I Would Wait A Thousand Lifetimes If That's What It Takes


Donghae loves Hyukjae and Hyukjae loves Donghae, but it’s not something they’re supposed to talk about. Donghae finds out about Hyukjae’s relationship with IU along with the rest of the world and it upsets him, even though it really shouldn’t. They’re Eunhae, best friends, and that’s the way it’s going to stay—at least in this lifetime.


Long title is long; might change it later.

This is my first fanfic ever so it might not be very good and there's a 75% chance I might not even finish it, but Christmas break is coming soon and I'll have a lot of free time so we'll see how it goes. The only reason I'm putting this thing up right now is so it'll give me some pressure to actually write this thing. The hardest part is getting started, right?

Inspired by this fic and this video and Hyukjae's scandal. Actually it's more inspired by lack of sleep and too much caffeine while working on a project and so I couldn't concentrate and when I was taking a shower all of a sudden this wonderful Eunhae fic raced through my mind and basically wrote itself. Too bad I can only remember 10% of it.


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Chapter 1: I'm glad to have some news :) take your time ;) your studies come first :D but don't forget us :P the teaser is just... well... you know... a tease xD I really love it and I hope you will update soon <3 <3 <3
find myself humming to the song as soon i read your tittle..
your summary make it more interesting..
update soon?!!!?!?!
well... your summary makes me want to read your story already ;) so... go write it!!!!! :D