Scary Soohyun

Prisoner of Life |Discontinued|
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Kevin was at home when Kiseop came home. The younger was watching TV, but he looked sleepy.

"Oh, hi, hyung. Welcome home," Kevin greeted and turned the TV off, but he made no move to move away from the couch and his pastel blue blanket he always snuggled under.

"Were you waiting up for me?" Kiseop asked, smiling when Kevin yawned and tried to hide it behind his hand,

"Of course!" He patted the free space on the sofa. "Come sit here. You have to tell me about your date with your girls." He looked at Kiseop with an expectant and excited look on his face.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow?" Kiseop asked, but he sat down next to Kevin nevertheless.

"No. Tell me all about it."

"Um... we chatted and drank and danced," Kiseop said.

Kevin looked disappointed. "In detail! I want the juicy details!"

"There are no details," Kiseop tried, but Kevin didn't believe him.

"Were they hot?"


"Then there has to be more to it than just chatting, drinking and dancing," Kevin stated matter-of-factly. "Who did you kiss? Or did you kiss both?"

"Huh?!" Kiseop almost choked on the air. "N-no one."

"'N-no one'," Kevin mimicked Kiseop's stuttering. "Doesn't sound very convincing."

"But it's true!" Kiseop protested.

"I'm still not convinced.”

"Whatever." Kiseop quickly changed the topic before he had to start explaining how he had backed out when Youngae tried to kiss him. "What did you and Kibum do?"

Kevin immediately got a dreamy expression on his face. "He was so sweet. And we didn't drink any alcohol like he promised. I think I'm in love." He closed his eyes and looked sickeningly blissful.

"So what did you do?" Kiseop repeated. If Kevin asked him, he could ask Kevin.

"We just hanged out, you know. Talked, watched a silly drama on TV while eating some snacks, played video games. And then before I left he kissed me again." Kevin lifted his hand and touched his lips like a girl who had just had her first kiss.

"Sounds nice." Kiseop wouldn't mind hanging out with someone he liked like that. "Was Soohyun-hyung home?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, but he was in his room the entire time, except when he came out to steal some of our snacks and tell us we looked like newlyweds." Kevin giggled at the memory. "Oh, and I know how old he is now. He's only one month older than you. Your birthday is in January, right?"

Kiseop nodded. "Kibum, right?

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Chapter 14: Update soooooooon I wanna know what happens next!!!!
Aki_Hikari #2
Chapter 14: Those lies will bring him trouble...
b2utyAngel #3
Chapter 14: kevin, you are really good....
Soohyun... :(
woooww~ dis is good, author! chu awesome! ^^
b2utyAngel #6
Chapter 9: good, kiseop!
treelovesyou #7
Chapter 9: Youngae don't kiss him, he doesnt belong to you.