Chapter 4: I can't stand you!

My fake husband the Busan Monster


In the next few days after that incident things went from bad to worse. Claire and DaeHyun stopped trying to be civil and went on making things hard for one another.
It started with sharp exchanges, evil glares, cold attitude and tense meals.
Then the fateful day arrived. Claire was carrying several bottles full of different colored ink she was using for an early art project she needed to finish before school started when DaeHyun walked past her, purposely knocking on her and making her drop every single bottle down the stairs. Claire got so mad that she waited for him to leave the house and dumped all of the ink on him from a window in the upper floor.
The next day DaeHyun came back early and Saran wrapped all her electronics, and her bed too. 
In response Claire locked herself in the bathroom for 1 whole hour in the morning doing nothing but fixing her hair and putting make up on, making him have to wash his hair in the kitchen sink.
He then  hung all of her clothes in the trees in the backyard.
She took his license plate and hid it in the trash.
The situation got unbearable. These two grown ups had been reduced to a couple of grade schoolers. Both of them didn't quite understand why they were acting in such a way, but they wold bicker constantly. From the day Claire moved in the house had gone from quiet to soccer stadium rowdy.
Outside factors did not help them either. 
She was nervous because she had school starting soon, also she was hiding from neighbors, which put a lot of tension on her.
He was in the middle of a huge project that seemed to be full of problems.
She was still avoiding telling her parents about her situation (even if she messaged them).
He was being pestered by So Ran more than usual.
And of course the situation reached a breaking point exactly two weeks after Claire moved in.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGG" She screamed all of the sudden. "DAEHYUN!! I SWEAR YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SEE THE LIGHT OF ANOTHER DAY!" she came running down the stairs with only a towel wrapped around her.
"Claire!" said said Jin Ae who had just arrived "you shouldn't walk around like-- OH. MY. GOD. YOUR HAIR!"
"Dear child!" said ahjuma entering "what happened to you?"
"HE happened to me! My hair!" she said infuriated. "MY HAIR IS FRIKKING BLUE!"
And indeed her hair almost glowed it was so blue. She was so angry at him. She had been mad a him before, but not like this, he definitely took it over the line.
DaeHyun all the while watched what was going on from the hidden corner in the stairs. His prank had worked better than he thought. Bur all his happiness went away when he saw her expression changed from expected anger to something worse, sadness. He slightly panicked when he realized he might have gone too far. 'Don't DaeHyun, she brought this upon herself, making me act like a kid these past few weeks. I am the ice prince, not a grade schooler.'
"I am done living in this house!" she said suddenly. 
"Claire, please, don't rush things" said Jin Ae
"Rush things? RUSH THINGS!? Your cousin put blue dye on my shampoo! This type of dye will not start to fade until a week from now at least! What will I do if it has not disappeared by the time I start school? I will be humiliated even before I start!"
There was a silence in the house.
"I am leaving"
"I said, I am leaving."
"Where will you go?"
"I don't know and I don't care." She turned to the stairs and walked up. DaeHyun quickly hid from sight and watched her. 
She went inside her room and closed the door quietly. DaeHyun tiptoed to his study which was right in front of the said room and hid behind the door. After a couple of minutes she came out in shorts and a hood and just left. He stayed there as he heard the front door slam.
No way he was going to. 'I'll just pretend I'm not home' he thought.
He sighed and made his way down stairs, carrying his poker ice prince face.
"Sit down" she ordered walking to the living room. He sat, sulking in the sofa while Jin Ae stood, not bothering to do the same and ahjuma was resting on a chair. There was a long, tense silence.
"Explain." She said turning icy (this is where the family resemblance showed)
"There's nothing to explain" he retorted with the same ice in his voice.
"Jun DaeHyun" she continued utterly calm "I will leave this house and I will tell ahlmeoni everything, and I don't think she will be very happy about you living with a girl. This time it is not a joke or a tease." 
"Boy you went too far today. These past few weeks I have tolerated you and Claire's feud, but today you hurt her, I thought you had some sense in you." Said ahjuma sternly.
There was a pause where DaeHyun thought on what to do, but all he saw was Claire's sad face when she got out of the room. 'So annoying'.
"It's not my fault. She started it."
"HOW did she start it. Full answers, I want full answers." Jin Ae continued without softening.
He told her how she dumped ink on him and how she called him an idiot and all the pranks.
"I don't believe you" Jin Ae said.
"Well it's the truth" he said.
"I believe you are leaving an important part out" cut ahjuma.
"Go on" urged Jin Ae.
"We'll you did laugh at her kind offer to cook for us and accused her of being ungrateful, and knocked into her when she was carrying all those bottles of ink."
"Ahjuma!" He could not believe she was betraying him.
"You laughed at her! Jung DaeHyun you are the most insensitive human in the planet!" Jin Ae yelled.
"What, it's my fault she can't take criticism?"
"No, she can take criticism any time. But she was really nervous about living here. She had a whole plan set up, and then she is left homeless in the blink of an eye, forced to live with a man that does not want her in his house, and then when she attempts to be thankful and make peace with you, you laugh at her!?"
'Make peace? Thankful?' He was confused.
"You don't get it, do you?" She softened a bit "Claire comes from a different culture than ours. She wanted to be grateful and you made her feel rejected. So she didn't lie, you are an idiot."
DaeHyun decided that he could take it no longer.
"How am I supposed to know her culture!" He got up "She is in Korea! K-O-R-E-A"
"Regardless" said ahjuma "It was obvious that she was being kind and you made her feel miserable. Not only that, but when she was trying to let it go, you push her down, literally, instead of helping her. What did you expect, a golden star?" She was just as scary as ahlmeoni when she was mad. "I'm not saying you are the only one who did wrong, Claire also partook in this nonsense, but you my dear, took it too far."
"I'm going to find Claire, and I will try and fix her up the best I can. When I come back I want you to be waiting for her with a gift of apology. Deffinetely something charming and nice." Said Jin Ae, and with that she grabbed her purse and left. 
"I'm going to get groceries. Think about what you have done." Said ahjuma. "She really is a nice girl, why don't you try and be nice to her" she said as she also left.
So DaeHyun was left there alone. And his house was quiet again like he had wanted it to be for the past weeks.... 
"But" he mumbled "why does it feel so empty now?"
yeah.. Super crappy. Sorry it's so short and y :(
I hope you guys are not bored -.-=
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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 49: I love this story so much, I can’t even express it loll. Also, ur writing is so beautiful <3. And I’m so curious about the other couples’ stories loll <3
Sasukiya #2
Chapter 50: Yeah! This just made my day! I'm really looking forward to reading your new stories and finding out what happened to the other couples! I was rereading this story a couple weeks ago and thought that it was too bad that you didn't write anymore and thought that maybe I would still get lucky and you might come back. And lucky it is. Welcome back!! And I hope you are well and that the reason you were gone for so lond was that you were way to busy with pleasant things. Sasukiya
gemmymars #3
Chapter 49: That was an amazing story~!!! They're the cutest couple ever~ I really enjoyed reading it authornim, jjang~^^
Chapter 49: Really a good job!!!
Chapter 48: Good story girl!!
Chapter 47: What's happening....? I didn't get it ahahah
Chapter 46: I like you're way of writing! Cool
Chapter 49: I loved reading this so much! The interactions between Claire and Dae are so cute, I just can't get enough! Thank you for an amazing read! ^^
You acutlaly used my name! O.o
French spelling, as well. (^_^) I have a feeling I'm going to like this story!
Hannah93 #10
Thank you for updates authornim :) I really love this story it was perfect...I cant wait for your next new stories :)