnae. Yesung just rolled his eyes, but smiled warmly at his dongsaengs. They chatted for a while until Ryeowook called them to had lunch.

“And what are you trying to do exactly Hyung?” asked Kyuhyun, loking at his Hyung tried to stand up, while grimacing every now and then. “Have lunch,” answered Yesung absent mindly. Siwon scooted closer to his hyung to assist him, while Kyuhyun got to his other side. The members already gathered at the dining room when the trio entered. Leeteuk, the worry mother hen he is, stood up and helped his dongsaeng to sit.
“Do you feel better Yesung-ah?" Asked the leader. Yesung just smiled and nodded at his hyung. The lunch time spent with the members fussing about Yesung most of the time. After lunch, Donghae handed him another painkiller, while Ryeowook got some ointment from the cupboard, and rubbing some of it to his Hyung’s back. Yesung just smiled sweetly at his dongsaeng and sat carefully at the couch, because Leeteuk will tell them about their schedule today. It started with fansigning in different places, a photo session, and vocal practice. They supposed to have dance practice today, but Leeteuk managed to shift the time when he told the manager and the coach about Yesung’s back.
“OK, that will be all. Manager hyung will pick us up at 3 pm to the first fansigning,” Leeteuk wrapped the meeting,” And I expect you to take a rest for another one hour Yesung-ah.” Yesung just sighed and nodded his head. With Siwon and Donghae’s help, he strode to his room, looking at Ryeowook packing some of his things for today’s schedules. “Wookie-ah, I can do that later,” Yesung said, feeling a bit guilty toward his dongsaeng. Ryewook just smiled brightly to his Hyung. “It’s almost finish Hyung. You just need to rest now.” Yesung just smiled gratefully at his dongsaeng and lied down on his bed, with the help of the Horse and the Fish. “Have a rest Hyung,” said Siwon before him, Donghae and Ryeowook steeped out of Yesung’s room.

The schedule finished at around 10 pm. All the members stepped on 11th dorm, with Kyuhyun and Kangin assisting the still grimacing Yesung. They helped the lead singer to sit comfortably on the couch, while Sungmin get his Hyung something to drink. “Here’s you drink Hyung.” Yesung took the glass of water from the bunny boy, while smiling brightly. “Thank you Minnie-ah.” Not too long, Siwon came into view, bringing his Hyung’s belonging, as well as his. “Siwonnie, I’m sorry to trouble you. I really can get my belongings by myself,” Yesung said when the Horse sat next to him, after put his bags in his room. Siwon just smiled and patted his Hyung back gently, not wanting to hurt his Hyung accidentally. 5 minutes later, the Diva made way to the living room.
“Yesung-ah, are you okay? Feeling hurt somewhere?” asked the worried Diva. Yesung just smiled sweetly at his Hyung. “I’m fine Heebongie. Just feel a little uncomfortable, but if I don’t strain it, my back will be OK in a matter of day,” Yesung answered to his Hyung. Heechul smiled at his dongsaeng and went to the kitchen to start bugging Leeteuk, Ryeowook, and Kangin who were in there. Yesung yawned sleepily and tried to shift really carefully, to keep his back straight. Some members gathered at the living room, with a very annoyed Leeteuk and Kangin and a evilly grinning Diva. Yesung just shook his head at his Heebongie.

“Hyung are you sleepy?” Siwon asked him. He just nodded and tried to stand up carefully not to strain his back. “Good night guys. See you in the morning,” he said, and walked to his room painfully slow. Suddenly the magnae rushed from his room, holding a bottle of ointment in his hand. “Hyung, wait. I’ll put your ointment tonight,” said the magnae. Yesung just tilted his head cutely and smiled. “OK Kyu-ah. Thank you.” With that said, the lead singer and the magnae entered the bedroom and closed the door. The other members who were still in the living room just shrugged.
Meanwhile, Donghae, Eunhyuk and Sungmin came out of their rooms, and looked for their Hyung. Ryeowook followed not too long from the kitchen. “Where’s Hyungie?” asked the band’s Fishy. “He just went to bed Hae-ah. Kyuhyun also went in to helped him with the ointment,” Leeteuk answered, averted his gaze for a while from the schedule time table in his hand. So the duo dancing machine, the bunny boy and eternal magnae strode to their hyung’s bedroom and turn the handle but found it locked.
“Yesung Hyung, are you sleeping?” asked Donghae, while trying to opened the door.
“Hae Hyung, just sleep will you. Yesungie Hyung already asleep,” the voice came from the other side of the door, not the deep husky voice they wanted to hear.
“Yah!! Kyuhyun!! Open this door now! Why are you locking it?!” Eunhyuk snapped when Donghae frantically twisted and turned the handle. Ryeowook and Sungmin looked at each other in panic , while the other members slowly approaching the locked door. They tried every possible way to open the door when a groaned heard from inside the room, and froze.
“Kyu-ah! Be gentle will you! I don’t want to have any marks on my body!”

The members eyes were bulged out. What in the world their magnae try to do to their cute, lovable, impossibly innocent lead singer behind closed door? With the horrible thought planted in mind, Donghae tried to bring the door down, while the other kept knocking, punching, kicking and everything to vandalize the cursed door.
Siwon kneeled down and started to pray to God to protect his beloved Hyung from any bad intentions the magnae tried to do. In those disaster, Kyuhyun’s laughter managed to seeped through the door, and that’s all they need to flip off, even the perfect Siwon.



A/N: I'm back with another fail fic of mine. Of course any comments, critics etc would be appreciated :D
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Chapter 1: Ohh kyu wins this time lol
404 streak #2
Chapter 1: oooh LOL

this fic makes me think about naughty things XDDD
Chapter 1: lol I cant ever get enough of this fic im serious I just love it so much
Chapter 1: Oh gosh, what exactly is Yesung's door made of?? Steel?? xD
I feel bad for the door....abused so many times...
Im pretty sure tht if Kyuhyun ever tried anything(naughty...) with Yesung, he probably wont live....
Chapter 1: aww why the cliffhanger this thing cant be.complete i wanna know what happened please make a sequel unnie and also i love this story its soawesome and yes i agree that Yesung looks fragile