Chapter 5 (Final)

Doubtful Relationship

Your POV

For the whole day, I did nothing yet strangely I felt so exhausted. I lay on the bed, next to my outfit, still dressed in my school uniform, eyes closed. Though my heart doesn’t wish to remember, my mind selfishly took me down the memory road with visions of unforgettable moments I spent with Kai flashing through my head. Unknowingly a drop of tear rolled down the side of my head. Feeling it soak into my hair, I quickly wiped away the wet trail it left on my face, pushing away my thoughts of him away at the same time. I sat up, glancing at the clock on my bedside table. 7:05pm.

My body, that seems to have glued itself down to the bed finally decided to get up, dragging itself to the bathroom. After half an hour of showering, I came out in a bathrobe and proceeded to get changed into my outfit.

I sat at my dressing table, quickly applying a natural makeup and sprayed myself with a bit of perfume. I once again glanced back at my clock. 7:45pm.

Grabbing my phone and slipping it into my jacket’s pocket, I left the room. I made my way downstairs, slipped on my skin coloured flats and left the house.

The sun was slowly setting in the sky with a mix of oranges, pinks, purples and blues that painted the sky.

I took small, slow, hesitant steps towards the park we arranged to meet up at…the park where it all started and the park where it will all end.

The park finally came into sight. I scanned the area to see if he was there yet. When I realised he wasn’t I suddenly felt a bit relieved. I continued looking around, at this place that holds so many memories. I gazed at the swings, where I accepted to be his girlfriend. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist from behind.

“Someone’s all dressed up today”

He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder. Placing my hands on of his, I close my eyes to savor our last moments together, memorising the feeling of his touch. But I know I shouldn’t let this last any longer. I forcefully held back my tears and mentally prepared myself. I have to be strong.

"Kai" his name felt like a huge stone that I swallowed, scraping its way down my throat.


I gently pulled his hands off my waist, releasing myself from his hug and turned to face him with an emotionless face.

“We need to talk”


Author’s POV

Kai's body tensed up when he heard that one sentence, his lips parted. Seeing the shock in his face, your mind was filled with wavering thoughts but your face remained emotionless. You quickly shook off those thoughts and looked him in the eye, your eyes threatening to water.

“I-I don’t think I can go on with this anymore”

As you spoke, your emotionless face slowly swept away, your eyes conveyed pain. Kai noticed the suffering reflected in your eyes that seem to be pleading him to let you go. The look in your eyes made it difficult for him to say anything back. It felt as though his voice has been trapped in his throat.

It took a while but his voice finally managed to quietly escape from his mouth.

“...what do you mean?”

Your eyes were already filled with tears that blurred your vision. Now that you couldn’t see his face clearly, you found it a lot easier to let everything out.

“You know, I’ve always wondered why you would like me. I’m not as pretty as the other girls and I know that I’m not the fun person you would want to be with…someone who enjoys going out, clubbing, partying…so then why? Why did you pick me? Why did you pick me of all people? The one nobody cares about, the one that nobody even knew of?”

Kai was blankly staring at you. His mind full of disapproval towards the way you spoke of yourself in such a manner. As you spoke his mind wanted to scream out loud.

*because you’re Yoo Hyeyi, you don’t have to do anything for me to like you, you’re beautiful the way you are*

…but his face was expressionless, no words came out of his mouth. He watched as you continued your rant.

“I feel like I’m being played, like I’m one of your toys. I feel betrayed. I tried. I tried so hard to trust you. I always ignored what everyone told me…that you’d be having the time of your life at a club…with some other girls….every night, I can’t help but to become suspicious wondering what you’re doing at the club. I’m going crazy doubting you”

With the last sentence, a pang of guilt hit his heart. He suddenly remembered the countless girls he met in the clubs, failing to remember their faces. You tried to observe his reaction, but your vision was too blurry.

“To you, our relationship was nothing more than a game”

Kai was slightly angered by your last sentence. Despite being known as the playboy within the whole school, despite the fact he dated many girls, each lasting no longer than two weeks, never once, has he felt that his relationship with you was a game. Finally, he decided to speak up.

“If you felt that way, why didn’t you say anything? Why did you act like you were happy this whole time?!”

You looked at him with a mix of disbelief and shock.

“I’m telling you now! I finally released all these bottled up feelings and told you everything! I told you everything!” Your voice softened as you carried on speaking. “Yet why is it that, you didn’t even bother denying anything I said? Why did you just keep silent as I spoke?”

Kai was utterly astounded. He knew that you were right. There was no denying that he spent some time with girls when he was at the clubs. He couldn’t just push all the blame onto a pathetic excuse like the influence of alcohol. He was fully aware that in the end he is responsible for his own actions.

You looked at Kai as he kept quiet. You took his silence as a way of acknowledging everything you have said. Although you were expecting this, you couldn’t help but to feel disappointed that he admitted to it so easily. You let out a heavy sigh.

“I can’t do this anymore…” Kai looked at you with an intense gaze, his heart rate was increasing as if it’s telling him to act fast before he really loses you. *NO!*

“…let’s break u-” you were silenced by his lips suddenly crashing into yours. The whole world seemed to have frozen in that moment. He still had that effect on you. He was still able to make your heart flutter and make you feel butterflies in your stomach.  But something about this felt so wrong, this isn’t the Kai you love, his kiss felt so much more aggressive, desperate and possessive.

Realizing that this isn’t right, your hands shot up to his chest, attempting to push him away. The more you tried to push him away the more he tightened his hold on you, pulling you closer to him, deepening the kiss. The tears that you previously tried so hard to hold back, one by one rolled down your face. Kai felt something wet on his cheek, causing him to stop what he was doing. Feeling his grip loosen, you took this chance to push him away. With all the strength you had left, you harshly slapped him across his face, the contact between the palm of your hand and his cheek produced a sharp sound that echoed throughout the eerily quiet park. Kai froze in his position, his head turned to the side from the impact. Ignoring the stinging pain on his left cheek, he looked at your tear stained face and the resentment in your eyes. *I made her cry. Those tears were caused by me.*

“We’re over, Kai” and with that you turned your back on him and ran away.

By now the sun has already set and the sky was covered in a mysterious dark blue. No stars were out to accompany the moon. All that was left was a lonely round figure with a beautiful white glow, sitting high up in the sky.

As you were walking back home, you looked down at your outfit. The outfit you chose, hoping to end everything in a much nicer way, an outfit chosen in hopes that he’ll remember your last moment together with a pretty image of a girl he once liked and possibly once loved. But all that was left was an image of a wailing girl with a hideous crying face, a girl who left after slapping his oh-so-precious face.

In the end you convinced yourself that this kind of ending was for the best. Maybe now, you’ll be able to move on quicker after realizing how much of a jerk he is. You looked up at the full moon, with red puffy eyes and face covered in dried tears.

“Happy three months anniversary, Kai.”

Back at the park, Kai dropped to ground. He ruffled his hair in annoyance. He was angry at himself. He actually let you go. In such a cruel way. For the first time in years, tears rolled down his face. An angry scream echoed through the empty park.

A sudden flashback of yesterday night with Exo-K popped up in his head:

“Speaking of Hyeyi, it’s your third month tomorrow right? Congrats”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s eyes shot up to Kai.

“Three months?!”

“Wow…she sure is breaking all your records, if I remember correctly the last record holder was Krystal who you dated for two weeks”

Sehun’s protective instincts once again kicked in, smacking Baekhyun’s arm.

“What do you mean record holder? What do you think my Hyeyi noona is?”

Kai raised his eyebrow in amusement when he heard Sehun call you ‘his noona’.  D.O gave the maknae a comforting pat on the shoulder, before turning to Kai.

“You know, they’re right. Your relationship with Hyeyi lasted so much longer than your previous ones…you must really love her”

‘I should hope he does” Sehun muttered, making his hyungs chuckle at his words.

What bothered Kai the most were the wise words of his eldest hyung that were now constantly repeating in his head:

“You know…sometimes you never realise how precious they are til they’re gone” he once again observes Kai’s expression before giving him a last piece of advice. “Treasure her before it’s too late”


A/N: it looks so obvious that the dress was photoshopped into the image lol...I kinda feel bad for cropping the model’s head off haha

The end T_T.  I know I'm lacking in many areas but I hope you enjoyed the story :)

Finished my first fanfic!!

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SEQUEL'S UP....please enjoy reading 'I'm Sorry, I Love You'


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Chapter 7: is right the suho “Treasure her before it’s too late” Yet now it is too late. Unfortunately lost a treasure the kai... was nice story!!!!!
rudelysweetk21 #2
Chapter 5: aww T_T in the end i feel bad for kai but at the same time he deserve it T_T it was too much!
Chapter 5: im cried TAT you write it well /thumbs up/ off to read the sequel!;)
Chapter 5: I love you! I love your story! I'm crying so hard right now! That is exactly how I'm living! I have to face this kind of thing every single day! I love you author-nim! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe that someone in the world actually understands me! MARRY ME! Lol, jk... Maybe... Lawls ;)
kaifection #5
Chapter 5: Yeeeeey! You had successfully make my tears rolled down in my cheeks. Hahaha such a great story
ItzJaeKay #6
Chapter 7: Aww so sad
4D_World #7
Chapter 7: Omg your story is so amazing >_< my friend recommended me to read this and im so glad she did
i just had to make an account just to tell you how amazing you are...moving onto sequel now :)
21GerBear #8
Chapter 7: A true fanfic genius is what I would describe you to be. I love this story and I'm excited to read the sequel, you really know how to put emotions into a story BRAVO to you :)
Chapter 6: YES! Make a sequel! Haha