
Janus : My Two Faced Goddess


I was happy when the day finally ended and we went into the locker room to suit up for practice. Coach came into the locker room while we were getting ready. Everyone knew it was going to be a rough practice, so we were prepared for the worst.

“You know…” he started off saying, as he rubbed his bald, shiny head. Then he sighed. “You fellas are one in a million. You worked hard yesterday and hard on that field the day before. I think I am going to give you ladies a break.”

Everyone looked around to make sure he was serious.

“You sure, Coach?” Xiumin said.

Everyone looked at him with a please-shut-up-before-he-changes-his-mind look. Coach nodded his head. “Yes, but don’t think I will be doing this all the time. You ladies have a nice night.” He waved his clipboard in the air and then left.

Everyone was looking around, scared to leave. I guess he felt bad for making us work hard the day before, so he was giving us the day off from practice. We waited ten minutes, just to make sure he didn’t come back. Everyone was happy and relieved…but I know we were going to pay for this free day.

As we walked out of the gym, Chanyeol ran to catch up with me, saying, “Hey, man, wait up.”

I turned around. He gave me a piece of paper, and said, “Write down your playlist, so I can give it to the DJ on Friday.”

“Man, you know me. Oldest but Goods.”

“Right, right. You should have been born back in the ‘70s.”

He laughed, then said, “So you told that freaky looking girl about the party.”

I wanted to slap him for saying that about her. I didn’t know why I was reacting this way—something about her made me want to do crazy things. Like jump in front of her car, or climb a tree knowing that I would fall flat and break a bone or two.

“Chanyeol, why do you have to call her that?”

“Dude, I’m telling you, she is way too weird.”

“Whatever, Chanyeol. See you around.” We tapped our fists together and said later. As I was walking to the parking lot, I saw Seohyun.

She was finally by herself, and she looked to be carrying about ten books from where I was standing. I ran over to help her, saying, “Here, let me carry those for you.” She had on shades even though it was gloomy out and the ground was full of mud puddles.

As I came up alongside her, she looked like she was going to bite me as she open . Did she just hiss at me? I thought. Maybe I was hearing things.

“I don’t know if you remember my name, but I’m—”

“Lu Han. You’re the famous man on campus. You’re the star of the football team and you score on average four points per game. Every girl at this school wants you. But you’re saving yourself for…I don’t know who. You don’t have a girlfriend, because no one is good enough for you.”

I was stuck. Who was she, and how did she know so much about me so fast?

“Jessica told me everything about you. Which I didn’t need to know, because I don’t care. But it seems as though she has a special interest in you. She saw you talking to me at lunch and she felt the need to mark her territory.”

I was going to kill Jessica. She had no right to do that. She was like a brick wall blocking the pathway for other girls to walk through. Ugh! She was a pest.

“Look, Seohyun, she is just mad because I wouldn’t take her to Chanyeol’s party on Friday. She has been after me since the ninth grade, and I have no interest in her.”

She looked at me as we walked.

“Honestly, I really don’t care. I’m here in school to do what I have to do, and get out of here.” Her pale features seem to complement the gloom of the day. I changed the subject.

“So where is your car?” She pulled out a little black remote with a BMW logo on it. Then she pressed the button, and I heard a chirping noise.

“There,” she said, pointing at a black BMW with tinted windows and black rims.

“Dang! Your parents must be rich.”

“No, it’s just me and my auntie. She raised me. My parents died in a car accident a little after I was born.”

“Oh I’m sorry,” I said, and I was. I knew what it was like to lose one parent, but I couldn’t imagine losing both.

“Well I’m not sorry. I never met them.” That was cold of her.

“So, I’m not sure if you heard me earlier today when I told you about Chanyeol’s party, but I would like for you to come.”

She stopped walking as I finished my sentence and took her shades off. Her eyes were sparkling, and they were hypnotic. I had to blink a few times just to look away.

“I love your offer, and I would be happy to go, but I don’t think your friends are really thrilled about me and my girls. So this, freaky chick’ isn’t going,” she said, making quotation marks in the air.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you heard that.”

“Yeah, I have pretty good ears.”

“Look, the guys are…they were just playing around. They didn’t mean anything by it.”

She looked at me like she wanted to rip my throat out. I swallowed hard as she gave me a cold stare. She didn’t even blink.

“I apologize for that. They are just guys. We are really stupid. Sometime we don’t think about half the stuff we do.”

“No, you guys don’t think, and yes, you’re right about the stupid part.”

We got to her car. She pressed a button and the driver’s side door opened. She got in the car real fast, threw the books in the back, and the engine. It purred like a kitten.

I knocked on the window. I couldn’t see her, the tint on the windows was so dark. She rolled it down. “Here, just text me if you’re coming,” I said, giving her my number, which I normally carry in my pants pre-written-out. You know, just in case. Trying to find a pen and paper is a hassle. I like to be prepared. And I was not going to give up without a fight. She took the piece of paper, looked at it, and threw it on the seat.

“We’ll see,” she said, and drove off real fast.

Man, she is deadly, I thought. Maybe the guys were right. Maybe I should stay away from her and the freaky looking girls. But I couldn’t let her go in my mind. I knew it had only been five hours since we met, but it felt like I’d known her all of my life. She just needed to come out of her shell. Once she gets to know me she’ll feel more comfortable, I thought, hoping my logic would somehow ease the tension in my head. I was starting to get this weird feeling in my gut, like falling for her would be like getting alcohol poisoning, but I was willing to go to the ICU for her.




I apologize for not updating the yesterday

It's just that, My schedule is very hectic

because of our Musical and Stage Play

(I'm the Director and Script Writer OTL)

and also..I was making the T-shirt design of our class ._.



I hope you liked it <3


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Chapter 2: did u know? I read this story again after luhan announced his gf in public... T.T
shiningyouu #2
I just found out this story today and i like luhan's character here kekeke~~~
dvhaleryann #3
hi BlackPearlYumiko!
It's been two years huh?
I missed you a lot. What are you doing lately by the way?
Still making stories huh?
Well, I actually made this account cause I was thinking maybe I could get story updates from you darling!
Chapter 15: just found out about this story now and its so interesting! and im so desperate to read the sequel ><
And here I am another story I'm going to dive into kekeke
Here I go! Sorry if I don't comment in between chapters this only means that I'm on a roll ;) that is heavily engrossed in reading the story. :P
Chapter 15: Aaaa.... I'm so so so sorry Authornim, I didn't comment to all of your story Chap .-. U know I really love stories, coz your stories are different from others~~~ hope there's sequel...

*I've show some of ur story to my friends, and they said ur storyline is cool and different!*
pipipo27 #7
Chapter 15: seriously i'm into your story, thanks to you you make up my mood, i got bad news that my appointmant was canceled so yeah i'm kinda angry but i found your story, really enjoying read your story, i like the way you write the story, you've your own style

i'm looking forward for your story and pardon my blabbering
seohyunkai #8
Chapter 17: I love your story so much please write a sequel soon please I am waiting your reader are waiting please hurry up please