Chapter 2

Love Comes Softly


Earlier that day (Haneul's pov)
Haneul sat in front of the window watching every car go by, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her Oppa. She hadn't seen him in months which is the longest time in her life she had went without seeing him. Before he went off to college, he had told her he would be back often, but because he was so busy he had not made it back even once. Of course he always called her, but it wasn't the same. 
"Haneul-ah" called her mother as she entered the room from the kitchen "you should come eat your lunch. Your Oppa will ring the bell when he gets here."
"But Omma" Haneul whined.
"No buts. Gaja your food is getting cold."
After one last look out of the window, Haneul reluctantly followed her mom into the kitchen and took her usual spot at the table. 
As soon as Haneul picked up her chopsticks the door bell began to chime signaling the arrival of her Oppa.
"Oppa Oppa Oppa," she began to call as she drop her chopsticks and ran for the door. When she reached it, she threw it open and launched herself into her oppa's waiting arms.
"I missed you so much."
"Oppa missed you too" he replied before letting go of her, and leading her into the house. "You're getting so tall. You better not get taller than me." He joked. 
"Hey Yoochunie," the pair heard from the kitchen doorway "have you had anything to eat"
"Aniyo Imo. I was packing this morning and didn't have time to eat."
"Haneul was just sitting down for lunch; you can join her if you want."
"Gamsahapnida. I would love to."he said as they walked into the kitchen. One thing he missed about home was the food. As he walked into the kitchen he saw the table set with two portions of rice, soup and a few of his favorite side dishes.  Even though his aunt didn't show it, he could tell she had been anticipating his arrival and had made some of his favorite food. 
"It all looks so good Imo."
"It's nothing; just a few left overs from yesterday that I'm trying to get rid of."
"But Appa took us out to eat yesterday." Stated Haneul as she happily ate her rice. 
"Then they must be from the day before," his aunt lied " anyway since we're eating here tonight, is there anything you want me to cook?"
"Anything you cook will be fine Imo."
"Ok well once you guys finish up I'll go to the store. Are you ok with watching haneul for awhile. I know it's been a long time since you've done it."
"Of course I can.  We have a lot of catching up to do so it'll be fun."
After they had finished eating and had done the dishes, Haneul's Omma had finished her dinner menu and was ready to go to the store. "I'll be back in about an hour. Have fun."
"We will Omma," haneul answered before closing the door and running over to her Oppa. 
"Oppa did you bring me anything from Seoul?"
"I did but you'll have to wait until Christmas to get it"
"But Oppa," Haneul whined putting on her best aegyo "I haven't seen you in so long. I should be able to have my Christmas present now since I've waited so patiently."
"Arasso but I will only give you one. The other one you will have to wait for."
"Ne Oppa." She said holding out both hands to receive her gift.
"Close your eyes" he asked before walking over to his bag to retrieve one of her gifts.
Haneul grabbed the pretty pale pink box and opened it. Inside was an oversized peach bow with tiny white dots." It so pretty oppa. Thank you."
"You're welcome. I didn't know what kind of accessories a ten year old girl would like so my girlfriend help pick it out."
"You have a girlfriend Oppa? Can I see her? Do you have any pictures?"
"Jjamkkan man" Yoochun said pulling out his phone to show her. 
"She's so pretty. What's her name?"she asked as she grabbed the phone and began searching through it for her number. 
"So Hyang. Hey wait what are you doing" he asked noticing she had click on So Hyang's number and was calling her.
"I just want to thank her for the gift." She answered just as So Hyang answered the phone.
"Oppa I didn't think you would be calling so soon. Miss me already?"
"Unnie this is Yoochun's dongsaeng. I just got your gift. Gomawo."
"Your welcome," she replied as her voice changed drastically "but I'm busy now so I have to go."
"Joesonghapnida unnie." She said right before she heard the dial tone."I didn't mean to disturb her, I just wanted to thank her for the gift."
"Gwaenchanha. She's probably doing some last minute shopping for her family." Yoochun had heard the conversation through the phone. He had know So Hyang for a few months now and he had never heard here use that tone before. Maybe she was a little stressed because of the holidays. 
After the phone call, the pair spent the rest of their day making up for the time they spent apart and later enjoying dinner with both of their parents. After the amazing meal of Yoochun's favorite foods, he and Haneul were sent to the kitchen to wash dishes while the pair of parents talked. 
"Whenever you guys are done, come and have a talk with us."Yoochun's mother called from the living room. 
"We're done now Imo," Haneul called back.
As the pair entered the room they saw their parents sitting on the floor on one side of the table while they motioned for them to sit on the other. 
"What did you want to talk about" Yoochun ask trying to break the awkwardness of the situation. 
"As you both know, your aunt and I have been best friends our whole lives and our fathers were also best friends" Yoochun's mother began. 
"What you guys don't know, is that your grandfathers' made a pact to marry their children to each other so that they could really be family" Haneul's Omma continued.
"But they both had girls" replied Yoochun. 
"Yea they did. But that just means the pact gets passed down to the next generation."
"Who me and haneul? You want me to marry my little sister."
"She's not your real dongsaeng. Soon enough she will be a woman and I hope you can see her that way."
Haneul sat their paralysed having no idea what was going on. If she married Yoochun didn't that mean they would be together forever. Why was he so mad she thought not completely grasping the seriousness of the conversation. 
"Haneul-ah why don't you get ready for bed while we finish this conversation."
"Ne Omma. Good night everyone." She said as she bowed and then left the room still confused about what was going on.
"I'm 19 and she is only ten I can't marry her..."
"Mianhae Yoochun I didn't mean to have haneul so late after you were born." Replied his aunt. 
"Appa you have to stop this."
"There's nothing I can do son. I already made a promise to your grandfather years ago that I would follow his wishes."
"I can't be here right now. I have... I have to go home."
"We'll take you home Yoochun."
"Not that home I mean Seoul. I can't be here right now. I need to think."
"Yoochun it's late just stay here for the night and if you still feel like leaving we will take you to the airport."
"Joesonghapnida Imo but I have to go." Yoochun said one final time before grabbing his bags and walking out the door.
Seoul 5 a.m.
"What am I going to do Jaejong?"
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nar12345 #1
Chapter 10: This chapter is good, hope you find the missing pieces soon Dewar authornim :)
Coz if you wait too long they might going too far for you to reach...
Hope to see haneul to fill up her role more too, she is too dependent on yoochun for this marriage matters
Chapter 10: Hahahahaha "Yoochun now knew of the completely childish and girly underwear she wore"
roughmetal2 #3
Chapter 9: oh i miss this so this is such a treat to me after a busy day :). i'm happy that haneul is enjoying her high school life though of course i don't want her and jong in to fall for each other. and thank goodness for ms sun for saving yoochun from trouble. i'm excited too over the visit of yoochun's mom. let's see how those two will act :)
Samantha24 #4
Chapter 8: i have a thing for arranged marriage and s and I came across your story.. i like it, pls update soon :)
roughmetal2 #5
Chapter 8: glad you updated. now for more... :)
nar12345 #6
Chapter 8: nothing much going on here..
Chapter 8: i hate so hyang>.< can i kicked her?*puppy eyes
update soon^^
roughmetal2 #8
Chapter 6: this is getting more and more interesting with "love interests" popping up
nar12345 #9
Chapter 6: wow..battle of ex-es..yummy!!
Chapter 6: yah so hyang you hear that chunnie said he's over you!!