



"Let's break up" Those three words kept replaying in his mind like a broken record with no end. Onew never felt so much hurt in his life. Like a knife was being stabbed on his heart, a thousand times.


"Why?" He asked. "Is there someone else?" 

Key shook his head.

"Then why?" He was shaking Key violently. "Why? Why?" 

Onew knew his voice was beyond reason now. But he can't stop chanting the word why, hoping it would help him see or understand what is happening. Key continued to shook his head. 

"I just don't see why we should be together anymore." Key said in between sobs.

"I do, I love you, Key." Onew whispered. But his whisper was no use, Key has already left. 


"Hyung!" Minho ran to a very drunk and very hammered Onew.

"Ring ding do...ouch!" Onew stumbled and hit the wall. He laughed like hitting the wall was the funniest thing ever. 

 "Hyung, are you drunk?" Minho took Onew's hand to stand him and help him walk to the door.

"Noooooooo! I'm not!!! Oh Taemin! Look! There's something in my hand!" Onew gulped from the beer in his hand, draining until the last drop. "Oops, it's gone."  

"Onew hyung, it's Minho, not Taemin. And give me that bottle." 


When they finally arrived in Onew's room. Minho tucked Onew in bed after vomiting one week's worth of food into the floor of their toilet. After cleaning up, he went to look for the one person who knew what to do. 

"Key!!!" Minho was knocking, or pounding actually, on Key's door.

"What?" Key opened the door to an angry Minho.

"What are you doing?" Minho demanded. 

"What do you mean I…"

"Onew hyung." Minho cut off Key's words. 

"What happened to him?" Key was already running to Onew's room when he stopped in front of his door. Barely hearing Minho's reply. 

He slowly opened the door, hoping that Onew won't wake up. He looked at Onew's sleeping form and went to sit beside him on the bed, their leader's back. 


"I'm sorry. Really I am." He whispered, tears started flowing from his eyes. 

"I'm doing this for the both of us. I'm giving you the freedom you want and need. You'll move on and find someone better than me. Love him more than you ever loved me." Key was Onew's hair. He reeks of alcohol but Key thinks he's still the sweetest smelling person he ever had the pleasure of meeting. 

"You make me feel like I'm a really good person, like I have done something good to the world. But I'm not. I have not." Key lay on the bed beside Onew and hugged him. "I love you, Onew. I love you so much I wouldn't want to see you hurt. Stop being like this. Please!" Tears wouldn't stop flowing now. He couldn't find the words to explain to Onew, even asleep, how inadequate he feels. How his past doings is still haunting him. All those boyfriends he had who either treated him badly or had been nice but had been using him all along for fame. How his heart would not love like Onew loved him because his past had destroyed him. When Onew doesn't have a past to be ashamed of. He, who had lived peacefully. How could Key fit into that life? He's broken and the pieces would and could not be put together again. Some pieces are lost, never to be found again. He sobbed into Onew's back. "I want to be whole for you. But I'm beyond salvation. Don't try, I don't want to see you loose the light in your eyes because you couldn't piece this broken puzzle together. But I love you. Don't forget that." Key leaned down to kiss Onew's forehead and left the room. 


"But I don't want my freedom. I want you, only you. Broken or whole, I love you." Onew whispered, trying hard to fight back the tears b in his eyes. 






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Chapter 1: Onew’s awake. TT i see a little hope there. My onkey can still be together <3
puppy_love #2
Chapter 1: Oh god!!!! Key ...ah....why you always push onew like that. You know he loves you and you do love him back. Why????
thestrangelittlegirl #3
Chapter 1: nuuuuuu~ key don't push dubu away~~~ ><
Chapter 1: please please please make a sequel !! they cant end like this TT
nikka14 #5
thanks to all who read...maybe maybe I will make a sequel with a happier ending...
Chapter 1: omg.. since i start read it..i'm about to cry.. this broken onkey.. eonni is it end????just tell me u gonna continue this story..end it with a happy ending feels..please..kyaaaa my onkey feels *sobs*
froyolovers #7
Chapter 1: Geez.. They have same feeling n break up just make they suffer.. Why key choose this way... T.T
Author-nim make a sequel please... Let they know about the others feeling n happy ending..^^
Chapter 1: No Key you need onew to be there with you, why you push him away? the two of you are suffering T____T I would love to read a sequel for this, my onkey needs to be together and happy again xD