Chapter 2

Your Relevance


No internet for 3-5 days. I'm switching to comcast-cause DirecTV -and it takes that long for the internet box to come in! I was devastated when i found out! UGH. But it's okay. Faster internet means faster updating right? So i'm trying to update as much as i can today. probably another chapter later today. :D Wait for me.<333)


*scroll for chappie*


After school was over I decided to go to the library and study before meeting with Chunji. [a/n they're in college by the way.]

I sat down at an empty table and starting highlighting the important parts of my notes. I felt eyes on me. I looked up and it was the tall guy from earlier. I gave him a small smile before he blinked and walked down an aisle. I went back to my notes until I felt my phone vibrate from my uniform pocket. It was Chunji.


'You're late :('

'I'm so sorry! I lost track of time.'


'Yeah, i'll be there soon! I'm about to leave.'

'Aigo, so hardworking. I'll wait for you, even if it takes hours.'

I quickly gathered my books and scrambled out of the library.


Sungyeol's POV

I sighed as I stepped into the library. It seems like ages since I've been in one. Hoya better hurry up or else I'm going to throw a fit. I have to go home and look after mom. All seven of us all work on the top floors of building where the paperwork is located, working our butts of to support our families. The pay isn't much, but definitely a lot better than nothing. As I walked in I spotted the girl, Da Eun. I don't know what it is, but something drew me to her. I haven't liked a girl since my sophomore year in high school.

I realized I had been staring at her once she looked up and gave me a smile. An angel's smile. I quickly turned and walked to an aisle.
I took quick glances at her as I saw her studying intently. Suddenly she started hurrying and leaving. I noticed she had left one book. I walked to it and picked it up.

“ Acanthamoeba Keratitis? Damn, this chick goes hard...” I muttered.


I saw her figure running back in the library. As a reflex, I hid my face behind the book and ran into the aisle.

I looked at the books in front of me. Philophobia?!

“What does that even mean?!” I whispered. This library must be only for Einsteins or something. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her voice.

“You're interested in Philophobia?” she asked.

I lowered the book. I saw her big brown eyes and I was mesmerized.

I blinked and nodded.

“Do you have it?” she asked.

I nodded unconsciously.

She made an 'o' shape with . She gestured to her book. I totally forgot I was holding it.

“This is my book. May I have it?”

I nodded rapidly before handing it to her. She hugged the book to her chest before smiling and walking away. I feel like cupid's arrow just pierced through my heart. I stared at her before opening the book on Philophobia.

“Now what's this Philophobia?” I asked myself.

Philophobia is the phobia of love, in other words, the fear to love and be intimate.

I gawked at the page and facepalmed.

Now she thinks I have this phobia and steal books! ...


Just then I saw Hoya walk down the stairs from the employee's only floor.

“Yah, what took you so long?” I asked, irritated.

“Got my pay check! Look, I got a raise too.” he said, waving it in front of my face.

I scoffed. “Show come on. I want to go home.”

“Mom still sick?”

I nodded.

“You should really take her to see a doctor, Yeol.” Hoya said as we walked out of the library.

“Hyung, you don't think I want to? She's getting weaker by the second. You know the money is tight right now. All of us know that.”

“Look, we're all like brothers. If you need help, we will help you no matter what. You always help us with our work and stuff.” Hoya handed me his pay check.

I pushed it away. “No, I can't. We can get through this.”


As Hoya and I were walking home, we spotted Sungjong humming to himself. We exchanged devious looks, before tiptoeing over to him and scaring him. He screamed like a girl. Nope, that wasn't the saying, literally like a girl. He hit us on the arm.

“Hyungs! You scared me! Don't do that again! I thought someone was going to try to me.” he whined and pouted.

“Who would want to you?” Hoya smirked.

Sungjong glared at him before running up the stairs to his house, which was like ours. Old, run down, and just a plain piece of .

We were all neighbors.

“See ya man.” Hoya and I did our handshake before he left into his own house. My house was the last one down the street. You had to turn a corner before seeing it.


As I passed Myungsoo's house, I could hear him and his father arguing again. Myungsoo was a quiet guy. I've never heard him raise his voice at anyone, but his dad. As if on cue, I saw his figure come out of the house and slam the door close.

“HEY BE QUIET OVER THERE!” I heard an old lady yell.

“YOU BE QUIET!” Myungsoo roared. “Oh Sungyeol. What are you doing here?”

“Just passing by.”

“Can I stay at your place tonight? My dad is seriously pissing me off.” he asked, while he strode towards me.

“Sure.” He's spends the night at my house probably 4 nights a week. He could go to the others houses, but mine is preferable because my mom absolutely adores him. She says he's 'handsome enough to be an idol'. Which makes me scoff because who wants to be one of those guys prancing around on stage with tight pants. [a/n LOL don't hate me for saying that. They looks hot with their tight pants. Especially Hoya, he's got a nice . Hehe. ****]


Just as we turned the corner I saw red and blue lights.

“Wonder what's going on...” I said.

“Hey, isn't that in front of your house?” Myungsoo asked, as he squinted to get a better look.

My eyes widened as I started running, with Myungsoo closely behind me. I saw them rolling my mom in a stretcher and into the large ambulance car.

“Sorry son, you can't come any closer.” one of the doctors stopped me.

“That's my mom!” I yelled at him.

“Oh really? Then you can ride with her.” he said.

“Him too.” I gestured to Myungsoo.

“Sorry only one.”

“She's my mom too.” Myungsoo said. It was true. She was more of a mom to him than his own.

My eyes watered. I can just imagine my moms beaming face if she heard Myungsoo say that.

The doctor nodded and let us in.


As soon as I got in, I looked at the monitor and sighed in relief when I saw she was still breathing.

“What's wrong with her?” I asked.

“Her lungs gave out.” one of the doctors explained.

I took a hold of her hand and prayed.

“Please...don't leave me. You're the only one I have left.”

Myungsoo wrapped an arm around me and we prayed together.

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Chapter 30: I love how Chunji is so nice
I love this story so much! It made me cry :) It's gotta be one of my favourites. ^_^
Hikaa12 #3
Chapter 10: The hypocrisy between the poor and the rich ;~;
asdfg5555 #4
Chapter 30: great story! love it <3
Chapter 30: I remembered reading this quite a long time ago! Hahahaha!
jesyra #6
Chapter 30: OMG this is so cute. I wonder why I haven't read it the 1st time I browsed your stories. I didn't know it was about Sungyeol. I loved how Da Eun changed for the better. All the boys were so funny and sweet. But then I think about the soccer game and I cringe, but even that chapter was nice, because Da Eun and Sungyeol talked to each other then. I wish Chunji happiness and I wish L.Joe would be nicer to his siblings. All in all, I loved this~ Thanks author-nim, I enjoyed reading this fic. :)
Twentyfour #7
Chapter 7: At first I thought this would be the remake of poor ruk namo, but it seems like it's the pee nong song lued which I haven't seen despite how long I've been a D2B fan for. It's nice to see a D2B fan on aff. I'm also writing a fanfic inspired by D2B but I won't be uploading it till the end of the year! I shall continue reading this!! :)
kimkibumk #8
Chapter 29: aaah! omg chunji oppa^^
kimkibumk #9
Chapter 22: ahh omg this is cute ^*^
Chapter 30: yeollie bby ~~~~