
Stupid Life~


AFF name: kim_sujin

name: moon haeyoon

age: 20

position: leader

personalities: sheis a cheerful girl and an adult figure. she really likes to help others and try to make others smile, her

life must be lived with a smile instead of tears. childhood she was an orphan grown into an independent friendly girl.

when crying, she would not show it in front of others, she will look for a quiet place and cry without a sound there.

she did not want the people around her consider weak. she is very loyal friend and has always been a mother

figure to people around her. she did not never felt the love of parents, but love someone else more valuable to her.

she is a figure that is not easily provoked, once angry but she would internalize it or worse it will explode. she hated

seeing anyone who oppress others and said he was most intense, for her it is very arrogant.


likes: snow,teddy bear,books,piano,basketball.

dislikes: spider,bugs,storm,dark place,ghosts.

favorite member of SHINee: Onew


AFF account: MikaLikesPie

Name: Song Mika

Age: 19

Position: Main Vocalist

Personalities: Nice, Loud, Flirty[As In Likes SKinship with people a lot], Violent

Likes: 1.)Music 2.)Jewelery 3.)Candy 4.)Clothes 5.)Animals

Dislikes: 1.)Heights 2.)Animal Abusers 3.)High Heels 4.)Short Skirts

Favourite member of SHINee: Jonghyun



AFF Username: Ai_Dami

Name: Jung Kyu Seok

Age: 17

Position: Maknae


-cute and bubbly

-fiercely loyal to friends

-very gullible and believes everything

that people she trusts says

-stubborn and free-spirited


-Teddy bears

-onigiri and mochi

-vanilla ice cream

-blankets and pillows with cute designs

-most kpop groups 


-people who dislike/annoy her friends 

-people who are irresponsible

-overly bright colours

-people thinking that she's stupid 

-judgemental people

Favourite member of SHINee: Taemin



YAY!!! Finally i update!!! I'M SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSSO SOOOOORRRRRYYYYY FOR NOT UPDATING!!!!! JEONGMAL MIANHE!!! *bowed 100 degress* ^^ the problem is I tried updating last week because i was really busy back then with my school work and sports hehe... I join the netball and handball team and guess what. MY TEAM WON THE STATES CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoooo hohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!  Anyway, my computer got stucked all of a sudden and i have no choice but to turn it off....... hhhuuuueeee~~~~~~~~~~ *sad*

Ok enough with my nagging. CONGRATS TO THE "TRAINEES" THAT I HAVE CHOSEN!!!!! for others, please don't be sad.. i can't choose everyone....... but please continue reading my story and comment every chapter and also please give some ideas for me!!!! Love you guys....

                                                                                                                   -Kayla aka Rose

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OOOOpppsss! almost forget... I will update chapter 1 later because i have tuition class now so Bye, sayonara, aneong, selamat tinggal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Mikalikespie and Ai_Dami: I don't know why but your pictures don't seem to appear on the chapter 3...but congratulation of being chosen! Continue to support this story or maybe send me some scenes of you and your pair at my e-mail ,Ok?<br />
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@readers: Please take time also to read this stories: <br />
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AND SUBSCRIBE OR ELSE!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaaa~ *crazy*
__eccedentesiast_ #3
Can't wait for the results! ^^
*is also waiting right here*<br />
Can't wait. Even if my character ain't on it, it's gonna be good.
OOOOOOkayyyy!!! :D<br />
Today is yesterday's tomorrow!!!<br />
Yes! (waiting right here)
I just applied! ^^
__eccedentesiast_ #8
Applied as Song Mika! ~
Applied as Lee Namine .