
¢ carnival lights ¢

Sources/inspiration: weheartit.com, the ulzzang pics y'all provided, Google Images, The Timekeeper by Mitch Albom, Spring/Winter by aoikou. Okay wasn't really influenced much by the last two; only in format. Go read these authors. 


¢ TheAttractions ¢


 ¢ A note from the ticket vendor ¢

Ta-da, here are our carnies! I've picked 8 applicants- eight main characters for our lovely little story. The characters listed below will be the ones I'll feature in ¢ carnival lights ¢. The big pictures are actual user-based major characters, and the little pictures with tildes (~) by their name are side characters.

[Note about Kai- his picture is smaller because reasons. I was too lazy to change and reformat everything around his picture so yeah. Sorry. But it's okay, he wouldn't have wanted his picture up anyways. Don't worry, se7enontop, you're still a main!]

Anyways, the note will be continued below the list. 




ThePopularFireEater!Maeng Shinsul

  ¢ syelbi 

  Maeng Shinsul [23/M]

  Looking for excitement? Want to see a show that will have you on the very edge of your seat? Feel the burning heat of Maeng Shinsul's coolly calculated act, and be amazed by the show. Along with his professional skills, Shinsul's handsome appearance has been notorious for stealing the hearts of more than one woman, especially on days he decides to bare his muscled chest. Yet even without that added advantage, Shinsul's near-perfect performance manages to impress and captivate anyone and everyone who watches- male and female, young and old. But what if such a dangerous, edgy act doesn't really appeal to you? Give it a chance anyway- you'll soon change your mind. 

The New Act in Town:

 Dragon's Fire; Kwon Yuri [23/F]

 Although this gal hasn't been bending fire as long as Shinsul has, the beauty of her appearance, as well as of her passionate performance, has received praise from spectators and fellow carnies alike. Her impressive tricks leave everyone in wonder. Some even dare to say that Kwon Yuri is more entertaining to watch than our more experienced fire-eater! Think that's an overexaggeration? See both acts and make your own judgement!

...gasp at  

TheHorrifyingFreak!Lee Jaekyung

  ¢ tabi_bias

  Lee Jaekyung [19/F]

  Nicknamed the "Snake-girl," Lee Jaekyung is known in our carnival for being able to bend and contort her body into unhumanlike positions and shapes, twisting and turning various muscles in whicheverso way. On top of this freaky contortionism, the Snake-girl is also ambidextrous! How terrible! Come see this grotesqueness now!

Freaks of Wonder: 

  ~ The Kaleidescope Girl; G.Na [18/F]

  This pitiable plaything of fate is cursed with the most disgusting anatomical mishap of the carnival, perhaps of the world! She is called "Kaleidescope Girl" because of her appearance- her body, unfortunately, has been divided into two so that one side is angled differently from the other. With eyes bulging out in different directions, and nostrils that don't seem to breathe the same air, her face would already be a scary sight to see walking down an average street. But the most disconcerting thing about this girl's appearance is her smile- strewn across her bent cheeks, it doesn't even curve up naturally, and when shown, recalls the image of a sort of animal baring its fangs. In fact, this freak is so disgustingly deformed that  only the strong of heart venture to see her. Will you be brave enough? 

EnjoyThrillingGames!; Kim Chen

  ¢ klarissa

  Kim Jongdae (Chen) [17/M]

  Kim Jongdae, better known as Chen, is the young manager of the ever-so-fun darts game! In this booth, the easy task is given a little twist - hit the target while it's spinning! Try your hand at winning some of the great prizes; it can't be that hard.. But even if you don't feel like gambling on your skill, stop by Chen's stand anyways- when he feels up to it, he may show you a few fun magic tricks. 

Additional Games:

  ~ Keep Watching; Byun Baekhyun [20/M]

  Byun Baekhyun, with his nimble hands, is in charge of running the shell game of the carnival. A simple object like a marble is hidden under one of a few cups, bowls, or some other similar containers, and is shuffled around quite quickly. Do you think your eyes are sharp enough to find the marble? Give it a shot at the shell game stand! (Located next to the dart game.)




Awkward blank space here because I don't really know what to do to fix it and I was gonna put another character here but decided against it. Yeah. 


...treat yourself to

DelightfulConfectionsKwon MinJee

  ¢ Primrose0930

   Kwon MinJee [18/F] 

   This cotton-candy vendor is a sight to behold; her face is prettier than the sun! Accompanying those appealing looks are the appealing treats she creates, always served with a disarmingly sweet smile. You'll be dying of diabetes, and not just from the candy  (which is definitely, might we add, to die for). 

More tasty treats:

  ~ Popping Corn; Lee Kiseop [21/M]

  What if you want something salty instead of the usual sweets? Drop by Kiseop's popcorn stand, where warm, crisp, aromatic popcorn is served all day long! Buttered, salted, kettled, caramelized- you name the type, Kiseop's sure to have it. Grab some popcorn to take while you enjoy a ride on the ferris wheel, or to bring with you to one of the fire-eaters' show! Served in a portable bag, you can carry some around to munch on while strolling around the carnival ring. 

  ~ I Scream Ice Cream; Jung Soojung (Krystal) [19/F]

  If creamy sweets are your thing, go see Krystal at the ice cream stand, located next to Yuri's fire-eating tent. Cool as the dessert she sells, Krystal's charm is her dry sense of humor, which can have you in stitches, if you approach her on a good day. 

...get lost in

TheHouseofMirrorsLee Hyunli

 ¢ -ashes 

 Lee Hyunli [18/F]

  The House of Mirrors can seem like a scary place, but it holds great meaning and fun for some carnival-goers, epecially Lee Hyunli. For an unspoken reason, this young girl has time and time again come to the carnival and visited the tall glasses in the dark building, staying from dawn until dusk. What is her reason? One would just have to enter the house and discover for his/herself just what is so alluring about a distorted reflection. 

SeekYourFortune!Zhang Yejin

  ¢ Seonriyong

  Zhang Yejin [21/F]

  Do you ever wonder about your future? What about your past? Present? Wonder no more, and stop by the magical fortune teller's tent to find out the answers to all your questions! Our resident mystic, Madame Yejin, is practiced in reading various signs: tea leaves, palm lines, tarot cards, and, her specialty, the stars. Many customers have come and gone from the diviner's tent in a state of reverence because of her astounding accuracy in determining their fates. 

...with help from

TheFairCaretakersNakahara Mika

  ¢ xRichan

  Nakahara Mika [19/F]

  Orderly and precise describe our best mechanic: Mika (though some call her Shock). She's often found working hard to keep our rides running smoothly, keeping the carnival going and successful. Although, if she's not working, Mika usually is found in the concessions area, muching on a delicious fair treat. If you happen to need help, look for her denim jumpsuit! She'll gladly oblige to your request, and recommend something to eat. 

The Rest of the Team:

  * Handy and Dandy; Kim Jongin (Kai) [18/M]

  ¢ se7enontop

  Another of our carnival technicians, Kai is known for being very handy with his tools. (No innuendo implied :P). Although he's rather shy and quiet, he's very hard-working and a fan of all of the carnival's attractions, especially the House of Oddities. If you happen to see him, tell him hello! Perhaps he'll greet you back (though he rarely ever does). 

Buy your tickets NOW from


¢ tillynilly 


 A smile, a wink, a twinkling laugh - that's all it takes for our charming ticket vendor to draw you in. Ever-present at the front gate, she is at your service, whether it be to gain admission, to buy ride tickets, or even just to chat about the affairs of the grounds. In the many years this young woman has worked at the carnival, she's demonstrated an astounding organized memory and clear mind, ready at any time to provide assistance.

Popular amongst customers and carnival staff alike, you can count on the Ticket Vendor to provide for all your needs. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation or ask any questions, especially if they concern purchasing a ticket of some sorts. 


*-- Sponsored by: Lee & Co. --* 



(note; continued)

Congratulations to those who made it! You're in for a fun time. ;) Also, I picked more EXO than I thought I would. At least half of them'll be in the story, I think. I really wanted to include SHINee, too, but I'm not sure if they'll even be in the fic at all anymore OTL. 


Now, before reading, here are some things you should know...

- Chapters will not be updated very quickly. Laziness is a . Also, I have no idea how the pacing of each story will go- I'm sort of winging it as I write. I've planned out the course of events for each character, but I don't know how well they'll match up with each other time-wise.

- The ticket vendor does not count as a main character. She just has a bigger picture than Kai because I'm narcissistic and need attention she's technically the "face" of the carnival , if you think about it. And Kaleidescope Girl is not G.Na the kpop idol (unless you want her to be?); I just liked the name.

- In this chapter I didn't include all the characters that will be included in the fic. I only included the important ones that reside in the carnival. Many characters will be much lesser, or simply don't come from the carnival itself (e.g. customers). Look forward to them! 


That's about it? If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to comment. If you have any comments, feel free to comment. If you have complaints.. PM? 

OKay peace. Thanks for all the support and love. You are amazing if you mightily managed to read through all the boring text in this note. :D


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Thank you!
planned update by friday; sorry for the delay. nag me if i don't make it. -cl


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se7enontop #1
Happy belated birthday!!
I mean, it had to have passed sometime this past year unless it's between December 7th and December 20th, which wow what are the chances, right? If that's the case though, then happy early birthday!! :D
I'm gonna reread this because I love it.
se7enontop #2
(6_6 ) <(ouo )...
(6_6 ) <(ouo )...
(6_6 )<(ouo ) *pokes you*
(9_9 ) ~(^>u<) *runs away*
*casually comments on story to make sure you don't forget about it LOL*
se7enontop #4
*sidles up to you all shy like* Hi I made you your favorite food of all time *holds up plate of whatever this may be* OuO
se7enontop #5
Chapter 12: Celebrating the month mark of my last comment HAI HOW ARE YOUUU
Actually no pressure on anything, I just wanna know that you're doing well ouo
Chapter 12: holy crap. i'm so sorry for not commenting. i've been on hiatus and will be for some time. i'll make sure to comment though!
Chapter 12: Your writing is actually amazing! I like how the characters are being developed really well and you truly get a sense of who they are :) <3 can't wait for the next update :D xx
se7enontop #8
Chapter 12: omg you get Kai so perfectly I just ;u;
This was beautiful
Seconded on the criticisms below
I'm really excited about all of the plots
And yOU'RE WELCOME :D I'll be sure to show up often doing weird things to try to motivate you haha
Chapter 12: Kai is so cute. omg jsbhflasjhfas but he's also like; wtf is this guy talking about==
ugh. sorry for the late comment---
no internet probs. zdskhdfsbl;aefhfd
how did i live-- JHFBLSHGFS

but in all honesty, layer on what the comment below stated; yes, you do seem to kind of be lacking detail about the actual carnival. yes, there's plenty of interesting interactions and whatnot, but the reader doesn't really get a feel of what the carnival actually looks like or something of the sort. ^^"

ok. i love you~ bye! ^^