Of Superpowers

Project Cheer up!


A/N: Because there's already a long list, I did my best to finish this quickly.

The truth is, I just cannot write proper fluff. X_X 

I don't even know if this counts. But I tried. 

This is for onkeyslove




Chapter 8: Krisyeol


Wu Fan was a Chinese transfer student with a student loan on his back and a bunch of party-going, money-spending friends on his toes.

To put it simply, Wu Fan really needed that waiter job.

He had spent a very distressing week, sweet-talking the owner of a club into letting him work there and he had finally managed to get the position. Only –and that was the catch- he would get officially hired, after serving there for one night. Something of a test-drive, Mr Kim, the owner, explained with a smirk. And Wu Fan had reasoned that it couldn’t be too hard to work for one day and show exactly how good of a waiter he could be.

“The plan is to impress him with my charm and hard work.” Wu Fan explained, straightening his white shirt and tucking it under dark jeans.

Luhan, sitting on Wu Fan’s couch, drinking Wu Fan’s tea and browsing through one of his magazines, pointed out that sometimes things don’t go according to plan.

Now, despite his lack of interest about everything that wasn’t football or Xiumin, Luhan was strangely right about things. However, Wu Fan pushed that thought at the back of his head and pretended his friend was just as clueless as he looked.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He told Luhan indignantly. “My plans always work.”

The thought about his strawberry-haired friend being right resurfaced, four hours later, in the corner of a packed club, over the melody of Super Junior’s ‘Rockstar’.

“Do you know what my special power is?” A tall guy asked out of nowhere.

And maybe Wu Fan would have stopped to listen, if he wasn’t carrying around a dozen glasses of every kind of drink in his hands.

“My power!” The guy repeated blocking Wu Fan’s way with a huge arm stretched out. “Do you know what my power is?” He was wearing a baseball hat and baggy clothes, Wu Fan noticed as he made a second attempt to escape.  The guy had strong arms and a willing expression on his face.

And of course he was drunk.

“I’m sorry I’m kind of in a rush.” The waiter bowed mechanically, not so much as an apology but as a way to duck the other’s arm and walk past him.

“But what could be more important than that?” Drunk Guy grabbed Wu Fan by the collar and caused him to almost spill a couple of the drinks in the process.

“Aish!” Wu Fan exclaimed. Honestly, what was a guy like him doing in a bar? And what was up with the crazy talk? Alcohol can do weird stuff to one’s mind. Wu Fan made a mental note to stay sober from now on.

 “Excuse me, but I need to serve these drinks. If you can wait here for a second I can come and help you get a ride home.”  He proposed feeling a little sorry about the pitiful state of the guy.

“And you’ll hear about my power if I wait here?”  Wu Fan couldn’t see the upper part of the guy’s face because of the hat, yet he had the ugly suspicion that the other was making puppy eyes at him. Not seeing the eyes was no help either, since he ended up imagining them anyway.

“I’ll hear about it while I put you in a cab.” He replied diplomatically, forcing himself to look away from the space where his eyes –though strategically concealed by the hat- should be.

Surprisingly, Drunk Guy nodded and instead of going somewhere nearby to dance or drink some more, he fell heavily on the floor, sat Indian style and just… waited.

Wu Fan sighed and hurried away before his boss saw what was going on and blamed it on him.

Two trays of drinks and two happily tipsy groups of young people later, the Chinese student decided to go pick up the tall, crazy customer who probably needed a babysitter more than a walk in a bar.

The guy was still lying on the floor, right where Wu Fan had left him, with his head hunched over his crossed arms. Sound asleep. In a place where music makes your eardrums palpitate like they’re in love, that curious boy-like customer was sleeping. Unbelievable.

He nudged the guy a couple of times, to no avail and Wu Fan thought that Luhan’s words were possibly prophetic.  Why on earth did he get involved in this?

“Sir! Wake up Sir!” The waiter might have shaken the guy a bit too hard, but it was only because the music was too loud and it was pointless to shout.

Plus no one was watching.

 “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” Wu Fan repeated begrudgingly smacking the sleeping person’s shoulder again and again. It was futile, though and he was pretty sure that if he didn’t do something about the guy sprawled on the club’s floor soon, he would end up fired before even getting properly hired.

He looked around the place alarmed until his eyes locked the target.

Men’s room.

Grabbing the guy by the hood making sure –but not really- that he didn’t choke him, Wu Fan started pulling him towards the toilets.

 “Look man,” He huffed turning to the drunk customer who was now lying on the bathroom floor. “I have work to do and you’re pissed drunk. So… Sorry, but I’m just going to heartlessly leave you in here. Be healthy and stop drinking.”

Easier said than done, of course, since the dead body chose that moment to wake up (almost) and wrap his long limbs around the Chinese guy.

“Junmyun hyung no! I don’t want to wake up. Let’s skip college today!” Drunk Guy said in a sleepy voice as Wu Fan turned to look at him bewildered.

“It’s not time for class yet.” He pointed out sarcastically, wondering if that person often got drunk and missed classes.

Hearing this, the tall customer’s face relaxed and a peaceful happiness painted his characteristics.

Really? That’s a relief… Oh! You’re not Junmyun hyung… Where’s Junmyun hyung?” He muttered, oblivious to the mess he’d caused.

It was a chance sent from the heavens, Wu Fan knew it. That bothersome person had finally let go of his body and he was groggily staring at the tiled bathroom floor. He could easily walk away and leave the guy there until this ‘Junmyun hyung’ came to pick him up, or one of the club’s doormen threw him out. Worst case scenario, Drunk Guy would end up without his wallet and pants in some empty alley at the other side of Seoul. But that was his fault and none of Wu Fan’s business, to begin with.

It was the perfect chance for the waiter to save his and keep his job.

And for some crazy reason, looking down at the guy who was drawing little circles on the floor with his fingers, Wu Fan threw it out of the window.

 “I don’t know who ‘Junmyun hyung’ is and you obviously don’t know where you are, but try to follow my lead. I’ll send you home.” The waiter tried to be brief for fear that the other would fall asleep again.

“Send me home?” Drunk Guy sounded half confused, half hopeful. “That’s so nice of yo- Oh you’re cute! Do you know what my special power is?” And just like that he went back to the crazy talk...

“I’m not really interested. Just try to stand up.” Wu Fan wasn’t even sure why he bothered.

“You’ll never believe what my special power is!” Apparently superpowers were this guy’s thing. And stubbornness was also his thing.

“You can tell me as I put you in a cab.” The Chinese transfer student promised, forcing himself to keep calm.

“I don’t take cabs with strangers.” The guy pouted. “Then again you’re cute. Want to see my special power?”

Wu Fan replied by pushing him a little harder through the club hallway.

When they finally reached the street, without being seen by Mr Kim, he steadied the guy on a wall and let out a long sigh.

“You sound sad. Do you want me to tell you a joke? Do you want to see my special-” The guy started all over again, like he’s on repeat.

“No!” Wu Fan was already tired of this, though. “No, I don’t want to see your special power! Just get in the cab, tell the driver your address and go home. Or go see a shrink, I don’t know…” He shouted at the person leaning on the wall.

However, a second later, he was regretting it.

As it turned out, Drunk Guy did make a hell of a pout. With cute blinking and puffy lips and all that jazz.

Wu Fan hurried to dump him in a taxi to avoid getting attached to an intoxicated pile of limbs that kept talking about superpowers. Unfortunately, the guy’s hyperactivity suddenly subsided again and looked ready to sleep again.

Knowing it to be a mistake, but still unable to stop himself from doing it, the Chinese guy searched his pocket for a pen and a post-it paper. He wrote his name on it and the address of the bar and glued it on top of the drunk guy’s head.

“If you can’t find his place bring him back here and ask for me.” He told a bored-looking taxi driver who rolled his eyes while nodding and prepared himself for the worse.

“Don’t go, cute guy! I have a special power. I can show you!” The guy called out from the back seat. Wu Fan persuaded himself to ignore it and ran back inside, as the cab drove away.

To his defense, the Chinese student managed to take care of all the orders he had neglected to take care of Drunk Guy within ten minutes. And he was already walking towards from the bar with a new order of drinks when he was met with his clearly displeased boss.

“Is something wrong, Mr Kim?” Wu Fan asked cautiously.

“As a matter of fact there is.” The older man replied pointedly and sent a pretty severe glare at Wu Fan’s direction. “Your boyfriend is out there causing a commotion.”

Wu Fan did a double-take. “My what?!”

“Your boyfriend.” The club owner repeated, a deep frown outlining his wrinkles. “He’s out in the hallway, shouting about how he wants to see ‘the cute one’ –I’m guessing that is you- and refusing to leave.”

“But I-I don’t have a boyfriend…” Wu Fan assured shakily, while being led to the hallway by his boss.

And, damn it, he was telling the truth.

Even if there was a guy, shouting at people that they were not cute enough, with Wu Fan’s name on him.

Quite literally.

“If this guy is not here for you then how do you explain this?” Mr Kim pointed at a post-it paper that sadly had Wu Fan’s name and the club’s name on it.

It was pathetic actually.

How Wu Fan had simply given a guy his name and workplace address, not because the guy was his friend or even an acquaintance, but rather because he looked helpless and made a cute pout-y face.

It was pathetic, but perhaps Wu Fan could explain the misunderstanding to his boss. He could tell Mr Kim the whole story, apologize to the offended customers (who knew people could get so offended when someone said they weren’t cute?) and maybe even throw a couple of charming smiles here and there.

Perhaps Wu Fan could have saved his job, had the drunk guy not decided to empty the insides of his stomach on Mr Kim’s shiny shoes, right then.

Of course after that, it was a lost cause.

Half an hour later, the Chinese transfer student was out in the street, with a drunk, crazy dude sleeping next to him and only five thousand won in his pocket.

Also, he was unemployed again.

“You need to tell me where you live, you jerk!” He screamed at the other guy’s face angrily.

“Is it time for class yet?” Was all he got as a reply.

“Are you even a college student? Didn’t they teach you it’s not nice to get other people fired?” Wu Fan snapped.

“Do you want to see my special power? It will make you feel better…” Drunk Guy sounded like he was trying to console him for what happened and entertain him at the same time.

At that moment it hit Wu Fan.

“You still haven’t shown your special power to someone?” He asked, sitting down on the pavement next to the other person.

 “No!” Drunk Guy shook his whole body left and right.

“No one wanted to see it?” Wu Fan was tired already. And he had been yelled at by his ex-boss and he was broke and if he were to be perfectly honest he was also kind of lonely.

It didn’t really matter which of these feelings made him so soft and wobbly on the inside for this drunk kid. What mattered was that he no longer felt like arguing.

 “Fine. Just show me. Show me and then let’s take you home.” The idea was to come out stern and annoyed, but in the end his voice was just soft (like his insides) and uncharacteristically warm (like his face).

Drunk Guy jolted up, as if electrocuted and started shaking with welling up energy like a terrier with ADHD. He cleared his voice and tried to fix his hoodie, making it fall off his left shoulder completely.

He grabbed his baseball hat and ceremoniously took it off, to reveal short, spiked hair and a pair of teasing eyes.

For a second there he almost looked charming, until he gave Wu Fan the widest, toothy smile Wu Fan had ever seen. His face lit up, right eye twitching and it seemed like he was so full of joy and excitement that he could barely keep it in, threatening to blow up, any minute now, into a rain of alcohol and confetti (in Wu Fan’s imagination).

From his pointy black hair to his long feet he was emitting pure happiness, despite the fact that he was drunk, clinically insane possibly and sitting on the street with a broke ex-waiter at one in the morning.

Drunk Guy was the perfect example of a positive person and, maybe because Wu Fan was nothing sort of positive, he admired the person next to him a tad.

“So what is your power?” He asked, smile already tagging on his lips.  

The other’s face fell a little at this. “How can you not see it? I even took off my hat!”

It was stupid for Wu Fan to feel embarrassed for ‘not seeing it’ and so he tired to will the blush out of his face. “Just tell me.” He muttered defensively.

The crazy guy looked around for a moment, checking for spies, or aliens, or whatever people like him were scared of and then leaned closer to Wu Fan, whispering:

“Fire. My superpower is fire!” He sounded extra excited but the other was confused.

“I don’t understand.” The Chinese guy stated matter-of-factly.

“Well, you can see me, can’t you?” He asked and Wu Fan nodded.

“I’m hot, right?” Drunk Guy pointed at his body proudly. “And I made you feel hot too, when you saw me, didn’t I? So my power is fire.”

Wu Fan tilted his head back and just laughed, harder than he had laughed in months.

After five minutes his stomach hurt and tears were running down his face and he had this vague idea that he was making a fool of myself, but then again he didn’t care.

“This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” The ex-waiter closed his eyes and laid back, letting the feeling of joy settle on his chest.

 “Hmpf.” The crazy kid made a grimace, but recovered pretty quickly from it. “Whatever. Can you please take me home, Cute Guy?” He changed the subject suddenly.

“Why should I?” Wu Fan scoffed.

“You promised.” Not a very elaborate argument, but he did promise.

Wu Fan took him by the hood again and pushed him up with more ease this time. It helped, of course that he was cooperating.

“Fine…Where do you live?” The transfer student wondered how many times he’d need to repeat that question to get a proper answer.

“In a place with Junmyun hyung, Baekhyunnie, Kyungsoo, Jongin and Sehunnie.”

“I don’t know these people, man. Just tell me the location!” He explained as if talking to a little kid.

“Location? An apartment!”

“Where is the apartment?”

“In a building.”

Wu Fan wanted to punch something.  “And where is that building?”

“Sangsu-dong. Number 2511.” He replied easily, making Wu Fan think he already knew this answer and just wanted to make him work for it.

Wu Fan rolled his eyes.

“Ok, that’s not far from here. I’m not wasting my precious money to get you a second cab. We’re walking there.” To be honest, Wu Fan wasn’t sure why the guy bothered to nod, when he couldn’t even walk properly without holding his shoulder.

They walked like that, Drunk Guy humming some song and Wu Fan making sure the other was not puking at the back of his white shirt. For once, he thought, the crazy kid didn’t fall asleep, or hyperventilate. He just kept his long fingers on Wu Fan’s shoulders and tried not to stumble a lot.

“I didn’t know you had an ‘off’ button.” Not that Wu Fan was complaining.

“You called my power stupid, so in my eyes you’re not so cute anymore.” The guy grimaced slightly again, mouth scrunching and eyes narrowing almost comically. “I can’t say that, though, cause if I do, you won’t take me home.” The crazy guy added in a grieving tone.

“You do realize you just said it, right?” Wu Fan smirked at him who put a hand over his mouth in surprise and then almost collided with a parked motorcycle.

“! You’re seriously dangerous!” The smirk slipped off the Chinese guy’s face as he cursed, pulling him away from the vehicle. And as expected, because Luhan was always right and Wu Fan’s plans were just not working tonight, the tall guy stumbled away from the bike and onto Wu Fan, making him fly backwards and end up, first, on the street.

On top of that, the guy laughed. In that crazy, childlike way that lit up his whole face with happiness.

 “I’m so-sorry. Are you o-okay? Pfft…” Superpower Kid made an attempt to help, but was clearly too intoxicated to be of any assistance.

“I’m fine. Just keep walking.” Wu Fan grunted, pulling himself up.

“Oh! But we’re here.” He raised a hand pointing at the number of the building; ‘2511’ it said.

“Thank god!” The transfer student wanted to sigh in relief, yet nothing came out. It was almost like he didn't feel particularly happy to leave the drunk guy there. Almost like he would miss all that talk about superpowers. 

Meanwhile, the kid with the superpowers cleared his throat, bowing formally (almost).

“For today, thank you.” He smiled one of his toothy smiles at Wu Fan and the taller guy felt a sudden wave of disappointment overwhelming him for a second at the thought that he won’t be seeing the guy ever again.

 “Go in. And don’t fall asleep and miss college anymore. And don’t drink a lot. And don’t talk about special powers to strangers.” His eyes stayed glued on the pavement, since this was not the kind of thing a stranger was supposed to say in the first place.

A light silence covered them for a while, before Drunk Guy opened his mouth again.

“I lied.” He confessed and Wu Fan stared surprised.

“When I said that you don’t look cute because you called my superpower stupid, I lied. You’re always cute.” The crazy kid giggled and pretended to focus on a pair of keys that had materialized seemingly out of thin air.

And Wu Fan was dumbfounded.

Because, right then, as he stood in an empty street, back side aching like hell, his heart decided to just jump out of his chest and, if it could, he thought it would surely fly all the way to that crazy guy’s hand and just surrender to him without a fight.

“Well…If I were to be terribly honest,” Wu Fan wasn’t sure where he was going with that statement. “You do look kind of hot.” But it definitely wasn’t this that he had been planning to say.

“I knew it.” The guy whispered and he was suddenly standing right in front of Wu Fan, smirking, and he seemed way less drunk that he was supposed to be.

And maybe Wu Fan’s heart did fly out of his chest, as the not-so-drunk guy shut his mouth with his lips.

The kiss was slow and it tasted a little bit of vodka and a tiny bit more of something sweet, like bubble gum. Wu Fan didn’t think he could put up with such slow movements for much longer. But he immediately regretted pulling the guy closer to taste more, because the other jolted up in surprise and broke the kiss altogether.

His eyes were wide in shock and he was hiding a pair of pouty, swollen lips (that Wu Fan was already sort of missing) behind his palm.

“S-sorry!” Superpower Guy breathed out and with that he rushed inside the building, shutting the door as he walked in.

Wu Fan walked back to his own place contemplating what his superpower would be and whether it would count as stalking to visit the drunk guy’s place again some time.

The next morning he got a call from an unknown number while he was preparing to head to the supermarket.

“H-Hello?” A deep voice stuttered through the earpiece.

“I-I’m sorry to bother you. I’m the guy from last night. Erm… the one who kept talking about superpowers. And caused you to lose your job. A-And the one who practically harassed you. And-” Wu Fan smiled to the phone, because he knew he wouldn’t have to visit the guy’s place in the end.

At least not uninvited. 

“I know who you are.” He cut him off. “How did you get my number, though?”

“I… I, well…” Sober Drunk Guy, Wu Fan noted, sounded nervous and shy, so consequently utterly adorable in Wu Fan’s book.

“There was a post-it paper on my- my forehead. I guessed it was from you. Then, I-I visited the club and asked a-about you.” He explained hastily.

“So you must know my name.” Wu Fan reasoned, feeling his mood improve drastically.

“W-Wu Fan?” The guy tried to pronounce it.

“Right. But I don’t know yours.” I want to know yours as well, Wu Fan wanted to say. “And I can’t really call you ‘Hot Guy’.”

“Park Chanyeol! I’m Park Chanyeol.” Something of the guy’s overflowing energy slipped into these words, causing the other to breathe in, excitedly. It seemed like Park Chanyeol didn’t mind sharing his name with Wu Fan.

This was going to be fun.

“Then do you want to know what my superpower is, Park Chanyeol-sshi?” Wu Fan was going to make this lots of fun.

“W-What is it?” Chanyeol’s tone became cautious, like he almost expected to be mocked.

“Flight.” After half a day, Wu Fan had settled on that power.

“Why flight?” Now Chanyeol sounded curious.

“Because I’m going to fly to your heart.” Of course half a day was not enough to come up with a catchy flight-related pick-up line. But the Chinese student had done his best.

“A-ah… I see now.” A loud chuckle came from the phone. “It does sound stupid to say things like that.”

“Told you so.” Wu Fan was too happy to feel offended.

“If I promise to never ever drink again, would you fly out for a cup of coffee with me, Wu Fan-sshi?” The ex-waiter held back a cheer at that.

“I’m jobless, so you’re buying.” He tried to sound stern and again, failed.



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Omg!! Can you please write more krisyeol? I love love love all your krisyeol docs!!!
Historical fic!
Genre: romance, fluff, angst
Thank you!!
Chapter 8: Please update soon!
Chapter 8: lol. Of course chnyeol's superpower is fire. He made Kris got fired. Hah, excuse my lame joke.
If u could update >.< also if it's not too late I want to request a chap about taoxeveryone of exo. (Tao lost to a bet and has to dress up as a girl for a day) scene[exo dorm any where]
Chapter 7: omgggggggggggggggggg taoris are not my favorite otp or near the top four in the least but holy cow
for someone who ships krisyeol a lot you wrote a goddamn good taoris chappie right here it's so effing cute
and kris
why can't people write kris like this all the time
this is the kris i like.
damn i wish i could just save this chapter or somthing
it's so good it's like one of my fave taoris oneshots
and i might have commented before cuz i have read this before but in case i didn't
this chapter is amazing okay?
Chapter 4: I'm not a Krishun shipper but this is the best Krishun i've ever read. Oh god, i'm officially shipping Krishun
AND my otp.eottokkeeeeeee
The superpower line was magnificent and genius and i'm not over it yet
and it was EXTRA REFRESHING having a first meeting fic. Loved it!
Chapter 7: ...i wasn't finished. I accidentaly hit enter.
and I love everythinga bout the rest of the scene.
and i could kill you for not letting me copy/paste BECAUSE I COULD QUOTE SO MANY VTHINGS AND IT WAS SO GREAT
Ok,first off i loved the concept.I love the way Kris was "torturing" Tao,I loved how Tao wasn't at all entertained.
I think you explained the way Tao thought brilliantly(you just put it so nicely and it made such sense and i loved it), i loved the feelings I got and i love how you explained both characters and the way the roles have switched,Tao's burst of emotions was great and the "why do I need to stop" left me yelling TELL HIM
Now you know those lines that i REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE and they just jump off the screen?
"Bad crazy or good crazy?"Kris took a step closre,titling his head to the side etc..
Pairing: Krisyel
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Setting: In the hospital(Chanyeol's sick)
Thanks, Author-nim!! Hwaiting!!