We Gotta Get Down

Making it in Korea


I watched as Mila left in a hurry from the studio. I felt myself blushing, I have never danced like that with a woman before. The closest I ever got to dancing like that was when I danced with Jung Juri, and that was far from pleasant.

"Hyung, are you still blushing?" Yoseob asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Aishh! Ani ani ani!" I said as I brushed his hand off of me.

"Come on babo let's go get ready for today's schedule! We have an interview in 2 hours and we need to get some rest for tonight." Doojoon addressed the group.

"You mean we are actually going to sneak out?" asked Junhyung.

"Ne, you heard her. We are to obey all orders." replied Doojoon. All the members dragged themselves back to their dorm and began to gather their belongings for their interview.


'The way he looked into my eyes, I have never seen such fire in a dancer before. Our bodies moved as one, the perfect fit.' You shook your head trying to rid yourself of thoughts of Kikwang. He would just use you like the rest of them, plus you had no time for love. You entered your apartment and set your things down on the kitchen counter. You quickly pulled out your phone and went through the contacts looking for someone's number. You smile to yourself when you find the number and click it to call.

You hold the phone to your ear as you hear the other line ring, "Yoboseyo?" a man answered. 

"Woon Samdong, you refuse to keep my number in your phone? What a disappointment." 

"Mila-ah! Omo~ is tha you?! I haven't heard from you in ages! Are you coming out tonight? I am assuming that you are in Seoul, you said you would call me when you are!" Samdong replied eagerly.

"Ne, I need the location for tonight." you smiled knowing the team has not been to a place like this before.

"Okay, tonight go to the Han River docks we are going to be in Warehouse 5. Are you bringing anyone?"

"Ne, I have six guests coming with me and I am positive they have never been to a place like that before."

"Keke~ Then they should be prepared for the shock, the dancefloor has been heated with battles lately, make sure the group is ready to put out."

You sighed, "They are just there to watch, they are not ready yet. I am still training them."

"Aigoo, come one let them show off a bit! You told me when I was in America, if it was my time to shine then I should no matter what was holding me back."

"Samdong, this is different, I will put in my own moves on the floor if it suffices. I want to show them how to be comfortable with movements."

"Ne ne. I will see you tonight, you know the time."


The line went dead as you set your phone on the kitchen counter. You went to the couch and took out your laptop, you opened the internet and began watching various routines. 


We finshed up our interview around 10 PM, everyone was tired and ready to go to sleep, but I was anxious about tonight with Mila. She only told us to meet at her place around one, we had no idea where we were going or what we were doing.

"Hyung, what time should we get ready?" I asked Dongwoon.

Dongwoon shrugged his shoulders, "All I can think about is sleep right now." I looked down as we entered the apartment, I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be I still had the dance replaying in my mind. The heat our bodies produced when we moved together, just the overall vibe was something else. I almost kissed her, but she was showing no signs of backing away until the last minute. 

"Babo, are you thinking about her again?" I looked up to see Dongwoon sitting next to me.

"Just the way we moved together-- AISH NO! Why am I telling you this! I don't like her!" I said panicing.

Dongwoon laughed,"I asked if you were thinking about her not if you liked her, but that's okay I won't tell the other members. Even though you make it pretty obvious."

I covered my face with my hands, "What am I going to do?"

"I am sure she has the same feelings for you. I could have sworn I saw her blushing when she left the studio today." Dongwoon stood up and left.

'She was blushing?'


You woke up realizing that you fell asleep on your couch. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the clock: 12:30 AM.

" I am going to be late!" You picked yourself off the couch and ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, you ran into your room and began searching through your suitcase and closet trying to find the perfect outfit to wear. 


You looked into the mirror again parting your curly hair, until you heard a knock on your door. You rushed and opened the door for Beast.

"Come in make yourselves at home." You looked at each one noticing how they dressed perfectly for the night. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9257loAj21rerv4jo1_500.jpg

You quickly went into your room and grabbed your cell phone, "Okay get up let's get going!"

"Where are we going?" asked Hyunseung.

"You'll see just follow me." You walked out of your apartment and into the cold air, you knew you should have brought a jacket, but the place you were going was going to be hot.

"Mila-ah, seriously where are we going?" asked Yoseob as he caught up with you.

You turned around and looked at the members, but you avoided Kikwang's gaze, "Okay since we are almost there let me tell you what is going down. I am assuming that none of you have ever been to the streets." The members looked at you confused. "About a year ago I had a student from Korea tell me about the streets and how people gather together in one location to dance and battle, tonight is a gathering night and I want you guys to watch their movements and I want you guys to feel comfortable with me because I will dance with each one of you. We need to knock down the barrier." You ce more as you saw Warehouse 5 come into your view. You motioned for the group to hurry the bass was booming and lights were flashing everywhere.

You looked at the members smiling, "Welcome to the streets." Their eyes were wide as they explored the warehouse, they spotted the dancefloor and watched as bodies were dancing and grinding on each other.

"Mila! Mila!" You looked past the crowd and saw Samdong rush towards you. You went to him and hugged him, the group members watched your skinship, even though it was not like that with Samdong. 

"Who are they?" Samdong asked while pointing at Beast.

Doojoon looked at the members and they all said, "WE ARE...BEAST!"

Samdong looked at you lifting an eyebrow, "The boy band?" 

"Ne, they are good I brought them here to loosen them up a bit."

"Ah, well after tonight I think their awkwardness should be gone," Samdong said smirking.

Junhyung looked at you with a straight face, "What so we don't get any respect?"

You looked at Junhyung, "Your title will get you nothing here, only your ability to dance. These people don't care about your group or your music they care about your moves."

"Mila-ah! Let's dance!" Samdong grabbed your hand and rushed you to the dance floor.

"Watch how we move!" you yelled back at the members.

A Pitbull song began blaring through the speakers as you and Samdong took the dancefloor. His hands went on your hips as you moved to the music, you swayed your hips back and forth as Samdong spun you around and your back was to him. A circle began to form around you as people began to watch and follow your movements. Samdong's hands began to roam your body as he spun you around and dipped you once more. 

The song faded as people began to applaude your skills, you bowed thanking them and went back to the members.

"Do you think you can do that?" The members stared at you with blank expressions. "Okay scan the crowd and pick a girl to dance with, don't be afraid put aside all hesitation." You pushed them forward, and slowly they blended in with the crowd. 

"Would you like to dance with me?" Dongwoon asked you smiling.

"Yes," you replied smiling. You lead him to the dancefloor as you began to move with the beat of Not in Love by Crystal Castles.

"You are doing good!" you complimented him on his ability to adapt to the music.

Dongwoon smiled as he pulled you closer, "Well it's all about watching and learning." You nodded swaying to the music once more. "He likes you, you know." Dongwoon said over the music.

"Bwo? Who?" you asked confused.

Dongwoon rolled his eyes, "Kikwang, I can tell."

You turned your head and blushed hoping that he would not see. You felt butterflies in your stomach, but you pushed the urge away. 

"I can't now. I have to focus on my work." you told Dongwoon.

"You say that so you can ignore the feeling."

You looked at him shocked from his blunt delievery, "I-I..."

"Mila! Time for the performance portion!" Samdong came and seperated you from Dongwoon.

The members gathered once more looking at you in confusion, "Performance?" asked Hyunseung.

"How can we perform when we don't know anything yet?" asked Yoseob.

"You will watch. I will perform the routine that you will all perform. And it is the couples routine." you looked at Kikwang who remained silent the whole night he looked into your brown eyes and you felt a jolt of electricity course through your veins.

Samdong grabbed your hands and dragged you to the floor where space was spread out for you and the dancers. 

Samdong and the dancers gathered in a circle around you, "Okay follow my movements until the breakdown of the song, that is when Samdong and I will break off. Do what feels right, but anticipate my next move got it?" The dancers nodded and took their positions. 


I watched as Dongwoon and Mila danced to the music, I felt myself getting jealous, but I knew he didn't like her the way I did. The girl I was dancing with was good but had we had no connection. She was trying to hard to grind on me and it was making me feel uncomfortable. I was so grateful when the song was over and we all reconviened around Mila and Samdong. 

"Mila! Time for the performance portion!" Samdong was grabbing onto Mila and pulling her away. 

"Performance?" Hyunseung asked.

"How can we perform when we don't know anything yet?" said Yoseob. I noticed how he fidgeted he wasn't ready yet I knew Yoseob thought he wasn't the best dancer.

Mila looked at Yoseob and the rest of the group, "You will watch. I will perform the routine that you will learn and perform. And it is the couples routine." Our eyes met and I felt our energy being drawn to each other. Samdong grabbed her hand once more and took her to the dance floor.

Doojoon rubbed his hands together, "This should be good then. I know we are supposed to perform one of our songs while dancing, I wonder if she picked one already."

You looked onto the dance floor as everyone in the warehouse became silent. Mila turned to the DJ and nodded for him to begin the song, a familiar tune began to seep from the speakers. Junhyung was the first to speak, "Are they playing Bad Girl?"

"Ne." I said as I watched the other dancers perform our  dance, but Mila was acting as the "Bad Girl" dancing with each dancer forming her own moves to the lyrics. We all watched as the breakdown was coming up, it was usually the part when I got my solo dance, but then the song stopped and Samdong and Mila were the only ones left on the floor.

A new song began blasting through the speakers, Mila and Samdong moved together and then broke off into a routine.

Mila moved seductively, but not in a way that most girls dance she put all her focus into her partner and her moves. I felt jealous of Samdong for being able to dance with her, but I knew I shouldn't feel that way.

The routine is a mixture of these two:

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midnightangelxo #1
Awesome So Far :)