What's your Name?


What's your name?



What kind of relationship will we have after some time? 

Is your reddened face because of the sunset? 

Have we started love like in the movies? 

What's your name?

Lunafly - What's your name?

credits: YouTube and owner. 


He had never seen her before, who could she be? It was oddly strange that he came to the cafe everyday, but just noticed her now. He swore he knew everyone who was there regularly, but how come he never noticed? How she brushed her hair behind her ears, and how she read her novel right under the window, that sun was coming down from, how come he never noticed? He heard she was a regular and has been for a while, therefore, decided to make a choice and ask her, "What's your name?" 


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Chapter 1: ASDFGHJKL
What an adorable hamster :3
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, Sunggyu is such a flirt. (‐^▽^‐)
Chapter 1: gaah this was so adorable! :3 i love sunggyu, he's my bias and the whole time i was trying to contain my feels XD great job!^^
Chapter 1: OMG!! This is so good and cute! ^^ I love it! I really like your writing and your english too! It's just amazing! Keep up the good work! :D
Chapter 1: Cute !!! Jieun is a perfect matchmaker waitress !! Sunggyu is so adorable at the end, stuttering and trying to explain himself clumsily !!
I laughed at the last line!! It's indeed better to know the name of the girl you're dating Sunggyu LOL
Chapter 1: Awwww so cute!
Chapter 1: OMG!!! The ending was super cheesy!!! REALLY REALLY LOVED IT :)))
Chapter 1: i love this, the writing, how the story going, the ending the most. So nice!
Chapter 1: /sobs at all the fluffiness ;_; another oneshot from ma fav author making my heart flutter *grease*