The End

Walk Beside Me


It had been almost a month since the incident.

Kyungsoo was taken to an orphanage, which was the current place where he was. Kyungsoo was sitting on his bed, rocking back and forth, crying a bit. He wanted to see Kai so bad. He wanted to call him, but his phone was taken off him because he had gotten mad the night before at a little kid. But it wasn’t really Kyungsoo’s fault. The little bastard had provoked him, calling him a and all the other ual insults in the dictionary.

“D.O?” a girl poked her head around the door. D.O. Everyone at the place called him D.O because Kyungsoo got mad whenever anyone used his real name. His real name was reserved for Kai and Kai only. Kyungsoo looked up at the girl. He recognized her as the youngest of the girls. She was 13 years old. Her name was Hyuna.

“What?” Kyungsoo asked and sniffled a bit. Then Hyuna reached out with her arm and dropped something onto Kyungsoo’s bed.

“Just go and call him,” Hyuna smiled and then closed Kyungsoo’s door. Kyungsoo looked down at what she had dropped and it was his phone. He smiled and thanked Hyuna in his head. Then, he reached out and pressed Kai’s phone number in. There was a dial for a little while, but then Kai picked up.

“Hello?” Kai said into the phone.

“Kai…” Kyungsoo mumbled, starting to tear up a bit. He missed his voice.

“Kyung?! Is that you?” Kai said, suddenly alert and seemingly much awake.

“Mm, I wanted to talk to you,” Kyungsoo smiled.

“I needed to talk to you too,” Kai said. Kyungsoo was now slightly worried; what did Kai want to talk about. “Um, I want to know what you think of me.”

“Huh?” Kyungsoo was now confused.

“I’m just really confused on what to think and I think that if you told me how you feel about me, then maybe I can make my mind up.”

“Woah, hold on a second…where did this come from?”


“Yo, Kai?”




“I’m going to hang up-”


“Repeat. Slow motion.”

“When you kissed me. I was thinking about…that.”

“…Oh~” Kyungsoo suddenly blushed, remembering it. “It’s nothing! Only gratitude! You know, thanks for helping me, thanks for being a good friend. I haven’t really had the chance to say that to you, so…”

“Ah…is that all? Of course. Well, uh, see you then!” Then Kai hung up.

Kyungsoo looked down at his phone in shock.

Did. He. Just. Hang. Up. On. Me?!

Oh no he did-


Woah, where the hell did that come from?

It felt good.

I think I’m hallucinating.

Imagine Kai’s face close to yours, all over agai-



Kyungsoo didn’t get a good sleep that night. He thought about the fact that Kai was thinking about the kiss and Kai being confused.

Did Kai…like me?

“Nope!” Kyungsoo suddenly shouted, making all the kids at the breakfast table look at him. Kyungsoo waved their looks away and turned around. “Maybe I should just ignore him?”

Who am I kidding? Kai’s my best friend. I can’t ignore him! Psh, it’s not like that stupid kiss matters. It won’t affect me, nor him.


“Kyungsoo!” Kyungsoo knew that all-too-familiar voice and he suddenly blushed. He could finally come to school and was walking down the school corridor when he heard that voice.

“Ah…Kai…see you!” Kyungsoo quickly shouted.

“No, Kyungsoo, wait! I need to talk to you!” Kai shouted. He never got the chance to talk to Kyungsoo, because he was already dashing around the corner.


Kyungsoo paused behind the wall and breathed out, trying to catch his breath and trying to slow down his racing heart.

“Okay…so maybe it’s affecting me. But it’s okay, I’ll be fine by the afternoon. I just need to get used to looking at his face,” Kyungsoo breathed.

“Looking at whose face?” a voice came from beside him. Kyungsoo jumped in shock and when he turned to his right, he saw a Chinese boy standing next to him. He was really handsome, Kyungsoo admitted.

“Ah nothing,” Kyungsoo smiled and the Chinese boy smiled back. Then he held out his hand.

“I’m Luhan,” he said.

“Ruhan?” Kyungsoo asked, trying to pronounce the name.

“Close enough,” Luhan laughed and Kyungsoo laughed along, still trying to pronounce the boy’s name right. Maybe, just maybe, Luhan might be the distraction I need. I won’t ignore Kai forever, but I will need to put my full attention on Luhan.


Kai watched enviously as his best friend laughed along with a pretty Chinese boy.

“Am I being rejected?” Kai wondered out loud.


Kyungsoo bid farewell to his new friend before walking off to his homeroom. He took his seat and was going to fall asleep when he suddenly realized something. He looked to his left and saw an empty seat.

“That’s right, Kai sits next to me in homeroom,” Kyungsoo cringed. Then all of a sudden, like as if the information was like a flood, everything started running in. “And also in English class and in Maths and in Biology and he’s my secretary on the student council. My life ! Wait, why do I care?! Kai is my best friend and I don’t hate him-”

“You better not,” Kai interrupted and took his seat next to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo flashed a deep red and his eyes were suddenly drawn towards those lips.

Oh dear God.

Those lips.

“Um, Kyung, are you okay?” Kai asked and pressed a hand up against Kyungsoo’s forehead, before shaking it off. “Yah! You’re burning up! Do you have a fever?!”

“N-No! I’m just, uh…” Then his eyes fell back onto those lips.


Kai saw Kyungsoo’s eyes drop down and Kai wondered what he was looking at. He started looking around his person to see if he could find the thing that Kyungsoo was looking at. He touched his shirt, then his neck, then his eyes, then his nose and then his cheek. Finally, when he touched his lips, Kyungsoo suddenly squeaked, jumped up and fell off his chair.

“Kyung!” Kai cried and helped his friend up. “You okay?”

“Yeah…I’m g-goooooood…” Kyungsoo felt like he dragged out that last word out a bit too long. But Kai secretly liked it, because Kyungsoo’s lips were pushed forward. For some reason, just that image of Kyungsoo sort of energized Kai in a way, that was so unexplainable. “I’ll just uh…mind my own business.”


For the next few classes, Kyungsoo realized that Luhan was in most of his classes as well. Kyungsoo didn’t know how he didn’t notice him. They mostly hung out together and chatted, while Kai laid back and watched them enviously.

“I feel so rejected,” Kai mumbled before turning around and doing his math problems.


When it came to lunch time, Kyungsoo had invited Luhan to sit with them at the table, which Kai secretly whole-heartedly disagreed to, but because he didn’t want to make Kyungsoo mad now that he was looking happy, he let Kyungsoo do what he wanted.

“Kai, this is Luhan. We’re all in the same Biology and Math class together,” Kyungsoo introduced.

“Hi,” Luhan smiled and Kai laughed to himself on the inside. I can’t compete with this boy. He’s like the live version of a fairy. You can’t beat fairies.

“Hello,” Kai replied quite stiffly, which earned him a sharp jab to the side.

“Well, we’ll have more time to bond. Kai, Luhan is going to come over today to watch movies with us. Can you believe he only lives down the street from me?!” Kyungsoo cried and smiled brightly at Luhan and Luhan smiled back. Kai froze a bit. Did he ever smile like that when he was with me? Probably not. Yup, I’m being rejected.


Kyungsoo skipped home with Kai. Luhan said that he was going to go home first to get changed before coming over, so that gave Kai and Kyungsoo time to talk a bit. However, the only talking Kyungsoo ever did was about Luhan.

“Hey Kai, you should’ve seen it! Luhan picked up some random rubic cube off a desk and fixed it in a minute! He’s so awesome!” Kyungsoo cried.

“Uh huh.”

“And he’s best friend’s with this other dude called Sehun and he’s so adorable too! Luhan’s got good connections!”

“Uh huh.”

“Oh and you should see his collection of manga! He’s so obsessed.”

“Uh huh.”

“He’s amazing.”

“Look! Your house!” Kai cried in this weird musical voice. Kyungsoo snapped out of Lulu Land and quickly ran to his house. Kai had to jog up to catch up with him. They ran into the house and Kyungsoo went straight for his bedroom closet, looking for some clothes.

“Just wear a shirt and sweatpants,” Kai frowned. Kyungsoo shook his head.

“I don’t want Luhan thinking I’m like that,” Kyungsoo replied.

“But you dress like that in front of me!” Kai cried. Then he growled in frustration before storming out into the kitchen.


Luhan came about ten minutes later. They all greeted each other before going to Kyungsoo’s room to watch the movies. They were going to watch Breaking Dawn part 2. Kai was thankful that Kyungsoo was sitting in the middle, between Luhan and him. However, it annoyed him because Kyungsoo’s attention was all on Luhan.

Kai couldn’t really concentrate on the epicness of the movie, because he was too busy glancing at the ‘love-birds’ sitting beside him.


“Goodbye, Luhan!” Kyungsoo cried. He waved to Luhan as he walked down the street. Then, once Luhan had disappeared from silent, the place went silent.


Kai. Holy fudge, I forgot him.

“Uh…shouldn’t you be going?” Kyungsoo cleared his throat. Kai made Kyungsoo turn around. Then Kyungsoo was staring full on at Mr. Kim Jongin. He found it slightly ironic that there was a beautiful moonlight glow behind Kai, which he found made the boy look so…yeah.

“Yeah, I’m going. Can’t wait to leave,” Kai scoffed.

“What’s up with you?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Nothing. I’m not hurt that you’ve been ignoring me for that pretty boy.”

“Woah, his name is Luhan.”

“I don’t care.”

“He’s my new friend, Kai. Are you jealous of him, by any chance?”

“Hell yeah.”

There was a deafening silence being shared in the room as the boys looked at each other; Kai with his frustrated face and Kyungsoo with his wide eyes.

“You’re…joking, right?” Kyungsoo whispered.

“No. I hate it how you’re always with him and ignoring me!” Kai folded his arms.

“Woah, you’re starting to sound a bit like a jealous boyfriend!”

“What if I want to be?”

“What the heck does that mean?!” Kyungsoo shouted, not caring that the other orphans were probably behind his bedroom door, listening in on their conversation.

“You know, ever since I asked you that stupid question last night, you’ve been avoiding me and- hold on, why have you been avoiding me?”

“Have you ever thought that I would just like to get my mind off things?!” Kyungsoo shouted. Suddenly, Kai’s face softened and he took a step forward, making Kyungsoo step back a bit.

“What were you trying to get your mind off?” Kai asked softly. Kyungsoo’s eyes went wide and he slowly backed up as Kai got closer.

“Uh nothing! You should probably go!” Kyungsoo said nervously and he tried reaching out for the door knob.

“I should stay,” Kai whispered as he got closer.

Where the hell is the freaking door knob?!

Then Kyungsoo turned around briefly – just briefly! – to see where he door knob was and scoffed when he saw it was gone. The stupid bastard from the day before had knocked it off in revenge. Kyungsoo was about to turn around, but he suddenly felt warm body heat in front of him and he could smell Kai’s scent. He quickly closed his eyes, in hope of not looking at Kai (or his lips, in Kyungsoo’s situation).

“Kyung…look at me.”

“It’s okay, I’m fine where I am!”

“Look at me.”


“Look at me so I can kiss you.”

“Wait what?!” Kyungsoo’s eyes flew open and turned to look at Kai in shock.

But just as Kai had promised, Kai had already pressed his lips against Kyungsoo’s making Kyungsoo widen his eyes a lot more.

Then Kyungsoo felt it.

His heart was racing, his hands were getting sweaty, he felt butterflies in his stomach and this weird voice inside his head was screaming at him to get more action. Kai bet him to it. All of a sudden, Kai’s hands were wrapped around Kyungsoo’s waist and Kyungsoo’s hands were around Kai’s neck. He didn’t know how the hell they ended up in that position, but it just happened. It was like as if he blanked out at moments, just to wake up in a completely different one.

“Mm…Kai…” Kyungsoo groaned as he suddenly felt something weird. He felt like he wanted to keep going, but his heart was screaming at him to stop. Thankfully, Kai backed away as he heard that. The boys stood there, staring at each other, panting a little bit. The kiss was very innocent; they didn’t even French kiss. But they hearts were racing so fast that they had to breath to calm themselves down.

“Kyungsoo…I want to be yours,” Kai whispered. Kyungsoo almost laughed. The line was so cheesy. He probably would’ve laughed, but they were in a really confusing situation. “Only yours.”

“Um…” Kyungsoo bit his lip and looked around everywhere, like as if he was trying to find inspiration from somewhere.

“I don’t just want to be your friend. I get too jealous,” Kai laughed a bit, making Kyungsoo giggle. Then Kyungsoo grabbed Kai’s hand and smiled. He rubbed his thumb over his knuckles, liking the feel of Kai’s skin underneath his. It felt so forbidden, so alien-like.

“Be my friend. My closest friend. Don’t belong to me and I won’t belong to you. If we did that, I’m scared of what will happen. Maybe in the future, but for now…just be by my side. Don’t walk ahead of me, don’t walk in front of me, walk beside me, where we are equal and I know you are always near me,” Kyungsoo whispered. Then he stood on his tip toes and placed a small gentle kiss on Kai’s forehead, the gesture that made Kai close his eyes in happiness.

“Ok fine, but you’ll give me a chance in the future, right?”

“Hell yeah! I mean- erhem, yeah, sure. Whatever floats your boat,” Kyungsoo said.

“Ok, I better go now, before that creepy lady tells you off,” Kai smirked. Then he mischievously planted a quick kiss on Kyungsoo’s lips before dashing out of the room, crying to the high heavens. Kyungsoo stuck his head out of his door and watched Kai run down the corridor. When he turned around, he got a shock.

Fifteen kids were standing there, some in their pj’s and some where holding phones. They all stared at Kyungsoo wide eyed. Then all of a sudden, the smallest kid (the little bastard, in fact), broke down and started crying. One by one, all the other kids started crying. The eldest out of them all was a sixteen year old.

“That was so beautiful!” a thirteen year old cried. Then all the other kids started shouting out their congratulations and all. Kyungsoo was face palming himself.

“Yah! You guys! You’re too loud!”


“We support your relationship!”

“We have no relationship!” Kyungsoo shouted.

“We don’t believe you!” the eldest screamed and then they all plugged their ears and started singing their way back to their rooms, leaving Kyungsoo standing in the middle of the corridor, slamming his head against his bedroom door.



well uh, thanks to all those who wanted a sequel. Wait no, you made me right this fail ending. I feel so terrible. but it's alguds, cuz u guys are cool. anyways, thanks for reading and do whatever.


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Mistycal #1
Chapter 1: I lovelovelove this sequel anf what an ending. Hahaha nice turn to the story!
SeledAss #2
Chapter 1: The kids are me xD
Chapter 1: Sequeeeel pweaaaaase????? *does bbuing bbuing*
joohyun007 #4
Chapter 1: AUTHOOORR~ WHAD D YOU SAY? Sequel? Where they become a couple? :)
joohyun007 #5
Please another sequel... I want to see them date(or some maybe. Kekeke)
Chapter 1: *shouts* Me want a sequel!!! When they start dating for real!! ^_^ Pwetty pwease with cherry on T.O.P o^.^o
Chapter 1: *shouts* Me want a sequel!!! When they start dating for real!! ^_^ Pwetty pwease with cherry on T.O.P o^.^o
joohyun007 #8
Chapter 1: no more sequel ?? they are not in the relationship yet. give me smuuut.

(are you more than 18?)
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute jhdskjhgdkhfgkhk ;u;
PikaKyuLove #10
Chapter 1: This is hilarious, and much more lighthearted! I love it! ^__^