


SHINee had finished another dance session and were on the way home until Taemin whined and told Key he was hungry. Being the good hyung that he is, decided to tell their manager hyung that they were going to stop by at the nearby bakery and sweets shop, near their dorm.


After they bought all the sweets Taemin could get his hands on, they continued on their way home.

Taemin was all smiles when they entered their home and dropped his bag in the living room floor and dashed his way to the kitchen where the cake of his choosing lay untouched. Everyone else was there and eating their own portion of cake. He grabbed a plate and fork, and with the knife, he cut almost half of the cake.

"fairies love cake, especially if served with dishes of milk or cream." he said, mostly to himself, and hummed happily while taking a glass of milk from the refrigerator, along with a can of whipped cream.

Everyone eyed him in surprise as he shoved a forkful in his mouth and proceeded to scamper towards his room with his bag, glass of milk, whipped cream and plate in hands.

After a long period of silence, Key spoke up.

"aigoo! Taemin must be really hungry!" Key sighed and continued to eat his portion.


Taemin, as quietly as possible, shut the door to his room silently. He looked around his room for any signs of his tiny friend but could find none. He looked at the open window in puzzlement before his set the food on his desk and threw his bag on the bed before proceeding to look out the window.

He looked out and blinked when he saw Yun sleeping in the nest of a bird. Along with her were three baby birds and their mother.

'Yun seems to not like the position she was in, maybe the mother bird thought Yun was her baby.' Taemin thought and smiled before calling out to the tiny fairy.



Yun shifted in her sleep. She could hear someone calling her. They sure are noisy! She slowly opened her eyes sleepily and yawned wide, causing a voice to chuckle.

Yun sat up and fluttered her squashed wings before looking at the direction of the voice came from. She squealed and flew as fast as she can towards Taemin.


Taemin laughed and patted the small head the was currently rubbing its cheek to his cheek.

"I missed you too." He picked up the little fairy by the wings and Yun looked at him in curiosity before trying to pull away from his grasp making her red in annoyance since he wouldn't let go.

'cheeky human! I'll pay you back for sure!' Yun thought and threw a handful of fairy dust directly at Taemin face. Yun grinned in satisfaction before she screamed when Taemin sneezed directly at her making her fly to the other side of the room.

"I'm so sorry Yun!" Taemin apologized before taking the little fairy in the palm of his hands. A knock on his bedroom door made him stiffen.

"Yah! Taemin ah! Is something wrong? You're being loud today." It was Minho.

"I'm fine, hyung! I'm just on the phone with..with a friend!" Taemin lied and suddenly felt guilty because he was lying to his hyung.

"Oh, ok then, try not to make much noise, it's night time." and with that Minho's footsteps went away.

Taemin sighed in relief and looked down at the fairy in his palms to find her glaring at him. She was slowly turning pink in anger. "Y-Yun?" And before he knew it, He was getting sprayed with fairy dust.

Taemin kept apologizing after she was finished sprinkling him with fairy dust. It's a good think he didn't float in mid air. Yun stopped tossing her fairy dust at him but she refused to look at him. Turning away when Taemin looked at her direction.


An idea popped in Taemin's mind. With a dramatic sigh, he went over to the table and  took the plate of cake in his hands.

"Yun hates me, what am I going to do with this mango-banana cake?" He could see Yun's ears twitch and her wings stand up high. He grinned in accomplishment.

"This cake is so big, I can't finish it all~" He sang and he could see Yun taking peeks at him and the cake before looking away. He knew how much Yun loves cake.

'A REALLY CHEEKY HUMAN!' Yun thought angrily. But his next sentence made her stop.

"I have a glass of milk too. And whipped cream." Yun crossed her arms and stomped her foot angrily, her fairy dust falling. Yun turned around and stared at the human infront of her angrily.

'HE'S EATING CAKE WITHOUT ME!' Yun screamed in her mind. Cursing silently to herself, Yun slowly inched closer to Taemin.


Taemin smiled when Yun tugged on his shirt. He could tell Yun was sorry since she was the color blue. He placed her on the table and placed the plate of cake infront of her.

Yun looked at Taemin confused, to which Taemin replied,

"We'll share, Yun" and after that, he sprayed Yun's half of the cake with whipped cream, accidentally spraying Yun with the whipped cream too.

Yun's eyes twinkled in delight before taking a hand full of whipped cream from her arm and began it off her hand.


Taemin shouldn't have his pants tighten at the sight of that. But he did.

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jebaljebal #1
cute! <333
hielooo #2
Cute story :)
Naronisaruna #4
Oh really? I must check them out immediately then :) I like your style xD<br />
Gotta get reading~
yunheebee #5
Naronisaruna - thank you! <3<br />
I'm not too fond of fluff so I gave it a twist at the end. XD I have written series too, but it's not complete yet. :) if you have time, go check my other stories :)<br />
kamsahamnida~ <3
Naronisaruna #6
You write creative stories :) haha, it's great!<br />
Especially with a little naughty turn at the end. Keeping writing stories! Maybe you'll attempt writing a series too. I'm looking forward to your future stories. Hwaiting~<br />