Whispers Beneath the Clock



A loud thud rang in Eun Ji’s ears. She quickly tilted her head on her left, her gaze shifted on Suho’s small yet lean figure. Her eyes widen in shock. What is that sound? And where does it come from?

“Yah!” she heard Suho uttered angrily, his forehead wrinkled in distraction. One of his hands rubbed the back of his neck forcefully that is seemed he had just been hit by something that came to him by surprise.

“Hehehe,” Little chatter of giggles swept past their ears. Suho started to growl in furious, his level of impatience started to peak that he quickly bellowed, “Yah, stop all of this! I know it’s you guys, and no one else!” His teeth gritted, his small fists clenched by his side.

“Aww, stop being such a pathetic, Joonmyun,” a deep voice muttered from nowhere. Eun Ji and Suho whirled around in unison, their level of curiosity arise.

Eun Ji kept on whipping her head around, trying to find where the voice actually came from. Why Suho seemed so pissed up all of a sudden? She thought.

Suddenly, two boys came into the both of their sight, revealing themselves from their hiding place, which turns out to be a big bush of leaves. A mischievous grin plastered across their face, showing off their boyish charm. Their eyes glistened with an unreadable expression yet it was obvious that it’s completely blurred from honesty.

Five – ‘Mischief – the only thing that never dies’

Eun Ji’s heart pondered even faster, nervous started to build up a wall in her. She stared at both of the unknown boys with her eyes squinted. The boys stood on a different height; one of them was indeed very tall compared to the other one. Both of the boys wore stuffed jackets that probably sewed by their own mothers and they wore a huge pair of boots that flunk out from any styles completely. A ball developed by light snowflakes stuffed in their hands that completely covered by thick gloves.

Suho tried to take a silent step back. “Jong In and Chan Yeol, stop disturbing me,” he muttered under his breath. Eun Ji took closer look at him. His eyes were squinted forcefully, angry breaths exhaled from his pink lips. Why he seemed so mad?

“No, we won’t stop. Hehe, like we will,” the boy named Jong In sneered, he shot Suho a smirk. He kept on throwing his small developed snowball up and down using his right hand and only right hand. The boys then step up to a small hill of snow by their side simultaneously. “Come on, Joonmyun. We’re just getting started. Now, let’s begin snow fight!” Chan Yeol cooed, playing a grin that greatly showed his gleaming pearly white teeth. Without any hesitation, both of the naughty boys quickly threw their snowballs which unfortunately, land directly on Suho’s face.

Eun Ji gaped, her eyes widen in horror. Throwing snowball surely not nice! She glared at Suho, her face wearing an apologetic look with her eyes gleamed in worry. Suho was completely startled. “I don’t want to, guys! Stop it!” he yelled at the boys in desperation, his teeth clenched tightly.

But it was too late. The boys started to throw them tons of snowballs violently without any signs of stop. Grins on their face grew even wider, anxiety conquered them thoroughly.

As an attempt to brace herself, Eun Ji held both her hands to cover her face. She just can’t cover her body and else, and she just wished if she could just have extra hands for that. She shut her eyes tightly for her instant protection.

But beyond her expectation, a sudden embrace locked into her. Cosy warmth pampered her body. It was so warm that Eun Ji doesn’t want to escape from the sudden embrace that kept upon her. Her heart leaped high for a second. She felt slightly surprise but… it was safe… It was very safe that she doesn’t want to escape from it…

With an urge of wanting to know, Eun Ji lifted up her head, her eyes slowly opened. She uttered an unheard gasp in shock, her lips slightly parted.

A pair of sincere filled eyes completely locked in her gaze. The angelic face yet didn’t change, a look of worry plastered across his fair face. Eun Ji could feel his hands on her back, which made her realize that he is actually holding her from falling down onto the snowy ground. The intense gaze made Eun Ji’s heart to skip a beat faster; light pink blushes crept on her cheek.

‘S-suho… H-he saved me…’

“Oho, who’s that Joonmyun? A girl?” A deep voice muttered, tearing the temporary silent atmosphere that occurred between them. Eun Ji’s eyes quickly shifted away from Suho’s gaze, she quickly stood up on both of her feet and pushed away Suho’s hands on her.

“Wait, Yeol… She’s a girl, so that means…” Jong In suddenly shrieked while his index finger shot up wildly. His mouth gaped in surprise. He glared at Chan Yeol with a mysterious glare on his face, which replied by the same glare. Their lips suddenly curled into a playful smirk, their eyes glistened mischievously.

“Oh!” the both of them cooed loudly, which made both Eun Ji and Suho to take an immediate step back in surprise. They look at both of the boys with a confused look in their eyes.

“Oho, so you got yourself a girlfriend, Joonmyun? Wow, I’m impressed,” Chan Yeol sneered, his smile got even wider. “So, what’s her name then? Ji Hye?” he bluntly guessed then continued, “Mind introduce her to us, Joonmyun? Where do you know her, I had never seen before”

Chan Yeol’s little conversation was interrupted when Jong In suddenly joined in, “And she’s pretty too,” he uttered slowly under his breath that unexpectedly turned loud. Feeling ashamed, Chan Yeol elbowed Jong In, his teeth clenched in distraction. He then shot a glare filled with anger while mouthed forcefully, ‘Shut up, will you?’

Eun Ji’s cheeks burned as the boys speak among themselves. Both of her hands interlocked with each other and located them at the same level as her lap.

“So, tell us about your girlfriend, Joonmyun,” Chan Yeol smirked playfully, an urge for competition gleamed in his eyes.

A rage of furious crept upon Suho’s heart, waiting for its’ time to burst. But before he could open his mouth to utter even a soundless whisper from his lips, a voice came invade their ears.

“Chan Yeol! Jong In! You group of naughty boys, what are you doing here? Setting up a mischief again?” A woman’s voice emphasized from nowhere, which completely placed their smirk with a look of guilt and scared, their eyes twinkled in worry. They whipped their head around, searching for the growling voice.

Suddenly, a woman in thirties came into sight, walking towards the boys’ direction while her hands rested perfectly on her waist. Her forehead wrinkled in anger, her eyes glare at the boys madly.

“Omo,” Jong In shrieked terribly, “It’s Mrs Han!”

The boys’ eyes bulge even wider as they stare the woman’s figure approaching them even closer. Jong In started to hide behind Chan Yeol, who was also had his eyes wide open in terror. “Let’s go, now!” Chan Yeol whispered to Jong In. Without any agreement, both of the boys sprang their feet, and ran away, leaving their trailing footsteps on the snowy ground.

Eun Ji sneakily giggled in her mind. What a bunch of cowards they are!

In a few blink of seconds, the woman arrived in front of Eun Ji and Suho, still wearing the angry face of hers. Seeing the naughty boys out of sight, she sighed heavily. “Aish,” she groaned. “What are the boys doing again? Bullying people?” she asked herself.

She was about to turn on her heels when she finally caught Suho and Eun Ji on her sight. She flinched in slight surprise. “Omo,” she cried. “Were you bullied by them? Oh, those boys,” she groaned once again in frustration. “But oh well, gwenchana?” she asked the both of them.

“Gwenchana,” Suho bowed while answer her politely, a smile plastered across his face. The woman exhaled a breath of relief. “Oh, thank goodness,” she said, her lips then curled into a smile.

But Eun Ji didn’t say a single thing. Instead, her eyes caught something that the woman’s wearing. The thing rested perfectly and it suited her very well. It was very familiar to Eun Ji, like she had seen it before…

The red scarf seemed familiar…

Her mind then flickered; she uttered a gasp once she remembered it all.



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Chapter 1: The way you wrote it made it seem like...she's dating her father o.o
Chapter 10: asdfghjkl; I wanna know what happens next. ;n; This was a wonderful story to read. Thank you so much for writing it. <3
Chapter 10: Sequel!! :)nice story
MineLove #4
Chapter 10: I feel like im in fairytales world. .It was a dream, (._.) But!! I like how you write the story:) some times some things are better left untold. Keke ^_^ true
KimSeokjinwifey #5
Chapter 10: So, it's just a dream? O.o
Woah! This is a good story :DD
Hope you'll make a sequel! :))
KimSeokjinwifey #6
Chapter 9: Aww. Eun Ji saw her mom died.
It's so sad :((
Chapter 9: Agh omo this chapter :( so sad seriously
Chapter 8: Suho and eunji <3 so sweet xD
KimSeokjinwifey #9
Chapter 8: Suho and Eun Ji moments :)
Chapter 7: Kyaaaa chocolate!! Update soon authornim ;)