
The Reader


"A book with the story of our ended love opens. Even after you left, you torture me like this, how did I become this miserable? What did I do wrongWhy did we even break up? I don’t know. "

Yoseob, Caffeine.

He took a thorough breath, inhaliting the particular scent of the old shelves. The magic feeling he would feel everytime he enters in a bookstore: joyful. And still, the word was not enough. In complete ecstasy, an abduction he always experience once his feets enter in the incredible place.
He pushed the door, the bell rang with a delightful sound. With a diffident smile, he nodded towards the seller. Forthwith, he headed towards a certain shelf. His orbs searched few minutes before they finally landed on what he was looking for.
There it was.
Slowly, he the ancient velvet covering the piece of papers. An aging green color of the quid felt scratchy, damaged but he could not remove his fingers of the book. Gently, he picked up the precious item out of the locker, carefully taking it in his worn hands. He turned few pages, before he eventually spotted the sentence he was looking for.
" I always had the feeling that no one understood me anyway, that no one knew who I was and what made me do this or that. " 

He grinned once again, brought the book close to his chest and tightened his hold of the precious book. " Catch ya. " His lips silency said. 
" You're not going to read this, don't you? " A voice asked, out of the blue. Agape, Kris looked around. A deadpan guy was leaning against the shelf where the first boy had took ouf the book. Judging his looks, he could not be much older than the book lover, could he be? He was wearing a dark jean with holes at the height of his knees, a burgundy sweater overlie his shoulders, a hoodie was covering most of his facial expressions so he completly missed the smirk that appeared on the boy's face seconds ago. 
" Who are you? " Was this guy familiar? The latter took off his hoodie and horrified, Kris's eyebrows turned into a frown and the feelings he was affected by vanished as he recognized the snide smirk of his friend. " Goddamn, Tao. "
" 'The Reader', this ain't your style, Kris. " Tao said. " Read is not your style either, though. " 
The booklover grinned sarcastically and let out a mocking laughter as he walked to the seller, with the beloved book. His hands clutched it stronger, he sensed his muscles tense up at the thought of his friend near him. " ing stalker, leave me alone. " He muttered, a sentiment of wrath getting him. A smell of  flower candles attained his nostrils, the cool feeling extending his nervous body. But the dreaful fear he had always be afraid of was gaining a foothold in his body.  " You can't keep doing this, Tao. " 
" Doing what? " The boy inquired as he was looking around the bookstore with a certain look, a look that Kris had wished not to see. The boy examined the medium room with interested eyes. So it was where you were hiding. He had to admit this place seems to be..different. A unsual sensation, the coziness of the room, the odor of the books, the old wood surrounded by candles, plants and things Tao never thought they would exist. " Doing what? " He asked once again, turning around so he faced Kris, who was obviously annoyed. " Doing what? " He tilted his head with innocent eyes, but soon a smirk arose and his laughter echoed through the bookstore. " Relax, dude. If only you would see your face! "
" This ain't funny, bastard. " Kris snapped out. Abruptly, he took his arms and leaded him out of the store. " Go home, Tao. Stop following me. " The latter frowned, a severe expression appeared on his face, he cluchted his fists and he blurted, angrily.
" So, you think I'm doing this because I find it funny? You think I find it funny, to follow you everywhere, to accept your whims, your moodswings? " Kris raised an eyebrow, folded his arms and waited. What are you waiting for? You want me to say it?! Letdown, frustration, disappointment, Tao felt dejected.  " I'm doing this for us. "
There we are. Kris thought. 
He greated the seller, the precious book still in the shelf, he exited out the bookstore, turned his head and puffed out of annoyance. " it, Tao. ", he whispered as he was closer to the boy, enough for him to hear and stood up straight. " Let's go home. " The leader added, moving forward the other boy who's body didn't move an inch.
What are you doing, Kris?
The leader walked, walked and walked until he finally arrived in front of the dorm. Oddly, his stalked had remained silent during the journey. " Look, Tao---Tao" he said, sighing, he turned around and his eyes widened: no one. He stood there, a hand running through his head. " How did we get there, my Tao? "
This few months had been exhausted, not to say frightful. The pack scheduld, the crazy fans, the pressure, the training, and finally his debut as an EXO member, with him, with Tao. But the love was fading away, the feelings were leaving him, leaving his heart and he was leaving him, without any true and propar explanations. But the other guy was still hanging on him, like a koala on his mom, like a kid on his teddybear, like two lovers who trully loved each other. How did they get there?
And still, as a leader, he was responsible of his teamates, he was responsible of all of them, each one of them, including Tao. Tao who ran away, Tao who disappeared, Tao who..Tao who's heart was breaking in small pieces, slowly with hardness, with pain and disgust.
Kris ran, suddenly, he felt the urge to run, to get away from his life, to leave. He felt the missing part of himself, the part which was hiding, destroying by media, entertainment. 
The other boy walked, leisurely, on the way of his dorm. The abscence of unpleasant noise was fascinating, yet amazing, Seoul sounded nice at night where everyone is sleeping. But his pleasure began to fade as he heard running footsteps, hard breath near him. " Goddam, Tao! "  A body hit him, arms surrounding him, a face nuzzling against his cheek. 
His perfume, his body, his hands on him. How long has it been since they touched each other? Fanservice is only business, duty they need to do, for the fans, their popularity, their lives. " Tao! "  Kris looked anxious, yet relieved but felt a thing being hand to him, so he looked down. The book. " Tao.."
" It's a good book. The relationships between the characters are probably complicated, and I believe the historical context is quite intricate, but you.. You're clever, so.. " Tao said, with a tiny smile. " I've been a fool, right? "
" Shut up, motherer. " Kris said, dropping the book on the ground. What is a book? A mere piece of papers, gather together to form a story, a tale of characters living, a simple item you can carry around, read when you have time, because if time flies, a book stay still. What is love, next to a book? Love comes and goes, a lover comes, a lover goes, feelings came up a day and disappeared another, love is precious, yet so undefined. A common feeling shared by two people, two persons, who have to go through hard things or easy but boring life. 
Kris knew it, he learned it, he lived and felt it. Books are boundless as much as he loved them, what was Tao? Everything. He took a deep breath, inhaling a perfect scent of his boyfriend, his hands carefully his cheeks, the smooth and suave sensation of his fingers on the other's skin who had closed his eyes, a ravishing smelling filling his lungs. The unexpected feeling yet delectable he would feel everytime he was closed to him: joyful. But it was different from the feelings he sensed with the books, no, this joy was true, real and reciprocal, it was enchanting, it was love, it was Tao.
" Shut up before I kiss you. " 
please, leave comments or feedbacks or idk, just tell me what you think, it's my first time writing about EXO-M ; o ;


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Seoul-Less #1
Chapter 1: Nice oneshot. A few mistakes here and there but really solid writing.