Hey Girl,

Hey Girl,


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.



Jongup stared at his best friend, complaining how she failed her math test last period.

He couldn't help but stare at the way she ate. She stuffed random foods in and talked in an unattractive way. 

He cocked his head wondering why she had to eat like that in front of him. Did she not see him as a man? 

"Can you close your mouth and eat? It's unnattractive." 

She stopped complaining and looked up to see him furrowing his eyebrows, "Since when did you think I was attractive?" 

Jongup swallowed on his saliva, not looking at her, "I'm just saying, when others see you, it'll be unnattractive." 

She nudged him, "Who cares. I'm only eating like this in front of you." 

Jongup looked down at her, who was munching again, complaining about something else in her life.

To be honest, Jongup cared about her and listened to all her problems. Sure, she complained once in a while, but he didn't mind. He loved listening to funny and absurb stories she had to tell, and he loved laughing along with her, he never judged her.

But today, oddly today, he felt different. 

"Did you listen to me?" 

He shook his track of thoughts, "Yeah, I hear you complaining everyday." 

She shrugged, "The math test was hard, alright?" She looked at her phone, "Bell's going to ring. We should head to class." 

She stood up and dusted her pants, holding onto her sandwich, "Aren't you going?" 

Jongup looked up and gave her a look, "Do you always do that when you're around other people? Typically, guys?" 

She frowned, "What do you mean?" 

Jongup stood up, "Like that. You know, holding onto a sandwich, eating with your mouth opened, complaining everyday, do you always do that with other guys?" 

She shook her head, "Are you out of your mind? Of course not. How unnattractive would I be? Only to you, silly." 

Jongup frowned and nodded, "Let's get to class."


Jongup couldn't stop thinking about what happened during lunch. It was true they were best friends, but sometimes, he wondered why she never seen him as a guy. You know, maybe wear a dress sometime, or eat with closed, or even flirt with him, maybe? 

"Are you listening, Mr. Moon?" 

He looked up to see his teacher glaring down, "Sorry." 

Jongup went back to thinking of his friend, remembering the dream he had for the past couple of weeks.

In his dream, he saw his best friend, wearing a really pretty black dress to school. She had on heels and her hair flew gently in the wind. She had on lipgloss and she actually looked like a girl.

"How does it look?" 

Jongup remembered that he nodded, giving her the thumbs up. 

"Do you think he'll like it?" 

Jongup knew that as he woke up from that dream, she was going on date with someone else. He also knew his best friend fancied his good friend, Youngjae for a while, and wondered if he would steal her away from him.

Of course before, it wouldn't have bothered him. He would be glad to have her off his back now, so he can start looking for girls. Like he ever did, anyways, but for some odd reasons, he didn't want to. 

For some odd reasons, he wanted her for himself.

Jongup smacked his head, he was being stupid and weird. The weather was probably getting to him, but he couldn't help but wonder.

What would've happened if the guy she went on a date with, was him?


Weeks passed after, and Jongup didn't have his dreams anymore.

Whenever he saw her, he felt the same feeling as if he seen her before, and this time, he was back to his old self.

He knew it was just a misunderstanding and that his heart and mind were playing games, but again, he thought wrong.


Jongup turned his head after getting his books out of his locker, to see his best friend, standing in front of him.

She had a black skirt and a gray tanktop underneath her white cardigan. She had on flats and her hair was straight, but a little messy. 

"I have a debate today and I have to wear this the whole day." 

Jongup blinked a few times and gawked at her, "Doesn't your feet hurt?" 

She nodded, "A little bit, but I can manage." She smiled, "How does it look?" 

Jongup's heart fell. It was the same question she asked him in his dream. The feelings were returning.

"You look great," He swallowed.

"Thanks, I tried to be girly for you." She winked, holding onto his arm, "Let's get to class." 

Jongup tried not to make eye contact with and when he did, he looked down, and when he looked down, he saw her skirt, and when he saw her skirt, well... let's say, his face had the same color as Zelo's favorite food, a tomato. 


Jongup couldn't take it anymore.

It was nearly eating him alive. He didn't know why he started to develop feelings for her.

It was really weird everytime she hugged him, or touched him in some way, as his heart started beating faster.

He couldn't hold it in anymore, but he was afraid something would happen between them.

"Is something wrong?" 

Jongup forgot that he was walking her home, as he looked at her, "No, nothing," He awkwardly shook his head, "Absolutley, nothing." 

She tilted her head, "You're acting strange these days. I feel like you're not interested in me. You're not listening and you're not making eye-contact, what's wrong?" 

Jongup shrugged, "I guess I'm tired."

"Don't lie to me, Jongup." 

Jongup didn't want to tell her he liked her, it'll be weird. If he said he did, then she probably would feel awkard and their friendship would go down the drain.

"Youngjae talked to me today."

Jongup stopped in his tracks and looked ahead, as she walked away, "What?" 

"Youngjae asked if I wanted to go on a date, tonight." She looked back. 

"What did you say?" 

Jongup held onto his breath. He didn't want to lose her, not yet, anyways. He wanted to lose her when he was really and completely over with her, not now, when he think he might like her.

"I said, maybe. But I don't know." 

Jongup sighed in relief, "Don't go." 

She laughed, "Why not? I mean, he is cute. I have been waiting for him to ask me out." 

Jongup walked up to her, "Well, don't. I don't want you to go." 

She smiled, "I'm still debating. I haven't made up my mind." 

Jongup bit his lips as he stared at her tugging onto her hair, "Why haven't you said yes though?" 

She shrugged, "I don't know, I feel like I won't enjoy it much. The date, I mean. Like, something's pulling me back." 

Jongup's eyes lit up, "Who is pulling you back?" 

"A boy, that I really like these days." 

His eyes fell in disappointment, "Who is he?" 

As Jongup asked, she began to smile, "He's really cute, and he's funny, nice, smart, lovable, and very awkward, yet charming." 

Jongup nodded, "He must be a nice guy." 

"You bet." 

He walked towards her house as she walked up towards the gate, "I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, sure." She said, holding onto the gate door, "Bye, Jongup." 

As she slowly entered, many things ran in his head.

Should he confess right now before she finds the other guy? Or before she goes on the date with Youngjae? 

Without knowing, Jongup had a slip in his mouth. 

"This is so wrong." 


Jongup looked up and found that she was still out there, "What's wrong?" 

Jongup swallowed, "I meant, about you and me," He continued, "But mostly me."

"What's so wrong about us?" She walked towards him.

"I'm only going to say this once." 

Jongup's head was exploding. Why was he confessing to her? He never confessed. He was always the guy that saw the girl from afar and would do anything for her to be happy. Confessing wasn't his job. That was either Himchan or Daehyun, but him? No. 

"I've been having weird thoughts lately." 

She crossed her arms, "Don't tell me Yongguk gave you those magazines again." 

"No, it's nothing about that," He scratched his neck, "I meant, I have been thinking about you and me. About us." 

She stood up straight.

"Like, if we were to be a couple, how nice it would be." 

She parted her lips slowly, not leaving her eyes on his. 

"But that's just weird, isn't it?" Jongup whispered.

She didn't say a word back and just stood there.

"I know, I told you it was weird. I should've just kept my mouth shut. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to make things awkward." 

Jongup rubbed his arm, "I guess, have fun at your date, is what I'm saying." 

He walked backwards when she stopped him.

"It'd be very nice." 


She walked up to him, "I'm saying. If me and you were a couple, it'd be very nice. You know, it'll be cute." 

His eyes lit up, "Then are you saying, the guy you were talking about earlier, was me?" 

She laughed, "I thought I gave it away? Everyone knows that you're the most awkward boy in the world. The answer wasn't so hard." 

Jongup blushed madly, as she waited for him, "Do you have anything to say?" 

Jongup cocked his head, "Do I?" 

"I mean, I don't think that's your way of asking a girl out, is it? If it is, I'm very disappointed, best friend." She tapped her foot, "Well?" 

Jongup cleared his throat, "Hey Girl, I can tell you, I'm very different from other guys. Especially Youngjae, therefore, do you want to go out with me? Because, I like you." 

She smiled, "Can you say the last part again for me?" 

"I like you." 


Omergard, so much fluff these days. I hope you enjoyed. :) A lot of you guys wanted fluff, so here it is! I'm Jongup biased (I always have been for BAP), but because I've been in Baro feels, I've now evolved to Jongup feels. Hope you guys enjoyed <3 


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dwylwyd #1
Chapter 1: feels ;A; awkward uppie is awkward but it's still so cute <3
Chapter 1: ah so cute
Chapter 1: Omygosh. You managed to make me spazz like hell. Omfg i love you. <3
-xttran #4
Chapter 1: Jaksmmdocmdkffd. My feels..this was so adorable ^^ ♥♥
Chapter 1: ohmyjongup! kyaaaa!!!!
it's very cuuteee <3
so,,, the last part was flirting word? hahaha :D
secretstayafterlove #6
Chapter 1: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... it's really hard to find jongup's ff but you made it so good!!
bapdaehyunnie #7
Chapter 1: Cuteeeeeeeeee!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute. Especially that the main character is jonguppie :D
Chapter 1: You know what.. I almost skip reading this one because one-shot usually dont give me any good impression.. But this one is daebak!!!
I love it so much.. So cute and so fluff.. Omo~ thanx author-nim.. Such a good ff..