America and Back

Long Time, No Speak


Tae Ri spent three weeks in America. She helped plan and attended her friend’s funeral during the first week. The next two weeks she spent in intensive vocal training and speech therapy working hard so that she could speak properly again, all the while, praying that she would be able to sing again. Much to Tae Ri’s disappointment, her voice never did reach its original state. Tae Ri’s voice was the same as before but it was as if someone had turned down her volume. The normal speech was a mere whisper while her yelling was as loud as a normal speaking voice. Tae Ri was happy her voice had returned, even if it was quiet but she was ecstatic that she could sing. She sang every spare minute she had. She even sang on the plane back to Korea, much to the disturbance of the sleeping passengers.


Tae Ri was back in Korea and she was so happy she could scream. She didn’t however. No one could hear her voice before Yong Guk. Tae Ri texted her work, letting them  know that she was back in the country and ready to work.


Luck was definitely on her side. Her first day back to work was the day of B.A.P’s first comeback stage for their newest album. Tae Ri wasn’t scheduled to do B.A.P’s make-up but she knew when they were to go on stage and where their room was. Right before B.A.P were to go on standby, Tae Ri ran to their waiting room. She caught her breath and knocked when she had finally gotten there. Him Chan opened door. He was surprised at first but quickly smiled and let her into the room.


“Look who’s here.”


Everyone turned to look but as soon as Yong Guk noticed who it was, he jumped out of his chair, over the couch and picked Tae Ri up. Tae Ri had to stifle her screams as Yong Guk spun her around. It wasn’t the right time yet.


B.A.P’s manager came in at that moment to tell the boys it was time to go back stage. Yong Guk put Tae Ri down, told her that he would see her after the performance and walked away. Tae Ri opened to call out to Yong Guk but nothing came out. Yong Guk was getting further and further away from her. He was already in the hall when Tae Ri panicked and ran after him. She caught up quickly and grabbed his shirt. Yong Guk turned around in confusion and asked what was wrong. Tae Ri took a deep breath and pulled Yong Guk to her eye level. Tae Ri grabbed his face and sang the last stanza of Secret Love by B.A.P ft. Song Ji Eun


“Still, I only love you,

Still, I only think of you.

It will never change forever, the love of you and I,

I love you more than myself.

I think of you more than myself.

No one needs to know, if only I have you, I can live.”


Tae Ri kissed Yong Guk lightly and let go of his face. Yong Guk stood silently. He was stunned. He didn’t move an inch until his manager dragged him away while he muttered over and over,


“She spoke.”


Tae Ri was worried that Yong Guk’s performance would be effected by what just happened. She assumed it would be bad, based on the state Yong Guk was in when he left, so she went to monitor the stage. Not only did Yong Guk perform flawlessly but he smiled throughout the entire performance.


Immediately after getting off stage and getting rid of his mic Yong Guk ran to find Tae Ri. Yong Guk ran to her and swept her up into his arms and between kisses said,


“Tell. Me. You. Love. Me. Again.”


Tae Ri grabbed Yong Guk’s face and pulled it from hers. Tae Ri looked in Yong Guk’s eyes for a minute before she complied.

“I, Jeon Tae Ri love you, Bang Yong Guk.”

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hippo_guk #1
Chapter 18: oh my goshh your story was the cuttiest story I have ever read!!!!! I loved it , keep up thd good work!
totough1 #2
Chapter 9: YAY!! she met yongguk again^^
totough1 #3
great so far^^
may i ask who the girl was?