007. The Dinner Bell

Walking Dead [Exo Edition]


Jinhye pours some canned beans into the pot, and stirs it. She prods the fire to make sure that the flame goes a little higher.  Krystal approaches her with a bucket of mushrooms she had collected.

“Any luck?” Jinhye asks. Krystal nods and shows her findings.

“How can we tell if they’re poisonous or not?” she asks. Jinhye shrugs.

“There’s only one way to really find out…”

“Can you ask Yixing when he gets back?” Krystal asks. Jinhye nods and takes the bucket. It’s her turn to scavenge for food.

“Minseok?” Jinhye turns to the man sitting on top of an RV, binoculars around his neck. He looks at her.

“I’m heading out for a little,” she says, holding up the red bucket. “Jay,” she says, this time turning to the ten year old drawing patterns in the dirt, “I want you to stay here where Minseok can see you, okay?”

“Yes, noona.”

“Hey that goes for you too, Jinhye. Stay within shouting distance. If something happens just yell. I’ll be there,” Minseok says.

“Yes umma,” Jinhye says, and then heads off camp.

It’s silent. Like everywhere else in the damn world. And Jinhye is sick of it. Sick of camping and sick of losing people she loves. She misses Kris so much that it hurts. When Yixing told her he had died, she didn’t know that she could carry on. But Jay needed her, and that was a good enough reason for her. Yixing was kind and was like the cool uncle Jay never had, and she knew he was trying his best to fill Kris’s shoes. Jinhye’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard a branch snap. She looked around her, and saw nothing. She moved on and went on picking up a few mushrooms here and there. Then she heard it again. A few birds flew away overhead. She turns around and out of nowhere, someone covers with their hand and Jinhye tries to scream out. She tumbles to the ground, her body pinned down. When she realizes it’s Yixing, her fear dissolves away. He smiles at her.

“You bastard, you scared the hell out of me,” she says, punching him in the arm. He laughs quietly then kisses her lips. Jinhye doesn’t love Yixing; that much is certain. But she craves human contact and Yixing is all she’s got. So she kisses him back.




Kris hesitates for a second, not sure if he’s finally lost it.

“Hey, you alive in there?” the voice on the radio says. Kris scrambles to get to the speaker and hits his head on a rail before finally picking up the receiver.

“Hello? Hello?” Kris says urgently.

“There you are. You had me worried,” the voice says.

“Where are you? Outside?” Kris asks, “Can you see me right now?”

“Yeah, I see you. You’re surrounded by walkers. That’s the bad news.”

“There’s good news?” Kris asks, doubtful.


“Listen, whoever you are, I’m a little concerned in here.”

“If you could see it from out here, oh man, you’d be having a major freak out right now,” the voice says. Kris is pretty sure that he’s having a freak out nonetheless.

“You got any advice for me?” Kris asks.

“Yeah. I say make a run for it.”

“Make a run for it? That’s it?” Kris is doubtful of the idea.

“It’s not as dumb as it sounds. You got eyes on the outside. There’s one walker still up on the tank, but all the others climbed down and joined that feeding frenzy when the horse went down. You with me so far?” the voice says quickly.

“So far,” Kris says.

“Okay. The street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now when they’re distracted, you may have a chance. You have any ammo?”

“I dropped a bag out there full of guns. Can I get to it?”
“Forget the bag, it’s not an option. What do you have on you?” Kris is scared and doesn’t know if this plan will work but he goes along with it anyway.

“One sec.” Kris pull out his gun and counts the bullets left. He goes back to the dead soldier and tries to find more bullets. None. But Kris sees something in the corpse’s hand. A grenade. He shoves it into his pocket and goes back to the radio.

“One clip and fifteen rounds.”

“Make them count. Jump out of the right side of the tank and keep going in that direction. About fifty yards up the street, there’s an alley. Be there,” the voice says quickly.

“Hey…what’s your name?” Kris asks, curious about who is bothering to save him.

“Have you been listening?! You’re running out of time!” Kris drops the speaker and grabs a shovel from the wall of the tank. He takes a few really deep breaths before opening the top of the tank. One walker is there and Kris hits it immediately with the shovel sending it tumbling on its back. He scurries down the right side of the tank and jumps off, landing on his back on the concrete, a muffled oomph escaping his lips. He gets up and immediately begins to fire rounds. One shot, two shots. The walkers are coming towards him in numbers that overwhelm him. Three shots, four shots. He runs down the street and firing left and right. He’s fired about 11 of his 15 rounds when he points it to fire another.

“NOT DEAD! CMON LET’S GO!” the boy says, pulling Kris behind the fence. The walkers are not far behind. “Cmon! Faster!!” Kris fires another shot, and another.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? COME ON!” the boy says, climbing up a fire escape. Kris tucks his gun back into his belt and begins to climb after him. They get to the first landing and stop to take a breather. They see the swarm of walkers pooling underneath them, unable to climb.

The two are still panting when the boy finally speaks up.

“Nice moves there Clint Eastwood. You the new sheriff? Come riding in to clean up the town?” he says, looking at Kris’s uniform.

“Wasn’t my intention...” Kris pants.

“Doesn’t matter. You’re still a ,” the boy says. Kris studies him for a moment. He’s got brown messy hair and a backpack on as well as a baseball team jersey and a pair of black jeans.

“I’m Kris. Thanks,” Kris says, holding out his hand for a handshake.

“Baekhyun. You’re welcome.” The walkers down below are getting restless. “Let’s go.” They turn and look up at the rest of the ladder. There are no more landings, just a straight ladder to the top of the building, approximately 75 feet.

“On the bright side,” Baekhyun says, “it’ll be the fall that kills us.” Kris looks at him, eyebrow raised. Baekhyun shrugs. “I’m a glass half full kind of guy.” Then he begins to climb, Kris not too far behind. When they get to the top, they cross a landing that connects to the next building. A bus lies in the front of the next alley. Only a few walkers randomly wander around.

“Are you the one who barricaded to alley?” Kris asks.

“No. Someone probably did it when the city got over run. Whoever did it was thinking. Not many walkers get through,” Baekhyun replies.

“Back there at the tank, why’d you stick you’re neck out for me?” Kris asks. Baekhyun opens up a square latch on the roof, revealing a ladder that headed downwards into the building.

“A foolish, naïve hope that if I’m ever that far up Creek, somebody might do the same for me. Maybe that makes me an even bigger than you.” Baekhyun drops in the backpack down the hole and begins to climb down. Kris follows. When they reach the bottom, they’re in an office building closet. They run through a few rooms and head outside where the alley is barricaded.  Baekhyun pulls out a walkie talkie.

“I’m back. Got a guest. There’s four walkers in the alley!” The walkers look at them and suddenly two people dress head-to-toe in black jumpsuits and facemasks come out from the adjacent building armed with baseball bats and begin to beat up the two closest walkers. Baekhyun makes a run for it into the building and Kris follows. The two people in black follow after them and close the door behind them.

As soon a Kris gets inside, he is yanked by the front of his shirt and pushed up against the wall. A small woman has a gun aimed at his forehead. “Son of a , I ought to kill you,” she sys angrily.

“Chill out, Jessica. Back off,” one man says, taking off the jumpsuit.

“Come on, ease off,” another woman says to Jessica.

“You’re kidding me right?” Jessica says, “We’re dead because of this stupid .”

“Jessica. I said back the hell off,” the guy says again. Jessica stares angrily at Kris. “Or pull the trigger,” the man says. She lowers the gun and sighs. She glares at Kris again.

“We’re dead. All because of you,” she says, her eyes begin to turn glassy.

“I don’t understand,” Kris says, confused. He just survived getting eaten and had believed he was safe. What did he do?

“Look, we came out to the city to get supplies. You know the key to scavenging is? Surviving. You know what the key to surviving is? Sneaking in and out. Tip-toeing, not shooting up the damn street.” He pulls Kris towards the front of what appears to be a department store.

“Every walker for miles around heard you popping off rounds,” another man says, throwing the black jumpsuits off to the side.

“You just rang their dinner bell,” Jessica says. And she’s right. A swarm of walkers are pushed up against the glass doors of the front door, beating on it, trying to pry their way through. 

This has got to be the fastest update ive whipped up EVARRR. ok enjoy guise :D if you're confused, don't hesitate to ask me. Anyone esxcited for SHINee's comeback?

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ok working on ch 6 now! sorry for my absence!!


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Chapter 8: Update pls!
But take your time IF you are still planning to °-°
Baekkie xD
MyNameIsGG #3
Chapter 8: Dying for the next update .. ... .. .
LuhanniEXOAngel #4
Chapter 8: OMG PLS UPDATE!!! I don't watch Walking Dead so I'm excited to know what happens next!!!
meanieful #6
Chapter 8: Take your time! Can't wait for the next update! :D
Chapter 8: I cant wait for the next chappie c:
Chapter 7: at least kris is safe... ><

how about minho and his son? ;;
melkyrie #9
Chapter 7: I squealed a little when Baekhyun was the one on the radio! haha so much SM love in this fic xD yixing as shane ;_; im gonna be so sad when kris ends up killing yixing(although it's probably really long way ahead)