at 3PM

The Lucky One (dropped)

Yuki's POV

Let's meet at 2:30pm in front of the mallKina.

Damn! I am now running for my life because I'm late! The fanmeet will start in 15 minutes and I am still blocks away from the mall. "Hey Kina, just go ahead inside and I'll find you there, I think I'm gonna be a little late. Sorry :( " I texted her. "Ok :)" is what she replied. I knew that I had to make her not wait for me, because she stil stayed there, she would miss something big in her life and it was all because of me. 

I kept running and panting. I couldn't feel my breath anymore because I was running so much. My neck was getting colder. I ran accross the street and a car was---



Hyun Joong's POV

We are now late for our fanmeeting and the driver needs to drive fast if he still wants his job. Manager-nim is mad at him since he got us in a route wherein the traffic was heavy. I colsed my eyes for a little then -- BANG

All of us were startled when the driver suddenly stopped. Unfortunately, we ran over someone. "Quick! get her up!" Manager-nim said. I was just looking throught the tinted windows when one of the body guards picked her up. A girl. I thought to myself. A part of her head was slightly bleeding and she needed medical care ASAP. I overheard Manager-nim said to take her to the hospital quickly. One of the guards took her and brought her to the closest hospital. Luckily, it was just a few meters away. Manager-nim went inside the car then talked to the driver. "We'll talk about this later, right now, we need to go to that fan meeting" he said calmly. But a calm manager-nim was so scary. All of us still in shock had finally made it to the venue for our fanmeeting. I checked my watch, 3:00pm. It's so good that we made it, but I feel bad for that girl we ran over.



Kina's POV

Ohmygosh They are finally here! As me and the other fans were waiting, a car parked right infront of the mall. We knew who it was. We could feel it. Its a fangirl's instincts. "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" All of us were now screaming our hearts out for SS501. After that they went inside the tent behind the stage to prepare for the fanmeet. So I tried to find a spot and sat down. My heart is still beating so fast that I can't control it. I need Yuki right now. "Hey Yuki, where are you? SS501 is here" I texted her. She didn't reply so I was starting to get worried. Maybe she's already here looking for me - is what I thought. I just have to stay positive. After almost 15 minutes, FINALLY! YES, FINALLY, SS501 came out of their tents and is now ready for the fanmeet. "SARANGHAE OPPAAA!!!!"



Yuki's POV

I opened my eyes and found a man in a white gown, and a stethoscope around his neck, examining me. Ughh my head hurts so much. "Where am I? What happened?" I said while trying to sit up from the bed. "It's best if you lie down for now. You were ran over by a car. That's what that man said over there" The doctor pointed out to a guy who was dressed in a black suit. His eyes met mine and he was coming over here. "Excuse me miss, sorry for the inconvenience that our driver has brought to you, if you would like, you could wait for the manager when he comes back" He said. He looked like some sort of... a personal body guard. "Manager? You mean the guy who ran over me? Hell yeah I'd like to speak to him!". I wasn't really mad actually, it was an accident that nobody wanted to happen. I just really wanted to lecture him about the meaning behind the traffic lights.

"Can you wait for him for the next 15 minutes?" 

"Yeah sure. That'd be fine"

I lied down in bed and closed my eyes to rest this head of mine. Then I realized that I need to tell Kina what happened to me. I opened my phone that was filled with messages and missed calls from Kina. So I tried to call her in her phone. After two rings, she answered...


"Look Kina, I'm in the hospital right now. Last thing I knew is that I was ran over by this car. Then when I woke up I was already here."

"Seriously?! Damn. Are you alright? I mean, is it bad?"

"No way, nothing's serious. No broken arms or hips anywhere. Just a mild headache" It feels great to hear Kina concerned about me. And not mentioning the fanmeet yet. 

"Good, I'm glad nothing's broken. I'm going there so wait for me alright?"

"Ok" After that I hung up and ended our call. "The Manager's here" said the guy in a black suit. With the manager, I saw 5 guys walking beside him. They kinda gave an aura of someone famous? Well, these guys are a bit familiar. Maybe I saw them in movies or something. Wait... WAIT! OMG. 

It's SS501!










AN: Wee! 2 chapters DONE! Haha. It feels great to add another chapter :)) Anyway, I'm sorry if it's a bit messy and a bit short. I'm doing my best to keep this interesting and more fun to read haha. See you next chapter! :))


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Next chapter will probably posted next year haha. So yeah, I'm kinda busy... Happy Holidays! xx


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horrormovie #1
Chapter 5: interesting...
bloom12 #2
Chapter 7: Wait what's no don't do this to us its a great story please respond back please please
KpopPandaXD #3
looking forward to ur story :)
Chapter 5: o_O what happened between them.....I must know!!!! It's going really great, i can't wait to find out what happened :)
Chapter 4: can't leave me like this author-nim! *paws at screen*
Please, just one more chapter, i neeeed mooooore!
Very nice chapter as always, i can see why yuki would be surprised the manager is nice he did sort of hit her with a car not too long ago haha

Can't wait for more! Literally can't wait <3
Chapter 3: Ahh the fangirl scream, you gotta love it :P

Kina's pretty hilarious lol she seems like the kind of best freind that would stick with you. Although yuki does seem like she has to control her most of the time :)

Nice chappie <3
Chapter 2: You have no idea how far I searched for this story -_- seriously. It's really great so far! It's pretty interesting and it's keeping a nice pace as well.
The poster's really pretty too :)
I'm really looking forward to more ^.^