


This was probably the happiest day in Hyukjae’s life. He got a scholarship to study in a college in America, which was being his dream since he was in junior highschool. His parents were very happy about it too, because they knew it was their son’s dream. But since they weren’t a wealthy family, they worried about how would they send their son to study in America when they didn’t have enough money for it.

The first person beside his family that Eunhyuk wanted to tell this news to was his bestfriend, Kyuhyun. They were classmates in highschool, and their houses were also close to each other. Unlike Hyukjae, Kyuhyun lived in a wealthy family. His parents would send him to study in England, which he didn’t want to. Kyuhyun also knew about Hyukjae’s dream, because Hyukjae kept telling him that he was envy about Kyuhyun going abroad to study.


“I said I won’t go!” Kyuhyun shouted.

“We’ve talked about this, there’s no further discussion!”

“And I said no!”

“You’re so frustating! Why can’t you just be a nice son like him?!”

“Change your son to someone nice like him then!”

“Tsk, even if I could, I don’t think there’s any other parents willing to change their son with a son like you! It’s only us, your parents, who still accept you as our son!”

“Stop comparing me with others then!” with that, Kyuhyun stepped out his house, jacket on his hand.

Anger clearly seen on his face. But his expression softened when he opened the front door and found his bestfriend outside.

“Why are you here?” Kyuhyun asked.

Hyukjae changed his worry expression into a smile, “I have something to tell you, actually.”

Kyuhyun started to walk while putting his jacket on. “What is it?”

Hyukjae followed, “Na ah, I don’t think it’s the right time.”

Kyuhyun sighed, “Did you hear that?”

“Humm. Are you okay?”

“Haaahh...I wonder why are you always here when I’m in a bad mood,” Kyuhyun said, lifted his head to face the sky with his eyes closed.

“Don’t know. I’m your mood-saviour maybe,” Hyukjae chuckled.

Kyuhyun stopped and looked at Hyukjae, “Yah, let’s eat ramen and ice cream, I’ll treat.”

“Really? Yay!”

“Now massage my shoulder a bit, it tensed.”

“No way!”

“But I’ll treat you!”

“That’s two different thing, Kyuhyun. I don’t sell my special ability in massage with food.”

“I won’t treat you then.”

“You’re so helpless, Kyuhyun. You need me that bad, uh? Double portion of ramen, deal?”

“Okay whatever, just massage me!”

Hyukjae started to hit Kyuhyun’s shoulder with his fist while they’re walking to a ramen shop nearby.

“Yah yah yah! Not that hard! You’re going to kill me!”

“It’s not that hard! That’s why I told you to exercise a bit, you lazybutt!”

“Do it properly or the double portion will be single portion!”

“Okay okay, nagging old man!”


“So you fight with your mom because of that study-in-England thing?” Hyukjae asked, smile on his face, enjoying his ice cream too much and not caring his bestfriend’s mood.

“Yeah, she keeps comparing me with this son-of-her-friend, as always. I have a different path with him, I want to be a singer. Why must she comparing me with him?” Kyuhyun played with his ice cream.

“You don’t want that ice cream? Can I eat it then?” Hyukjae asked, pointed at Kyuhyun’s ice cream.

“Yah you just ate two portion of ramen and now you want to eat my ice cream too?! Is there a monster in your stomach?!”

“If you don’t eat it quickly, it’ll melt and won’t taste good! You know, ice cream tasted good because it’s ice-ing. If you eat it when it’s melted, it’s called milk!”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, already used to whatever-weird-theory-of-his-bestfriend. “Whatever, I’m not in the mood to eat it anyway.”

Hyukjae quickly took Kyuhyun’s ice cream.

Kyuhyun sighed, “I don’t know what would I do if I don’t have you here.”

Hyukjae lifted his head from his ―originally Kyuhyun’s― ice cream. “What?”

“You always come at the right time, when I need to refresh my mood. Although you’re annoying, but you always lift my mood.”

Hyukjae smiled, widely. “You’re being romantic all of sudden...”

“Forget it! Just finish your ice cream!”


“Kyuhyun...,” Hyukjae called when they walked side by side to their houses.


“Are you serious about what you said when we’re in the ice cream shop?”


“That you don’t know what would you do if you don’t have me.”

“Ah, that... Though I don’t want to admit it, but yeah, I was serious.”

“What if I’m not here with you? What if I go?”

“I told you already, I don’t know what would I do. Why did you ask? Ah wait, you don’t have any mortal illness, right?”

Hyukjae rolled his eyes, “Eish, you watched drama too much!”

Kyuhyun shrugged. “Ah right, don’t you have something you want to tell me?”


“When you came to my house, didn’t you say that you have something to tell?”

“Ah that. I don’t feel like telling it now.”

“Why? My mood is better now. What is it?”

“Umm...I think you should find a girlfriend.”

“What? You came to my house to tell me that? Seriously?”

“You play with me too much, Kyuhyun. Find a girlfriend.”

“I don’t think girls are more fun than you.”

“You can’t say it like that. You need a girlfriend, so there will be someone who can lift your mood when I’m not here.”

Kyuhyun stopped his steps. “Now answer me, honestly. Do you have any mortal illness?”

Hyukjae rolled his eyes, again. “No Kyuhyun, no. I said no.”

“Then why are you being like this?! You’re making me confuse!”


“I’m not finding any girlfriend. Not when you told me to,” Kyuhyun stepped ahead, leaving Hyukjae behind.

“You’re not a gay, are you?”

And with that, Hyukjae ran away, Kyuhyun chased him.

“Yah what did you say?! Yah, stop there, you monkey!”


“What?!” Hyukjae’s mother raised his tone.

“I said, I won’t go.”

“But why, Hyukjae? Isn’t it your dream? You got the scholarship already, for God’s sake, Hyukjae! I don’t understand...”

“I just...don’t want to.”

“Don’t tell me that it’s because that Cho family’s son?”


“Seriously, Hyukjae?! Are you crazy? Leaving your dream because of him?”

“No Mom, it’s not him.”

“Then whhhyyy?!”

“I...I need to think about it again,” Hyukjae left the dining room and walked to his room.

“You should! Get back to your mind, Hyukjae!”

Hyukjae laid on his bed. He too, think that he was crazy. He didn’t know how could he think about letting go his scholarship. The scholarship was the closest goal in his life, and he got it.

But there was Kyuhyun too, which he couldn’t leave, especially after what Kyuhyun said to him today. No, it wasn’t that kind of romantic love. It was like he had a child he couldn’t let go.

Hyukjae laughed at himself. How could he think that way? But they did have that kind of connection. That no matter how they said that they hate each other, they liked being with each other that much.

Even when Hyukjae go, he would worry about Kyuhyun more than he would worry about himself. Because he knew, eventhough Kyuhyun seems like a rebel, but he got hurt easily.


“You told Hyukjae to stay, didn’t you?” Kyuhyun’s mother asked.


“His mom told me that he want to let go of his scholarship because of you! You know his dream is to study in America. How heartless you told him to let go of his dream?”

“What do you talking about?”

“Enough with you refusing to study In England, now you told him to become a useless son like you too?!”

“What?! I don’t even know that he got the scholarship, how could I told him to―”

“And you called youself his bestfriend?!”

Kyuhyun felt like someone hit his chest, way too hard til he couldn’t breath. So it was the reason Hyukjae told him to find a girlfriend? Because he would leave to America?

Kyuhyun walked out from his house, slammed the front door hardly, not bothering to bring his jacket with him. When he walked out the fence, he found Hyukjae was on the way to his house. But he didn’t care, he was angry, though he was unsure what caused it.

“Kyuhyun!” Hyukjae called.

Kyuhyun pretended not to hear, he didn’t want to.

“Hey! I’m calling you, don’t you hear me?” Hyukjae asked when he catched Kyuhyun’s step.

Kyuhyun stopped. “Why the hell are you always here when my mood is bad?!”

“Kyuhyun...what happened?”

“Just why?!”

It wasn’t the first time Kyuhyun shouted at him, but he knew this time was different. “Let’s go eat ramen and ice cream. I’ll treat this time,” Hyukjae pulled Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Let go of me!” Kyuhyun freed his arm from Hyukjae’s hold. “I got enough of it already! I’m sick of it!”

“What do you talking about?”

“I’m sick of you, of your miraculously appearance when I’m in a bad mood! Who do you think you are? My mood-saviour? Now I’m telling you, you are the cause of all my bad mood!”

Hyukjae’s eyes started to water though he didn’t understand what Kyuhyun was talking about.

“You know this son-of-my-mother’s-friend that she always comparing me to? It’s you. I’m being compared with you anytime and then you just appear like a medicine, or mood-saviour like what you call it.”

“I...I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry about? It’s not your fault. It’s all my fault for not being a perfect son like you! Now get away from me!” Kyuhyun walked away.

“I...I got the scholarship. I will go to America,” Hyukjae shouted when Kyuhyun was few meters away.

“Just go then! It’s not that I can’t live without you!”

“F- fine.”

Kyuhyun didn’t need to turn to see Hyukjae. He could feel tears rolling down on Hyukjae’s face now. He wouldn’t stand to watch his bestfriend being a crying mess, and it was because of him.


Kyuhyun sat in the ramen shop they used to come together. Two bowls of ramen placed on the table in front of him. But Hyukjae wasn’t there. He left to America this morning.

He recalled the day before he got mad at Hyukjae. Could it be that it was what Hyukjae want to tell him? That he got the scholarship he has been dreaming about?

But stupid him just randomly confessed that he couldn’t live without Hyukjae. Was it the reason Hyukjae once didn’t want to go to America? He would curse himself to death if Hyukjae really think about him that much.

Kyuhyun didn’t hate being compared with Hyukjae, because Hyukjae was just the way Kyuhyun’s mother saw him. A good son who never had any complain from his parents. Hyukjae was just that nice, he too admit it. He just didn’t want being compared with his bestfriend. Because if he was being like Hyukjae, he wouldn’t need Hyukjae anymore then. And he didn’t want that. He wanted to need Hyukjae.

Hyukjae always miraculously appeared whenever Kyuhyun needed someone. And Kyuhyun would only treat him ramen and ice cream to show his gratitude because he just couldn’t show it with words. Only now that he felt he was lacking for being a bestfriend to Hyukjae.

And today, for the first time in years, Kyuhyun cried his heart out.


Years later, Hyukjae sat in a meeting room, moving his legs nervously. It wasn’t the first time he’s being a stage director for a concert. No, it wasn’t because of his job, it’s because the person he would meet in minutes.

The door opened, presenting a man he met a lot these weeks. But it wasn’t this man that made him nervous, it was the man behind him, who he hadn’t meet for years.

“This is Kyuhyun,” the man in the front, who was Kyuhyun’s manager, said.

“He- Hello. I’m H- Hyukjae. I’ll be the stage director for your concert,” Hyukjae extended his hand for a handshake. He couldn’t hide his nervousness, he scared that Kyuhyun would still hate him after years. Kyuhyun’s word kept replaying in his mind. Get away from me!

There, Kyuhyun’s expression stiffened. Hyukjae had a sudden wish that earth would just eat him right now.

“Ah, so... Uh, well, I’ll start to explain the concept,” Hyukjae said, walking away to reach his laptop.


Hyukjae lifted his head up when someone shoved a can of soda in front of his face. Kyuhyun.

“You still like it, don’t you?” Kyuhyun asked, shoving the can to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae took it, “Thanks.”

Kyuhyun sat on the bench beside Hyukjae. “It’s been a long time, uh?”

“Y- yeah.”

Kyuhyun sighed, knowing that Hyukjae scared. “You know I didn’t mean it, right?”


Kyuhyun fixed his seat, facing Hyukjae from the side. “You know, that―” his phone rang.

Hyukjae happened to see the caller ID, a woman. “Your girlfriend, uh?”

“No! She’s...uh...,” the phone kept ringing.

Hyukjae smiled, “I have some things to check. So see you later,” and left.

“Hello,” Kyuhyun answered the phone.

When Kyuhyun thought he’d gone, Hyukjae slowed his steps to overhear.

“Hm... No, I just finished meeting... Hm, I miss you too...”

Hyukjae smiled.


“So here you are. I was looking fo―,” Kyuhyun said, stopped when he saw Hyukjae with someone, a woman. “Oh, hello!” Kyuhyun greeted the woman.

“Ah, Kyuhyun! Uh, this soon-to-be wife,” Hyukjae introduced the woman, blushing. “And this is...uh...,” Hyukjae hesitated, didn’t know what to call Kyuhyun. They hadn’t made up yet, as he remember.

“I’m Kyuhyun, Hyukjae’s bestfriend,” Kyuhyun introduced himself.

“Oh really? But I don’t think Hyukjae ever talk about you,” the woman said, a bit confused because her soon-to-be husband didn’t seem comfortable with Kyuhyun’s presence.

“ that so? And I don’t think Hyukjae ever talk about you too,” Kyuhyun smirked.

The woman turned to Hyukjae with her explain-this face.

“Yah!” Hyukjae hit Kyuhyun’s arm. “It’s not like that! It’s uh―”

“We hadn’t meet for years, that’s why,” Kyuhyun smiled reassuring. “Don’t worry, he loves you. After this, I’m sure he woudn’t stop talking about you.”

“Well, okay. I’ll leave then. See you at dinner,” the woman kissed Hyukjae’s cheek, and then smiled to Kyuhyun.

“Nice to meet you, Hyukjae’s-soon-to-be-wife,” Kyuhyun smiled.

After the woman left, Hyukjae and Kyuhyun walked to the meeting room.

“So you’re getting married, uh?” Kyuhyun asked.

“And you have a girlfriend already,” Hyukjae said.

“See? I told you! If you don’t tell me to, I would find one!”

“That’s because I left so that you found a girlfriend!”

“I sent you to America so you can be a stage director now!”

“You didn’t send me, I went by myself!”

“If I didn’t mad at you, you would stay!”

“So you did it on purpose?!”


“Haaahh...I can’t believe it! Seriously?”


“Yah, why don’t you say anything?! You’re frustating me!”


“Yah!” Hyukjae hit Kyuhyun’s arm.

“You know...I’m sorry.”

“Hah you’re so unbelievable, Kyuhyun! Now massage my shoulder, it tensed!”

“Why should I?!”

“You make it tensed! You don’t know how broke my heart was! Haaahh...”

“I’m doing it because I’m sorry, not because I want to,” Kyuhyun started to massage Hyukjae’s shoulder.

“Whatever! Do it properly!”

“I am!”

“Ah right, how about your mother? She’s healthy, right?”

“I don’t know. I left home since you went to America.”

“What?! Why?”

Kyuhyun didn’t answer.

“Yah, let’s visit her today. Show her that you’re a famous singer now, much more successful than me, this son-of-her-friend that she compared with his son back then.”


“Oh come on, Kyuhyun. She has to know how it feels being proud of her own son!”

“Well if you insist...”

“Okay! Bring your girlfriend too!”


“I want to meet her!”

“Eish this monkey is being greedy, really...”




A/N: It didn’t turned out as I imagined it to be. The idea kept coming differently as I wrote, and the original idea is gone... XD

Hope you enjoy this ^^ Comments are welcomed :D Thank you~

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Chapter 1: This fic made me cry seriously TT_____________________TT
Chapter 1: Such a cute friendship they have :D
But my oh-not-so-innocent mind keep playing about the next step of their friendship, and I must say that is not a cute one *smirk*
Oh,, my wild imagination *more to corrupt mind (‾_‾) *

Anyway, it's a nice fic,,
But I still crave for more *blinking cutely*
Thanks for write this
michikokasiumi #3
Chapter 1: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! >o<
D ont u want to make the sequel or continuation of this fics???? i have reeeeallllyyy something ... a plot in my head about it... omooooooooo.... but it wont b end up as kyuhyuk 'friendship-only' fics... kkkkkkkkk :D
anotherElji #4
This is niceeeee~
Subscribed to show my support!! :D
I like your story..
Pook hyukie, but so glad it's a happy ending~
Chapter 1: woaaahh,, they were not separated though the hadn't meet for years..
i know how kyuhyun's feels,, it so hurt when your parents compare you with your friends.. everyone has their own path right ? :)
thank you for writing this unnie ^^
Chapter 1: Awww the friendship stil even they are separated kkk,thank kyyyuuuuuu for writing this