Christmas Presents (Onew) Oneshot

Christmas Presents (Onew) Oneshot

            Jinki groaned as he the hip of his girlfriend, admiring her figure and the curves that she had. One of his hands tangled into her thick, silky locks of hair while his lips fondled the skin at her neck. She moaned, a low noise that send his toes curling. His body ached to get more of the girl.

            His hands danced over the silk of her skin, tracing patterns of what he wasn't too sure. The higher his hands got the louder she sang. It was at her chest, where two soft lump swelled out of her chests that he stopped to straddle her and caress her properly. Detaching his mouth from the nape of her neck he pressed swollen lips to a .

            "Onew..." she breathed, arching into his touch.

            The boy acknowledged her small moans by massaging his palm against the his mouth wasn't occupied with. And like before she howled. Her legs lifted, spreading slightly for Onew, but he wanted to feel more of her more. Before he went to the heart of the storm brewing between them he wanted to build it up...

            She whimpered at the lack of touches to the place where she burned the most. The inferno between her legs was unbearable; she felt herself snapping just at the thought that it would remain unexplored for many moments more.

            "Jinki, Jinkiii..." she begged. Her voice was nothing more than a whisper but it drove Onew crazy. To silence her he abandoned her chest, slamming his lips forcefully onto her slightly parted ones.

            How could she be so beautiful... How could she be...

            He moaned, loud enough to shake the pillows, shake the frame of the bed and reverberate in the walls of the room down to the foundation of the house. They were blowing from him like a ship announcing its arrival at the dock. And the more he shouted his pleasure the more the earth trembled, weak under the intensity of their passion.

            "Oppa," the girl tried, aiming for a different angle to get what she wanted.

            But he was wise and suffering almost as much as she was. She would only be satisfied when he caved in to his own impulses.

            He simply had to drag the game on a bit more... Keep her at bay so he could fiddle with her body and leave marks of dark purple on that pale, fluorescent skin that glowed with the force of a thousand suns...

            A field of flowers engulfed the pair, cushioning them as they sunk into each others bodies. The girl wailed, finally receiving the touch of gods in the sensational space between her spread legs. Onew, powered with the talents of greater forces, rubbed circles on her flower, coaxing it into a bloom. The field around him wafted a sweet odour and he fed on that, leaning his head down to press his tongue to the already moist area.

            And she mewled, curving and pushing into his every twitch. With each move he made she followed as if he was the reason for her breathing.

            Eventually, as the forces of the universe broke out the choir and sang songs of the match of the heavens, Onew decided to seal the moment. Lifting, on his knees. Towering he was above the fair girl below him. Half lidded eyes hiding timid and desperate gems stared at him. Ready.

            Positioned now, Onew stole a final kiss before claiming what had always been his.

            He pushed, feeling the tightness of the girl's opening squeeze him evilly. It took all he had to restrain the load slithering up his shaft. With a muffled squelching noise he set a pace. In out, in out. In perfect time to his pants he moved. Every now and then a solo would explode from the pair, rudely interrupting the heaven's choir, but not a care actually given.

            And the more they rocked, the more the flowers bloomed and reached towards the blue skies devoid of any cloud, the closer they got to the finish line.

            Tenderly, Onew laced his fingers with the girls and took the final steps to the finish line. She reached it first, but he came so soon after that it mattered not. And as the crowds sing he could do not but smile, content with his achievements. More than content to be frank...

            He was covered in a thin sheen of sweat and so was she. Yet nothing was more beautiful. When he collapsed into the space beside her, hardly taking care of cleaning off his body, he tugged her close. With his nose in her hair he took a nice whiff, smelling roses.

            "Merry Christmas," he whispered.

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