Cinderella and her Prince Charming

Masquerade Ball


“For the last time no!” I screamed, my best friend Dae Yun pouted and brought her hands together.

“Pleassssee? For me! You love me don’t you?” She pouted and gave me her famous puppy dog eyes. I sighed and rubbed my temples,

“Fine, just for you. You better repay me!” She squealed and gave me a bone crushing hug. If you’re wondering what we are talking about, it was the masquerade ball tomorrow. The masquerade ball was to celebrate Byun Baekhyuns birthday, if you’re wondering who the heck the guy is, he is a member of the famous kingka group EXO-K. The group is made up of Kim Junmyeon the leader, Byun Baekhyun who I just mentioned, Park Chanyeol, DO Kyungsoo commonly known as D.O, Kim Jongin who is also known as Kai aka Dae Yun’s boyfriend and lastly the maknae of the group, Oh Sehun. How are we invited? Easy, Kai invited Dae Yun and she invited me so it wouldn’t be so awkward. Dae Yun pulled me into various shops full of dresses and masks. We walked around for a bit before going our own ways. I wandered around the shop and came across a pinkish mask. Pink wasn’t my favourite colour but the mask was rather appetising. I fiddled with it before placing it back down on the table. I walked around to the dresses and one dress caught my eyes. It was pink as well and the top half had some patterns, there was a little belt like string that had a bow on it separated it from the bottom half, the bottom half was pink and it was ruffled. It was pretty and I would mind wearing it. I took it off the rack and went to show Dae Yun. She was also holding a dress in her hand, it was black quite similar to mine but she had a pink fabric with a bow on it around the waist part.

“Omo, you actually found a dress and ITS PINK!” Dae Yun screamed out in surprise. I rolled my eyes and followed her into the changing room. 

  <---- Your Dress

 <---- Dae Yun's dress


We got into different change rooms and got change into our dresses. I looked at myself in the mirror; the dress went a couple of centimetres above my knee. I was pale so the colour of the dress matched my skin pretty well. I heard Dae Yun knocking on the door, I opened it to find her already in the dress and my god was she pretty. The black dress hugged her curves and brought out her slim figure. Her legs looked longer then usually but the dress was a bit too short but she pulled it off pretty well.

“Well, well, well, are you running for Miss Korea?” I jokily stated. She slapped my arms lightly and stuck her tongue out at me.

“You shouldn’t be talking here lady” She placed her hand on her hips and stared at my dress. After a few of silence she nodded her head,

“I like it, if we get a nice mask and shoes then you would look hot” She winked, I turned pink and fiddled with the bottom of the dress,

“Are you sure? I don’t know” I muttered staring at the mirror in front of me.

“Don’t worry, Sehun would love you and fall head over heels for you after tomorrow night!” She teasing replied. I glared at her, turning bright red.

“Yah! Be quiet would you! I wasn’t talking about him…” I trailed off into a whisper but she still caught what I said. Okay fine I’ll admit it; I like Oh Sehun, happy? It’s not like he will ever look at me. After a few more minutes of debating we got the dress. I also got the mask I was looking at before; Dae Yun got a black mask with patterns all over it. We walked around the shopping centre trying to find some shoes to wear at the ball. I walked past a window and saw some heels. I pulled at Dae Yun’s shirt and dragged her into the store. I picked the white heels with studs on up and admired it.


“Oooh, great choice” I tunred around to see Dae Yun staring at it with some black heels in her hand. I rolled my eyes, how quick does this lady find her stuff? We both got the right size and bought it. We ate brunch and went home; it was late so we called it a day. We both live together so it’s easier to get to the ball tomorrow night, but once we went to bed we didn’t feel that tired, we my laptop and watched ‘Running Man’, a Korean variety show. It was really funny, we watched until it was 3AM.

The next day I was woken up by a scream. I sat straight up and looked around; Dae Yun was running around with stuff in her hand acting like a headless chicken.

“What’s wrong? You act like someone died” I groaned, trying to go back to sleep again.

“LOOK AT THE TIME WOULD YOU?! ITS 3 O’CLOCK ALREADY! WE ONLY HAVE 2 HOURS TO GET READY BEFORE KAI COMES TO PICK US UP!” Dae Yun screamed from the shower room. I quickly checked my phone and cursed, I tried to get up but fell off the bed since I was tangled up in the blankets. Once I got out I ran to my closet and grabbed my dress and some other garments. Thank god I had 2 bathrooms in the house otherwise we would be late, which isn’t very good. After a 30min shower I got into the dress and dried my hair. I blow dried it but didn’t make it completely dried. I walked into the room to find Dae Yun doing her hair and makeup; she left her hair down natural which was wavy, letting her hair wavy down towards the belly button. She cat eyed her eyes and placed a bit of lip gloss on her lips, she looked really pretty probably for Kai. She went to get her shoes and mask, so I took this chance to do my hair and makeup. I simply put on eyeliner, a bit of mascara and lip gloss. I straightened the bottom of my hair and volumed the top of my hair. My hair reached my mid back; I didn’t feel like doing anything to it so I just felt it straight. I grabbed my mask and shoes which were lying on the floor and slipped the shoes on. I went downstairs to see Dae Yun talking to someone. Weird, I didn’t hear the doorbell ring; she was talking to Kai. ‘Well he got here early’ I thought, I cleared my throat,

“Ah! Hyun Mi ah, you’re done!” Dae Yun said, I nodded and walked towards them.

“Kaja!” She walked out the door, but before going out the door she slipped on her mask, therefore I did the same thing.

 <--- My mask

 <--- Dae Yun mask


I locked door and hoped into Kai’s car. I looked at the front and saw them holding hands, acting all lovey dovey. I stuck my tongue out pretending to puke and looked out the window. Every now and then I would check my makeup and hair in the window. I fiddled with the bottom of my dress; I was excited and scared at the same time. What happens if my makeup smudged? Or Sehun didn’t like my dress? I kept thinking negative thoughts and it was driving me insane. I took a couple of deep breathes to calm myself down, after a few more minutes we reached the building. I went to open the door but someone bet me to it. I looked up to see a guard in a suit, standing there holding to door opened for me. I got out of the car and bowed to him; Dae Yun came and linked my arms with hers as she did the same to Kai.

“Sorry for being a third wheel” I whispered to Kai, he chuckled and shock his head. We walked into the ballroom to find everyone scatted around and some dancing in the middle. This ball wasn’t the type wear everyone was grinding on each other; it was more of an elegant dance. I was star strucked by the scenery that I didn’t realise that Dae Yun and I were being dragged by Kai. 

“Hey, where are you dragging me too?” I asked Kai as he pulled on me and Dae Yun’s hands. He didn’t reply and completely ignored my question and kept dragging us somewhere. We stopped in front of a table, there was seated 5 guys in suits, some were wearing their mask and some just had it on the table in front of them but that didn’t stop me from recognizing them, they were EXO-K.


They were really good looking, I mean really good looking. I found myself staring at Sehun, he looked really different, a good different. He was sitting next to Chanyeol laughing and talking about something funny, once he realised us he looked up, locking eye contact with me. I gasped and looked away quickly, I was going to talk to Dae Yun but she was whispering something to Kai and then Kai looked at me with a cheeky smile. I frowned and opened my mouth to ask them but Kai cut me off.

“Guys! Meet Dae Yun, my girlfriend and her friend” Kai announced. I looked at him with a ‘really, I’m I suppose to introduce myself?’ look; he looked at me back and shrugged.

“Hey I’ve heard a lot about you Dae Yun-shi, Kai won’t shut his mouth about you” Suho teasingly stated, Kai grew flustered and went pink in the face.

“Hyung ~” He whined. Everyone burst out laughing; I giggled and nudged Dae Yun who was pink as well. I turned around to see Sehun staring at me with a smile, my eyes widened and he nodded his head, acknowledging my presence. I nodded back and stared back at the dance floor.

“Hey, what’s your friends name Dae Yun?” D.O asked curiously. Everyone’s attention was now at me; Dae Yun and Kai looked at each other and then back at everyone.

“It’s a secret! This is a masquerade ball so you can’t know her name” Dae Yun said with her chin upwards. I raised my eye brows at her and she placed a finger on her lips, telling me to shoosh. D.O frowned,

“Then why can we know you name?” D.O asked again, ‘He sure has a lot of questions to ask’ I thought.

“That’s because she’s off limits” Kai snapped, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. The tabled ‘Awed’, some pretending to throw up from who corny Kai was being. We talked a bit more and got to know each other more, they weren’t that much of a jerk actually they were really nice. My attention would sometimes wonder off to Sehun but I would quickly look away so he won’t catch me in action. A slow song started to come on and everyone started to dance, which was most of the couples. Kai asked Dae Yun to dance but before they went, she whispered to me ‘Be home before 12 okay? Otherwise I’ll lock the doors!’ then went off. I sighed and got up, I excused myself from the table and walked towards the balcony. I breathed in the fresh air. I was just about to take my mask off when someone interrupted my alone time. I spun around to become face to face with a man in a suit, when I took a closer look I realised it was Sehun. Even with his mask on I could still recognize him, he walked towards me and stood next to me, staring at the view in front of you.

“Hello there” He said, looking at me with a smile, I smiled back.

“Hello to yourself, Sehun” I replied. His eyes widened and stared at me with a shocked face.

“How did you know it was me?” He pouted. I giggled at this reaction and shrugged.

“I don’t know really.” He turned around and leaned on the rail way. He stretched his arms and sighed.

“It’s not fair, you know my name but I don’t know your” He pouted again. I placed a finger to my lips,

“It’s a secret, you would have to figure it out yourself”. The song changed and it went back to a slow song, He walked in front of me, I turned around to see him with his hands in front of me.

“Would you like a dance?” He asked. My heart started to beat really fasted but I ignored the feeling and accepted his offer. He led me to the dance floor and placed one of his hands on my waist and the other took my hand. I placed my hand on his shoulder and swayed to the beat. He pulled me in closer to him; I stared at his eyes as he stared at mine. It was as if I was in a trance, when he leaned in I would do the same. Our lips were now a centimetre apart, but once our lips touched the sound of a bell rang through the ballroom. I gasped and pulled away, staring at the clock behind Sehuns head. ‘Midnight, crap Dae Yun’s going to lock the door on me’ I thought. I pulled away from him and ran towards the exit door.

“Sorry, I have to go!” I screamed at a dazed Sehun, he quickly snapped out of it and ran after me. Once I was out the door I ran down the stairs,

“WAIT!” I heard someone scream. I turned around to see Sehun huffing and puffing.

“Wait, why are you going?” He asked once he caught his breathe. I bit my lips,

“Its past midnight, I need to go home” I replied.

“At least tell me your name” He said as he took a step back. If I was going to play the guessing game then might as well make it last. I turned to him,

“Cinderella never told the prince charming her name, he had to guess” I riddled, I took a step back. He frowned but replied.

“But Cinderella left the prince charming a clue” He replied back. I thought for a second and smiled at my idea.

“It was her glass slipper right?” I asked, he nodded confused about this whole thing. I bent down and took off my left heel. I chucked the heel a few centimetres in front of him.

“Then this is your clue, come find me” I stated before running away. I ran down the stairs and hopped into a taxi. I looked out of with window to see Sehun picking the heel up and examining it. I finally reached from and opened the door,

“Dae Yun ah? Dae Yun ah” I called out for her. I walked into our bedroom to find it empty, I looked at the clock beside my bed, and it was flashing 12:25AM in bright red numbers. I scoffed, ‘Che, she told me to come home at 12 when she isn’t at home yet’. I walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes in my hand. I rubbed off the makeup and took a short shower. Once I got out I hopped into bed, Dae Yun still wasn’t back. I sighed, if I knew this was going to happen then I wouldn’t of have left the ball so early. I thought about Sehun and my heels, I giggled to myself wondering if he was actually going to come and find me or not.

I woke up with the sound of the door bell ringing. It was probably Dae Yun, I walked towards the door and opened it while rubbing my eyes. I let my eyes adjust to the light but the scene in front of me shocked me.

“S-Sehun?!” I asked bewildered. He nodded and let himself in the house. He nodded as he wondered around the house more.

“So this is where Cinderella lives huh?” He asked once he got back to the living room.

“W-What are you doing here?” I stuttered. He took out something from his back, it was my heels!

“How did you know?!” “Ah, your friend spilled it out to me”. I pouted, ‘Stupid Dae Yun, she killed the game’ I thought. He handed me back my shoes, I chuckled and placed it on the floor where I kept all my shoes. He pushed me towards my room.

“Go change!” He rushed me,

“But where are we going?” I asked once I was in my room.

“Your prince charming is going to take Cinderella on a date” He stated before closing the door. I sighed and changed into a pair of shorts and a simple grey shirt. I tried my hair into a messy bun before walking out, I say Sehun staring to the picture of me and Dae Yun when we were first years in high school. He straightened up once he saw me, he smiled at me and opened to door for me. Once we were out the door, he offered me hand to me and I grabbed it we took the bus to the city and had a great day. Maybe going to the ball wasn’t such a bad idea, I scored myself my very own prince charming~.


WAAAAH ! ITS SEHUNNIE MY BAIS ! IM IN LOVE WITH HIM ! ~ <3 anyways aside from my fangirling, hope you liked it ~


- tellmewhatislove

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Miawitch_1002 #1
Chapter 1: this is sooo cute!
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwww, cute..cute.. ;A;
Chapter 1: So cute! But I think this one is kinda rushed, hehe just telling:-)
Chapter 1: This is actually a really good oneshot!
It could be made into a full story ^^
rainbow-lighter #6
Chapter 1: Aaaawwwww so cute :3 hehe
Chapter 1: Awwwwww such a cute lil' Oneshot :3
sweetsforkpop #8
Chapter 1: aawwwwwwww that was so adorable
LeetleHamster #10
Chapter 1: This was so cute. ;A; <3