


Our friendship lasts long. But, I can’t still remember anything from the past. Everytime I think of it, I became sad. There’s a time that I will just feel the tears falling down on my face. At least I have my friends and family to make me happy.

Until one night, after chatting with some Super Junior members in their dorm, I decided to go home.

“Hey, my amnesia girl, let me take you home”, Heechul teased me.

“Don’t call me like that. I hate you”, I pout.

“Just kidding. Let’s go. Maybe before this day ends, you’ll find your lost memories”, Heechul always say that to me.

After we left the dorm, we decided to walk and feel the fresh air under the vivid moon.

“Are you sure no one will see us here? I asked Heechul.

“Yes. I’m used to this place. This is where I found peace. It’s the first time I brought someone here. I’m lucky to have you here”, I’ve never heard Heechul talk like this. This feeling is different. The way he talked, his voice, it’s like a melody. And as I look into his eyes, it’s like the stars that are shining from above.

As I’m staring at him, I felt the warmth of his hands on mine. “Heechul”, I called him.

“Aya”, he replied, then smiled.

“I don’t want to forget this moment. And you know, this place is also familiar to me. It’s like I’ve been here for a long time”, I told him.

 “I will let this moment be unforgettable to you”, Heechul showed his killer smile and hugged me tightly. After hugging me, he looked straight into my eyes. His face came near me…nearer…and nearer…I closed my eyes, and then our lips met. He kissed me passionately.

“I love you”, he confessed. “I’ll bring you happiness. I will not let you feel blue whenever you think of the lost memories of the past. What’s important is the present”, he then kissed my forehead. “Will you be mine?” he asked me.

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