Chapter 2

The Prank Princess


"Pretty face with a horrible personality." Luhan shook his head in disbelief. It was his first time encountering a person like you and what more, you did something which didn't make him really happy.

"Ahhhhh! I hate her! She just... she didn't ju-just pushed me on a freaking mud full of pigs right? Gosh." Luhan walked irritatedly and searched for the palace. He was really annoyed and for the first time in his life, someone had made him irritated that it gushed through his nerves.

"I better find that girl and make her suffer into pieces." He did a killing gesture as he glared at the ground.

"I shall chop her head off and I shall push her in the mud and she'll die there." Luhan gritted his teeth in annoyance as he laughed mischievously. He stomped his feet in irritation and tried to find his fellow princes.

After what seemed like forever, he finally stopped in front of the palace as people looked at him in disgust. The girls who were once following Luhan gave him dirty looks. He got all the attention when they smelled something really gross coming from him.

"Sorry." Luhan bowed apologetically at his current appearance.

"Oh my golly! What happened to you, Luhan?" Xiumin gawked at him and pushed him inside the palace, holding his breath to avoid the awful smell.

"We're looking for you! You're so drenched with mud! You smell awful! Gah!" Xiumin scrunched his nose and tried his best to breathe using his mouth. Xiumin couldn't take the smell.

"Sorry. Someone pushed me in a mud full of pigs with poops and whatever dirty you could think of." Luhan confessed, earning disgusted looks from Xiumin. Anytime soon, Xiumin might puke. The imagination of Luhan swimming on the mud made Xiumin feel goosebumps forming on his body.

The princes were sitting on a couch, waiting for the princess. All their gazes turned to Luhan and they all shrieked in horror.

Luhan just lowered his head, embarrassed. *This is all because of you, stupid girl.*

"What happened to you?" Everyone asked in unison. They are all princes and they must look presentable towards the princess. But looks like Luhan wouldn't be able to.

"Sorry." Luhan apologized again. "There was this girl who pushed me into the mud. Damn her." Luhan cursed when all their gazes turned to the beautiful girl coming down the stairs.

You were in a short dress as your long legs made their mouths agape. You were so stunning. Unbelievably stunning. Your long wavy hair flowed as your expensive jewelries shined through the light coming from the huge chandelier.

How can someone like you be so pretty? All of them thought, amazed by your beauty.

You slowly went towards them as they stayed on their place, frozen and astonished.

All of their astonishment was broken as soon as you sat on the couch, definitely like a man.

The moment you sat on it, the elegant aura was broken. It made them shocked as they looked at you, their mouths still agape.

You smirked at their state as you rolled your eyes dramatically.

Did they really expect you to be all elegant and girly?

Heck, you've always hated being like that. You hate jewelries. You hate dresses.

You were only forced to wear them since your maids told you that they will get fired if they didn't let you wear them.

"Yo," You greeted them, making a hip hop gesture. "Wassup!" You smirked, your lower lip.

They were stunned. And what shocked Luhan the most was the fact that you are actually the one who pushed him in the mud. Luhan was also stunned but his expression immediately changed into a frown.

"Yo-you..." Luhan muttered, gritting his teeth in anger. He may be stunned by your beauty but the way you pushed him in the mud, the way you made fun of him, it angered him.

To Luhan, that was the only thing that made him irritated. Never in his life did he get bullied. He was always the right one. Everybody looked up to him.

But you?

You didn't just push him on the mud but also deceived him, right?

Your eyes stopped to Luhan. That feeling of excitement went through you. The guy whom you wanted to make fun of appeared in front of you.

*Cool! He's going to be one of my bodyguards!* You thought.

"You... you're the princess?!" Luhan asked in disbelief as all the members looked at him. "You know her, Luhan?"

"Ye-yes!" Luhan nodded.

"I do not know him." You said, earning a more irritated look from Luhan. You do not really know him at all. You just met him and made fun of him. That was all.

"But hey, you smell really nice." You grinned as all the members looked at you in surprise again.

"Yo-you!" Luhan clenched his fists firmly. He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and was ready to attack you anytime soon.

Your beautiful looks will never deceive him. Girl or not, he was ready to punch you straight in the face.

But Luhan held his ego. You are still the princess. A lot of things may happen if he used his violence on you.

"Uh, let us introduce ourselves first." Kris started, breaking the heavy atmosphere between you and Luhan. He is the leader so whatever he does, the members follow him.

"I'm Kris, that's Luhan, this is Tao, he's Chen, that silent guy over there is Lay, and this cute guy right here is Xiumin. I hope you get along with us." He finished as you nodded in understanding.

"Please take care of me. I am so so so stubborn and I bet all of you will resign in a matter of days." You smirked once again.

"That will never happen, princess." Kris said in assurance.

"No Kris! I swear... I'm thinking of resigning already!" Luhan retorted and glared at you. But all you did was smile at him.

"You," you got up from the couch and went closer to Luhan. "will never resign here." You smirked and kicked his balls. But not too hard. Just a playful one. Even if you're like that, you know your limits.

After the fun that you made, you were thinking of more exciting things to happen if he stayed in the palace with you.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock as Luhan rolled on the floor. He held onto his package securely as if it was the most precious thing on earth.

"I-I can't believe you!" Luhan shot you the angriest look he could ever muster.

But you just smiled at him. Again.

It made him boil in anger. He suddenly got up and hugged you, getting you dirty. You couldn't believe it. You thought he was just someone who's easy to get fun of and someone who wouldn't fight back. But there, he just ruined your dress and dirtied your milky white skin. You wouldn't just let him go for that. It made you irritated in a way so you just wouldn't back down. You knew you started it first but a game is a game.

Once he pulled away, he smirked at you. Everyone was frozen on their state. You are the princess and the thing which Luhan made wasn't really appropriate.

"Yo-you!" Your eyes widened and next thing you knew, you were tackling Luhan on the floor.



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Chapter 3: miss this story! hope you update soon and comeback again in writing. ?
TaoRisPandaLove #2
I remember reading this last year~XD Take your time in updating but pleaaaaase don't abandon this story ;___;
nice nice ^^
Kksecret #4
Chapter 3: Please update soon. Still waiting. Better get working on the next chapter. I'm still waiting. Oh for gods sake make the next chapter chop chop.
update pleaseeee update .. i want moreee. curious with this story . want to what more pranks that she would dooo... so update please .. T-T
lahgend #6
Chapter 3: Please update!!!
rilavipblackjack #7
2 year alr.. U aren't gonna abandon this story,are you? Update soon, everyone's waiting. Thank you!
kk_starrie #8
It's a really good story, please update!!! Don't abandon it!
ssupv1 #9
Chapter 3: Please update!!!!AMAZING STORY EVER!